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                                                                                       Presi ents Persona  Tri ute
    2022 has been a very challenging year for the Charity….                            Jenny Hill, one of our longest serving trustees,
    Sadly, Sue Davies and Jenny Hill both decided to stand down from their respective roles as   stepped down from the Charity earlier this year
    Vice President and Head of Appeals and this left us with a massive hole in the Appeals team;   after 10 years of service, in which she served as our
    but we all rallied and pulled together to ensure the charity operated as efficiently as it has   Head of Appeals.  I have known Jenny for over 40
    done for the past 7 or more years.  All applications for our help were answered and I cannot   years and was deeply saddened to see her leave.
    thank my team enough, for the help and dedication they showed through this difficult time.    Jenny had had previous Charity experience in
    We are now back up to 100% and continuing our mission with more vigour than ever before.  organising,  alongside  her late and cherished
                                                                                       husband Bryan, the Royal British Legion Poppy
    After last Christmas, we were really optimistic that 2022 was going to be one of our best years   Appeal  in  Bristol,  which  she  ran  for  many  years
    ever – both in terms of fundraising and the number of families we were able to support.    beforehand. Indeed, I well remember being one of their
    Unfortunately, though; as if Covid wasn’t enough the year before, due to other world events,   foot soldiers over several years, rising at the crack of dawn
    we are now experiencing massive price hikes in our food, energy and fuel costs which is   on ‘Poppy Day’ to stand on streets in Clifton - usually in the
    hitting absolutely everyone.  Families that were never on our radar in the past are now crying   bitter cold and sometimes rain - to exhort the Bristol public to part   with
    out for our help. We have received an unprecedented number of appeals this year – 182   their hard-earned cash. Thanks for that Jen!
    (01.02.2022 - 31.10.2022) in total so far and it only going to rise before Christmas.
                                                                                       As the Charity grew and the demands upon the volunteers increased it was thought
    Fundraising has become more difficult now than ever before, that said we have a great team   essential to establish an Appeals team to process the greater number of applications, we
    and  they  are  forever  trying  to  find  new  and  more  inventive  ways  of  raising  those  vitally   were receiving every year.  Given her background in banking, Jenny was a skilful and vigilant
    needed funds.                                                                      administrator, and I was absolutely delighted when she accepted an invitation to join our
                                                                                       Charity all those years ago. She devised and grew the systems which we still have in place
    There is lots to read in this edition of our Newsletter including the launch our new   which ensure that all claims are scrutinized, in accordance with the Charity’s criteria. She
    Community Project earlier this year - more about that is shown further on in this newsletter.    dealt with thousands of appeals – over the years she truly enjoyed her role. Jenny virtually
    In closing, I just want to round off by thanking the following people for their unwavering   worked full-time in carrying out her duties. I don’t think anyone of us truly appreciated how
    support and continued dedication to the Charity…..                                 much time and energy Jen put into the smooth running of the Charity.  One thing that really
    Terry Waite - Patron                                                               struck me about Jenny’s work with the charity was her endless and tireless devotion to detail
    Tim Duggan – President & Guidance Guru                                             and her absolute scrupulous dedication to ensuring that the right decision was made often
    Mel Brooks – Treasurer                                                             following hours of research and investigation. The Charity and its ideals meant a huge
    Nicola Harvey – Secretary & Appeals Team                                           amount to her, and her selfless service reflected that.
    Stephen O’Neill – Vice Chair & Appeals Team,
    Val Ward - Admin                                                                   I should just like remind us all that not one of our volunteers receives a single penny for the
    Jan Reynolds – Head of Fundraising & Christmas event organiser                     work they do, but instead get their rewards from seeing the difference it makes to the many
    Tracy Hook – Fundraiser and Christmas event organiser                              children, within our relatively prosperous city, who still desperately need our support.
    Julie Houselander - Fundraiser and Christmas event organiser
    Anita Lacey - Fundraiser and Christmas event organiser                             Jenny can now get on with her richly deserved full retirement, much delayed for the benefit
    Lavinia Green – Event organiser, Backbone of the charity.                          of this wonderful charity and the deserving children of Bristol and their families.  May I
    Mark Price – Special Projects                                                      extend the sincere thanks of the Bristol Children’s Charity and my personal heartfelt
                                                                                       gratitude to you for your exceptional and outstanding contribution to the Charity over all
    Thank you too, to the general public and all the local businesses that             these many years.
    keep the funds coming in – without your generosity, Bristol Children’s
     charity would not be here.                                                        Tim Duggan
    Wishing you all a safe, prosperous and happy 2023
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