Page 42 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 42
LOT 2585
LOT 2571 LOT 2572
INDIA Continued 2615. ÕÛ 840B, Block with MAJOR MISPERF INDIA (BIJAWAR): 2671. Ú 817, High Value. VF ......... 50.00
2580. Ö 60, Tied by Delhi 11 Nov 1905 CDS’s vertically & horizontally. VF, NH . Est 100.00+ 2672. Û 910-14, F-VF, VLH......... 105.00
on local illustrated KE CORONATION post- 2616. Û 848, Left margin vert IMPERF Imprint 2673. Û 935-40, Shah set incl one in Boy
card, with printing & message in Hindi. Card strip of 4. VF, NH............ Est 125.00+ Scout uniform. VF, LH ............ 140.00
depicts KE, Queen Alexandra & 4 royal pal- 2617. Û 852, MAJOR DRY PRINT variety with 2674. Û 941-6, 978-82, F-VF, LH .... 237.50
aces. F, one corner nicked ..... Est 50.00+ normal for comparison. VF, NH. . Est 50.00+ 2675. Û 1015-22, F-VF (1015-19 have normal
2618. Û 912, Right margin Imprint strip of 5 thick brownish gum) .............. 157.00
with MAJOR MISPERF horizontally. VF, NH, 2676. Û 1077-8, 1081, 1100, VF...... 50.00
touch of TS ................. Est 75.00+ 2677. Ö 1142, 1142a, 1165 (Pair), Tied on
2619. Û 914, Horiz Imperf Pair. VF, NH, slight reverse of ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Official
TS ........................ Est 75.00+ illustrated airmail cover to Italy. Has original
2620. Û 1161a/1263a, 2093a/2436a, Coll of 14 illustrated contents with a letter of gratitude
diff cpl booklet panes & 4 diff SS’s. VF, NH . from QUEEN FARAH PAHLAVI dated 19 Oct,
.............................. 125.40 2653. Û 1-10, Cpl Maharaja set, fresh, F-VF, 1960 (for her recent marriage to the Shah of
2621. Û 1200, Right margin horiz strip of 5 with NH ......................... 390.00+ Iran). The letter is signed by her secretary.
BROWN PRINTING STREAK running hori- She was successively Queen & Empress of
zontally through centre of stamps. VF, NH . 2654. Û 1d-5e, Rouletted set. VF, NH 90.00+ Iran from 1959-79 & is still alive today. F,
........................... Est 75.00+ INDIA (HYDERABAD): cover a bit soiled / reduced .... Est 100.00+
2622. Û 1277, Right margin horiz strip of 4 with 2655. Ö Interesting group of postal stationery 2678. Û 2008-18, F-VF, NH ......... 87.25
2581. Ö 81, 83, Tied by Darjeeling 3 Sept, vert BROWN COLOUR STREAKS in 2 centre envelopes / cards, circa 1940’s, mainly used. 2679. ÕÛ B1-21, B28-35, F-VF, majority are
1924 CDS on MOUNT EVEREST stamps. VF, NH.............. Est 50.00+ Also one cover. Interesting cancels. VG-F, NH ........................... 149.00
EXPEDITION 1924 POSTCARD. Has spe- 2623. Û 1439, Bottom margin copy with some flaws.................. Est 75.00+ 2680. Ú B22-7, Liberation of Azerbaijan set,
cial blue Expedition label tied by red double- MAJOR COLOUR SMEAR running from INDIA (INDORE): F-VF ........................... 94.00
ring RONGBUK GLACIER BASE CAMP design into selvedge. VF, NH . . . Est 45.00+ 2656. Û 20, 24, 26, VF, NH........ 111.50+ IRAQ:
h/s. On reverse has illustrated printed note 2624. Û 1821, LL vert Imperf Pair. VF, NH .. INDIA (JAIPUR): 2681. Ú 77-8, High Values, F-VF...... 52.50
from J.B.L. Noel who was Captain of the ........................... Est 50.00+ 2657. Û O16, F-VF, NH............. 72.50 2682. ÕÚ O285, Top margin block with an
Expedition & printed “Dispatched by Postal 2625. Û 1821, Marginal Imperf Pair. VF, NH, interesting variety. The overprint on LL stamps
Runner to India”. F, crease at left not affect- touch of TS ................. Est 50.00+ faces LEFT, on other stamps faces right. VF
ing label .................. Est 225.00+ 2626. ÕÛ 1822, Bottom margin block, MAJOR ........................... Est 40.00+
MISPERF vertically & horizontally. VF, NH . IRELAND:
2582. Ö 82 (3), Tied by Bhalwal 6 Feb 1924 .......................... Est 100.00+
CDS’s on back of illustrated advertising cover 2627. Û 1823, UL Vert Strip of 3 with MAJOR
for Popli Optical House depicting vintage eye MISPERFS Vertically & horizontally. VF, NH
glasses. Addr to New York. F, small flaws. .......................... Est 100.00+
Attractive ................... Est 40.00+ 2628. ÕÛ 1825, IMPERF BLOCK. VF, NH .
2583. Ö 83-4, Tied by Suryaraopet 3 Mar 1926 .......................... Est 100.00+
CDS on green illustrated advertising cover 2629. Û 1826, Margin Pair with MAJOR 2690. Û 93-5, Cpl Seahorse set up to 10
for Nutol Bath Soap, Manchester to USA. F+ MISPERF horizontally on both stamps. VF, Shilling, outstanding centering, deep rich
........................... Est 40.00+ NH, TS on right perfs.......... Est 75.00+ colours. XF, NH. A CHOICE SET 1,550.00+
2584. Ö 102-3, Tied by Allahabad 2 May 1931 2630. Û 1872, Right margin vert IMPERF Im-
CDS & red “FIRST AIR FLIGHT / AUSTRALIA print Strip of 3. VF, NH ........ Est 75.00+ 2691. Û 105, 105a, Coil pairs, F-VF, one
TO ENGLAND” cachet on full back illustrated 2631. ÕÛ 1910, LL IMPERF BLOCK. VF, NH stamp NH in each............... 200.00+
cover 4 May 1931 to Delhi. Has Aero Phila- .......................... Est 125.00+ 2658. Û O19, 4 Annas, F-VF, NH . . 550.00+ 2692. Û 106-17, F-VF ............. 232.75
telic Club of Calcutta corner card & depicts 2632. ÕÛ 1979, Top margin IMPERF BLOCK. 2683. Û 56-8, Cpl Seahorse set up to 10 2693. Û 106-17, 137-8, F-VF ....... 238.75
Viceroy’s Residence & biplane. VF Est 75.00+ 2659. Ö Two diff unused b/w photo postcards. Shilling, beautifully centered, fresh rich 2694. Û 117, F-VF................ 175.00
VF, NH..................... Est 80.00+ One depicts Maharajah Sawai Madho Singh II; 2695. Û 118-9, 161-2, 175-6, F-VF, NH ....
2585. Ö 108, Tied by double-ring ROYAL 2633. ÕÛ 2018a, Top margin block containing the other a Rajput Feudal Chief on horseback, colours, VF, NH. A CHOICE SET. . 850.00+ .............................. 126.00
AIR FORCE DISPLAY 1927 / LAHORE / 2 strips of 4 with MAJOR MISPERF horizon- circa 1920’s. VF.............. Est 45.00+ 2696. Û 175-6, Europa, F-VF, NH..... 47.50
18 Feb 1927 cancel on airmail cover tally. VF, NH. Very attractive item Est 150.00+ 2660. Ö Interesting group of 10 diff used postal 2697. Ö 198, Tied by Carraig Dhu 25 June
(with an additional similar postmark on 2634. Ö C1, Tied on cach FFC BOMBAY to stationery cards; plus 2 covers & a postcard, 1965 CDS on cover to Blackrock. Also has
reverse 18 Feb 1927 from Delhi). Addr to DELHI 10 Nov 1937. Addr to Bhopal with rec circa 1940’s. Nice range of cancels. Most 5 diff magenta & green triangular “FREE
Major Gilbert at Delhi & then redirected b/s. VF ..................... Est 50.00+ VG-VF (13 items) ............ Est 90.00+ IRELAND / ONE COUNTRY / ONE FLAG”
with a total of 7 b/s’s incl Army Headquar- 2635. Ú O112A, VF ................ 45.00 INDIA (JIND): labels affixed. VF............. Est 40.00+
ters. VF. A nice early aviation cover. See 2636. Û O162 (2), One with DOUBLE over- 2698. Û 226a, Booklet Pane. VF, NH . . 62.50
photo above ............. Est 275.00+ print, the other with 2 additional INVERTED 2699. Û 226a, Two diff cpl Booklets. One is
overprints incl 1 in selvedge. F-VF Est 40.00+
2586. Ö 108 (5), Tied by Karachi 16 Ap 1927 2637. Ö QV À Anna postal stationery enve- a 2Sh6p Booklet with one pane, other a 5Sh
CDS’s on cach BASRAH to CAIRO airmail lope with Belgaum 25 Oct 1885 Squared Cir- Booklet with 2 panes. VF, NH ..... 187.50+
flight cover. VG+, roughly opened at top with cle cancel (Earliest Known Date) to Betgeri, 2700. Û 779, MISSING ORANGE back-
a piece missing .............. Est 50.00+ 27 Oct b/s. F, flap flaw. Pretty. Ex Kerzner . ground colour. Interesting variety. VF, NG
2587. Ö 108 (2), Tied by Bombay 24 Dec 1935 ........................... Est 40.00+ 2684. Ú 57, SON CDS cancel. A CHOICE ........................... Est 50.00+
CDS’s on airmail cover with red boxed cachet 2638. Ö QV ¼ Anna postal stationery card with EXAMPLE. XF ............. Est 200.00+ 2701. Û J1-13, F-VF .............. 145.35
for DEMONSTRATION FLIGHT BOMBAY gorgeous Peshawar City 8 Feb 1893 Squared 2685. Û 61, Horiz Joined Coil Pair. VF, NH . ISRAEL:
TO CALCUTTA 25 Feb 1935. VF Est 75.00+ Circle cancel to Ludhiana (10 Feb receiver). ............................... 67.50 2702. Ö 16, Tabul Sheet on Official cach FDC.
2588. Ö 108, 116, Tied by Madras 22 Dec Written in Urdu; has printed message from 2686. Û 65-76, F-VF .............. 143.00 F-VF, unaddr ................ Est 40.00+
1936 slogan cancel on cach First Special India- an Allahabad stamp dealer. F-VF Est 40.00+ 2703. Ú 18-21, Tete beche pair & tete beche
Ceylon Airmail flight cover. VF . . Est 60.00+ 2639. Ö Three QV 2A 6 Pies postal stationery gutter pairs. VF (8 pairs) ....... Bale 95.00
2589. Û 129-34, F-VF, NH ......... 100.00 envelopes addr to USA 1893-7. Each with a 2704. Û 217a, Without overprint, VF, NH ...
2590. Ö 129 (Pair), 130, 133, C3-4, Tied by diff Squared Circle incl Guntur, Ghum & ............................... 50.00
Calcutta 29 Mar 1931 CDS’s on Airmail illus- Cawnpore. Nice b/s’s incl Sea Post Office, 2705. Û J1-5, VF .................. 82.00
trated cover to England. Has Aero Philatelic etc. F ...................... Est 45.00+ ITALIAN COLONIES:
Club of Calcutta corner card & illustration of 2640. Û MORVI STATE: IMPERF PROOF pair
The Viceroy’s residence & biplane on back. F, of Revenues circa 1920 (K&M Type 2) without
small edge tear. Eye-catching. . . Est 75.00+ denomination. VF, NH........ Est 100.00+
2591. Û 150-61, F-VF .............. 70.65 2641. Ú Fascinating coll of 27 BIKANER
2592. Ö 153 (Pair), Tied on cach FFC DELHI STATE Revenues severed from Court docu- 2661. Û 150, KGVI 25 Rupee High Value,
to BOMBAY 8 Nov 1937. Addr to Indore City ments from 1900’s-40’s. Three diff types with beautifully centered, pristine fresh colour,
VF, NH. Has 2012 Brandon Certificate. A
(rec b/s). VF................. Est 50.00+ a variety of shades & denominations. VG-VF
2593. ÕÛ O162, Four diff Overprint varieties ........................... Est 65.00+ SCARCE STAMP & IN TOP CONDITION . 2687. Û 77-9, Complete Seahorse set up to
in blocks of 20. Incl Double Overprint - one 2642. Ú Attractive coll of 21 diff Jaipur blue oval ....................... Est 1,250.00+ 10 Shilling, lovely centering, pristine fresh
Inverted; Overprint on Reverse; Misplaced Revenues from 2 Annas to 25 Rupees severed INDIA (ORCHHA): colours. VF, NH ............... 710.00+
Inverted Overprint; & Doubled Overprint. from Court documents, early 20th Century. 2662. Û 1, Cpl sheet of 8 ....... Est 30.00+
F-VF, NH (80 stamps) ......... Est 65.00+ Depict Chariot of Surya. F-VF . . . Est 50.00+ INDO-CHINA: 2689. Ú 79, Ten Shilling Seahorse, F, rounded 2706. Û 23-31, C13-8, F-VF........ 336.50
2594. Û 168-79, 195-202, F-VF ...... 51.95 2643. Û Unused blue 1924 MOUNT EVEREST 2663. Ö 3, 5, 27, Tied by Saigon 1905 CDS’s corner, neat CDS ................ 575.00
2595. Û 195-8 (blocks & singles), 200-2, 223- EXPEDITION label. F, NG ..... Est 50.00+ on illustrated UPU postcard depicting a
6, VF, NH ....................... 63.25 2644. Ö Four unused b/w photo postcards woman in a colourful outfit. Addr to France
2596. Û 200-2, 223-6, 235-6, F-VF, NH 51.75 (1 real photo) depicting MURREE, Punjab, (rec b/s). F .................. Est 60.00+
2597. Û 202 (UR block of 6), 223-6, F-VF, NH India (now Pakistan). Depict buildings & street 2664. Ö 41, Tied on 2 diff postcards circa
............................... 51.25 scenes incl the road to Kashmir. Built by the 1908. One depicts the KING OF CAMBODIA,
2598. Û 203-6, Cpl GANDHI mint set affixed in British to escape Summer heat in the Punjab the other the KING OF LAOS. F, couple small
a scarce special souvenir folder. The stamps plains. F-VF ................. Est 50.00+ flts (2)...................... Est 75.00+
are marginal singles & have been affixed by 2645. Ö Interesting lot of 4 diff b/w photo pre INDONESIA:
their selvedges only, leaving the stamps WWII postcards of the Khyber Pass / North 2665. Ö Unpaid Reg’d airmail cover from
themselves VF, NH ............. 557.50+ West Frontier Province area of British India. Bandung 11 July, 1958 to BRAZIL. Has large
Shows military camps / buildings & rail infra- boxed “TAXE PERCUE” h/s. A most unusual
structure. F-VF .............. Est 60.00+ cover. F .................... Est 40.00+
2646. Ö WWII stampless censored Military 2666. Û RIAU #’s 18-22, 32-40, F-VF, NH ..
cover with ADVANCE BASE PO #10 14 Dec ............................... 51.65
1943 b/s to British Hospital Base PO, Co- IONIAN ISLANDS:
lombo, Ceylon. Has India Unit Censor A197
h/s, Boxed & Circular transits. F . Est 40.00+
2647. Û Interesting coll of Christmas SEALS
from the 1940’s. Has various blocks & singles
with one block being imperforate. Colourful
lot with nice designs. F-VF, NH (40 seals) ..
........................... Est 40.00+
2648. Ö Stampless WWII colour illustrated
FORCES MAIL Air Letter with (APO #215)
13 Dec 1945 military CDS to Scotland. Inside
has a multi-view design of British soldier &
Taj Mahal. F-VF.............. Est 75.00+
2649. Ö Photo illustrated 9p local postal
stationery card with Bombay 26 Jan 1958 2667. Ö Stampless folded letter with CORFU
2599. Û 206, Gandhi 10 Rupee, beautifully CDS depicting Gandhi & boy. Has Parliament 25 June 1852 CDS (Vlastos Type ll) to
centered, fresh, VF, NH .......... 500.00 House, New Delhi Third Anniversary of Trieste (red b/s). Has “FRANCA” in oval
Republic illustrated b/s. VF ..... Est 40.00+ h/s & “3" m/s rate. VF ........ Est 250.00+
2600. Û 207-20, F-VF ............. 163.70
2601. Û 218-20, F-VF ............. 132.50 INDIA (BARWANI):
2602. Ú 222, High Value vertical pair. Nice 2650. Û 31A, 33A, 36A, 37, F-VF (#37 is NH)
CDS. VF........................ 55.00 .............................. 132.00
2603. Û 223-31, 233-6, F-VF, some NH .... INDIA (BHOPAL):
.............................. 104.50
2604. Û 223-30, 232, 235-53, F-VF . . 201.40
2605. Û 233-4, 244-53, 272-3, F-VF, NH ...
............................... 95.15
2606. Û 243-53, F-VF, VLH.......... 67.50
2607. Û 243-52, 254-71, F-VF ...... 165.70
2608. Û 254-71, VF, NH ........... 99.55+
2609. ÕÛ 272-3, Blocks, F-VF, NH . . . 60.00
2610. ÕÛ 411, Unlisted IMPERF block. VF, 2668. Ö Stampless folded letter with blue
NH, some light TS ............ Est 65.00+ CEFALONIA fancy scroll over oval 20
2611. SSÛ 605a, VF, NH ........... 57.50 Mar 1861 cancel to Florence (23 Mar b/s).
2612. Û 634-6, 636a, VF, NH ........ 69.85 Has blue boxed “FRANCA” h/s Trieste &
2613. ÕÚ 679, Block, partially IMPERF hori- Alessandro & Bologna RPO transits. F,
zontally; IMPERF BETWEEN vertically. VF . some edge wear. Attractive . . . Est 250.00+
.......................... Est 150.00+ 2651. Û O24, Red Surcharge. VF, NH. 2669. Û 2 (OG), 3 (NG), VG-F ...... 105.00
2614. Ú 840, Interesting PRE-PRINTING FOLD Scarce ...................... 500.00+ IRAN: 2688. ÕÛ 77a-9a, Cpl set of Seahorses in blocks with WIDE and NARROW dates. Bright fresh
variety. VF .................. Est 35.00+ 2652. Û O32-9, F-VF, NH .......... 65.00+ 2670. Ú 754-9, CDS, F-VF.......... 132.00 colours, F-VF, bottom stamps are NH. A very rare set of blocks and in lovely condition 8,675.00