Page 26 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
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                                                      LOT 1600

                      FROM LOT 1542

                                                                                                                  LOT 1603

        BELGIAN CONGO Continued                BERMUDA:          1568. Û 118-28, Cpl KGVI set up to £1. Fresh  1601. Ö 278, C28 (flts), Tied on cach GRAF  BRUNEI:
        1518. Ö 159, Tied by Elisabethville 13 Feb                colours, F-VF ................... 265.35  ZEPPELIN Oct 1931 Third South America
         1937 CDS on gorgeous maxi card depicting                1569. Û 123, 123a, 124, 124a, 126, F-VF ...  Flight (Recife to Friedrichshafen leg) postcard
         4 diff BELGIAN KINGS. VF. A NICE                         .............................. 103.25  to Esslingen, Germany. Has b/w illustration of
         POSTCARD THAT WOULD MAKE THE                                                         a Zeppelin & portrait of HUGO ECKENER with
         PERFECT OPENING PAGE ITEM FOR A                                                      his printed signature. Eckener was the Com-
         BELGIAN COLLECTION....... Est 50.00+                                                 mander of the Graf Zeppelin for most of its
                                                                                              record setting flights. F ........ Est 75.00+
                  BELGIUM:                                                                   1602. Ö 320, 4CL1, Tied on First Europe
        1519. Ö Two different stampless folded letters                                        Pan-American Round Flight, Recife to Rio de
         from 1837. One Antwerp to Paris, other
         Brussels to Paris. Nice markings. VF (2) ...                                         Janeiro leg, addr to Rio de Janeiro. F-VF...
                                                                                              .......................... Est 250.00+
         ........................... Est 75.00+
        1520. Ö Stampless cover from Antwerp 22                                               1603. Ö 321, 4CL1, 4CL3, Tied on cach
         Jan 1843 to London (rec b/s). On reverse                                              GRAF ZEPPELIN First Europe Pan-  1631. Û 1-12, Cpl mint set to $1. F-VF, DG,
         has VF red crowned LONDON SHIP LETTER                                                 American Round Flight, Rio de Janeiro  small thin on #5................. 714.25
         23 Jan 1843 cancel. F......... Est 90.00+                                             to Germany leg 28 May 1930, addr to  1632. Û 14B-37A, Malaya-Borneo Exhibition
        1521. Ú 1 (3), 2 (2), Nice variety of shades &                                         Friedrichshafen. Has attractive Condor  1922 overprinted set to $1. F-VF, DG 242.00
         cancels. VG-F .................. 415.00                                               airmail etiquette tied. F-VF. See photo  1633. Û 38, $5 High Value. VF, toned gum ..
        1522. Ú 12, F .................... 150.00  1555. Û 4, Scarce Brown Lilac QV 6 Pence.   above .................. Est 400.00+  .............................. 200.00
        1523. Û 54, Scarce King Leopold 1 Fr. VG+,  F, HH. Has 2000 BPA Certificate.  1570. Û 123-5, 128, Also 123a-b, 124a-5a,
         HH. Cat $750............... Est 150.00+  A RARELY OFFERED STAMP. . 2,300.00  126b, 127a, 128b, Nice lot of KGVI Key  1604. Ö 334, C21, Tied on cach GRAF
        1524. Ú 70, 74, F-VF, neat CDS cancels ...                Plate high values up to £1. F-VF (11 diff) ..  ZEPPELIN 5th South America Sept 1932
         ............................... 90.00  1556. Ú 14, Scarce 1d on 3d, F, couple short  ............................. 624.50  Flight cover Rio de Janeiro to Recife leg,
        1525. Ö 82, Coll of 8 b/w postcards all  perfs .......................... 425.00      addr to Pernambuco. F-VF, slightly reduced.
         cancelled from Anvers in 1905. Each  1557. Û 18-25, QV set to 1Sh. F-VF. . 215.00  1571. Û 123a, KGVI 2 Shilling. F-VF (SG  ........................... Est 90.00+
         postcard shows a July 1905 scene of KING  1558. Û 19a, Dull Rose, F-VF ....... 200.00  #116a, 4th despatch, comb perf 13.9 x 13.8 -  1605. Ö 339, C20, C25, Also Colombia 409,
         LEOPOLD’S VISIT TO ANVERS. Incl arriving  1559. Û 23-4, F-VF ................ 65.00  £350) ..................... Est 175.00+  5¢ local Express stamp, 4¢ Postal Stationery
         on train, Royal Yacht, on streets, German               1572. Û 125a, VF ................. 60.00  cut square, All tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN
         warship, etc. F-VF (8 diff) ...... Est 75.00+           1573. Û 126b, VF, LH ............. 225.00  Mar 1932 First South America Flight Recife
        1526. Ö 108-9, 112, Collection of 12 diff                1574. Û 143-62, QE set to £1. F-VF, some NH  to Friedrichshafen leg cover addr to Cali,
         used postcards from 1920 showing the WWI                 .............................. 110.05  Colombia. The cover is autographed by HANS
         VICTORY PARADE in the streets of Brussels.              1575. Û 175-91, Also 176c-86a, F-VF, NH ..  VON SCHILLER - Zeppelin Captain. VF....
         Shows crowds of people watching marching                 ............................... 60.10  .......................... Est 225.00+
         troops, the Royal Family, American Artillery            1576. Û 175-91, 176c-86a, VF ....... 60.10  1606. Ö 376, C17, C18a, C20a, Tied on cach
         & troops, French troops, etc. F-VF (12) ....            1577. Û 175-91, 255-71, VF, NH...... 94.60  GRAF ZEPPELIN Aug 1933 Fourth South
         ........................... Est 65.00+                  1578. Û 255-71, F-VF, NH .......... 53.80  America Flight (Rio de Janeiro to Recife Flight  1634. Û 39, $25 High Value. VF..... 650.00
        1527. Ú 121, 5 Franken, VF......... 125.00               1579. ÕÛ 255-71, QE set to $2.40 in matching  leg) cover addr to H. Sieger in Recife (author  1635. Û 55-8, High Values. VF ....... 98.00
        1528. Ö 201, Tied Bourg-Leopold 1930 CDS                  LL margin blocks. VF, NH ......... 215.20  of the Zeppelin Catalogue). VF . Est 100.00+  1636. Û 62-75, F-VF .............. 171.35
         on coloured postcard from Beverloo Camp                 1580. Û 255-71, 259b-260b, F-VF, NH. 89.80  1607. Û 446-9, F-VF, LH............ 82.85  1637. Û N16-7, F-VF, toned gum .... 117.50
         depicting a large BALLOON with 2 aeronauts                                                                                 BULGARIA:
         standing in front. F............ Est 60.00+                                                                      1638. Ú 1, 3, 6-11, VG-F ........... 210.00
        1529. SSÛ 221, F-VF, selvedge a bit reduced
         at left.......................... 300.00
        1530. Ö 246 (2), Tied on cacheted b/w photo  1560. Û 49-54, KGV Key Plate High Values
         postcard for “BARBARA P31" ROCKET  up to £1 all with “SPECIMEN” overprints.
         FLIGHT 4 June 1936. Autographed by  Bright fresh colours, F-VF, OG (#51 some
         Dutch Rocketeer CHARLES ROBERTI. The  adhesions on gum) ......... Est 900.00+
         postcard depicts Roberti & his Rocket. VF ..
         .......................... Est 110.00+
        1531. Û 330, Mint IMPERFORATE PROOF
         PAIR of the 1.50 Fr Orange with MAJOR
         DOUBLING. VF, NH. Attractive variety.....
         ........................... Est 65.00+
        1532. Û 435-45, F-VF, LH.......... 121.90                                                                         1639. Û 2, Beautiful centering, deep rich
                                                                 1581. Û 259a, IMPERFORATE PAIR with large balanced margins, fresh, VF, NH. VERY
                                                                  SCARCE - Only 100 stamps were discovered ............................... 1,500.00+  colour, VF, OG. Scarce .......... 650.00
                                                                 1582. ÕÛ 322-8, QE set to $3 in LL margin  1608. SSÛ 1147, VF, NH ........... 40.00
                                                                  blocks. VF, NH .................. 134.00  1609. SSÚÛ 1147, Christmas souvenir sheets,
                                                                 1583. Û 322-8, 363-79, VF, NH....... 63.45  mint & with fancy FD cancel. VF, NH. Lovely
                                                                 1584. ÕÛ 363-79, QE set to $3 in margin  topicals (2) ...................... 60.00
                                                                  blocks. VF, NH .................. 119.80  1610. Û 1CL1-7, VF ............... 71.50
                                     1561. Û 55, MISSING “A” in WATERMARK  1585. Ö 363-79, Cpl Wildlife set to $5 on 3  1611. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
                                      variety, lovely centering, VF. A NICE  cach FDC’s. VF .............. Est 40.00+  1930’s depicting the DORNIER DO-X plane
                                      CLEAR EXAMPLE OF THIS RARE  1586. ÕÛ 376-9, High values in blocks. VF,  over Rio de Janeiro. VF........ Est 75.00+
                                      VARIETY (SG #59b, Cat £800) .........  NH ............................ 69.40
                                      ......................... Est 500.00+  1587. ÕÛ 485a-98a, LL corner Blocks to $8.  BR. ANTARCTIC TERRITORY:
                                                                  VF, NH ........................ 289.40  1612. Û 1-15, QE set to £1. F-VF, LH. 172.15
                                                                 1588. ÕÛ 668-84, LL corner Blocks to $8. VF,  1613. Û 38, Sheet margin single with  1640. Û 4, Remarkably fresh, F, OG . 600.00
                                                                  NH ........................... 236.20  INVERTED WATERMARK, pristine fresh, VF,
         1533. Û 435-45, B514, Cpl UPU set, fresh,                                            NH (SG #37w, Cat £150) ..... Est 100.00+  1641. Û 74-6, F-VF, HH ............ 86.00
          F-VF, NH...................... 261.90                             BHUTAN:                                       1642. Û 74-6, F-VF, HH ............ 86.00
                                                                 1589. Û 152C, 152F, Phonograph Record  BR. CENTRAL AFRICA:  1643. Ö 131, 236, 419, Affixed on colour illus-
        1534. ÕÛ B163-5, Blocks. F-VF, NH . . 80.00               Stamps with Bhutanese folk songs & history.  1614. Ú 34-5, 38, 45, F ............ 117.50
        1535. SSÛ B178, VF, NH .......... 275.00                  VF, NH ........................ 210.00                   trated 1st Birthday of Prince Simeon Patriotic
                                                                                                                           postcard depicting the Prince & Scott #’s 336-
        1536. SSÛ B179, VF, VLH in selvedge (stamp               1590. Û Scarce 1962 Malaria Eradication set  BR. GUIANA:
         is NH)...................... Est 80.00+                  of 3 diff stamps. These were prepared but not  1615. Ö 131, Tied by Georgetown 20 Oct 1904  40. Also b/w photo souvenir card showing the
        1537. SSÛ B199, F, NH ........... 125.00                  issued (see Scott footnote after #9). VF, NH  CDS’s on 1¢ postal stationery cover to New  Royal Couple & Princess Maria Louisa circa
        1538. Ö B217, B222, Tied by special Brussels              .............................. 275.00  York. Has postage due markings on front &  1930’s. F-VF (2).............. Est 45.00+
         12 July, 1939 flight cancel on cach Airmail                                          USA 6¢ in postage due stamps affixed on  1644. Û J4, Four large margins, fresh, VF, OG
                                                                                                                           .............................. 375.00
         Flight cover to VATICAN CITY (rec cancels).                        BOLIVIA:          reverse. F ................. Est 100.00+
         Also franked with 4 diff Vatican stamps. VF .  1562. Û 94-7, KGV High Values up to  1591. ÕÛ 92a, 94a, IMPERF blocks. VF,  1616. Û 178-82, 184-89, VG-VF ..... 191.50
         .......................... Est 100.00+  12Sh6p, bright fresh colours, F-VF, NH ...  some DG ....................... 70.00  1617. Û 210-22, KGV set to $1. F-VF. 174.45
        1539. Û B273-8, VF, NH ............ 55.00  ......................... Est 700.00+     1618. Û 230-41, F-VF .............. 88.30
                                                                                             1619. Ú 230-41, F-VF .............. 83.15
                                                                                             1620. Ö 231, 233 (5), 235 (4), Tied on one
                                                                                              piece & mounted on a special card noting
                                                                                              this item is from the coll of PRESIDENT
                                                                                              FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. The piece has a
                                                                                              2-line authentication h/s’s from H.R. Harmer
                                                                                              1946 noting this item is from the Roosevelt
                                                                                              coll. F, the special card & has scotch tape re-
                                                                                              inforcements ................ Est 40.00+
                                                                                             1621. Û 237-41, High Values. F-VF . . . 77.50
                                                                                             1622. Û 253-67, F-VF ............. 124.05  1645. Û J5, Four large margins, XF, OG ...
                                                                                             1623. Û 253-67, QE set to $5. F-VF, LH ....  ............................. 550.00
                                                                                               .............................. 124.05
         1540. SSÛ B303, Orval Abbey souvenir                                                1624. Û 264-6, High Values. F-VF, NH. 70.00  1646. Ö Four diff items depicting Prince Boris
          sheet privately overprinted “1142-1942" in                                                                       of Bulgaria. Incl 2 diff 1896 Postal Stationery
          red with ornament. VF, LH, minute corner                                                    BR. HONDURAS:        cards; 1902 3-view postcard showing young
          crease. Scarce ................. 500.00  1563. Ú 97, KGV 12Sh 6 Pence High Value  1592. Û C23a, Rare INVERTED  1625. Ú 28a, Diagonal BISECT tied on piece.  Prince & 2 views of Royal Ship “Bulgaria”; &
                                      with BREAKS IN SCROLLS AT RIGHT  SURCHARGE of the 1B gold overprint. F+,  F-VF....................... Est 35.00+  Tsar Ferdinand 5S Postal Stationery card
        1541. SSÚ B304, Has been trimmed with                      slight crease. Has 2016 Philatelic Founda-  1626. Û 58-61, Cpl KE set with SPECIMEN  depicting the Prince in Military uniform on his
         blue “1142-1942" & ornament overprint. VF  variety, perfectly centered, excellent colour,  overprints. F-VF (SG #80s-83s, Cat £80) ...  21st Birthday. F (4) ........... Est 50.00+
         .............................. 500.00  light cancel, XF. Very scarce (SG #93i, Cat  tion Certificate. A VERY SCARCE ERROR
                                      £1,100)................... Est 850.00+  & RARELY OFFERED ANYWHERE .....  ........................... Est 65.00+  1647. Ö Three diff b/w real photo postcards
         1542. SSÛ B466-7, Set of 2 diff Painting                  ........................... 2,800.00                    depicting TSAR BORIS of Bulgaria. Shows
          souvenir sheets, fresh, VF, NH. See                                                                              him amongst Officials, Army Officers & gen-
          photo above ................. 400.00                       BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA:                               eral public. Also one 1939 b/w photograph.
                                                                 1593. Û B13-15, Imperf set, VF, LH........                F-VF (4 items) ............... Est 50.00+
        1543. SSÛ B482a, VF, LH .......... 80.00                  ........................... Est 35.00+                             BURMA:
        1544. SSÛ B513a, Fresh, VF, VLH. . . 425.00              1594. Û B14, DOUBLE PRINT error. VF,                     1648. Ö 163, Tied by special Mandalay Cente-
        1545. Û B515-20, F-VF, LH......... 115.00                 guarantee b/s................ Est 75.00+                 nary 7 Nov 1969 cancel on large size multi-
        1546. Û B561-6, Madonna set, VF, NH 175.00                    BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA                               colour cach FDC (Scott lists this as 9 Nov for
        1547. Û B579-85, F-VF, NH ......... 70.20                                                                          F.D.). F-VF, unaddr. Gorgeous . . Est 35.00+
        1548. Ö B660-2, B662a, Refugee issues tied                    (CROAT ADMINISTRATION):
         by cach Charleroi & Antwerp special 7 Apr               1595. SSÛ 151 (sheet with 5 strips of 4), 151e,
         1960 cancels on 2 diff cach FDC’s. F-VF,                 50th Anniversary Europa topicals. VF, NH .
                                                                  ............................... 78.00
         B662a FDC slight edge creases . Est 75.00+
        1549. Ö CB3, Tied by Special Gent 8 Sept,                         BOTSWANA:
         1946 cancel on cach special airmail flight  1564. Û 103, Silver Jubilee One Shilling  1596. Û 19-32, 114-27, 198-214, Nice group  1627. Û 108-11, Cpl KGV Silver Jubilee set
                                                                                               with “SPECIMEN” perfins. Fresh colours, VF
         postcard to raise funds for WWII orphans.  with KITE & VERT LOG variety. VF, VLH  of cpl sets. F-VF................. 158.15  (SG Cat £130) ............. Est 110.00+
         On reverse has large size 25Fr Airmail  (SG #97k, Cat £300) ........ Est 250.00+  BRAZIL:
         label tied by illustrated red cancel. VF....  1565. Û 105-14, F-VF .............. 70.65  1597. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic ship
         ........................... Est 60.00+                   letter dated Bahia 24 Mar 1846 to London,
        1550. ÕÛ Q294-6, Mercury design Parcel                    carried aboard “The Triton”. Has “SHIP
         Post issue IMPERF PROOF BLOCKS. VF,                      LETTER” b/s & London 15 June receiver.
         NH ........................ Est 75.00+                   F+ ....................... Est 100.00+
        1551. Ö Unused WWI Patriotic postcard with               1598. Ö Stampless folded ship letter with Rio
         an illustration of a battle scene depicting BOY          de Janeiro 9 May 1865 double split-ring b/s
         SCOUTS distributing food & drink at the front            Trans-Atlantic to London. Has E. Chevolot,
         line. VF .................... Est 40.00+                 imports exports imprint; written in French. Ad-
        1552. Ö Unused surcharged 5¢ on 30¢ King                  ditional enclosure in English. F . . Est 75.00+
         Albert Postal Stationery card pre WWI, for              1599. Ö 247, C17-8, C20, Tied on cach GRAF
         the OOSTENDE TO DOVER passenger                          ZEPPELIN Sept 1932 Sixth South America
         ship service. Has nice coloured scene. VF..              Flight (Rio de Janeiro to Recife leg) on cover
         ........................... Est 50.00+                   addr to Recife. VF ............ Est 75.00+  1628. Ú 111, Silver Jubilee High Value with
        1553. Ö Unused b/w WWI postcard depicting                                              the LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR variety. VF,
         portraits of leaders of the Allied Nations incl  1566. Û 105/114, Coll of 9 diff 1936 values  1600. Ö 277-8, 4CL3, Tied on cach GRAF  lightly cancelled (SG #146bc, Cat £475)...  1649. ÕÛ O1-14, Rare set of KGV Official
         USA, Belgium, France, Russia, GB, Italy, etc.  all with SPECIMEN perfins. This is the cpl  ZEPPELIN May 1930 First Europe - Pan  ......................... Est 350.00+  High Value blocks up to the 10 Rupee. F-
         F ......................... Est 65.00+  Gibbons listed set. Fresh, F-VF, LH (SG Cat  American Round Flight cover; Rio de Ja-  1629. Û 144-55, F-VF, LH........... 94.15  VF, NH .................... 5,900.00+
                                      £325) .................... Est 200.00+  neiro - Recife leg, addr to USA. VF. See
                   BELIZE:                                         photo above ............. Est 375.00+  1630. Û 167-78, Bird set to $5. F-VF, NH ...  1650. Û O43-55, Scarce Official set. F-VF, LH
        1554. Û 327-39, 345-60, F-VF ....... 72.15  1567. Û 109, F-VF................. 52.50   ............................... 75.60  .............................. 200.00
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