Page 9 - VSolvit 2021 Employee Benefits_Final
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    2021 Employee Benefits Brochure

         Additional Benefits

          Unum Basic Life/AD&D- 100% Employer Paid
            Your benefit amount is 1x your annual earnings up to $200K
         Benefits receive a 35% reduction at age 65; 50% reduction at age 70

          Unum Voluntary Life/AD&D – 100% Employee Paid
            Employee benefit – up to 5x your salary in increments of $10K not to exceed $500K
         New Hire Guaranteed Issue: $130,000

            Spouse benefit – up to 100% of employee amount in increments of $5K not to exceed $500K
            New Hire Guaranteed Issue: $25,000

            Child benefit – up to 100% of employee amount in increments of $2K not to exceed $10K
            Benefits receive a 35% reduction at age 65; 50% reduction at age 70

          Unum Long Term Disability (LTD) and Short-Term Disability (STD) – 100% Employer Paid
            Long Term Disability is 60% of basic monthly earnings to a max of $10K per month
            Benefits begin after 180 consecutive days of disability

            Short Term Disability is 60% of your weekly earnings up to a weekly maximum of $2,308
            Benefits begin on the 8th day of the accident and/or illness, up to 25 weeks

          Unum Whole Life Insurance – 100% Employee Paid
          Pays money to your family if you die. Helps them with basic living expenses, final arrangements, tuition and more

                          ▪  You can keep Whole Life as long as you want
           How does       ▪  Your cost will not increase as you age
           it work?       ▪  Benefit amount stays the same, does not decrease as you get older
                          ▪  Provides protection during your working years and into retirement

                           You: You can purchase $2,000 to $300,000 of coverage for yourself
                           Your Spouse (Individual Coverage): Available for your spouse (age 15-80), even if you do not purchase
           Who can         coverage for yourself. You can purchase $2,000 to $75,000 of coverage for your spouse. Your Children
           get coverage?  (Individual Coverage): Your children and grandchildren can have individual coverage, even if you do
                           not get coverage for yourself. You can purchase a benefit amount of $2,000 to $50,000 of coverage
                           for each child.

                          Lifetime premium—You will have coverage as long as you make your payments. Your premiums
           Here’s how
           premiums       are spread out over your lifetime.
                          Paid-up at 70—If you are between 15 and 50, you can pay an adjusted premium, so your payments end
                          when you turn 70. Then you will continue to keep coverage with no more payments due.
                          A “Living” Benefit. You can request an early payout if you are expected to live 12 months or less.
                          Portable. You can keep your coverage if you leave the company or retire.
                          Long Term Care. You may be able to use your death benefit to pay for LTC. Subject to rider conditions.

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