Page 12 - August 2023 CW Magazine
P. 12
With my Living Your Greatness Coaching Love My Soul –
clients, I share the tools that I have learned in Olive was a busy entrepreneur, a wife, and a
my discovery to help them hold their power, to mom, with a hectic daily schedule. She often
transform their well-being, and allow them to found herself easily distracted or struggling to
thrive. This goes beyond pampering oneself; remember things, impacting her productivity
it’s about prioritizing essential practices for and overall sense of well-being. She suffered
maintaining a healthy and balanced life. from headaches that she attributed to her
racing thoughts and worry, making it
Love Myself – challenging to find peace and clarity in her
Karla worked long hours at a very stressful job. days.
At the end of the day, she was tired and did
not feel like engaging with her family, friends Through daily meditation, she created a space
or her passion projects. She struggled with her for self-reflection and introspection. By
weight and other health issues. Precious life focusing on the present moment, Olive
moments were passing her by. developed a heightened awareness of her
thoughts and emotions. The practice of
Once Karla started loving herself with physical mindfulness and meditation allowed Olive to
activities such as short walks, a morning yoga manage stress, reduce anxiety, and cultivate a
class and weightlifting, she discovered the greater sense of peace and clarity. She was
profound connection between her physical able to create harmony in her productive days
and mental well-being. The endorphins with a greater sense of awareness, relaxation
released during exercise uplifted her mood, and emotional balance.
reduced stress, and enhanced her overall sense
of self. She also started consuming whole
foods that provided energy and vitality.