Page 24 - Quarter Mile Flipbook
P. 24

Top 10 Things We'll Miss About 16 Quarter Mile

        1.   The property - We didn't utilize as much as we wanted but the Island and the

            River access are amazing.

        2.  The neighbors - I have to say, this is probably the best neighborhood around.

            Everyone is so friendly and I know all the dogs by name that walk around my

        3.   The restaurants - We don't cook much so we've really come to love all of the
            great take-out options in Westport.

        4.  The convenience - We're on and off the Merritt in less than a minute.  It makes
            the commute, no mater where we're going so much easier.

        5.  The beach - We love going down to Compo in the evening to watch the sunset.

        6.  Building the house - We had so much fun buying the land and buying the house.

            We miss picking out all the finishes and making decisions.

        7.   The community - Westport is the greatest.  There's always something to do or

            something going on.

        8.  Nature - Because we live by the water, we see so many great animals and birds.

            It's really fun to watch.

        9.   How quiet it is here - Inside the house, we can't hear a peep and outside, we

            enjoy the white noise of the Merritt.  Believe it or not, it's very soothing.

        10.    All the friends we've made here - We're not originally from around here but

            we've made so many great friends, we consider it home.
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