Page 9 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 9

Step 3) Choose the menu of teas you will serve           Step 5) The last and biggest thing you can do
        or have friends bring their favorite tea to share.       is  have  FUN  with  the  entire  tea  gathering
        Typically,  two  to  three  choices  should  be          process  from  planning  to  implementation.
        enough for small events. Consider how you will           Getting  stressed  out  will  not  make  it  fun  for
        prepare the tea. Are you going to brew the tea           anyone. Keep it simple and ask for help from
        yourself?  You  can  use  insulated  carafes  or  air    guests  with  set-up,  preparation  and  serving.
        pots  to  keep  brewed  tea  hot  and  easy  to          Women  love  to  help.  Focus  on  enjoying  the
        dispense into teapots. Are you going to use tea          moment with your guests.
        bags? Do any of your guests have food allergies
        to  accommodate?  Keep  the  teas  simple  and           It  is  important  that  we  as  women  lean  on
        familiar  like  an  English  Breakfast  black  tea,      each other for support through difficult times
        Irish  Breakfast  black  tea,  Earl  Grey  black  tea,   and to celebrate good times. A tea gathering
        Sencha  green  tea,  Jasmine  green  tea,  and  a        is a wonderful way to have fun and bond with
        simple  herbal  tea  like  a  Lemon  Ginger,             your  friends.  You  can  plan  for  a  budget
        Hibiscus,     or    berry-based       tea.    Avoid      friendly,  informal  event  or  a  more  fancy,
        complicated  ingredients  that  may  clash  with         formal  event.  To  create  your  tea  gathering,
        the  food.  You  can  also  serve  decaffeinated         decide on your budget, number of guests, the
        black  or  green  tea  for  those  sensitive  to         location,    the    theme      with     necessary
        caffeine if they don’t like herbal teas.                 decorations,  dishes  and  equipment  needs,
                                                                 and finally the tea and food menus. A relaxing
        Step 4) Choose the food menu. You want foods             tea gathering is a perfect way to take care of
        that  complement  and  not  compete  with  the           yourself  along  with  your  friends.  Enjoy  the
        tea flavors. You want to have a variety of savory        moment!
        and sweet items. Is this a full lunch or a smaller
        meal? Are you planning to serve others or a set
        up  a  buffet?  Buffet  style  is  easier,  and  guest
        can bring a dish according to the event theme
        and  tea  being  served.  Savory  items  can  be
        finger  sandwiches  with  different  fillings  that
        are  elegant,  yet  easy  to  make.  You  can  also
        serve  mini  quiches,  savory  scones  and
        croissants, etc. Sweet items can be fruit scones
        with  clotted  cream  and  fruit  jams,  an
        assortment  of  pastries,  cakes,  brownies,
        cookies, and seasonal fruit. If you love to bake,
        then have a selection of tea party recipe books                                          Kathleen Edinger
        on  hand  for  ideas.  Check  out  recipes  at                                                   Teascapes                                         

        9  I                            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE
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