Page 26 - Memories of the Maestro 9.11.21
P. 26


                 Concert Band

       Top Picture:  Row #1: Carolyn Dodge, Mark Foulkerts, Kim Roberts  Row #2: Doug Clark, Ron Johnson, Don Cramer, Debbie
       Hurless, Jon Chris�an, Michele Lewin, Thela Loggan, Debbie Towle Row #3: Mari Donaldson, Mar�n Sears, Jeff Miller,
       Robert Robertson, Doug Parvi, Harry Porter, David Twyman, Mike Mitchell, Ed Seal Row #4: Chris Goodjohnsen, James

       Bo�om Picture:  Row #1: Jenny Gulde, Dianne Mayfield, Debbie Ager Row #2: Karen Dale, Paula Ladwig, Virginia Edwards,
       Joe Jenish, Roger Gillis, Tom Rowland, Larry Coatney Row #3: John Allison, Craig Phares, Terry Roberts, Randy Hudlock, Ken

       Dale, Karl Trued, Steve Strong, Bob Pezzi, Laine Larson  Row #4: Mark Bertoglio, Ray Johnson, Howard Matheson
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