Page 38 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 38
LOT 2492
LOT 2493
GERMANY Continued 2324. Ö S7, Tied by special ZWIESEL 10 Aug 2365. Ö Green illustrated 6pf Hitler Head
2297. Ö C39, South America 4 Mark Zeppelin 1938 special cancel with matching large size Postal Stationery card with Mainz 4 Sept 1937
stamp tied by Friedrichshafen 18 May 1930 multi-colour label on back “Visit the Border- CDS to USA. Depicts Junker D-2600 flying
CDS on SOUTH AMERICA ZEPPELIN land Festival / Fine Glass, Goodwood, is over Nuremberg (Hitler was aboard en route
FLIGHT to Pernambuco. Has red cachet. VF Zwiesel’s Pride”. Has official NSDAP h/s & to Nuremberg Party Rally, 1934). Also b/w
.......................... Est 350.00+ corner card. Addr to Passau. F-VF Est 45.00+ photo collector’s cigarette card depicting the
2325. Ö Used 5pf Postal Stationery card with same view. VF (2 items) ....... Est 50.00+
crisp “KIEL-MARINE-AKADEMIE / KANAL - 2366. Ö Unused sepia postcard from 1938 with
EROFFNUNG 29 June 1895" cancel to Wyk. a drawing of ADOLF HITLER along with Hit-
VF. Scarce postmark.......... Est 80.00+ ler’s printed signature. F ....... Est 50.00+
2326. Ö Red 10pf Imperial Eagle postal statio- 2367. Ö Czechoslovakia #154, Tied by Nazi
nery card with Brandenburg 12 Dec 1899 Occupation slogan cancel, 1938 on red &
CDS to VALPARAISO, CHILE, 2 diff CDS’s 18 black Propaganda postcard. Depicts a map 2382. Û KOTOR - WWII German Occupation
Jan 1900. Has bilingual not claimed & return of greater Germany showing occupied areas trial black overprint from 1944 with 1 Lit
h/s’s, arriving back at Brandenburg 9 June. of Saar, Austria, the Sudetenland; etc. F-VF, value on 25¢ Green Italian stamp (the
Interesting message. VF ....... Est 65.00+ couple creases .............. Est 80.00+ regularly issued stamp is overprinted in
2327. Ö Used 5pf Postal Stationery card with 2368. Ö Hindenburg 3pf Postal Stat card with red). Fresh, F-VF, NH. Signed by expert
scarce “XII DEUTSCHER PHILATELISTENTAG special Dresden Lost Colonies Day 30 July Pickenpack. The previous owner said only
2298. Ö C39 (VF single & pair), Neatly tied / FRANKFURT / MAIN 29 July 1900" cancel to 1938 cancel, addr domestically with “5" m/s. 100 exist (Mi #2P, Cat 1,500 Euro) .......
by Friedrichshafen 18 May, 1930 CDS’s on Dresden. F-VF............... Est 90.00+ Cachet depicts Nazi flag, eagle & East Africa ......................... Est 900.00+
cach GRAF ZEPPELIN South America flight scene. The postal card mourns of loss of Ger- 2383. Ö Fascinating correspondence on 7
cover. Has 2 diff cachets. VF. A CHOICE man Colonies following WWI. F. . Est 75.00+ free frank POW cards & 3 letter sheets from
COVER! .................. Est 800.00+ 2369. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard a German POW at BENGASI, from June 1947
circa 1938 issued for the NSFK (Nat. Socialist to June 1948. All addr to Guben, RUSSIAN
2299. Ö C39, South America Zeppelin stamp Flight Corps). Shows a biplane in flight with
neatly tied by Friedrichshafen 18 May 1935 additional planes in the background. VF.... ZONE (on Polish border). Interesting study
lot for WWII historian from a POW still held
CDS on South American Zeppelin Flight .......................... Est 100.00+ after the war ended. VG-VF (10).........
cover. F-VF ................ Est 325.00+ 2370. Ö Czech #154, Tied by special red & .......................... Est 250.00+
2300. Ö C41 (2), One affixed, one tied 2342. Ö H.R. BERLINER WORLD RECORD purple Tetschen / Elbe / Stamp Day Nazi 2384. Ö Stampless WWII bilingual Red
by ON BOARD cancel on cach GRAF BALLOON FLIGHT unused b/w photo post- Propaganda illustrated 3 Oct 1938 cancel on Cross red & black part printed censored
ZEPPELIN July 1931 Polar Flight cover, card from 1914. Depicts Berliner & crew b/w photo SUDETENLAND postcard. Depicts cover from a Russian Prisoner at POW
Friedrichshafen to Ice Breaker Malyguin preparing their hydrogen balloon for their HITLER & Labour Minister KONSTANTIN Camp, Puchheim via Copenhagen to Rus-
leg. Addr to USA. F. Attractive. See photo record breaking 47 hr/1,890 mile flight from HIERL. VF, unaddr ........... Est 75.00+ sia. F, roughly opened at top. Interesting .
on Page 36.............. Est 375.00+ Bitterfeld to Kirgischan, Russia. Their record 2371. Ö Czech #227, Tied by Asch 21 Sept ........................... Est 50.00+
2328. Ö Used 5pf Postal Stationery card with 1938 CDS on Germany 6 pf postal stationery 2385. Ö Two diff special printed German Red
2301. Ú C43, Chicago Zeppelin with SON scarce “MOTORWAGEN-AUSSTELUNG / stood until 1978. VF. Scarce postcard & the card with “Asch / We Are Free” 29 Oct 1938 Cross mail envelopes for Nazi War Prisoners.
Erfurt 5 Dec 1933 CDS. VF ........ 375.00 LEIPZIG / 22 Oct 1900" cancel to Dresden. first we have seen in years .... Est 250.00+ Sudetenland Propaganda cancel to Chicago. One is used in 1960, other unused. Only a
2302. Ö C43-4, Neatly tied by Berlin 13 Oct F-VF. VERY SCARCE EARLY AUTO 2343. Ö Unused colour illustrated WWI Propa- Has matching red cachet. VF . . . Est 50.00+ handful of Nazis still in prison in 1960. VF ..
1933 CDS’s on GRAF ZEPPELIN FLIGHT EXHIBITION POSTMARK .... Est 100.00+ ganda postcard, artist signed. Depicts Airship 2372. Ö Czech #250, Tied by special red ........................... Est 65.00+
cover to USA. Has 2 diff red Zeppelin cachets 2329. Ö Unused artist signed colour illustrated “Schutte Lanz II” on a bombing run over War- Wermstadt “Stamp Day / Heil Hitler” Propa- GERMANY (MOROCCO):
for the Chicago flight. Has 26 Oct, 1933 souvenir postcard, circa 1900’s. Depicts saw in 1914. VF.............. Est 50.00+ ganda 9 Oct 1938 cancel on OCCUPATION 2386. Û 28, F-VF, NH, corner bend . . . 52.50
Chicago “Century of Progress World’s Fair” vintage ZEPPELIN Airship over Bodensee ap- 2344. Ö Colour illustrated postcard with Official OF AUSTRIA & SUDETENLAND related red GERMANY (TURKEY):
rec b/s. F, light centre fold (stamps alone proaching hangar. Count Zeppelin is depicted Free Frank & Austrian / Neustadt 24 Nov & black illustrated postcard. Map depicts the
Cat $565 US)............... Est 450.00+ on address side with his printed signature. VF 1914 CDS to Aldershof / Berlin. Depicts Greater Germany area. VF ..... Est 50.00+ 2387. Ö 13-24, Set of 12 diff up to 25Pi
2303. Ú C44, Chicago Zeppelin, F-VF. 190.00 ........................... Est 65.00+ vintage ZEPPELIN flying over a city. Printed 2373. Ö Czechoslovakia #208, Tied by large (Type 1), neatly tied by Jaffa Deutsche
2304. Ö C46, Tied by Konstanz 19 June 1938 2330. Ö Attractive lot of 4 diff used / unused in Cassel. F ................. Est 45.00+ red boxed swastika illustrated “Mahr-Ostrau Post 20 Mar, 1902 CDS’s on two Reg’d
Zeppelin illustrated slogan cancel on b/w real b/w photo or illustrated Patriotic postcards 2345. Ö Unused WWI colour illustrated Bavar- the City of the Black Diamond Liberation Day covers to Kiel, Germany (rec b/s’s). Each
photo postcard showing GRAF ZEPPELIN depicting Kaiser Wilhelm & his family, from ian RED CROSS Propaganda postcard 14 Mar 1939" cancel on propaganda postcard cover with Registry etiquettes. VF. A
in flight over Karlsruhe. VF, corner crease .. 1900-10. F-VF ............... Est 60.00+ depicting very young soldier beating a drum depicting Adolf Hitler. VF, unaddr Est 65.00+ CHOICE PAIR OF COVERS IN TOP
........................... Est 50.00+ 2331. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting entitled “Young Germany”. VF. . . Est 40.00+ 2374. Ö Nazi Propaganda6&19pf Postal CONDITION (2). See photo above .....
2305. Ú C46-60, F-VF .............. 81.25 the crash site of ZEPPELIN II with crowd 31 2346. Ö WWI b/w illustrated patriotic postcard Stationery card for Adolf Hitler’s 50th Birthday ..................... Est 2,000.00+
2306. Ö C46, C57, Tied on cach May 1909. F................. Est 60.00+ used as a Feldpost card with Konstanz 19 with matching Munich 20 Apr 1939 cancel.
HINDENBURG May 1936 Second North 2332. Ö Unused b/w postcard pre 1910 depict- Dec 1915 CDS, addr domestically. Postcard Depicts profile photo of Hitler. Addr domesti-
America Flight cover with ON BOARD ing COUNT GRAF ZEPPELIN, plus photo of depicts Count VON ZEPPELIN. F, small cally. VF.................... Est 50.00+
cancel addr to Roessler, East Orange, NJ. a Zeppelin airship along with the wreckage of crease ..................... Est 65.00+ 2375. Ö Nazi 6pf illustrated Postal Stationery
Has nice label depicting Hugo Eckener one that crashed. VF.......... Est 75.00+ 2347. Ö Two diff 1916 stampless Feldpost card with special German Arts Day, Munich
(Zeppelin Commander) affixed. F-VF ...... 2333. Ö Colour illustrated / b/w photo Patriotic multi-coloured postcards depicting early Ger- 16 July 1939 cancel. Addr to Plattling then re-
........................... Est 65.00+ 5 pf private order Postal Stationery card with man military aircraft in action. One has a nice directed to Posing. Depicts music allegories,
2307. Ö C47-8, C50, Tied by German- Stuttgart 8 Apr 1911 CDS addr locally. Com- Bahnpost cancel. F-VF (2) ..... Est 75.00+ torches & Nazi symbols. F...... Est 45.00+
American Line / S.S. Europa 24 Sept 1935 memorates Silver Jubilee of King William II 2348. Ö Unused WWI colour illustrated 2376. Ö Unused b/w real photo 1940 postcard
ship cancels on cach EUROPA - NEW YORK & Queen Marie. Depicts the Royal couple, postcard. Depicts German military bi-planes of MUSSOLINI & HITLER dressed in full
CATAPULT flight cover addr to New York. F, crests, etc. Also similar unused card. VF (2) dropping bombs over the Marne region. F-VF uniforms & standing together. Has message
roughly opened .............. Est 75.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+ on reverse but not mailed. VF . . Est 60.00+
2308. Ö C48 (Pair), C57-8, Tied by Stuttgart 2334. Ö Unused real b/w photo postcard de- 2349. Ö Unused WWI colour illustrated patriotic 2377. Ö WWII free franked German POW reply
CDS on cach Reg’d HINDENBURG picting German Airship LZ 8 at Dusseldorf. postcard depicting Kaiser Wilhelm & Emperor postcard (reply portion) posted from Cannes
ZEPPELIN First America Flight 6 May 1936 Destroyed after being blown against its Franz Josef, with German & Austrian soldiers 8 July 1941 to STALAG III D, Germany.
cover to USA. VF. A PRETTY COVER! .... hangar 16 May 1911. VF....... Est 50.00+ with clasped hands & flags. VF . . Est 45.00+ Has violet heart-shaped Stalag censor h/s.
........................... Est 75.00+ 2350. Ö Unused WWI colour illustrated RETURNED with bilingual typed label affixed
2309. Ö C49 (Strip of 5), Tied on cach GRAF patriotic postcard depicting OTTO VON “released / return to sender”. VG-F Est 45.00+
ZEPPELIN 23 Mar 1936 Trial Flight cover to BISMARCK passing a letter to Kaiser Wilhelm 2378. Ö WWII Feldpost cover from North Af-
Switzerland. F-VF ........... Est 150.00+ I. Has caption from the letter dated 1 Aug rica, FPO #16283; 26 June 1942 to Vittorio
2310. Ö C49, C53, Tied by Charlottenburg 14 1872; Bismarck giving oath of loyalty to the Grablovitz, Observatory, Casanicciola, in Italy.
Oct 1937 CDS on Airmail cover to Venice, Kaiser. VF .................. Est 45.00+ Has Italian postage due #J36 tied. Interesting
Redirected to Genoa with Italian Postage 2351. Ö WWI b/w postcard from 1918 depict- contents including identical typed letters (one
stamp #J31 tied. F, small edge tear. Attractive ing the German Dreadnought Battleship “SMS in Italian, the other in German). Recounts their
........................... Est 45.00+ HELGOLAND”. She was the lead ship of her meeting at the observatory the previous year 2388. Û 14, 16, 18, Three diff Germania
2311. Ö C50, C54, Tied on cach EUROPA class of ships. F.............. Est 50.00+ & has a small b/w photo of the two enclosed. Reichspost issues with “SPECIMEN” over-
to NEW YORK Reg’d airmail CATAPULT 2352. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa Interesting. F, some edge flaws . Est 50.00+ prints. Well centered, crisp fresh colours.
FLIGHT cover 8-9 Sept 1935. Addr to Lake 1918 depicting the WRECK OF A WWI 2379. Ö Unused multi-coloured WWII postcard F-VF, LH. A SCARCE GROUP. (Mi Cat
Placid, NY. Has attractive illustration of FIGHTER PLANE. Shows a group of military circa 1942 depicting FIELD MARSHAL 1,050 Euro) ............... Est 600.00+
Lufthansa plane & Zeppelin; plus “Mail via Officers & workers surveying the wreck. F. ERWIN ROMMEL in his Afrika Korps uniform. 2389. Ö 44, 47, Tied by Smyrna 3 Sept 1910
S.S. Europa” etiquette. F, some edge wear. Scarce ..................... Est 65.00+ Popularly known as the ‘Desert Fox’, he CDS’s on Reg’d cover to Bilston, England
Attractive ................... Est 75.00+ 2353. Ö Unused b/w postcard from 1920’s de- commanded the German troops in North (9 Sept b/s). Has 2 different London Reg’d
2312. Ö C54, C59-60, Tied by Hamburg / picting a BURNED WRECK OF A ZEPPELIN Africa which earned him fame at home & transits. F, couple flaws but very attractive .
Blankenese 17 Aug 1938 CDS’s on Airmail airship. F ................... Est 75.00+ abroad. F-VF, minor toning ..... Est 80.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+
cover to Lima, Peru. F......... Est 40.00+ 2354. Ö Two unused b/w real photo postcards
2313. Ö C55, Tied by Nuremberg / City of depicting fascinating tour vehicles circa
the Nazi Party Rallies" 1936 CDS on Airmail 1920’s incl “Zeisings Auto-Rund” in Leipzig
Reg’d cover to Tel Aviv, PALESTINE. F-VF, & Kaltwasser Auto-Verkehr in Cologne. VF .
addressee’s name inked out .... Est 45.00+ 2335. Û Scarce Bork-Bruck 1912 Flight ........................... Est 50.00+
2314. Û C56, VF, NH, nibbed perf . . . 150.00 Semi-official Airmail. Fresh, F, OG, small 2355. Ö Unused circa 1925 sepia photo
2315. Û C56, Vert ribbed gum, VF, NH (Mi corner crease (Mi #1-650 Euro)Est 300.00+ Zeppelin-Eckener Fund postcard depicting
#539x, Cat 200 Euro) ......... Est 80.00+ COUNT VON ZEPPELIN with his printed sig-
2316. Ö C57, C58 (2), Tied on cach GRAF 2336. Û LEIPZIG-LINDENTHAL FLIGHT 1912 nature. F ................... Est 65.00+
ZEPPELIN Mar-Apr 1936 First South America Semi-Official Airmail, F-VF ..... Est 35.00+ 2356. Ö Cacheted 15pf Berlin-Prague-Vienna
Flight cover addr to Switzerland. VF....... 2337. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard 1st Flight Postal Stationery card 21 Mar 1927.
........................... Est 50.00+ depicting the German Dirigible Airship Addr to Vienna with red Airmail receiver. F-VF
2317. Ö C57-8, Tied on cach GRAF “SUCHARD” aloft just above ground at Berlin- ........................... Est 40.00+
ZEPPELIN May 1936 First North America Johannisthal. Circa 1912 first flight. F, some 2357. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard with
Flight cover Reg’d to Grabs, Switzerland. soiling, edge wear ............ Est 50.00+ a scene from 1927 from the early Nazi move-
Redirected to Montreux. F-VF. . . Est 50.00+ 2338. Ö Unused circa 1912 sepia photo post- ment. Depicts ADOLF HITLER & ERNST
2318. Ö C58, Tied on cach HINDENBURG card depicting Airship “SCHWABEN” in flight; ROHM (SA Leader) saluting from their car
ZEPPELIN First North America Flight cover the first commercially successful passenger with marching SA Troopers in a Nuremberg
6 May 1936 with ON BOARD cancel addr to aircraft in history. VF .......... Est 50.00+ Street. VF. Scarce early postcard Est 150.00+
USA. Also has Boston Sunday Advertiser 2358. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1930
newspaper page with 7 photos “Zeppelin depicting the giant DORNIER DO-X seaplane
Reaches New York After Record Run” depict- with its distinctive 12 engines with a push-pull
ing the airship & commander Hugo Eckener. configuration. F, corner crease . . Est 65.00+
VF ........................ Est 90.00+ 2359. Ö Two diff b/w photo postcards from
1930’s each with Zeppelin illustrated souvenir
2319. Ö C59-60, Tied by special h/s for visit to hangar. These depict the GRAF
Friedrichshafen 8 July, 1938 Zeppelin cancels ZEPPELIN in hangar. VF (2). . . Est 100.00+
on illustrated souvenir card for the 100th
Anniversary of the birth of COUNT VON 2360. Ö Two diff MAIDEN VOYAGE of the SS 2380. Ö Scarce 100 Fr POLAR BEAR souvenir sheet tied on Feldpost cover to Versailles.
MANHATTAN covers 24 Aug 1932 from Ham-
ZEPPELIN. VF .............. Est 50.00+ burg to New York. F-VF (2) ..... Est 50.00+ Stamp cancelled by Feldpost 29 Aug, 1942 postmark. VF. Has guarantee b/sTust BPP.
2320. Ö C59-60, Tied by special Berlin 25 Aug, 2361. Ö Nazi 6pf & 10pf Airmail private Postal Rarely seen on a cover ...............................................Est 700.00+
1938 fancy cancels for the STATE VISIT OF Stat card with Munich 7 Sept 1935 Airport CDS
HUNGARIAN REGENT ADMIRAL HORTHY. & illustrated Philatelic Exhibition cach, to Vi- GERMANY (A.M.G. ZONE):
The postcard has a portrait of Horthy. VF. 2339. Ö Special 50pf & 5pf green illustrated enna. Has photo cach depicting Nazi memorial
Scarce ..................... Est 80.00+ at Feldberrnhalle. VF .......... Est 40.00+
2321. Ö C60, Tied on cach Dec 1938 Postal Stationery card specially printed for 2362. Ö Unused 1936 Berlin Olympics Propa-
SUDETENLAND ZEPPELIN FLIGHT 15pf VICTORIA LUISE ZEPPELIN flight with ganda colour postcard. Depicts German run-
Viesbaden-Frankfurt / Luftpost 13 Oct
Postal Stationery card. This was a souvenir 1912 oval cancel. Addr to Biebrich. Depicts ner carrying torch & Route Map taken from
card for the Zeppelin Post Exhibition & has the Zeppelin over Wiesbaden. VF, minor Olympia, Greece to Berlin. VF. . . Est 75.00+
colour portrait of COUNT VON ZEPPELIN paperclip scuff ............. Est 300.00+ 2363. Ö Set of 4 Stamp Day 5pf private order
celebrating 100th Anniversary of his birthday Airmail postal stationery cards each with cach
with special h/s. VF, minor corner crease... 2340. Ö Unused b/w illustrated postcard in a diff colour, each with Lauenstein June
........................... Est 80.00+ depicting the DESTRUCTION of Airship 1936 fancy cancel. Three addr domestically;
2322. ÕÛ CL1, Rhine-Main 1912 10pf Airmail “L. II” on 17 Oct 1913 near Johannisthal. VF one to Czechoslovakia. Also set of 4 similar 2381. Û KOTOR - WWII German Occupation
UR horizontal corner block of 6. F-VF, NH . ........................... Est 65.00+ unused cards. F-VF. A few minor corner trial black overprint from 1944 with .50
............................. 135.00+ 2341. Ö Special Event Leipzig War Memorial creases (8) ................. Est 80.00+ Lit value on 10¢ brown Italian stamp (the 2390. Ú 3N1-20, Cpl AMG set to the 1 Mark.
2323. Ö CL3, Three 30pf Rhine-Main Semi- 100th Anniversary illustrated 18 Oct 1913 can- 2364. Ö Coll of 7 diff unused b/w real photo regularly issued stamp is overprinted in red). F-VF ......................... 741.65
Official Airmails tied on matching cach brown cel on 5pf postal stationery card to Gaschwitz. postcards with scenes from the 1936 Berlin Fresh, F, NH. Signed by expert Pickenpack
flight card Darmstadt 22 June 1912. F, minor Has large matching multi-colour label affixed. Summer Olympics. Incl Track Athletes; views (Mi #1P, Cat 1,500 Euro)..... Est 900.00+ GERMANY (FRENCH ZONE):
bit of soiling. Scarce ......... Est 400.00+ F ......................... Est 40.00+ of Olympic Stadium & grounds. F Est 75.00+ 2391. Ú 4N1-13, F-VF ............. 175.75