Page 15 - Reset your Economy part 2
P. 15

my paid internship (aka my job) living to DREAM

          (Divinely  Revealed  Event  Awaiting  Manifestation)


             I sought guidance for 12 years because Proverbs

          11:14 states, "where no counsel is, the people fall:

          but in the multitude of counselors, there is safety."

          My mentor, the late Dr. Myles Munroe, said, "If you
          want to be wise, keep company with wise men."

             God warns us about what would happen if we do

          not seek out knowledge. Hosea 4:6 says, "My people

          are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And because

          you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you and

          ignore your children". When I first read that, I was

          like, "God, why would You ignore the children?"

             And God said, "Simple. If the parents don't find

          out the truth, how will the kids know?" Parents will

          only teach their children what they know about life;

          therefore, it is not saying that God will reject them.

             He said that He "ignores" them until they come to

          a Jesus moment. A Jesus moment is demonstrated

          in the Prodigal Son's story when he hit rock bottom

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