Page 19 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 19

The Success Trap

                                                 Kathleen Carlson

        Without  actually  realizing  it,  I  willingly          The  company  was  in  the  throes  of  yet
        jumped  on  the  hamster  wheel  of  life  and           another  merger.  I  was  used  to  living  in  a
        without  ever  questioning  it,  I  just  kept           constant pressure cooker but this was over
        running until I couldn’t.                                the top even for us. Lots of negotiating was
                                                                 happening  behind  the  scenes.  Buildings
        I  was  feeling  as  though  my  body  had               closing  and  positions  eliminated  to
        abandoned me as I lay on my living room                  prepare  for  the  buyout.  Seven  territories
        floor  looking  up  at  all  the  things                 reduced  to  six  and  the  remaining  areas
        surrounding  me.  Every  part  of  my  body              were shuffled. I ended up in a territory that
        hurt,  my  eyes  were  blurred,  my  mind                had me on the road four out of five nights.
        confused,  my  energy  gone  and  I  was  sick
        and tired of being sick and tired.                       Over  recent  weeks,  driving  had  become

                                                                 more challenging. My arms and shoulders
        Ashamed  and  angry,  I  asked  aloud,  “Did  I          hurt  so  that  just  holding  the  steering
        really  work  myself  into  physical  collapse           wheel or cell phone was a beyond painful. I
        for  all  this  stuff…the  house,  the  cars,  the       was  continually  cleaning  my  windshield
        clothes, the trips?”                                     and  wiping  my  eyes.  It  was  as  if  I  was
                                                                 looking through vaseline. One would think
        A  few  days  prior,  I  was  heading  into  our         that  would  be  enough  to  take  me  home
        monthly senior staff meeting, something I                and  to  a  Dr.  but  no,  I  was  a  good  soldier
        had  done  a  few  hundred  times.  Yet                  and good soldiers did not call in sick.
        nothing about it felt the same. I knew this
        would be my last meeting.

       19 I                             THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE
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