Page 25 - PoemsNeathTheWesternSky
P. 25
Being top hand comes with age,
Like eagles learn to fly.
You start off first with little trips
Fore you own the whole darn sky.
It's true I Buckaroo'd purt'near all my life,
I made a pretty good hand.
I never expected more'n I earned,
An I never changed a brand.
I saw to it my horse's were fed,
With critters I was fair.
Any cowboy down on his luck,
Whatever I had I'd share.
When it came to work I never shirked,
I always earned my pay.
You might say it’s the code of the west,
It's just the cowboy way.
Some things you'll learn bout cowboy life,
And bout some things we're given.
We don't measure wealth by what we own,
Our treasure's the life were living.
See we've got the bluest skies
With mountains all around.
Wide open spaces, streams and canyons,
You can't have that in town.