Page 11 - Reset your Economy part 2
P. 11
you feel broken.
I can remember a time feeling broken. It was
January 11, 2017. Solvay, my employer in Vernon,
Texas, laid off over half of its workforce.
Unfortunately, I went through the layoff as well. Let
me tell you, that was a S.A.D. day.
Even worse, they called me three months later, to
return to work- what a punch in the gut. I felt
disposable and disrespected, but I had an
investment that fell through a month after the layoff.
I did not want to go back, but I had to. The anxiety
I had about returning to that same workplace, that
same leadership had my chest hurting so bad I went
to the emergency room. I thought I was going to
have a heart attack. My wife and my daughters were
very concerned about me.
On the first day back to work, I promised that I
would never allow this to happen to my family or me
ever again. On that day made up my mind to create
my opportunities from then on. I was M.A.D. about
my situation and Made A Decision to change it!