Page 24 - PoemsNeathTheWesternSky
P. 24

Every notice how two people can view the same thing and describe it in two
                  different ways. It’s even more pronounced when you throw in a  generation gap.

                                                  Wealthy Cowboy

                                                 In a canyon by the water

                                             Past the field of bolders yonder.
                                             In the company of Birch, Aspen

                                                  And other noble trees.

                                               Far from  any general stores

                                     An wended trails where nesters often wander.
                                       A cowboy and his Grandson quiet ponders,

                                            As they pause to shoot the breeze.

                                       It must be hard to be a top hand Grandpa,
                                                That's what I'm gonna be.

                                            I’m gonna ride the range like you
                                                 An live my life out free.

                                            When I grow up an get my place,

                                               There's only one little hitch.

                                            You've cowboy'd a long long time,
                                             How come you never been rich ?

                                           Well, come over here and sit a spell,

                                                 This might take a while.
                                             Lets talk about this cowboy life

                                               And why you bring a smile.
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