Page 34 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 34
34 LOT 2126 LOT 2143
LOT 2175
FRANCE Continued 2089. Û C45-7, C47a, Discovery of Tahiti, VF, 2117. Ö 15, Tied by Salzbrunn 13 June circa 2144. Ö 377, C31, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN
2045. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard NH (C47a, VLH)................. 194.75 1873 boxed cancel on printed 17-page folded violet ON BOARD cancel for July 1932 Eng-
showing Austrian pioneer aviator ALFRED 2090. Û C54, VF, NH .............. 80.00 advertising flyer announcing a new source for land Flight on cach sepia photo postcard to
DE PISCHOFF with his early airplane, 13 Jan 2091. Û C74-7, C77a, Pacific Games, VF, NH mineral water at the Spa at Salzbrunn, Silesia. London. Depicts the Zeppelin airship tethered
1908. Postcards showing early aircraft prior .............................. 236.50 Addr domestically. VF ......... Est 40.00+ to the ground. VF............ Est 100.00+
to 1909 are rare. This is a superb view of the 2092. Û C78-82, VF, NH ............ 79.50 2118. Ö 15, Tied by Hamburg 15 Feb 1874 2145. Ö 379, C35, Tied on cach GRAF
pilot & his plane. VF.......... Est 100.00+ 2093. Û C89-93, VF, NH ........... 102.75 CDS on partial printed invoice for Uhlmann ZEPPELIN 7th South America 1932
2046. Ö Unused b/w postcard from 1909 2094. Û C107-11, Paintings, VF, NH . 188.00 & Co. Machinery to Augsburg. Has attractive ROUND Flight by ON BOARD cancel. Has
depicting the Dirigible ‘ZODIAC’. This was a FR. SOUTHERN illustrated masted steamship at sea. F-VF .. Friedrichshafen receiver & A. Phillips Air Mail
class of airships that were built for the French AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: ........................... Est 65.00+ Specialist red brown illustrated label affixed
Army. VF, minor edge stain..... Est 50.00+ 2095. Û 12-14, 16-19, VF, NH....... 116.10 2119. Ú 27-8, Spacefillers. Cat $467 ....... (addr to A. Phillips in Newport). VF. Very
2047. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1909 de- 2096. Û 20-1, 23-4, VF, NH......... 159.00 ........................... Est 40.00+ attractive!.................. Est 200.00+
picting the DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIP “VILLE DE 2097. Û C7, VF, NH .............. 125.00 2146. Ö 381, 395, Tied on cach SHIP
NANCY”, preparing for a flight. VF Est 65.00+ 2098. Û C8, ITU Airmail, fresh, VF, NH ..... “EUROPA” to NEW YORK May 1933
2048. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1909 de- .............................. 200.00 CATAPULT FLIGHT cover addr to Allentown,
picting an early AUTO DESIGN COMPANY in 2099. Û C20, C22, VF, NH .......... 91.00 Pa. F, one corner stain ........ Est 60.00+
Toulouse. F, some soiling. Scarce & unusual 2100. Û C26-7, VF, NH ............ 145.00 2147. Ö 381, C54, Tied on cach GRAF
........................... Est 75.00+ 2073. Û Set of 3 diff WWII Marianne 2101. Û C29-32, C37-8, C41-3, C46-7, VF, NH ZEPPELIN first 1935 South America flight
2049. Ö Unposted b/w photo postcard circa stamps (similar to Scott A144 design) with ............................... 79.75 cover to Porto Alegre, Brazil. F, minor cover
1909 depicting vintage dirigible at Colombes. FRENCH WEST AFRICA: flts ........................ Est 50.00+
Has written message on front. F-VF ....... “FRANCE” at the top of each. These were 2102. Ö 36-50, Each tied by Dakar 29 Mar
........................... Est 50.00+ printed in England during WWII upon order 1952 CDS’s on front of b/w photo MAXI-
of the Free French Government, but were
2050. Ö Unused Macon Festival b/w photo never issued. Has 25¢ green, 1 Fr red & CARDS addr to Poisguillaume. Photos are
souvenir postcard, May 1909. Depicts a 2.50 Fr blue. Fresh, VF, NH. Scarce...... identical to stamp designs. Advertising cards
vintage dirigible airship “Le Petit Journal” in for “IONYL / Stimulant Cerebral”. F-VF (15) . 2120. Ú 28, Neat Frankfurt 27 Aug 1874
flight. VF ................... Est 50.00+ ......................... Est 600.00+ ........................... Est 80.00+ CDS. F-VF .................... 425.00
2051. Ö Scarce unused b/w postcard pre 1910, 2074. Ö Three diff used / unused colour illus- GAMBIA: 2121. Ö 47, Tied by Hamburg Gardening
depicting the early French SUBMARINE “LE trated Patriotic BOY SCOUT theme postcards, 2103. Û 31, 34-5, F-VF ............ 119.50 Exhibition 27 Aug 1897 special cancel on
GOUBET” being lowered into the water. F, circa 1958. Each has a caption expressing 2104. Ö 104-6, Tied by Bathurst, 19 Oct 1923 matching colour illustrated postcard depicting
some adhesions on reverse .... Est 75.00+ loyalty to country, parents, leaders & subordi- CDS’s on Reg’d cover to USA. Has London & flowers & venues to Schmiedeberg. F-VF.
2052. Ö Two diff unused postcards pre 1910 nates. VF (3) ................ Est 45.00+ San Francisco transits plus Oakland, Calif 14 Scarce early exhibition cancel & postcard ..
depicting the first issues of France in full 2075. Ö A&R/Registered cover from Paris with Nov receiver. F-VF, bit toned. Nice 3-colour .......................... Est 100.00+
colour. One depicts 6 diff Ceres stamps, the meter label 18 Mar 1983 to Lille Boarse / Car- franking .................... Est 80.00+ 2122. Ö 47, Tied by Dresden 2 Oct 1898 CDS 2148. Û 392/406, Cpl Hindenburg Booklet
other 6 diff Napoleon issues. Each with nice not. UNDELIVERED & redirected with a multi- 2105. Ö 110, Tied by Gambia 21 Sept Reg’d on black illustrated OTTO VON BISMARCK containing 3 panes. F-VF, NH (Mi #MH33,
crest. VF ................... Est 80.00+ tude of cancels, h/s’s, labels & m/s notations oval cancel on cover from Bathurst to Demer- Memorial local postcard. Depicts profile of Bis- Cat 900 Euro).............. Est 700.00+
2053. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa front & back. F, centre fold. Eye-catching item ara, Br. Guiana (21 Oct receiver). F, small marck in uniform. He was a famous Prussian 2149. Ö 398, 400, 409, Tied on cach 15pf
1910 depicting the pioneer non-rigid dirigible of modern postal history ....... Est 45.00+ corner flt. Nice single franking. Scarce desti- statesman & diplomat who oversaw the unifi- Airmail postal stationery card for June 1933
“AMERICA”. It was built for Walter Wellman’s FRANCE (CRETE): nation...................... Est 50.00+ cation of Germany. F, one rounded corner . Saar Graf Zeppelin Round Flight. VF ......
NORTH POLE EXPEDITION ATTEMPTS. 2076. Ö 11, 17-18, Tied by La Canee Crete 2106. Û 153-67, QE set to £1. F-VF . . . 98.70 ........................... Est 50.00+ .......................... Est 175.00+
VF. Scarce.................. Est 85.00+ 24 Feb 1903 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to 2123. Ö 67, Tied by special Dusseldorf / 2150. Ö 400, Tied by DEUTSCHE SEEPOST /
2054. Ö Two diff b/w pre 1910 AVIATION Ragusa Dalmatia. F, small edge tear. A very 2107. Û 175-87, Bird set to £1. F-VF . . 65.20 Exhibition 6 June 1902 cancel on matching LINIE / BREMEN LA PLATA / 12 Oct 1933
MEET postcards depicting pioneer airplanes attractive cover. Stamps cat $865 on cover . colour illustrated souvenir postcard depicting seapost cancel on cover to USA. F-VF.....
in flight. F (2) ................ Est 60.00+ .......................... Est 400.00+ exhibition venue to Frankfurt. F. . Est 75.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+
2055. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910 de- FRANCE (EGYPT): 2124. Ö 67, Tied by DUSSELDORF / 2151. Û 412, VF, NH.............. 200.00
picting a VOISIN BIPLANE. A scarce early AUSSTELUNG 19 Aug 1902 special cancel 2152. Û 414, VF, NH.............. 135.00
aviation postcard. F........... Est 65.00+ 2077. Ö ALEXANDRIA, 17 Mar 1843 CDS on photo postcard depicting machinery venue 2153. Ö 415 (Pair), Tied by special Dusseldorf
2056. Ö Unused National Relief Fund WWI on stampless DISINFECTED folded letter to Marburg. F-VF, light corner creases. Scarce Philatelic Exhibition 21 June 1936 cancel on
illustrated Patriotic postcard depicting French to MALTA. Has boxed “P.P.”, “2 Mar 1d” early Exhibition .............. Est 75.00+ 3pf & 10pf (airmail) private illustrated Postal
GENERAL JOFFRE. Printed in England. VF b/s & “PURIFII AU LAZARET / MALTE” 2125. Ö 67, Tied by DUSSELDORF / Stationery card to London. Has illustrated
........................... Est 40.00+ disinfection h/s (has disinfection slits). AUSSTELUNG 19 Aug 1902 special cancel caricature of plane & mail arriving at the show.
Has “8" m/s rate on back. VF. Fascinating on b/w photo postcard depicting view of
item. See photo on Page 32. Est 300.00+ F-VF....................... Est 45.00+
Dusseldorf to Marburg. Refers to Portland 2154. Ö 415, Tied by Nuremberg Reich Party
FRANCE (TURKEY): Cement production. Scarce Exhibition cancel. Day 10 Sept, 1938 slogan cancel on b/w
2078. Ö LEVANT #26, Tied by Constantinople F-VF....................... Est 75.00+ photo postcard depicting ADOLF HITLER. VF
5 Feb 1906 CDS on b/w photo Patriotic post- 2126. Ö 67 (2), Plus scarce GOTHA- ........................... Est 50.00+
card to Canada. Depicts 5 diff sons of Sultan ERFURT 10pf SEMI-OFFICIAL STAMP 2155. Ö 415 (2), 417, Tied by special Berlin
Abdul Hamid in regal dress. VF. . Est 45.00+ all tied by Eisenach 12 Aug, 1912 CDS’s Air Show cancels 1936-7 on 3 diff cach private
FRENCH COLONIES: on postcard to USA. The postcard depicts Postal Stationery cards. Each depicts airplane
2079. Û B1, Top margin pair showing the b/w scene of the pioneer monoplane & monument at Berlin Gate. Addr to Munich,
LORRAINE CROSS in selvedge. VF, brown- along with inset portrait of E. SCHLEGEL England & Switzerland. F-VF (3 postal cards)
ish NH gum, one stamp with crease . . 95.00 2108. Û 3736-8, Scarce Mammal set. VF, NH (Director of the flight school) along with ........................... Est 60.00+
FRENCH CONGO: ............................. 440.00 his signature. F. See photo above ...... 2156. Ö 415, (Strip of 3), 436 (Block), C51
2080. Ú7,F ..................... 100.00 ....................... Est 500.00+ (Pair), Tied by Bremen, 20 Nov 1934 CDS’s
2057. Ö Coll of 5 diff b/w GRAND PRIX CAR GERMAN EAST AFRICA: on Airmail cover to SINGAPORE. F-VF, small
RACE postcards. Two are from the 1914 2109. Ö Unused overprinted Belgian Occupa- 2127. Ö 81-2, Tied by Heilbronn 4 Mar 1912 edge tear. Scarce destination . . . Est 45.00+
Circuit of Lyon & 3 are from the 1924 Circuit tion 15¢ Postal Stationery card. Has b/w CDS’s of Germania2&3pf Postal Stationery 2157. Ö 417, 462-4, Tied on cach EUROPA -
of Lyon. These depict cars & drivers. VF, scene depicting the captured TORPEDO card to ZANZIBAR, East Africa via Naples. NEW YORK 31 July / 1 Aug 1935 CATAPULT
primarily used (5) ........... Est 100.00+ BOAT “NETTA”. VF........... Est 60.00+ Scarce destination. F-VF....... Est 45.00+ FLIGHT cover to Lake Placid, NY. Has “Mail
2058. Ö Unused b/w WWI photo postcard of GERMAN NEW GUINEA: 2128. Ö 82, Tied by Breslau / Festplatz 30 July Via SS Europa” etiquette affixed. On reverse
JEAN-MARIE CAUJOLLE of the 24th Colonial 2110. Ö Scarce unused 1888 NEW GUINEA 1907 special cancel on colour illustrated post- has a beautiful large size coloured ship label.
Infantry. He lost both legs at the Battle of the COMPANY 2 Mark Parcel Card forerunner, card to Vienna. Depicts crowd & venue for F ......................... Est 75.00+
Marne & became France’s FIRST VETERAN printed on both sides. Fresh, VF. A RARELY Singing Festival with matching violet h/s. F-VF 2158. Ö 418/420 (Tete Beche Gutter Pair),
AT THE INVALIDES 9 Feb, 1915. Photo shows SEEN ITEM (Mi #V1, Cat 475 Euro)....... ........................... Est 75.00+ B80, Tied by Frankfurt 31 Dec 1935 (New
him with 2 prosthetic legs. F..... Est 65.00+ .......................... Est 300.00+ 2129. Ö 82, Also Russia #73, Tied on 1909 Year’s Eve) CDS’s on ship cover with “Mail
2059. Ö Unused WWI SILK EMBROIDERED GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: colour embossed postcard from Myslowitz. Via SS Europa” etiquette affixed. Addr to New
postcard entitled “GOOD NEWS FROM Depicts Tsar Nicolas, Kaiser Wilhelm & Em- York. F-VF. Attractive franking . . Est 50.00+
FRANCE”. Has fancy floral design along with peror Franz Josef plus view of where Austria, 2159. Ö 419, Tied by Friedrichshafen 6 June
an AIRPLANE (which is very scarce) plus a Germany & Russia meet. Addr to Berlin. F-VF 1933 CDS & b/w photo postcard depicting
card insert. VF............... Est 70.00+ ........................... Est 65.00+ GRAF ZEPPELIN on the ground next to its
2060. Ö Unused WWI b/w postcard depicting 2081. Û Two diff imperforate PROOFS circa 2130. Ö 82 (Pair), 83, Tied by special Interna- hangar. Has rose oval “In memory of visiting
the WRECK OF A MILITARY AIRPLANE with 1900, each with missing values. One is nor- tional Hygiene Exhibition Dresden June/July the Airship Graf Zeppelin” h/s. VF Est 65.00+
officers & others surveying the damage. VF mal size on card (crease) & other in a larger 1911 cancels on 2 colour photo postcards 2160. Ö 419, Tied by special MUSSOLINI /
........................... Est 65.00+ format on wove paper. VF. VERY SCARCE depicting Dresden Palace & gardens to USA. State Visit to Germany, Berlin 29 Sept 1937
2061. Ö Unused WWI b/w real photo postcard ......................... Est 150.00+ Each card has a coloured label affixed depict- on matching b/w photo propaganda postcard.
depicting the Finance Ministers of the TRIPLE ing “ALL-SEEING EYE”. F+. SCARCE EARLY Depicts Hitler greeting Mussolini & Italian offi-
ENTENTE (Russia, France & Gr. Britain). This FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA: EXHIBITION (2)............. Est 100.00+ cers at train station. VF, unaddr . Est 75.00+
postcard depicts Ministers Bark, Ribot & Lloyd 2082. Ö 11, 38-42, 133-4; Also Middle Congo 2131. Ú 82, CL1, Tied on piece by Darmstadt 2161. Ö 419, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN II Eger
George sitting at a table. VF .... Est 65.00+ #66, Tied by Pointe Noire, Middle Congo 15 2111. Û 1-6, Cpl overprinted first set, nice 12 June 1912 Airmail CDS. VF . . Est 40.00+ / Sudetenland 13 Aug 1939 flight cachet on
2062. Ö Unused WWI b/w postcard 1915 de- Aug 1941 CDS’s on local WWII Censored fresh colours. F-VF, couple are NH (#1 is 2132. Ö 82 (2), Tied by Cassel 1,000 Anniv. matching official commem postcard. Depicts
picting German FIGHTER PLANE which was cover. VF. Interesting mixed frankings ..... actually #1a the better shade) ..... 497.50 Fair 29 Sept 1913 special cancels on match- Count Zeppelin, the airship & 2 coloured flags.
brought down by the Russians. The postcard ........................... Est 65.00+ ing colour illustrated postcard depicting F-VF. Scarce ............... Est 125.00+
was printed in France. F. Scarce. Est 60.00+ 2083. Ö 105, 110-1, 145, Tied by Brazzaville, woman in traditional costume to USA. F, 2162. Ö 419, Tied by fancy Munich 18 June
2063. Ö Coll of 4 diff unused b/w postcards de- Middle Congo 27 May 1943 CDS’s on b/w some edge wear ............. Est 65.00+ 1940 cancel. Depicts BENITO MUSSOLINI
picting the damage & loss from a GERMAN photo Reg’d WWII Censored Patriotic post- 2133. Ö 83, Tied by Berlin 17 Feb 1913 CDS being greeted by ADOLF HITLER on his State
ZEPPELIN ATTACK in Paris in 1916. VF (4) card to New York. Card depicts General de on sepia photo propaganda postcard to Lon- Visit. VF .................... Est 65.00+
.......................... Est 120.00+ Gaulle reviewing troops at Brazzaville Oct don. Depicts KAISER WILHELM in uniform. 2163. Ö 423, 425, C57 (3), C58 (2), Tied by
2064. Ö Lot of 3 diff WWI Patriotic postcards 1940. Reg’d postcards are scarce. F-VF ... F-VF....................... Est 45.00+ Koblenz 28 Apr 1936 CDS’s on Airmail cover
from 1916 depicting French & British Soldier, ........................... Est 75.00+ 2134. Ö 239/288, Inflation cover franked by to Kansas City. F............. Est 50.00+
flags, cannon, etc. All with messages on re- 41 stamps (6 diff) with Alfeld 2 Nov 1928 2164. Ö 425, Tied by Hamburg 1 Sept 1939
verse with one having been mailed by a sol- CDS’s front & back. Rated 98,000,000 Marks on cover to CANADA. Has 1 censored label
dier. F (3)................... Est 70.00+ to Heilbronn. F, some flaws. Scarce high at right. VERY EARLY CENSORED COVER
2065. Ö WWI colour illustrated Patriotic post- inflation cover ............... Est 65.00+ AS WAR WAS DECLARED A FEW DAYS
card with written 1918 message. Depicts 2135. Ö 345-6, Tied by Starnberg 13 Jan 1925 AFTER MAILING & BEFORE RECEIPT IN
soldiers & flags from 4 diff Allied nations with CDS’s on attractive colour illustrated German CANADA. F, center fold ....... Est 50.00+
vintage monoplane overhead. VF Est 50.00+ Workers Exhibition Munich souvenir postcard 2165. Ö 438, Tied by Landshut 28 Dec 1934
2066. Û Accum of ROUEN 1922 AIR MEET depicting cityscape & female effigy. Addr to CDS’s on colour illustrated Bavarian Stallion
Plate Proofs in multiples & singles. Most Strasbourg. Has matching violet h/s. F, some Sales Event, Munich with printed schedule
are imperf. Several diff colours. F-VF (27) .. creases .................... Est 50.00+ 9-12 Jan 1935. Depicts man holding horse. F,
........................... Est 75.00+ 2136. Ö 351, 353, 355, Tied on 9 Oct 1927 corner crease. Attractive topical . Est 50.00+
2067. Ö Unused b/w postcard autographed by Airmail flight postal stationery card from 2166. Ö 456, C47, C49, C53, Tied on cach
PIERRE LOTI (1850-1923). He was a French BRAUNSCHWEIG TO BROCKEN. The Reg’d Airmail BREMEN / NEW YORK 3-4
naval officer who became famous in French card has b/w portrait of Field Marshall Von July 1935 CATAPULT FLIGHT cover. Addr
literature for his exotic novels & short stories. Hindenburg. VF .............. Est 75.00+ to New York, redirected to Lake Placid, NY.
The postcard shows a portion of where he 2137. Û 351-62, F-VF .............. 85.20 Has attractive illustration of Lufthansa Plane
lived in Rochefort. Loti is pictured on France 2112. Ú 12, Along with Germany #36, Nicely 2138. Û 357-62, F-VF .............. 76.50 & Zeppelin. F, some edge wear. Attractive..
centered combination item with each stamp
stamps #’s 6456 & B63. VF..... Est 80.00+ 2139. Û 361-2, F-VF, NH, Touch of TS500.00 ........................... Est 75.00+
2068. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard of tied by crisp VF Gibeon 17 May, 1899 2140. Û 366-84, F-VF ............. 108.75 2167. Ö 459-66, Tied by Frankfurt 16 Oct 1935
Yvette Labrousse who was MISS FRANCE postmarks (Type K1) on piece. VF. AN 2141. Ö 372, 386 (3), C29 (3), Tied by GRAF CDS’s on SS Bremen ship cover to New York.
1930. Has message on reverse but not OUTSTANDING MIXED FRANKING (Mi ZEPPELIN ON BOARD 23 Sept 1930 violet Has red 4-line “Follow-up flights Cologne -
Cat 2,000 Euro for the cancel). Est 750.00+
mailed. F ................... Est 60.00+ cancels for Russia Flight on sepia photo Cherbourg / & advance flights (slingshot
2069. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting 2113. Ö Used 5pf & 10pf postal stationery souvenir Delag postcard to Stuttgart. Has flights) / are not taking place for the time being
Helicostat Blimp invented by E. Oehmichen 2084. Û C9-16, Cpl “FRANCE LIBRE” airmail cards, both with Windhoek 27 Nov 1901 Zeppelin illustrated on addr side & view of / Seapost Steamer BREMEN” h/s. F, slightly
in 1931. VF ................. Est 45.00+ set, fresh colours, F-VF, LH ....... 603.50 CDS’s to Berlin (6 Jan 1902 receivers). F-VF countryside from the ship on front; Helsinki reduced with 5 “Mail via S/S Bremen” eti-
2070. Û Scarce 1940 INFANTRY COMPLETE FRENCH MOROCCO: (2 diff) ..................... Est 75.00+ transit. F, minor scuffing on postcard side... quettes affixed on front & reverse Est 75.00+
BOOKLET containing 20 se-tenant military 2085. ÕÛ C27, Very unusual Airmail variety. 2114. Ö Unused Zieher illustrated postcard .......................... Est 110.00+ 2168. Ö 460, Tied by 20 Aug 1935 Bahnpost
label stamps, designed by the painter Andre Imperf block with shifted GHOST PRINT of circa 1901. Depicts 13 diff German Colonial 2142. Ö 374, 382, Tied on cach BREMEN to cancel on cover addr to DEPUTY FUHRER
Dunoyer de Segonzac. VF, NH, tiny flaw in C29 over face. Printed on both sides with stamps up to 5 Mark all in full colour plus NEW YORK CATAPULT FLIGHT cover 22 RUDOLF HESS in Berlin. Hess was the sec-
back cover ................. Est 325.00+ multiple overlapping INVERTED IMAGES of German Eagle crest. VF ....... Est 40.00+ July 1929 to Moline, Ill. F-VF.... Est 75.00+ ond most powerful man in Nazi Germany until
2071. SSÛ WWII French Volunteer Legion C29 on reverse. VF, NG ....... Est 75.00+ 2115. Ö Stampless Military cover with 2143. Ö 377, 385-6, C27 (7), Tied on 1941 when he flew solo to Scotland in an at-
souvenir sheet from 1941 depicting sword 2086. Û CB1-10, VF ............... 52.50 Bethanien 12 Mar 1903 CDS & violet Ebert 8pf Postal Stationery card (pre- tempt to negotiate peace with England during
through a Russian Bear. VF, NH, toned gum, FRENCH POLYNESIA: “soldier’s letter / South West African Infantry, pared for 1929 World Flight) for GRAF WWII. F. Scarce ............ Est 225.00+
light crease at top ........... Est 500.00+ 2087. Ö 146, Tied Papeete Jan 1943 CDS on Bethanien” h/s. Addr to Germany with ZEPPELIN July 1930 Rheinland Flight 2169. Ö 469, B80, Tied on cach GRAF
2072. Ö German WWII POW reply card to Reg’d triple Censored WWII commercial cover Hildesheim 16 Apr b/s. F, roughly opened at (Cologne Round Trip - Koblenz drop) ZEPPELIN 23 Mar 1936 Trial Flight card to
French prisoner in Stalag IB, Hohenstein, to Bata Shoe Co, in Frankford, Ont. Canada back....................... Est 50.00+ addr to Kassel. Card depicts the ship in Kettwig. VF ................ Est 150.00+
Germany from Coulogne, Pas de Calais 5 (has “Bata” corner card). Variety of b/s’s. F. GERMANY: flight over global world map. VF, small 2170. Ö 469 (Strip of 3), B70, B72, Tied by
Jan 1943. RETURNED with RELEASED h/s’s Scarce ..................... Est 50.00+ 2116. Ö 3, Tied by Neustadt boxed cancel edge tear. Very attractive. See photo Hanover 7 Apr 1936 CDS’s on Airmail cover
in French & German, Camp censor, etc. F .. 2088. Û C33-6, VF, NH (C33 slight bend) ... circa 1872 on Official postcard to Kempten. above .................. Est 200.00+ to UMTALI SOUTHERN RHODESIA. Scarce
........................... Est 65.00+ .............................. 122.50 F-VF. Very early postcard ...... Est 50.00+ destination. VF............... Est 45.00+