Page 19 - Meamcon_2017_Magazine2
P. 19


         What are the latest
         practices in crisis
 We make  management

         for community
         managers? How
 sure you stay  important it

         is to train the
         managers to handle
         crisis situations
         effectively ensuring
         the safety of the
         residents? Experts
         in the industry

         comment about this
         pertinent issue.

                                      promotes the      therefore, a community      the effectiveness of the
                                      development       manager must be proficient in   overall emergency response.
                                      of plans that     attaining an effective process   A considerable number of
                                      are relevant      for the staff and residents   buildings within the UAE are
                                      to each           within their building to    tantamount to small towns in
                                      community,        leave the premises calmly,   themselves: failure to train
                afety of residents    thus enabling     quickly and above all safely,   the manager in these vital
                is one of the most    a ‘reaction       commensurate to that specific   components could ultimately
                challenging aspects   on the            environment. These protocols   result in a lack of leadership
        Sin community                 ground’ that      have many generic elements   and direction during the most
         management as disasters      is relevant to    however, Kingfield’s approach   critical of situations.
         strike without notice, making   that project.”  promotes the development of
         it imperative for community                    plans that are relevant to each   What exactly is crisis
         managers to be ready 24 hours                  community, thus enabling a   management?
         for crisis management. Mark                    ‘reaction on the ground’ that is   Crisis management is a
         Maynard, Senior Community                      relevant to that project.”  broad term which needs to be
         Manager and Head of Site HR,                      He further adds that the   explained in detail as it has
         Kingfield Owner Association                    manager’s understanding of   multiple dimensions. Stephen
         Management Services says,                      the behavior of fire alarm and   Quinn, Director of Project &
         “A Building Manager’s most                     fire-fighting systems, property   Building Consultancy of Land
         essential role within crisis                   layout, asset shutdown      Sterling says, “Protection
         response is to implement the                   processes, community        of your asset and occupants
         most effective ‘Reaction on                    population and location of   should be the ultimate goal of
         the ground’. Consultation and                  hazardous materials facilitates   any community or Facilities
         discussion with emergency                      an effective transfer of    Management Service. In
         services such as Dubai Civil   Mark Maynard    information to the authorities   order to maintain business
         Defense and Dubai Police    Senior Community   upon arrival following the   continuity and maintain a safe
         reveals that this factor    Manager and Head of   evacuation of all residents,   environment to live, work and
         is commonly overlooked      Site HR, Kingfield  consequently furthering    play in, it is essential that the
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