Page 9 - August 2023 CW Magazine
P. 9

5.Grab  your  favorite  tea  mug  or  cup.  Pre-
                                                                  warm  the  mug  with  hot  water  to  feel  the
                                                                  warmth in your hands before infusing the tea
                                                                  leaves. Discard this water before infusing the
                                                                  tea  leaves  with  the  appropriate  water
                                                                  temperature.  Your  tea  mug  or  cup  should
                                                                  create a sense of happiness and calm.

                                                                  6.As the tea leaves are steeping, look at and
                                                                  smell  the  tea  liquid  or  liquor.  What  color  is
                                                                  the liquor? What does it smell like? Are both
                                                                  the  color  and  aroma  soothing?  I  like  to  use
                                                                  hourglass  timers  for  the  steeping  process  to
                                                                  avoid  loud  timers  that  may  disrupt  my
                                                                  tranquil moment.

                                                                  7.  Once  the  leaves  are  fully  steeped,  slowly
                                                                  remove the tea infuser or tea bag and allow
        The following eight steps shows you how to                the  water  to  fully  drip  before  placing  on  a
        use    tea    for   a   relaxing    multi-sensory         dish.  Watching  the  water  drip  from  the  tea
        meditative experience:                                    infuser  or  tea  bag  and  looking  at  the  wet
                                                                  leaves  is  all  part  of  this  relaxing  experience.
        1.  Create  an  easy  access  tea  location.  If          Do  you  notice  a  difference  in  the  color  and
        possible, have a dedicated area in your space             smell  of  the  leaves  and  the  liquor?  The
        for  tea  preparation  that  is  stress  free  and        transformation  of  some  leaves  from  dry  to
        relaxing.                                                 wet can be mesmerizing.

        2. Organize your tea space. Have an electric tea          8. Go to your favorite chair or cozy spot and
        kettle or stovetop tea kettle, a favorite tea mug         slowly  sit  down.  Hold  the  warmed  cup  in
        or cup, a reusable tea infuser/tea bag or a box           both hands to feel the radiating heat. Slowly
        of  disposable  tea  bags,  a  dedicated  tea             breathe in the aroma of the hot tea, enjoy the
        measuring  spoon  and  a  variety  of  teas  to           beautiful color of the liquor and slowly savor
        choose from for different moods or tastes.                each  sip  of  this  delicious  beverage.  Really
                                                                  enjoy this time for yourself to reset and relax.
        3. The meditation process begins with heating
        the  water.  As  the  water  is  heating,  you  can       Slow  tea  preparation  is  key  for  a  mindful,
        relax  and  close  your  eyes  and  take  deep,           meditative experience. Being mindful and in
        relaxing breaths to center yourself. Listening to         the  moment  is  where  the  magic  happens.
        the water as it heats allows you to slow down             Having a dedicated tea location in your space
        and be present in the moment.                             with  the  necessary  tea  and  tea  accessories
                                                                  will make your tea preparation easy and fun
        4. As the water is heating, you can also choose           anytime  you  want  or  need  a  break.
        your tea. Allow yourself to see, smell, hear and          Remember  to  use  your  multiple  senses  to
        feel  the  textured  tea  leaves  as  you  are  filling   create  a  more  fulfilling  meditative  tea
        the  infuser  or  tea  bag.  Loose  leaf  teas  are       experience that relaxes your mind, body and
        excellent for this versus pre-made tea bags.              spirit so you can truly enjoy the moment.

            THE CONTEMPORARY WOMAN MAGAZINE                                I  9
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