Page 14 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 14

Deciding  to  co-parent  is  a  difficult  decision  that  many  couples  decide  to
             undertake. It provides their children with the ability to have both parents in

             their life and allows both parents to participate in major life events. However,
             co-parenting is not always easy and animosity/frustration can easily build to a

             boiling point.

                                             Saturday, June 24, 2023

                                              8:30 AM - 11:30 AM PST

                          How to Build a Co-Parent Foundation

                                      with 3 Positive Principles

                                                                      Connect with other parents who

                                                                      are co-parenting

                                                                      Share  with  one  another  what

                                                                      they  personally  have  found  that

                                                                      helps with their co-parents

                                                                      Learn  (3)  foundational  principles

                                                                      that  lead  to  happy,  healthy,  and

                                                                      positive co-parenting

                                                                                     Reserve Your Seat




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