Page 17 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 17

Choose  the  qualities  you  want  to  experience        Each  day  focus  on  your  intentions.  Create
        that will make you happy in each main area. If           moments  of  sacred  connection  in  whatever
        you  look  closely,  you  will  see  that  one  area     way  it  holds  meaning  for  you.  Then  do  what
        leads  to  the  other,  spreading  your  Inspiration     you love.
        into all areas of your life and beyond.
                                                                 Tend  to  your  relationships  regularly.  You  are
        Life  is  simple.  Focus  with  clarity  on  creating    feeding the reason for your existence.
        the quality of experience, and you will attract
        the  circumstances  and  resources  needed  to           Your  sovereign  life  experience  begins  and
        make it so. Your level of CLARITY is paramount           ends  with  You.  Imagine  waving  your  royal
        here!                                                    scepter,  the  sparkles  of  your  thoughts  and
                                                                 words spreading throughout the land.
        STEP  3:  Bring  Your  Dream  Into  Your
        Reality.                                                 Breathe, then speak your vision into existence.
        You  may  have  heard,  “Thoughts  become
        things.” Everything you see around you started
        as a thought in the inventor’s mind. This is also
        true  for  you.  What  are  you  envisioning?  How
        are you creating?

        Begin  with  yourself.  How  are  you  tending  to
        your self-care? Your full presence is needed in
        your relationships and daily activities. Are you
        putting yourself into your calendar first, before
        you place anything else in?
                                                                  BAYLAN  MEGINO  is  Founder  of  Global
        Words create worlds. How are you using your               Dream  Makers  and  Creator  of  the  Dream
        words to ensure your world is being shaped to             Maker  Matrix™.  She  helps  leaders  live
        bring  in  your  dreams?  Speak  with  clarity  and       inspired lives, navigating through change and
        caring,  and  your  world  will  respond  in  kind.       transitions.  Baylan  helps  you  intentionally
        Nothing good to say? Then speak not at all.
                                                                  design and live into your life worth living.
       By  Hannah Kesler
                                                                                                    Baylan Megino
                                                                                             Global Dream Makers

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