Page 6 - C:\Users\jess\Google Drive\Warracks Master\Clients\BUPCC\Jess's BUPCC\FlipBooks\Flipbook 2022\
P. 6

Our new  ommuni  Project

                                       In April 2019, when I was asked to accept the role as   “Do you think Bristol Children’s Charity might be
                                        Chairman, I had a vision of steering the Charity   able to help us get a mini bus”?
                                        towards taking on a “big ticket” project, whilst not
                                         deviating from our core values in helping individual   The phone went silent for a minute or so, and Dave
                                         children in need throughout the BS postcode.   asked if I was still there – I replied by saying “Sorry
                                         That vision was discussed at length in 2019 and early   Dave, I’m just processing what you just asked me” – I
                                         2020 before the lockdown.  Several great ideas came   was actually in the middle of preparing 100 x 3 course
                                        up all of which were considered; but at the centre of   meals for sponsors and rugby players at Cleve RFC so I
                                        it all, there was an underlying desire to help develop   was taken aback somewhat,     ate about the costs and
                                       children’s skills and improve their life chances as they   maintenance, including the legal aspect regarding
                                       grew older.  We wanted to them to become more    ownership etc but in May 2022, we finally put it all together
                                      confident,  to  be  creative  and  to  think  for  themselves,   and purchased a 15-seater minibus from Colin Ludwell Cars in
                                     and not only to work individually but to build new lasting   Kingswood.  The bus only had 17,000 miles on the clock and was 6
                                   friendships and to work within a team – unfortunately, the   years old – it was immaculate and literally a few pounds within our agreed
                                 whole idea came to a sudden stop when the pandemic hit us.    budget – it should be noted that without the help of our good friend Jeff Fuge
                               For 18 months the idea remained on the back burner.      (of Foxmain Chartered Accountants) we would never have found the vehicle.  Colin
                                                                                        Ludwell’s were amazing and came on board – they did a fantastic job with
                         Then on 1 particular evening in October 2021, I attended a school reunion.    removing all the old decals and valeting the bus – they have even agreed to
     I hadn’t seen any of these people for almost 40 years, but there was 1 particular person there, who   service it for us for free for the next 5 years.  We also managed to get 2 other
     was a former teacher at the school – he was always considered a bit of a legend and when I   sponsors on board (Windoor Hub and Clifton Cobbler) who in return for their logo
     learned he was still actively teaching, we got talking and one thing led to another.    on the back of the bus, will contribute towards the running costs involved (MOT,
                                                                                        Insurance, Tyres, Parts etc)
     Dave Perryman told me all about his school, called BHES (Bristol Hospital Education Service)
     which specialises in educating kids who are outside of mainstream education due to medical   We must also thank Star Legal for putting together an equitable legal contract
     needs. Many of the pupils come from impoverished families with a variety of challenges, and   which protects all our interests.
     many are on the Autism Spectrum or have special needs – the point is, the school helps to
     educate over 1200 pupils aged 11 – 16 from all over the BS postcode area but they have had no   The mini bus was finally handed over to BHES in June 2022 – and whilst the
     additional funding or increases in funding for 7 years. Several Trustees and I, went to the school   minibus remains our property, the school has exclusive unlimited use of it for
     and we sat for hours with                                                          5 years – we pay for the insurance, upkeep and even tyres – all they need to
                                                                                        take care of, is fuel oil and windscreen wash.
     Several Trustees and I, went to the school and we sat for hours with Dave Perryman & Philippa
     Scholar (Headteacher) learning and understanding how the school operates – they were so   The minibus will allow the school to take the children to sporting events,
     passionate about what they do there.  They teach the children in ways most of us were never   forestry day trips, and ferry equipment to their allotment plus all manner of other
     taught, they engage with the children on a personal 1 to 1 level and even teach the ones who   things they weren’t able to do previously.
     suffer with anxiety at the children’s own homes where they feel safe.  These teachers are quite
     incredible and do so much with the little resources they have – they explained that with our help,   In addition to this, I tapped into my network of friends for new kitchen equipment
     they could make such a huge difference, and so the Trustees eventually decided that we would   the school desperately needed – apart from my own business’ donations, I would
     support this school for the next 5 years.  I kept in touch with Dave over Christmas 2021 & New Year   also like to personally thank Richard Godwin from the Old Lock & Weir, Adrian
     2022 and asked him if he could get his colleagues to draw up a “Wishlist” of essential items.  Kirikmaa at St Monica’s Trust, Tesco Metro and Nisbets, for their generous help too.
     Then, out of the blue in February 2022, I received a call from Dave who asked me a question,   Between us, we managed to give the school everything they asked for on their
     (which he thought at the time was a bit tongue in cheek and a bit of a stretch) – and that question   “Wishlist”
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