Page 78 - Ombudsman Participant Manual Optimized_Neat
P. 78

Assessment    and Care Planning
          The Resident Assessment and Care Plan     Process:     Developing an Individualized Care   Plan:


          In    order      know  what  care  and  services      provide  The Care Plan, by law, is initially prepared with


          and   how     provide them, the law requires  careful     participation to the extent practicable of the resident

          and thorough assessment of   your mom.  Staff needs to                                               The


          learn   your mom’s strengths and needs.     A list     as-  or the resident’s family or legal representative.

          sessment items relating to   your mom includes:        initial care plan must be   complete by the 21  day of
                                                                 her stay, and subsequent   care plan reviews are re-
             •   Her    life  history,  daily routines,  strengths,  in-  peated quarterly, or whenever there is a major

                 terests, food   likes and dislikes, and other per-  change in a   resident’s condition. The initial care plan

                 sonal information.                              process begins during the assessment. It is called an

                 (Think    of  this  information  as  the  important  Individualized Care Plan because   each resident’s

                 details    about  your  mother  that  reflects  who

                         an  individual,  and  which  will  form
                 she is  as                                      conditions, abilities, needs, routines, and   goals are
                 the basis for planning her care.)               unique, requiring a plan   of care (road map for care)

             •   Her    ability  to  function  including  walking,  that reflects who this individual is.  The overarching

                 dressing,  using    the  toilet,  and  eating.  (The  goal is for   your mother to return home and live as

                 stroke    has  affected  your  mom’s  right  and  independently as possible.  There are many little

                 dominant   side, so she will need assistance to
                 regain independence.)                           goals along the   way.  Care plan goals are all meas-

                            mental conditions
             •   Physical or                   that   may affect  urable, time limited, and the team member responsi-

                 her   ability to recover.   (Except for the stroke,  ble for each is identified.  This simply means that

                 she is quite healthy mentally and physically.)  each   goal will be clearly identified and stated.  Each

             •   Her   potential for improvement. (Her physician  goal will also list an estimated time for accomplish-
                 expects her to recover   and go home.)

             •   Communication    abilities.  (Her  speech  is   ment, as well as the specific team member(s) respon-

                 slowed.)                                        sible in assisting to achieve that goal.

             •   Nutritional   status and medications.   (She must

                           feed  herself  and  manage  her  own

                 relearn  to                                     Physical   Therapy will help your mother to regain the


                 medications.)                                   ability to      Occupational Therapy will assist her

          The    assessment  is  completed  by  day  7  in  a  skilled  in  attaining  independence  in  dressing,  eating,  and

                                                                                                       improve her

          unit   (your mother’s situation at first); by the 14th day  toileting.   Speech   Therapy will   help to

          in      a  nursing  facility  (long  term  chronic  care);  and  slow  speech  pattern.  But  therapy  only  takes  up  a

          once a                                          con-   few   hours   each day.   The IDT must plan   what hap-

                 year thereafter, or whenever a resident’s

          dition   changes.   The assessment is done by the inter-  pens    for  the  rest  of  the  24-hour  period.  This  plan

          disciplinary    team  (IDT)  that  includes:  the  resident,  must  support  your  mother’s  goal  for  independence

          direct    caregiver(s),  nurse,  physician,  physical  thera-  and   prevent   any harm   from   occurring.   The Plan of

          pist, occupational   therapist, speech therapist, activity  Care must then be relayed to each staff member, in-

          therapist,  dietitian,  and    social  worker.  The  assess-  cluding   the Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), so

          ment   information is the foundation for the care plan-  that    everyone  is  consistent  in  helping  your  mom

          ning process.                                          reach her stated   goals.

         Traditionally, nursing   homes have used nursing/medical model care plans. That type of plan is not suited to individual-

         ized   nursing home care.       written from the staff perspective rather than each resident’s perspective. Here is an exam-




         ple of what you may find:
          Problem      Goal         Approaches
          Incontinence    Will become  Assist to Bedpan at 6 am, 9am, 12 noon, 4pm, 9pm (or when requests) (CNA) Assess

                       independent     ability to stand and pivot on left   leg in one week to transfer to commode or toilet, 2/14/05
                       in toileting     (N/PT*).
                                                                                       Office of the LTC Ombudsman
                                                                                       Office of the LTC Ombudsman
                                                                                         Version 1.0 September 2020
                                                                                         Version 1.0 September 2020
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