Page 29 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 29
LOT 1836 LOT 1879 29
LOT 1838
CEYLON Continued REPUBLIC OF CHINA: 1781. Ö Three stampless folded letters with 1801. Ú 19a-25, All with selected Squared
1716. Ö 202 (Pair), Tied by Colombo 1 July 1748. Û 1296-1301, VF, NH ........ 100.10 black straightline “VILLACLARA” cancels to Circle cancels. F-VF.............. 147.75
1919 roller cancel on WWI Censored b/w 1749. Û 1323-33, VF, NH ........... 93.60 Havana. Have black “1À” m/s & “1À” & “2"
photo postcard to Norway. Redirected THREE 1750. Û 1414-7, F-VF, NH .......... 88.00 hammer rates. VG-VF (3) ...... Est 90.00+
times with various cancels. Postcard depicts 1751. Û 1448-51, VF, NH .......... 135.00 1782. Ö 871, Tied by Havana 17 Sept, 1983
a scene of gem cutters. F-VF . . . Est 45.00+ 1752. Û 1450-1, VF, NH ............ 60.00 Soviet Russia / Cuba cooperation in space
1717. Û 256, Imperforate PLATE PROOF pair 1753. SSÛ 1471-4, Two diff cpl sheets of 10 cancel, on postcard. Autographed by famous
of the KGV 5 Rupee, in black. Has missing labels, with numbers 1 to 20 in the upper right Cuban Cosmonaut TAMAYO. He was the
centre vignette. VF. VERY SCARCE ...... corners of each label. F-VF, NH, a few bends first Cuban / first Latin American / first man
.......................... Est 225.00+ (20 diff labels) ............... Est 40.00+ of African heritage in space. F . Est 125.00+
1718. Û 264-74, F-VF .............. 73.05 1754. Û 1479-82, VF, NH .......... 109.75
1719. Ú 264-74, F-VF .............. 46.85 1755. Û 1682-93, VF, NH ........... 82.55 CYPRUS:
1720. Û 319-28, VF................ 78.20 1756. Û 1740-9, VF, NH ............ 99.35 1813. Û 110, KGV One Pound, fresh intense
1721. Û Patriotic gold embossed Christmas 1757. SSÛ 1862a, 2216e, VF, NH .... 87.50 colour, VF, NH, a few natural gum bubbles.
card folder circa 1911 for the “HMS Highflyer, COCOS ISLANDS: 1802. Ú 19b, Scarce Àpi EMERALD shade Rarely seen in never hinged condition ....
Ceylon West Wireless Station, Welisara”. Has 1758. Ú O1, VF .................. 115.00 Die A. An additional copy of the Àpi green ......................... Est 500.00+
crest with coloured ribbon. VF. . . Est 40.00+ COLOMBIA: shade accompanies for comparison. F-VF .
1759. Ö 317a (block), Tied by large violet ............................. 528.25
1722. SSÛ 944-57, Complete set of 14 diff boxed Cartagena Oct 1907 cancel on Reg’d 1803. Ú 26a, F, small sealed tear .... 100.00
Famous Artists souvenir sheets. VF, NH. cover (F20 affixed) overseas to France. Via 1804. Ú 38, Large “S” in “PIASTRE” variety.
Lovely topicals .................. 110.00 New York (Reg’d label affixed) with Paris 17 VF, neat cancel (SG #50a, Cat £75).......
1723. ÕÛ C84, Imperf block of 9 of the 1,000 Oct b/s. F, creases at top. An eye-catching ........................... Est 50.00+
Fr. Bird Airmail. VF, NH, a few minor gum cover with 2 diff Registry labels. Est 100.00+
bends/wrinkles, one tiny stain (Perforated 1760. Ö 328, Tied by SIENA PIROSCAFO
stamps Cat $540) ........... Est 100.00+ POSTALE ITALIANO Dec 1914 SHIP post- 1783. Ú AUSTRIA/LOMBARDY VENETIA/
1724. ÕÛ C84, Unlisted IMPERFORATE mark on Trans-Atlantic cover to Italy with LARNACCA DI CIPRO #’s 2A26-7, each
with partial Larnaca Di Cipro CDS’s. F. Very
block of 10 of the 1,000Fr Bird. VF, NH, Arona 5 Jan 1915 arrival b/s. Has attractive scarce & rarely offered (2) ........ 875.00
minor gum bends (Perforated stamps Cat “Sombrereria La Pica-Pica” corner card. F ..
$600 US in Scott) ............ Est 75.00+ ........................... Est 75.00+
CHILE: 1761. Û 336-7, F-VF .............. 100.00
1725. Ö 68 (Strip of 5), 104, Tied front &
back by Valparaiso 1914 duplex cancel on
UNDERPAID commercial cover to London (re- 1814. Û 114-23, Cpl set to £1. F-VF, LH ...
directed within the city). Has a variety of post- ............................. 412.00
age due markings, etc & fancy R.W. Bailey & 1805. Ú 38-47, Cpl KE used set up to 45
Co. corner card. F. Attractive . . . Est 50.00+ Piastres, fresh colours, neat cancels, F-VF.
1726. Ö 99, Tied on 2¢ red illustrated postal A CHOICE SET ............... 1,342.00
stationery card by Santiago 3 Aug 1914 du-
plex cancel to Villa Alegre. From “Hume &
Walker / English Books”. VF, corner crease.
Attractive ................... Est 40.00+ 1784. Ú AUSTRIA / LOMBARDY-VENETIA /
1727. Ö 104, Tied by Santiago 4 May 1912 LARNACA DI CIPRO #2A28, SON Larnaca
slogan cancel on cover to Germany. Has Di Cipro CDS. Very scarce & rarely offered
blue “VIA LOS ANDES” h/s & German Trans- 1762. Ú 435-6, National Olympics used High ............................. 450.00
Atlantic Bank corner card. F .... Est 35.00+ Values, F-VF. Scarce ............ 975.00
1728. Ö 105, Tied by Concepcion 20 Feb
1914 cancel on front & full back red illustrated 1815. Ú 114-23, Cpl KGV set to One Pound.
advertising cover for Carlos Charpentier. F-VF, light cancels .............. 565.60
Depicts carrying case for toiletries, etc. F,
cover fold. Attractive .......... Est 45.00+ 1816. ÕÛ 125-9, 131-3, Blocks or Plate
1729. Ö 181 (2), C16 (3), C19 (2), Tied Blocks of 4-6. VF, NH............. 264.80
(on front & reverse) by 1933 CDS’s on pretty 1817. Û 125-35, KGV set to 45pi. F-VF ....
illustrated airmail postcard to Holland. F.... .............................. 231.80
........................... Est 50.00+ 1818. Ú 125-35, Pictorial set to 45pi. F-VF ..
1730. Ö 333, Along with special label tied by .............................. 178.30
Easter Island 11 Feb 1965 CDS on postcard 1819. ÕÚ 128, 130-3, Used Blocks of 4 to 12.
for MEDICAL EXPEDITION TO EASTER VF............................ 198.60
ISLAND. Addr to McGill University in Mon- 1785. Ú AUSTRIA/TURKEY/LARNACCA DI 1820. Ö 140 (Pair), Tied on Nicosia to Alexan-
treal. VF.................... Est 40.00+ CIPRO #’s 2A32, 2A39, Franz Josef 10 Sld dria June 1937 FFC. Has Port Said 4 June
CHINA: Coarse & Fine prints with lovely Larnaca Di transit. Pencil notation states only 55 covers
1731. Ú 10-2, F-VF, rough perfs as issued .. Cipro CDS’s. F-VF. Very scarce (2) . 550.00 flown. F-VF ................. Est 50.00+
.............................. 390.00 1786. Ú 1 (Pl 12), Fresh colour, lightly 1806. ÕÚ 46, Fresh used block, perfectly 1821. Û 168-82, F-VF ............. 115.60
1732. Û 11, Smooth perfs. VF....... 400.00 cancelled. VG-F ................. 300.00 centered, neat central Larnaca 27 May, 1822. Û 168-82, QE set to £1. F-VF, NH ...
1733. Ö 605-10, Cpl 1945 Chiang Kai-shek 1904 squared circle cancel. XF. A CHOICE .............................. 115.60
set tied on cover. Addr to Shanghai. F ..... BLOCK IN SUPERB CONDITION ..... 1823. Û 183-97, F-VF ............. 152.00
........................... Est 60.00+ 1763. Û C11C, Compania Colombiana 10¢ ............................ 700.00+ 1824. Û 183-97, QE set to the £1. F-VF, NH
.............................. 152.00
red brown 1920 imperf vert TETE BECHE 1825. Û 206-18, F-VF .............. 63.15
PROOF PAIR. VF, NH....... Est 300.00+
1826. Û 219-21, 229-31, VF, NH..... 140.25
1827. ÕÛ 257-9, 265-8, Blocks. VF, NH ...
............................... 71.40
1828. Ú QV 1sh & 5Sh “POSTAL SURCHARGE”
1787. Ú 1 (Pl 19), An unusually well centered Revenues with lovely Lanarca 1885-8
example from the scarcer Plate, lightly Squared Circle cancels (wmk script VR). VF
cancelled. VF, two diff guarantee b/s’s. ........................... Est 35.00+
A BEAUTY!.................... 950.00 CYRENAICA:
1788. Û 2 (Pl’s 201, 205, 215-8), Above aver- 1829. Ö Italy #95, Tied by Bengazi Post /
age condition. F (6 diff) ........... 222.00 Cyrenaica 27 Aug 1912 CDS on postcard to
the Ottoman Imperial Bank, Tripoli. Sent by
1734. Ú Offices in Tibet #9, Unusually fresh 1807. Ú 57, Scarce KE 12P with “BROKEN H. Weickert & Enke, of Leipzig / Arsenal in
with neat Tibet double-Ring cancel. F-VF. TOP LEFT TRIANGLE” variety, rich colour, Bengazi. Message typed in French. VF ....
Rarely offered.................. 400.00 lightly cancelled, fresh, VF, couple nibbed ........................... Est 75.00+
1764. ÕÛ C11Ck-C11Dm, Imperforate se- perfs (SG #69a, Cat £1,000) . . Est 600.00+
1735. Û Interesting lot with 7 diff old Reve- 1830. Ö Italy #95, Tied by Bengazi Post /
nues. Also Famine Relief Commission stamp tenant block in vermilion, VF, slight creases. Cyrenaica 27 Aug 1912 CDS on postcard to
with cross; & large National Wine & Tobacco Scarce ...................... 600.00+ the Ottoman Imperial Bank, Tripoli. Sent by
Bureau Revenue stamp; & label for Russian 1765. Û C175-85, F-VF, NH ......... 61.05 H. Weickert & Enke, of Leipzig / Arsenal in
Vodka ‘Royal’ distilled in Tsingtao. F (10 diff 1766. Û C175-98, Airmail sets. F-VF . 111.50 Bengazi. Message typed in French. VF ....
items)...................... Est 50.00+ 1767. Ú C200-7, F-VF .............. 90.15 ........................... Est 80.00+
1736. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1910 1768. Û CLGB56, Colombia Scadta “GB” over- CZECHOSLOVAKIA:
depicting CHINESE PRISONERS in wooden printed sheet of 25 (no selvedge at left). VF, 1831. Ö 1544 (4), Each tied to a diff cach
neck stocks. VF.............. Est 65.00+ NH, DG. Seldom seen in a full sheet . 200.00 1789. Ú 8 (Pl 174), F-VF........... 400.00 Prague 1968 BALLOON FLIGHT cover. Each
1737. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de- 1769. Û Three diff Scott unlisted 5¢ 10¢ issues has a balloon illustrated label affixed tied by
picting Chinese actor CHINGWAH LEE who from 1961, similar to Scott Type A309. F-VF 1790. Ú 8 (Pl 181), F .............. 260.00 balloon illustrated h/s’s with diff names incl
was in the movie “THE GOOD EARTH”. The ........................... Est 75.00+ 1791. Ú 8 (Pl 201), F .............. 140.00 GRAF ZEPPELIN, PRAGA 68, GAZELLE /
postcard is signed by him. The 1937 American CONGO (PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC): 1792. Ú 8 (Pl 205), F .............. 100.00 AUSTRIA & NIMBUS. VF, unaddrEst 45.00+
1793. Ú 8 (Pl 216), F .............. 100.00
film was an inspiring drama of the ups & 1770. Û 489-92, Imperf Captain Cook set. Un- 1832. Ö Unused b/w real photo of the 1932
downs in the lives of Chinese farmers, based listed as imperfs in Scott. VF, NH Est 35.00+ WRECK OF A “JU 52" AIRPLANE. VF .....
on the novel by Pearl Buck. VF. . Est 75.00+ COOK ISLANDS: ........................... Est 60.00+
1738. Ú 542-59, F-VF, couple trivial facial PROOF BLOCK in brown & black. VF, NG . 1833. Ö Official WWII postcard from a Catholic
scuffs ......................... 120.50 .......................... Est 125.00+ Mission, Cotonou 15 Nov 1940 CDS to a
CHINA (PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC): 1772. Û 787-815, VF, NH ........... 64.00 POW in OFLAG IVD, Germany. Has French
1739. Û 1095-8, VF, NH ........... 220.00 CROATIA: West Africa & German censor h/s’s; generic
1740. Û 1104-7, VF, NH ........... 140.00 1773. SSÛ B31, VF, NH........ Est 35.00+ part printed family news. Printed at Abidjan.
1741. Û 1122-5, F-VF, NH .......... 55.00 CUBA: VG-F stamps floated off. UNUSUAL.......
1742. Û 1126-9, VF, NH ........... 175.00 1774. Ö Stampless folded letter with black ........................... Est 40.00+
1743. Û 1143-54, F-VF, NH ........ 113.00 “VILLACLARA” s/l cancel to Havana, date- 1808. Û 61-71, Complete mint KGV set DANISH WEST INDIES:
1744. Û 1190-3, VF, NH ............ 75.00 lined 25 Jan 1825. F-VF ....... Est 50.00+ 1794. Ú 8 (Pl 220), F.............. 450.00 of 11 different all with “SPECIMEN” 1834. Ö Frederik VIII 10¢ Postal Stationery
1775. Ö Stampless folded cover with blue overprints. Bright fresh colours, F-VF ..... card with St Thomas 20 May 1910 CDS to
Trinidad/30/Islas D Cuba 21 Oct 1850 CDS 1795. Ú 9 (Pl 201), F .............. 190.00 ......................... Est 500.00+ London. F, couple tiny pin holes . Est 35.00+
to Puerto Principe, 24 Oct b/s. Has blue “2" 1835. Ö Three unused postal stationery cards.
hammer rate & fancy signatures on back. Incl 2¢ (2 diff distinct shades), & 3¢. F-VF ..
F-VF ...................... Est 40.00+ ........................... Est 60.00+
1776. Ö Stampless folded cover with small DANZIG:
blue Havana 28 Apr 1857 CDS to Pinar del
Rio, 30 Apr b/s. Has neat “1" hammer rate. 1836. Ö 197, C30, Tied of cach GRAF
Fancy signature on back. VF, some toning . ZEPPELIN Polar Flight 24 July 1931;
........................... Est 40.00+ Danzig to Icebreaker Malygin via
1777. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic ship Friedrichshafen & Leningrad. Addr to
cover (written in French) from Havana 9 Nov USA. VF. Scarce (Frost $1,100 US). See
1857 to Marseilles France. We counted 11 diff photo above ............. Est 650.00+
markings (on the front & reverse) incl “8" rate,
boxed ”GB / 1F 60¢", 3 French RPO’s etc. F 1796. Ú 9 (Pl 216), F.............. 460.00 1837. Ú 253-4, High Values, F-VF.... 120.00
........................... Est 75.00+ 1797. Ú 10 (Pl 215), F .............. 75.00 1809. Û 87, KGV Ten Shilling beautifully 1838. Ö C29, C31-6, Tied on cach GRAF
centered, fresh crisp colour, XF, VLH .....
1778. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic folded letter 1798. Ú 10 (Pl 217), F ............. 110.00 ......................... Est 450.00+ ZEPPELIN Danzig Round Flight 31 July
date-lined Havana 18 Dec 1857 to England. 1799. Ú 10 (Pl 128), F ............. 125.00 1932 cover, addr to Friedrichshafen. Has
Has New York/Br Pkt transit & London 29 1810. Ö 89, 91, 93, Tied by Sea Post Office Int’l Airmail Exhibition, Danzig cancels.
Dec b/s. F-VF ............... Est 45.00+ Cyprus 14 Aug 1929 CDS cancels on cover VF. Scarce. See photo aboveEst 600.00+
1779. Ö Stampless 19th Century cover addr to Alexandria Egypt (rec b/s). Has “SS
to Brigadier Antonio Garcia de Oja, Military BELKAS CYPRUS-EGYPT” h/s. VF....... DENMARK:
& Political Governor of the city of Matanzas. ........................... Est 75.00+ 1839. Ú 2, 2a, 2b, 3-5, VG-VF ....... 277.50
Has black “HAVANA” 1-line cancel & “1À” 1811. Û 109, Forgery of the KGV £5 High 1840. Û 3-6, Cpl Imperf mint set. Nice looking,
hammer rate. F, some worm holes. Historic . Value in black on yellowish paper. F-VF, F-VF, a few small flts. Cat $1,225 Est 250.00+
........................... Est 50.00+ NG (Genuine stamp Cat $3,750 US) ..... 1841. Û 6, F-VF, NG .............. 525.00
1745. Û 1211-4, VF, NH........... 360.00
1780. Ö Four Official 1862 stampless folded ........................... Est 50.00+ 1842. Ú 6, Rare used horiz strip of 4 with neat
1746. Û 1645a, 1646a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH . covers with Santa Catalina CDS’s to Sagua 1812. ÕÛ 109, Forgery block of the KGV 3-Ring “1" cancels. F-VF, crease (and small
.............................. 100.00 de Tanamo (3) & Santiago de Cuba. All have £5 High Value in black on yellowish paper. split) through middle margin. F-VF. LARGE
1747. Û 2378-9, 2641-2, 2827-8, Lunar New crest illustrated Mayor of Guantanamo h/s’s; F-VF, NG (Genuine Cat $15,000 US)...... MULTIPLES OF THIS ISSUE ARE VERY
Year cpl sheets of 32. VF, NH ...... 233.80 3 with printed Colonial crests. F . Est 60.00+ 1800. Ú 11-4, Wmked “CC”. F-VF . . . 452.50 .......................... Est 200.00+ SCARCE ..................... 760.00+