Page 16 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 16

As  women  in  today’s  changing  world,  our            STEP 1: Who Are You?
        responsibilities  are  constantly  evolving.  No         Review everything that you have experienced.
        longer  simply  the  stay-at-home  mom,  or  the         Education,  achievements,  disappointments,
        woman with a career. Now we’re single moms,              relationships,  connections.  See  your  likes,
        have  blended  families,  have  intergenerational        dislikes,  pains,  lessons,  strengths,  guidance,
        households,  run  businesses  of  our  own,              mentoring,  or  lack  thereof.  Everything  and
        support community causes we champion. We                 everyone has left their imprint on who you are
        are BUSY. Exhausted. Depleted.                           today.  Journal  about  the  highs  and  lows,  and
                                                                 the gold you have gathered along the way.
        Life doesn’t have to be this way. Changing your
        daily life experience can seem daunting, when            Too  often  we  have  felt  at  the  mercy  of  the
        in actuality you can begin gently with a shift in        world and circumstances. Until now, your job
        vision.  Before  we  can  change  our  mindset  or       has been to decide what to do with what is in
        our  actions,  we  first  must  know  what  we  are      front of you. I am here to tell you that you did
        creating.                                                the  best  you  could  with  what  you  had  and
                                                                 what you knew. Give yourself the grace of that
        We’ve spent the last several years considering           knowledge.
        what we want in life, and looking for ways to
        jump from The Old Way of Doing to the New                Then let go of the past.
        Way of Being.
                                                                 Starting  today,  you  can  take  responsibility  for
        Today  we’ll  look  at  elements  for  making  that      everything      moving      forward      –    with
        shift.  This  shift  is  the  single  most  important    intentionality. Know your core values. Now you
        shift you can make in order to create that life          can step in with your full power, control your
        you  dream  of.  You  can  be  the  Benevolent           choices.
        Queen of your queendom.
                                                                 STEP 2: What is your vision?

                       Ready?                                    At  Global  Dream  Makers,  we  use  the  Dream
                                                                 Maker Matrix™ to help us design our life worth
                     Breathe.                                    With this framework we organize our life into

                                                                 five main areas:
                        Begin.                                   1) our Connections to Spirit;

                                                                 2) our environment of the Mind;
                            *****                                3) our Physical environments;
                                                                 4) our areas of Contribution, and
                                                                 5) our Relationships

                                                                 Within each there
                                                                 are an additional six

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