Page 6 - iNetrepreneursummer2019
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Three Things To Know Before Writing Your Book
-by Brian K Wright
Many people have dreams Having a clear and defined those people who don’t know
of writing a book, but few message should be obvious, you? If you want to sell a lot
actually take action to do it. but it’s interesting when of copies of your book, you
Those who actually try to start people approach me about have to convince people who
don’t seem to have a strong wanting to write their book, don’t know who you are that
reason other than to “tell their they’re not really sure what you have a message that’s
story”. On top of that, they they want to write about. What worth hearing, so what is that
often feel stuck and at some I’ve found, though, is that when message and what is your
point they decide to give up I work with entrepreneurs in purpose?
and not finish. their businesses, they already
know what their message is. And secondly, how do you
It doesn’t have to be this way. want to impact the world
Think about this. If you have through that message? As
A lot of you may know that I a message that you want to an example, perhaps you’re
help people write their books, share with the world, think a suicide survivor. That’s
so I want to help you get a about what it really is in terms something that a lot of people
jump start. of purpose and the impact think about, unfortunately,
you want to make. and it’s something that is a
Here are three of the most very valuable message.
important things that you First, what is your purpose
need to have in hand before and what do you want people If you want people to think
you begin. to take away from it? If you and do something different
want to tell your story, ask regarding your topic, if you
Number one, have a very yourself “Why?”. Your friends want people to learn more
clear and well defined a and family will buy your book about your topic, make that
message. by default. But what about message very clear.
everybody else, especially