Page 17 - Chrissie Marketing Presentation 2023
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Testimonials       Higgins Group Private Brokerage

 “As the former CEO of I had the
 opportunity to assess the various levels of   “The Vanderblue Team goes above
 M  Real Estate professionalism throughout the   and beyond in every way. It is a rare   Julie Vanderblue joined The Higgins Group in 2004 when
 UE TEA  information”, it is telling that when in need   vision for the end-user as early as framing   position as the Number One agent in the Fairfield/Southport
 entire industry. Equipped with this “inside
 combination of new construction
        Higgins had 2 offices. One of the reasons she left her
 knowledge, salesmanship, creative
 marketing, follow-up and fabulous
 of Realtor representation upon moving to
        Office of another Top Producing company (and the number
 communication. Julie’s ability to create
 Connecticut, that there was truly only one
        9 agent of 1,500 agents company wide) was because she
 choice, Julie Vanderblue. My family and I
 RBL  happily discovered why so many “in the know”   is unsurpassed. Listening is a big part of   saw the potential of where The Higgins Group was heading.
 recommended Julie to us. Her deep knowledge
 her sales approach and it
        Creative growth is what drives Julie and The Higgins Group
 of the various Connecticut Communities
 works beautifully.”
        offered a perfect environment to fuel her passion.
 and their nuances was remarkable. Simply
 NDE  put there is no substitute for experience,   - George Trudell, Trudell Homes   Higgins Group Real Estate was founded in 1997 by Richard Higgins, and has evolved to be the
 knowledge & skill.”
        fastest growing local real estate company in Fairfield County. One of the reasons for Higgins’
 “There are good Realtors, there are great
 A  - Allan Dalton, Former CEO of  Realtors and then there is The Vanderblue   success is its commitment to creating a welcoming environment for its real estate agents,
        always encouraging  Realtors to think outside of the box and be open to new ideas to help
 THE V  helpful and knowledgeable Realtors we have   of build to closing day. I recommend The   sellers better compete in a crowded marketplace and buyers find their dream home.
 team. Our experience with Julie and the
 “Julie and her team were by far the most
 team has been excellent from beginning
        As members of the National Association of Realtors, Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate, the
 ever worked with. Moving from California we
 had no idea which town we wanted to move
 to, only that I would be commuting to New   Vanderblue Team highly.”  Connecticut Association of Realtors, and numerous local boards and MLS associations, Higgins
        Group Real Estate professionals also hold a wide range of d esignations and are at the top of
 - Tallman and Segerson
 York. The detailed town videos they provided,   their field. Being chosen by Forbes to represent Connecticut is a testament to our commitment
 as well as their niche specialists, have helped
 us narrow it down and we currently have   “I work with a lot of realtors and I have   and expertise.
 an accepted offer. Cannot wait to close and   to say Melissa and the entire team from                                   M
 move to beautiful Fairfield County. Thank You   Vanderblue are simply the best. They are   Buyers and sellers that want to do business with a real estate firm that values impeccable
 Vanderblue Team!”  wonderful to work with , flexible, and they   negotiation skills and is up-to-date on the latest trends in the market, rely on Higgins Group
 care about their clients and their homes   Real Estate to deliver time and time again.
 - Mary Ann Morris, Homebuyer                                                                                            UE TEA
 and it shows. The homes are staged and
 ready to be photographed by the time we   Thanks to Higgins Group’s strong work ethic & expansive network, buyers and sellers come
 “Family is family and business is business.   get there!”  together across the town, country and world to find the perfect property in one of Fairfield
 Chris is family but he was nothing but   - Anna Guzi, Professional Photographer  County’s many wonderful neighborhoods.
 business when it came to helping us through                                                                             RBL
 our home buying process. Any house we
 wanted to see, he made it happen. Any   “Colleen and Floria are as good as it gets!
 questions we had, he answered. He made sure   True professionals and great people! They   Richard Higgins is the Chairman and Founder of Higgins   NDE
 we knew what to expect every step of the way.   were not only instrumental in selling   Group Real Estate. Established in 1997, the company has
 We would highly recommend Chris and his   our primary residence in CT but helped   grown from one office with one agent to twelve offices and   A
 team to anyone looking to purchase a home   introduce us to our realtor in Florida   almost 350 agents. A third generation broker, Mr. Higgins has
 as they go above and beyond to  which made all the difference. Highest of   thirty-six years of experience in the real estate industry as a   RICHARD HIGGINS
 make it happen!”  recommendations and will be personally   builder/developer of over 200 luxury homes in the tri-state   THE V
 referring more clients their way!”
 - Angela Rapp, Homebuyer  area and as a practicing real estate attorney. A dedicated
 - Tony DiBrino Home Seller  family man, he resides in Greenfield Hill with his family.

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