Page 11 - VSolvit 2021 Employee Benefits_Final
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    2021 Employee Benefits Brochure

         Additional Benefits

          Unum Critical Illness Insurance with Optional Cancer – 100% Employee Paid
          Pays money directly to you, in one lump sum, when you are diagnosed with certain serious
          illnesses. You can use the money however you want.

            Why is this   ▪  Helps pay out-of-pocket medical expenses, like co-pays and deductibles
            coverage so   ▪  You can use this coverage more than once. Even after you receive a payout for one illness, you
            valuable?        are still covered for the remaining conditions.
                          If you are newly eligible you can elect up to $10,000 without any medical questions. If you already
                          have coverage you can elect additional coverage. If you did not elect coverage upon initial eligibility,
                          you can still enroll at this time.

                          You: Choose $5,000 to $50,000 of coverage in $5,000 increments. Coverage is guaranteed up to
                          $10,000 if you apply during this enrollment. If you do not sign up now, but decide to apply later, you
                          may have to answer medical questions.
            Who can get   Your Spouse: Spouses age 17 to 64 can get $5,000 to $10,000 of coverage during this enrollment.
            coverage?     Coverage is guaranteed up to $5,000 with no medical questions as long as you have purchased
                          coverage for yourself.

                          Your Children: Newborn to age 26 are automatically covered at no extra cost. Their coverage amount
                          is 50% of yours. They are covered for all the same illnesses, plus cerebral palsy, cleft lip or palate,
                          cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, spina bifida.  This diagnosis must occur after the child’s coverage
                          effective date.

                          There is a 12/12 pre-existing condition limitation.
                          Heart attack, blindness, major organ failure, end-stage kidney failure, benign brain tumor, coronary
            What’s        bypass surgery, coma that lasts at least 14 consecutive days, stroke, permanent paralysis of at least
                          two limbs
                          Coverage is also available for: cancer and carcinoma in situ
                          Wellness benefit—Every year, each family member who has Critical Illness coverage can also receive

            What else is   $50 for getting a health screening test, such as: Blood tests, Chest X-rays, Stress test, Colonoscopies,
            included?     Mammograms and other tests listed in your policy.
                          Portable. You can keep your coverage if you change jobs or retire

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