Page 32 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 32
LOT 1920
LOT 2077
LOT 1987
FRANCE Continued
1944. Ö 9c, One Franc dark carmine shade
tied by dotted rectangular cancel on folded let-
ter with Paris 14 Aug 1853 CDS to Germany.
Has black boxed “PD” h/s & Hamburg 16
Aug b/s. F, stamp & cover with minor flaws.
Scarce. Cat $1,550 US. Has 1992 Roger
Calves Certificate ........... Est 400.00+
1945. Ú 12, 14 (5), 18 (3), 20, Napoleon issues
with selected lozenge cancels. Majority are
Paris locals. One 40¢ with nice “CEM D”
cancel. VG-VF .................. 167.50
1957. Ú 43, Horiz pair with large margins,
neat dotted ‘732’ lozenge cancel of
Carcassonne, fresh bright colour, VF. Has
been signed by Calves & has 1988 Calves
Certificate. A CHOICE ITEM .... 1,100.00+
1958. Ú 46, VF, small corner crease. Has
guarantee b/s ................... 200.00
1959. Ú 47, SON Paris “22" numeral Star
cancel. VG-F ................... 100.00
1960. Ú 47, F .................... 100.00 2007. Ú B2a, Cpl Booklet Pane of 10 with Houplines 7 Apr 1915 CDS’s. Scarce, VF, faint crease
1961. Ú 48, VF................... 250.00 in 2 stamps. Priced in Scott as mint $600 US but unpriced as used (attesting to it’s scarcity) ...
1962. Û 50, F-VF, NH, tiny corner crease ... ..................................................................Est 450.00+
1946. Ú 21, Scarce 1 Franc, four margins, ........................... Est 50.00+ 2001. Ö 366 (Pair), Tied by Nice-Grimaldi 22
VF. Has guarantee b/s.......... 2,475.00 1963. Û 66, F.................... 145.00 Oct 1946 CDS on cach unaddr illustrated Mail
1964. Û 76, One Franc. F, short corner perf.
1947. Ö 25, Tied by 3 diff numeral lozenge Scarce ........................ 925.00 Drop / Aero-Club Populaire de Nice / Riviera
cancels on 3 covers from Le Havre, Mulhouse 1977. ÕÛ 117a, Corner sheet margin card; with matching blue 5Fr illustrated label
& Ouissac, from 1865-66. F .... Est 45.00+ IMPERFORATE BLOCK. VF, NG. Has tied. F-VF................... Est 50.00+
1948. Ö 25, 27, Tied by dotted star cancels on photocopy of a 1997 Philatelic Foundation 2002. Ö 542A, Tied by Angers 31 Mar 1947
folded letter with Paris 19 Dec 1865 CDS to Certificate for a multiple from which this cancel on cach souvenir cover flown from
Hamburg. Has Gustave Honegger & Co, Paris block came from ................ 760.00 Angers to Ajaccio. Has special Aeronautical
corner h/s. F-VF ............. Est 50.00+ 1978. Ö 159, Tied on 1909 b/w postcard de- Exposition label on reverse. Only 1,000
picting early aviator DEMANEST in his mono- covers were produced! F-VF.... Est 75.00+
plane “ANTOINETTE.” VF. A scarce early 2003. Ö 587, World BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE
aviation postcard ............. Est 65.00+ issue tied by Jamboree of Peace (Moisson)
1979. Ö 159, Tied by 1910 CDS on b/w post- 10 Aug 1947 slogan cancel on multi-colour
card depicting an early French Submarine of matching postcard to Nice. Depicts Boy Scout 2026. Ú C14, Scarce 50 Fr Airmail high value,
the “PLUVIOSE CLASS” at sea. This subma- holding the flags of at least 25 diff nations. neat CDS. XF. An outstanding stamp 325.00+
rine sunk off Calais on 26 May 1910 with the Beautiful design! F............ Est 40.00+
loss of 27 crew members incl the Comman- 2004. Û 700-5, F-VF, NH ........... 61.30
dant of the Calais Submarine Station. VF... 2005. ÕÛ 907-9, Margin blocks, VF, NH,
........................... Est 75.00+ couple bends ................... 120.00
1980. Ö 159, 162, Tied by 1908-9 CDS’s on 2 2006. Ö B2 (2), Tied by Rhone 14 Ap, 1916
diff multi-coloured postcards depicting scarce CDS’s on postcard (depicting Lyon street
pre WWI SUBMARINES. F, one with minor scene) to Switzerland. F ....... Est 40.00+
creases .................... Est 65.00+ 2008. Ú B12-9, F-VF .............. 237.65
1981. Ö 162, Tied on 1909 b/w postcard de- 2009. Ú B19, F-VF ................ 155.00
1949. Ö 34, Tied by Paris dotted star cancel 2010. Û B34, VF, LH ............... 80.00
on BALLON MONTE “Depeche Ballon” 1965. ÕÚ 96, Beautiful used 5 Fr block with picting famous early aviator LOUIS BLERIOT 2011. Ö B46,Tied by Monts 3 June 1937 CDS’s
& his plane at Douvres after crossing the
printed newspaper. Has lengthy written neat “JOURNAUX / Marseille 10 Feb 1893 Detroit France region 25 July 1909. VF .... on colour cach Wedding day of Edward VIII
message as well. With Paris / Senat 22 Nov and Wallis Simpson commem cover to Neuilly.
1870 CDS (#BM33). Carried aboard Balloon CDS’s. F-VF. Has Roumet guarantee b/s’s ........................... Est 65.00+ Depicts the couple, American flag, Red Ensign 2027. Û C15, Scarce 50 Fr Banknote airmail,
& with their 2016 Certificate. A NICE ITEM!
“Ville d’Orleans” & addr to Lausanne, Swit- ............................ 280.00+ 1982. Ö 162, Tied by Calais 22 June 1910 & view of Chateau de Cande. VF . Est 50.00+ pristine fresh, rich colour. VF, NH . 1,700.00
zerland via Bern (b/s). F...... Est 500.00+ CDS on b/w memorial postcard honouring 2012. Û B66-7, F-VF, LH........... 130.00
the dead crew of the French Submarine
1966. Û 99, F, couple short perfs .... 340.00
1950. Ö 36, 59, Tied by “2656" lozenge nu- 1967. Û 101, F-VF, DG ............ 210.00 “PLUVIOSE”. While cruising off Calais in
meral cancels on Trans-Atlantic cover with 1968. Ö 109, 110 (2), Tied by Bordeaux 30 1910, the submarine was involved in a
Nice 20 Oct 1871 CDS to Germantown, Pa. Ap 1903 CDS’s on b/w postcard depicting collision with a packet boat & sunk with the
Has ”Londa / Paid" transit & “2 / CENTS” h/s. the capsized French passenger/cargo ship loss of all hands. F, small corner flaw. Scarce
From a sailor aboard “USS Plymouth”, Sloop “CHILI” in 1903. F ............ Est 60.00+ ........................... Est 70.00+
of War. Letter mentions Rear Admiral Porter & 1969. Û 113, With ‘SPECIMEN’ overprint. VF, 1983. Ö 162, Tied on b/w photo postcard from
Admiral Boggs Commander of the European NH (Maury #65 - 63 Euro)...... Est 35.00+ 1913 depicting GERMAN ZEPPELIN #4 after
Fleet as well as “USS Brooklyn”. F, interesting 1970. Ö 113 (2), Tied by 1904 CDS’s on landing at Luneville, France 3 Apr 1913 “victim
franking & contents ........... Est 90.00+ postcard depicting 5 diff labels from the of a COLOSSAL ERROR”. Could have been
1900 International Exposition in Paris. Addr considered as a provocative act. Seized by
to Canada. F ................ Est 60.00+ the French. VF............... Est 50.00+
1971. Ö 113 (2), Tied by Paris 1905 CDS’s on 1984. ÕÛ 182, Block. F, NH......... 88.00
front of b/w photo / illustrated postcard to Can- 1985. Û 185-96, F (#194 is NH) ...... 97.55
ada. Commemorates visit of KING CARLOS
& QUEEN MARIE of Portugal & depicts the 2013. Û B66-7, F-VF, NH.......... 350.00
Royal couple, PRESIDENT LOUBET &
emblems. F-VF .............. Est 40.00+ 2014. Ö B66-7, Four singles of each affixed on
1972. Ö 113 (2), Tied by Grebez to Paris 23 8 diff b/w LOUVRE MUSEUM postcards. Each
Oct, 1905 RPO cancels on b/w photo postcard depicts a famous painting or sculp- 2028. Û C15, Scarce 50Fr Banknote Airmail
postcard depicting fugitives JEAN GALLAY & ture in the Louvre. Incl the Mona Lisa, Venus with selvedge at bottom, bright & fresh, XF,
VALENTINE MERELLI who were wanted for de Milo, Winged Victory of Samothrace, etc. stamp is NH .................. 1,700.00
embezzling 2 million Francs from a bank in Unused, VF. Stamps Cat $520 US (8 stamps 2029. Ú C15, Scarce 50 Fr Banknote Airmail
1951. Û 37, Very rare mint example of the Paris. They escaped from France in 1904 in on 8 diff postcards) .......... Est 275.00+ with “DMC” perfin. VF, internal flt.... 310.00
5Fr Napoleon High Value. Nicely centered, a fancy yacht which is pictured. They were 2015. Û B135-48, F-VF ............. 62.00
excellent colour, VF, OG, tiny filled thin apprehended in Brazil & were extradited back 2016. Û B153-7, B238-43, B276-81, F-VF ..
spot (only visible in fluid). A VERY to France to stand trial. VF ..... Est 75.00+ 1986. Û 197, Scarce Bordeaux Philatelic .............................. 130.75
SCARCE CLASSIC FRANCE STAMP. Has 1973. Ö 113, Tied by Toulon 14 Jan, 1906 Congress, lovely centering, rich fresh 2017. Û B157a, VF ............... 100.00
been signed by Calves & with 2007 J.F. CDS on b/w postcard depicting the early colour. VF, VLH ................ 440.00 2018. Û B249-54, VF, NH ........... 72.00
Brun Certificate ............... 6,000.00 French Submarine “LUTIN” riding on the sur- 2019. Ö B258-63, Cpl set tied on attractive
face in a harbour. This submarine was sunk 1987. Ö 197, Bordeaux Philatelic Con- cach FDC with Paris / Philatelic 2 June 1951
in Tunis in 1906 with the loss of all hands. VF gress single tied on a beautiful matching CDS. VF ................... Est 40.00+
........................... Est 75.00+ envelope by 18 June 1923 Exposition 2020. Û B274a, Booklet Pane VF, some
1974. Û 117a, IMPERFORATE PAIR, VF, NG. cancel. VF. Cat $650. See photo above . natural adhesion in bottom selvedge . 225.00
Has photocopy of a 1997 Philatelic Founda- ....................... Est 500.00+ 2021. Û B294-9, F-VF, NH ......... 111.50
tion Certificate for a multiple from which this 1988. Û 226b, VF, NH, minor gum bend. Has 2022. Û B309a/B614a, Attractive coll of 20 diff
pair came from .................. 380.00 guarantee b/s ................... 225.00 cpl mint RED CROSS Booklets, from 1956-90. 2030. Ú C15, Scarce 50 Fr Banknote Airmail,
VF, NH. A nice lot................ 248.00
1989. SSÛ 241, Scarce 1927 Strasbourg rich colour, neat CDS cancel, VF . . . 310.00
Philatelic Exhibition souvenir sheet, fresh. VF, 2031. Ö C15, VF 50Fr Banknote airmail neatly
OG.......................... 1,000.00
tied by Paris 3 Nov 1936 CDS on larger size
Reg’d Express Airmail cover to Lausanne,
Switzerland (rec b/s’s). F, cover has file fold
1952. Ú 37, Napoleon 5 Fr high value with not affecting the stamp. A SCARCE SINGLE
neat “24" lozenge numeral cancel. F+, small
tear .......................... 750.00 FRANKING COVER ......... Est 500.00+
2032. Û C16-7, VF ............... 307.50
2033. Û C23-7, Cpl Airmail set. VF, LH212.70
2034. Û C23-7, Airmail set to 1,000 Franc. VF,
1975. Û 117a, Horiz IMPERFORATE NH ........................... 212.70
GUTTER PAIR with numeral “1". VF, NG. 2035. Û C29-32, VF .............. 281.25
Has photocopy of a 1997 Philatelic Founda- 2036. Û C30-2, VF, NH ............ 279.00
tion Certificate for a multiple form which this 2037. Û C34-6, VF, NH ............. 71.00
came from.................... 380.00+ 2038. Ú J28, Scarce 5 Franc. F...... 325.00
1990. Ú 246, Le Havre Philatelic Exhibition. F,
light cancel .................... 600.00 2039. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa
1900’s. Depicts vintage dirigible “VENDETTA”
1991. ÕÛ 247A, Sheet margin block, fresh, (air torpedo) & its inventor M.H. Boudy.
VF,NH. Has been signed by Roumet & with F-VF....................... Est 50.00+
his 2018 Certificate ............. 800.00+ 2040. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting
1953. Ú 37, Scarce 5Fr Napoleon with a cpl 1992. Ö 268, Tied by Toyes 31 July 1938 slo- the vintage DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIP of Henry
clear strike of the SHANGHAI CHINA large gan cancel on b/w real photo postcard depict- de la Vaulx, circa 1905. VF ..... Est 50.00+
numeral “5104" lozenge cancel. F-VF, small ing an early BI-PLANE IN FLIGHT at Issy-Les 2023. Û C1-2, Scarce First Airmails. VG-F, 2041. Ö Unused multi-coloured embossed
back flts. SCARCE CANCEL. . Est 375.00+ Moulineaux 6 Sept 1908. F. Scarce pioneer NH, touch of DG ................ 800.00 postcard circa 1907 depicting over 50 diff
aviation postcard ............. Est 60.00+ 2024. Û C5-7, VF (C5 is NH)......... 83.00 stamps with a central Ceres head in gold &
1993. Û 274, LR imprint copy, F, NH . . 62.50 photo of the Arc de Triomphe. VFEst 50.00+
1994. Û 296-7, 311-12, VF ......... 105.50 2042. Ö Unused Tuck colour illustrated post-
1995. ÕÛ 309-10, 314, Blocks. VF, NH .... card circa 1907, depicting the pioneer Military
.............................. 199.00 Airship “PATRIE”. She was torn loose by
1996. Û 311-12, 324, 370, 374, F-VF, NH .. storm from Souhesmes & lost in the Atlantic.
.............................. 102.75 F, slight soiling............... Est 40.00+
1997. SSÛ 329, PEXIP souvenir sheet, fresh, 2043. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1908
VF, stamps are NH............... 360.00 depicting the JACK OF CLUBS playing card
1998. SSÛ 329, PEXIP souvenir sheet, fresh, with the portrait of KING EDWARD VIII. VF.
VF, NH, minor corner crease ....... 700.00 A MOST UNUSUAL ITEM! ..... Est 75.00+
BLOCK. VF, NG. Has photocopy of a 1997 1999. SSÚ 329, “PEXIP” souvenir sheet with 2044. Ö Unused Tuck’s colour illustrated post-
1954. Ú 37, Scarce Napoleon 5FR. VF, faint neat Paris Exhibition 18 June 1937 hexagonal card circa 1908 in German depicting French
crease........................ 750.00 Philatelic Foundation Certificate for a F.D. cancels. VF, slight corner crease300.00 Airship “PATRIE” tethered to ground with lad-
multiple from which this block came from .. 2025. Û C8-14, Cpl Airmail set to the 50
1955. Ú 40, VF................... 200.00 ............................ 760.00+ 2000. SSÛ 329a-d, PEXIP singles, fresh, VF, Franc. Fresh, F-VF .............. 976.75 der for passengers. Has vintage cars under-
1956. Ú 41, Broad margins. VF ...... 160.00 NH (4 diff)...................... 360.00 neath. Artist signed. F-VF ...... Est 45.00+