Page 6 - August 2023 CW Magazine
P. 6
Universal Positive Start with a level of resiliency in yourself.
Practice UPR every day regardless of how
Regard (UPR) for people around you act. You are intentionally
Yourself being the role model. On an internal level, you
will also be practicing self-care leading to self-
By Buddy Thornton love as you hyperfocus on being top-notch in
everything you touch. The longer you sustain
Everyone begins their day hoping always to put optimal UPR, the more you will find yourself
their best foot forward, or we should hope they being one of the five people your observers
do. However, some research-based facts are want in their inner circle. Instead of working
getting in our way. For instance, eighty-five hard to get in, you pivot to being invited in
percent of our daily thoughts anchor on a repeatedly.
negative instead of leaning to the positive side.
We worry so much about what can be or goes If we want to put the icing on this UPR cake,
wrong that we forget we are fully prepared to be we must also see the hidden benefits. First,
our optimal selves. intentionally utilizing role model behavior
reduces our fear of missteps. We become an
Another set of studies shows that modern outlier in behavior as we reduce our innate
humans doubt or misread sincerity from others, negativity. Second, we broaden our in-group
even close friends and peers, because of that exponentially and create a cascade effect
eighty-five percent factor. Is it possible to find where others who see our successes mimic our
the source of the problem and pivot into a more behavior. Think of that rising tide.
favorable social capital environment? Again,
based on behavioral science, yes, we can. Finally, we create a self-image to be proud of
and reduce our internal angst, stress, and
The problem is how we self-define our in- worry components. Yes, people will see us as
group/out-group dynamics. We tend to adopt someone to envy, which can lead to outright
the people who make us feel good instead of jealousy and some friction, but guess what?
those who uplift us, regardless of how they make You have positively habituated yourself to be
us feel. Because we misread sincerity habitually, on good behavior, and your intentionally
we trap ourselves into adoring or admiring persistent approach to treating people with
people who anchor on their self-interests instead UPR will shed their desire to set themselves
of seeking out those who are collaborators or apart. I’m not sure how you might see the
supporters. By leveraging aspects of UPR, we can dynamic here. I am positive that most people
avoid manipulation or exploitation. Let me show will prefer group inclusion over voluntary
you how. exclusion because of an ego problem.
Intentional self-care emerges from practicing Just try UPR for a week (or a month for you real
and living within UPR and stating so to the go-getters) and see how people react to you
people you engage with as peers or friends. You more positively. After a short time, you won’t
are giving them “all of you” every chance you can. be trying; you will live and drive your optimal
Your only ask is that they return your diligence self. I’m already excited!
through their behavior. Since a rising tide lifts all
ships, your hidden ask is that they expand that
behavior to others through an unbiased filter. Is
it okay to ask people to be their best selves? I Buddy Thornton, BCT Mediations PLUS
think so.