Page 28 - Meamcon_2017_Magazine2
P. 28


                                              USE  OF TECHNOLOGY
                                                   IN THE FM INDUSTRY
      EXPERT                                                                         SERVICE

       VIEWS                                                                    CUSTOMER

                                                                                        Jeevan J D’Mello
                                                                                        Chief Customer &
                                                                                        Community Officer,
                                                                                        Emaar Properties PJSC
            VAT AND ITS   EFFECTS                     General Manager,     U their rights and have access
                                                      Shahzad Malik
                                                                                    nlike the days of old,
                                                                                    customers today are very
                                                      Legacious Facilities
                                                                                    empowered, understand
                                                      Management LLC
                                                                           to information at their fingertips.
                                                                           With several online forums and social
                                                                           networking platforms, they also have
                                                    iddle East, especially
                                                                           access to the feedback of others enabling
                                                    the UAE is growing at a
                                                                           them to make informed peer-based
                                                    fast pace, and so is the
                                                                           decisions. Customers expect instant
                                         M Facilities Management
                    Mahmud P.K.                                            feedback, and there is a constant
                    Merali               (FM) industry. FM companies are being   ‘conversation’ happening that influences
                    Group Executive Partner,   challenged with delivering quality   brand perceptions and customer
                    Merali’s Group       service on a budget and demanding   experience. Customers expect genuine
                                         KPIs. Thankfully, advancement of   two-way interaction and a quick
               AT is nothing but the     technology is on the rise and FM   response to their queries, and swift
               excess amount which is    companies need to adapt to survive in   redressal of their grievances, if any.
               ultimately paid by the final   this demanding market.          In today’s changed scenario,
       V consumer. The standard             We have already witnessed a rise   especially in the field of Community
       5% rate is applied on all the good and   in CAFM (Computer Aided Facilities   Management, it is essential that
       services supplied however there are   Management) software usage by major   we carefully listen to our customers
       certain services which are zero rated   FM companies with a few leading the   and demonstrate to them that their
       (where input tax credit or refund can   way with implementation of mobile   feedback is being considered and
       be claimed) and certain services which   applications. If we want to benchmark   prompt action is being taken.
       are exempted from tax. There are   ourselves to international standards,   Every community management
       some changes that will occur in how   we need to move towards Predictive   company should, if they haven’t
       businesses operate that need to be   Maintenance where we can forecast   already, embark on a comprehensive
       tackled in order for the business to be   the life of an asset, its maintenance   and intuitive learning and development
       ready for the implementation of VAT.   schedule and even avoid major   program to ensure their staff are duly
       The major change will be on the cash   breakdowns through early intervention.   trained on customer service.
       flow management, which in turn brings   Predictive Maintenance can be achieved   At Emaar, we enable our people
       up positive notes to the business as   through RFID sensors and Artificial   to build professional careers and in
       improved billing and collection systems   Intelligence. With this combination,   this, training and mentoring are a key
       can assist in minimising adverse effect   FMs can benefit from:     part of their all-round development.  I
       of tax. As service charges such as utility,   •  Achieving near 0% asset downtown  personally conduct induction for all new
       and maintenance of common areas   •  Remote scheduling and dispatching  members of the customer-interacting
       will all be subjected to the standard   •  Going paperless          team to ensure they understand our
       rate of tax, companies need to consider   •  Online platform to manage requests   brand and values, and let them know
       how they will be pricing their services   and job orders (with tracking)  firsthand about how important our
       so they are not found or perceived   •  Provide live update to clients for   customers are for us. Every member
       profiteering. Adding on to that, IT   work on progress              of the team has a specific training
       systems will need to be upgraded or   •  Maximize efficiency of taskforce   schedule and development plan to
       modified to produce accurate budgets for   thereby reducing man-power   ensure they are prepared to deliver the
       the service charges.                 required per site              best customer service.
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