Page 5 - August 2023 CW Magazine
P. 5
Resilience is saying to the Universe (or God or When I was diagnosed with the tumor, I could
whatever higher power you believe in): “Okay, have given up. I could have lived off my
Mr/Ms Higher Power, that relationship really husband and disability and just enjoyed life,
stunk, and I learned a ton from it, but I’m not resting through awful headaches or painful
giving up, and I’m ready for real love.” eyes. But my need to contribute to others and
to succeed wouldn’t allow it. Resilience kicked
I want to stress here the “I learned a ton from in again, pushing me to start my web
it” part of the sentence. When reading about development and SEO company, and for that I
resiliency, the common denominator is almost am grateful. I thank resilience for being my
always the need to learn from the challenge. lifelong companion, and I encourage you, too,
Every time we take a bad situation and learn to embrace resilience and push forward no
from it, it makes us wiser, stronger and more matter what!
resilient! There may also be a need in there, as
there was for me, to heal from the challenge
and maybe even learn self-love, but that, too, is
just more resilience! At the end of the day, it’s
not giving up NO MATTER WHAT!!! And I am
100% sure that the amazing marriage I have
today is because that is the attitude I took.
Learn, grow, be open, press forward.
My resilience was tested again in 2015 when I
was diagnosed with a meningioma, a benign
brain tumor, that could not be removed. The
tumor sits on my pituitary and, when
diagnosed, was pressing on my optical nerve,
causing my left eye to massively droop. When
the neurosurgeon opted to do surgery to
relieve the optical nerve, they realized the
tumor was also part of the carotid artery – right
after they nicked it and caused a brain bleed!
So now my eye doesn’t droop, but debris broke
off and caused my eye to go mostly blind. To
be honest, I would have preferred a completely
blind eye over a mostly blind eye because it Lori Osborne is the Founder and Chief Solution Architect
resulted in over a year of double vision and, for BizBolster Web Solutions. She designs websites and
over the past 8 years, has contributed to implements SEO to attract and build the know, like, and
painful, persistent headaches as the vision is trust with prospects. Lori has over 30 years of experience
desperately trying to come back (even though in technology and has been a small business owner for
the neuro-ophthalmologist said it never over 15 years.
would). Yes, even my eyes are resilient!