Page 20 - June 2023 CW Magazine
P. 20

Sitting in that meeting that day struggling              Recovering  my  physical,  mental  and
        to  see,  to  pay  attention,  to  care  at  all         emotional  health  to  a  stable  place  took
        something  snapped.  I  could  no  longer  do            five  different  specialists  and  nearly  two
        this.  I  decided  to  go  to  the  Dr.  after  the      years.
        meeting  ended.  Normally  I  would  have
        sheepishly “asked” if it was okay to go, not             I  questioned  everything  I  thought  I  knew
        today, not ever again. I simply announced                about  myself.  I  immersed  myself  in  self
        that I was headed out.                                   help  books,  seminars,  weekend  retreats
                                                                 and  high  ticket  masterminds.  After  more
        The  combination  of  long  hours  and  years            than a hundred thousand dollars and lots

        of  non-stop  stress  I  submerged  myself  in,          of certifications, I came to realize that I had
        left    me     with    massive      amounts      of      the answers inside of me all along.
        inflammation  flowing  through  my  body
        and a torn retina.                                       I now understand, we are created as multi-
                                                                 faceted human beings and ignoring any of
        Okay… God, you have my attention!                        the  key  areas  of  our  life  catches  up  with
                                                                 us…usually when we least expect it or can
        After my Dr. visit, I called my boss and had             least afford it.
        him replace me. I was in for a long road of
        healing and couldn’t abandoned my team                   Most  of  us  have  seen  this  play  out.  Who

        to a temporary leader. There was too much                knows  someone  who  put  all  their  energy
        at  risk,  too  many  lives  about  to  be               and time into work “for the family” only to
        impacted.                                                loose it all in divorce?

        I  was  a  strong  leader  for  more  than  30           I  learned  first  hand  what  happens  when
        years  in  a  fortune  50  corporation.  I  made         you  ignore  health  warnings  “because  I
        important  decisions  daily,  lead  large                thought  I  was  irreplaceable”.  Guess  what,
        teams,  managed  hundreds  of  millions  in              the  moment  they  needed  to  replace  me,
        sales and profits and all that went with it.             they did.

        What  I  was  struggling  to  do  now,  was              It  was  more  than  clear  that  I  had  been
        figure out who I was when all the titles and             setting  aside  or  ignoring  some  pretty
        roles were stripped away? I realized that I              important parts of my life. To sort that out
        mostly knew myself by my roles that either               and  go  on  to  create  a  life  much  more  on
        chose me or I chose for myself, mostly by                purpose, my purpose, would require me to
        default.                                                 get to know myself in a way I never had.
                                                                 In  this  process,  I  came  to  know  and
                                                                 understand  what  I  really  wanted  for  my
                                                                 life. I'm not talking vision boards or SMART
                                                                 goals here. (AND they have their place.)

            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                              I  20
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