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P. 4

       & Supporters

                                                                                       9t  Annua  Bat  to Bristo
                                                                                        anoe Fun raiser
                                                                                       We  raised  a  nett  figure  of  £2383.00  this  year
                        We are so proud to announce that Beaverbrooks Jewellers at the   taking running total to over £20K in just 8 years
                        Mall, Cribbs Causeway, have chosen us as their chosen Charity for   Thank you once again to: -
                        2022 -23
                                                                                       Or anisers              ntertainment
     We have already worked closely with Millie & Nikki and their wonderful colleagues and we   Granville Jenkins,   Riski-le-Bizniz &
     hope this partnership yields great things for everyone involved.  Established in 1919;   Paul Bell &     DJ Pete for providing
     Beaverbrooks is still a family owned, prestigious “high street” jeweller with 69 stores in the   Andy Watkins   the music.
     UK employing over 940 dedicated colleagues.  They have won industry awards as “Best   for helping us organise
     Retailer” and “Employer of Year” on several occasions.  In addition to their focus on   the event.       Vo unt rs
     excellence,  Beaverbrooks  have donated an amazing  amount  of money totalling  over                     Tracy Hook,
     £17million to more than 750 charities since 2000 - so we quite rightly feel incredibly   T e  anoeists   Julie Houselander,
     privileged and proud to have been chosen by their amazing team – THANK YOU        Mark Price,            Sherrie Green,
                                                                                       Sophia Young,          Matt Ballinger,
    In addition to Beaverbrooks, we must also recognise                                Dylan Hooper,          Lavinia Green.
    the following companies who have also made some                                    Jonny Norton,
    rather generous donations over the past year….A                                    Andy Watkins,          Venue
    huge thank you also to Brandwells Construction who                                 Paul Bell.             The Old Lock & Weir
    made a very generous donation of £5000 just before                                                        also supported by
    Christmas 2021 and similarly C2FO who donated a                                    Ot ers                 The Chequers Pub
    similar amount.  The Bristol Freemasons have just                                  Tony Jameson
    donated £2000 towards our Community Project at                                     (Brunel Removals & Storage)
    BHES School (more about that later in this                                         Donna Norton (fundraising)
    This now means that with the donation from                                         4Concrete
    Beaverbrooks we have enough money to completely                                    Amy Jessica Events
    rebuild their dilapidated allotment and kit them out                               Atomic Signs
    with a shed and all tools they need.                                               Brunel Removals & Storage
                                                                                       J2 Catering
                                                                                       MC Auto Repairs Ltd
                                                                                       Old Lock & Weir
                                                                                       Prestige Spray Accident &
                                                                                       Repairs Ltd
                                                                                       Windoor Hub
                                                                                       and to all those that attended
                                                                                       the event and supported us.
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