Page 12 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 12

Nearly  70%  of  women  reported                         These key areas in the Ignite You Blueprint are:
        feeling       unsupported,           51%       feel                          Consciousness
        isolated        and      53%      feel     lonely                            Lifestyle
        because of their job. These feelings                                         Community

        of loneliness / isolation increased as                   Consciousness is who you are being and how
        the women climbed the ranks while                        you  show  up  every  day.  It  involves  growth,
        men  reported  their  loneliness  /                      clarity  and  intention.  It  is  about  identifying
        isolation  decreased  as  they  moved                    your top values and non-negotiables and using
        up.                                                      them as filters for all your decisions. Values like
                                                                 your    health,   life   partner,   spouse,   kids,
                                                                 grandkids or career.

        It’s easy to give into the idea that you must be         Lifestyle  is  how  you  live  your  life  to  support
        the one that can do it all, but that leads us to         your  mind  and  body  for  wellness  and
        ignore  the  reality  –  working  long  hours,           longevity.  Focusing  on  how  you  nourish,
        achieving  big  goals  in  tight  time  frames,  and     restore  (sleep!)  and  move  your  body  are  key
        pressuring  ourselves  to  over  deliver  –  until  it’s  components      to    IGNITE     YOU.    Building
        too late.                                                sustainable  rituals  based  on  science  is  key  to
                                                                 finding  that  harmony  and  having  greater
        Ultimately, what many of us want, and need is            control over your day. Rituals like:
        to  find  harmony  within  ourselves,  our                       Hydrate before you caffeinate.
        relationships, and career. As crazy as it sounds,                Wake up at the same time every day
        these  are  all  attainable  at  the  same  time.  In            and get 15 minutes of sunlight /
        fact, sometimes the smallest changes can have                    movement.
        the greatest impact.
                                                                         End all caffeine by early afternoon.
                                                                         Shut of all electronics at least 30
                   The Solution                                          minutes before lights out.

                    PRIORITIZE YOU!

        Prioritizing YOU is what ultimately determines
        the level of success in your career and personal
        relationships.     YOU     are    the     common
        denominator in all your life experiences.

        Doesn’t it make sense to invest time in YOU?

        Through      coaching      hundreds      of   high-
        performing         business       leaders       and
        entrepreneurs,  I  have  found  three  key  areas
        that are game changers for guiding leaders to
        achieve even more success.

            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                              I  12
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