Page 12 - Reset your Economy part 2
P. 12

Later that evening, I told my daughters that it is

              OK to have heroes and sheroes in life, but I was

              committed  to  becoming  their  number  one  role

              model. "They will see firsthand how a person can

              start from the bottom and make it to the top."

                 A  year  later,  I  wrote  my  first  book,  Press  the

              Button: My journey from being a fatherless child to
              a World-Class Parent. I revised the title of the book

              seven  months  later  to  Parents;  it's  Time  to
              R.E.S.E.T.: How to Rescue Yourself and Lead your

              Children to their GREATNESS.

                 The following month, I started preparing my exit

              from my paid internship by writing this book. A paid

              internship is when you allow a company to pay you

              to learn a skill set and gain experience until it is time

              for you to leave to set out on your own (many people

              have this confused with a job).

                 In  the  second  chapter  of  my  first  book,  I

              mentioned  that  all  parents  should  become  a

              Purposed  Role  Model,  which  I've  defined  as  a

              parent  who  inspires  their  children  to  reach  their

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