Page 13 - C:\Users\jess\Google Drive\Warracks Master\Clients\BUPCC\Jess's BUPCC\FlipBooks\Flipbook 2022\
P. 13




  Fun raiser at t e Spo e
   ow in Fis pon s

  August Bank-Holiday weekend  was a
  “scorchio” – the pub was packed from
  lunchtime to late evening.  A fun day was had
  by so many customers & supporters.  We raised
  just over £1000 for our efforts which could buy 5               Richard Cotton
 A specia  t an  you to Nico ò Pani a a  beds with new bedding for disadvantaged   reading out the winner
  children currently sleeping on a sofa or the floor.
 Way back in 2016 Nico supported our annual canoe fundraiser, and   of the £250 cash prize –
                                                                No.21 Mr Lee Morgan
 since then he has become a dear friend and supporter of the   A special thank you to the following wonderful people
 charity.  He has gone on to raise £1000’s for us over the years, all   who helped make this happen…
 whilst enjoying his love of outdoor pursuits (including motor-cross
 bikes)  Richard & Angela Cotton (Landlord & Landlady)
     J2 Catering
 In August 2019, Nico completed a 24-hour endurance trial-bike race   Lavinia & Sherrie Green
 in  the  Brecon  Beacons,  and as  landlord  and  co-owner of   Steve O’Neill
 The Den & Terrace pub in Clifton, he has raised £100’s by holding   Tracy Hook
 various fundraisers and raffles over the years.    Jan Reynolds MBE
  Anita Lacey
 More recently however; this madcap lovely man completed a   Stephen O’Neill
 month’s motorbike trek across the Himalayas and raised money to   Delonzo Gee (the   Spotted Cow’s
 enable us to continue our mission.  It has to be said though, Nico   entertainment)  Secret Garden
 never travels without his loyal companion “Kevin the Carrot”, but the    all set up ready for the
 jury is still out on who the biggest rascal is.                    day ahead

 When asked why he chose Bristol Children’s Charity,
 Nico replied..
 “…I do believe every child deserves to have
 opportunities,  not  everyone  is  so

 So  on behalf  of  everyone at  the           Richard
 Charity and all the children who you’ve   & Angela announcing the
 been able to help..                Super-Raffle.    We had a total of 12
                                raffle prizes worth over £500 between them
 Thank You Nicolò & Kevin - from the bottom   including  this amazing Gin Hamper (won by
 of our hearts                             Charles Alexander)
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