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P. 18

Our Annua   a s ip   ristmas
                                  A t an  you to our                                     Fun raiser at t e Marrio
                                   ear  rien  Jos  Har in                                Bristo  Roya  Hote
                                  Josh has been supporting our charity for around 2      Each year in December, we hold our flagship fundraising event,
                                  years – during the lockdown,  his company (Harding     and since 2017 we have partnered with The Marriott Bristol Royal
                                  Ltd) donated £1000’s worth  of confectionery  which    Hotel
                                 would otherwise have gone past it’s best before date-
                                we managed to raise over £2500 from that amazing         We have found this venue to be perfect for our requirements,
                               donation by selling the confectionery locally to all our   and the staff here are so helpful and they truly understand the
                              families and friends and creating raffles in local pubs and   ethos behind what we do.
                                                                                         We always try and make the event truly amazing, but no matter
                              As if that wasn’t enough, in June this year (2022) Josh then   what we do; it’s you; our supporters that make this event what it
                              chose our Charity as the beneficiary of any money he raised   is.  It just gets better & better – year on year.
                              as a result of his epic efforts in scaling the 3 Peaks of
                              Morocco – Mt Toubkal (4167m), the double summits of        We have already secured the event for 2023, and we strongly
                              Mt Ouanoukrim: Timzguida (4089m) and Ras (4083m) – he      advise that you get your tickets early – we actually sold out in
                              raised an awesome £695.00                                  early September this year, which is unprecedented!
                              Josh attended our flagship Christmas fundraiser last year   Our Christmas Organising team (Julie Houselander, Tracy Hook,
                              and made serval high value bids and has also purchased a   Jan  Reynolds,  Anita  Lacey, Stephen  O’Neill,  Lavinia Green  &
                               table of 10 this year – we feel very lucky and privileged that   Granville Jenkins) worked tirelessly from June right through to
                                he is involved with the charity – Thank You Josh         December just to ensure we were able to provide the best
                                                                                         possible experience.

                                                                                         We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous
                                                                                         New Year.
                                                                                        Wor in  to et er to  e p
                                                                                         isa vanta e  c i  ren
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