Page 44 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
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                                                                                                                        LOT 2731

                                                                         LOT 2729

                                    LOT 2724

        ITALIAN COLONIES Continued                               2737. Û 303-5, High Values. F-VF .... 98.00  2755. Ú C56-61, F-VF .............. 76.40  2777. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated
                                                                 2738. Ú 310-14, Holy Year set, F-VF. . 248.00  2756. Û C62-5, VF ............... 133.50  artist signed P.N.F. (Nat Fascist Party)
                                                                 2739. Û 349-54, C79-83, Bellini set, F-VF, LH  2757. Ú C66-72, F-VF ............. 149.00  Propaganda postcard. Depicts King Victor
                                                                  .............................. 287.00                    Emmanuel & Mussolini in uniform, along
                                                                                                                           with Eagle, Italian colours & Map of Africa. VF
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                                                                          2778. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Nat.
                                                                                                                           Assoc. for Boys Fascist Propaganda postcard
                                                                                                                           depicting soldiers from 4 diff branches of the
                                                                                                                           service & Italian flag. F-VF, slight toning....
                                                                                                                           ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                                                                          2779. Ö Colour illustrated Fascist Conference,
                                                                                                                           Rome Propaganda postcard 28 May 1939 de-
                                     2723. Ö 95 (Pair), Tied on cach dirigible                                             picting Victory effigy & flames. Motto “Nourish
                                      NORGE Apr 1926 Amundsen - Ellsworth -                                                the Flame”. Written message; no postal mark-
                                      Nobile Transpolar Flight postcard addr to               2758. Ú C79-83, Cpl Bellini Airmail set. F-VF  ings. VF .................... Est 45.00+
                                      Milan. Has matching perforated colour illus-             ............................. 621.50  2780. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated P.N.F.
                                      trated etiquette tied by special cachet on             2759. Ú C93, F-VF, neat cancel...... 275.00  (Nat. Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost
         2707. Û 46-50, C29-35, Cpl Soccer World  front of postcard. VF ........ Est 450.00+  2760. Û C95-105, F-VF............ 189.00  card. Depicts German & Italian soldiers in ac-
          Cup set. Pristine fresh colours. F-VF, NH .                                        2761. Ú CE8-9, F-VF ............... 90.00  tion with map of Europe in background. Bilin-
          ............................ 1,288.00  2724. Ö 95, 177, Tied on double cach  2740. Û 377-86, Caesar Bimillenary. Fresh,  2762. Û D9-14, Pneumatic Post set. VG-F, NH  gual caption “2 Peoples, 1 Victory”. VF.....
                                       dirigible NORGE Apr 1926 Amundsen -  F-VF, NH...................... 300.00  .............................. 170.50  ........................... Est 65.00+
        2708. Û C28, C35, VF.............. 92.50
            ITALIAN SOCIALIST REPUBLIC:  Ellsworth - Nobile, Transpolar Flight               2763. Ú E7, F.................... 160.00  2781. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Fas-
        2709. ÕÛ J1-9, Fresh blocks, F-VF, NH ...  cover addr to Milan. Has matching imperf  2764. Ö J1, Tied by red grid oval cancel on  cist Propaganda field postcard depicting para-
         ............................. 220.00+  colour illustrated vignette tied. VF. Scarce  postage due cover with Turin 18 Mov 1867  chutists landing on battlefield; artist signed. VF
                    ITALY:             desirable item (Sassone Cat 3,000 Euro).               CDS addr locally. F, light centre fold. Not  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                       See photo above........Est 1,500.00+                   certified. Cat $725 ............ Est 90.00+  2782. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Nat.
                                                                                             2765. Ú J21, J23-7, F.............. 237.00  Dante Alighieri Soc. Fascist Propaganda
                                     2725. Ö 99 (2), Tied by Trento 1927 CDS on                                            postcard depicting globe, “V” for victory &
                                      b/w postcard depicting famous Italian aviator          2766. Ö J30, Tied on colour illustrated P.N.F.  Italian soldier holding a large dagger. Has
                                      FRANCESCO DE PINEDO. He is best known                   (Nat. Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost  quote by Mussolini with his printed signature.
                                      for his long-range flying boat flights in the           card with 22 June 1941 Military cancel to
                                      1920’s. Addr to Venice. F ...... Est 75.00+             Verona. Depicts symbolic bridge between  VF ........................ Est 75.00+
                                     2726. Ö 100 (Pair), Tied by Viareggio 12 Aug             Military & Industry effort for the war. F-VF ..  2783. Ö Unused colour illustrated WWII Propa-
                                      1915 CDS’s on WWI Censored Reg’d illus-                 ........................... Est 45.00+  ganda postcard from the Motorized Corps;
                                      trated advertising cover for G. Perna & Co., to        2767. ÕÛ N26, Block. VF, NH ....... 80.00  Royal Army. Depicts speeding motorcycle,
                                      Zurich. Depicts map of Italy in red. Matching          2768. Ö Three illustrated Patriotic postcards  transport truck & convoy. VF.... Est 50.00+
                                      company seal on back. F-VF, roughly opened.             from the Modena Military School circa 1903.  2784. Ö Colour illustrated WWII P.N.F. (Nat.
                                      Attractive ................... Est 50.00+               Depict school crest & portrait of Raimondo  Fascist Party) Propaganda postcard used
                                     2727. Ö 100 (2), 105 (2), 113, Tied by Milan 4           Montecuccoli, similar designs in green, blue &  as Fieldpost card with Littai, Slovenia 4 Dec
                                      July 1917 CDS’s on WWI Censored, Insured  2741. Ú 377-86, Caesar set, F-VF . . . 539.65  red brown. Each has matching military h/s. F,  1942 CDS. Addr to Venice. Depicts Italian
         2710. Ö Pre-stamp DISINFECTED folded  & Reg’d business reply envelope to Morges,  2742. Ö 379-81, Tied by Rome / ADOLF  bit of toning (3)............... Est 50.00+  Black Shirt & German soldiers on the attack
          letter 1837 from Naples to Livorno with  Switzerland. Has 5 red wax seals on back. F,  HITLER 1938 VISIT slogan cancels on b/w  2769. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting  with Axis soldiers & flags in background. F..
          fancy “AGP” dispatch postmark on the face.  some flaws. Eye-catching cover!. Est 50.00+  photo postcard depicting the Colosseum,  the Dirigible Airship “TRIPOLI” entering its  ........................... Est 65.00+
          On reverse has nice b/s’s with “Napoli /  2728. Ú 165-8, F-VF, a few short perfs on 30¢  to Teplitz-Schonau. Also #217 tied by similar  hangar circa 1908. VF......... Est 50.00+  2785. Ö Two unused WWII colour illustrated
          10 Gen” & the disinfection mark “NETTO  .............................. 720.00  cancel on piece. F-VF (2 items) . Est 50.00+  2770. Ö Unused colour illustrated Fascist  Fascist Propaganda postcards by artist
          FUORI / E. SPORCA DENTRO” of the  2729. Ö 182, Tied on cach AMUNDSEN -  2743. Ö 413, Tied by Florence / 4th Feminine  Propaganda Pro-German postcard. Depicts  Mauzan. One depicts fascist symbol & helmet
                                                                                                                           full of wheat; the other a soldier on the battle-
          Pontifical States, etc. F-VF. Has been  ELLSWORTH - NOBILE Transpolar Apr  Littorial in Sport 16 Apr 1941 special cancel  statistics re deaths from various diseases  field. Scarce. VF (2).......... Est 100.00+
          signed by Sismondo & with his 2012 Certifi-  1926 flight cover flown by Dirigible  on colour illustrated P.N.F. (Nat. Fascist  comparing 1914-21 era & 1940 in Germany,  2786. Ö Three diff unused WWII era colour
                                                                                              plus healthy German soldier & worker.
          cate ..................... Est 250.00+  NORGE addr to Nome, Alaska. SIGNED  Party) Propaganda postcard. Depicts Fascist  Enabling Germany to defeat Poland in 18  illustrated advertising / Fascist Propaganda
        2711. Ö 20b, Tied by Florence 19 May 1862  by mechanic - engineer Ettore Arduino.  symbol & 4 servicemen from diff forces.  days & France in 39. VF, unaddressed.....  postcards from various Military aircraft works.
         CDS cancel on cover to Annonay, France.  Has matching colour illustrated imperf vi-  Caption reads “A People of Soldiers with  ........................... Est 85.00+  Depict glider, Caproni 313 Dive Bomber & RE
         Has Turin & cross border transits. F, a bit  gnette affixed. F-VF (Sassone Cat 3,000  an Army of Citizens”. F-VF, unaddressed...  2001 fighter. F-VF (3 diff) ..... Est 125.00+
         back panel missing. Scarce. Cat $425 .....  Euro). See photo above . . Est 1,400.00+  ........................... Est 65.00+  2787. Û Italian West Africa set of 10 different
         .......................... Est 125.00+  2730. Ö 217, Tied by Udine 18 May 1941 CDS  2744. Û 488, F................... 150.00  Postage Due stamps from 1942 Cacciatore
        2712. Û 26, Scarce mint 5¢ slate green, F, HH,  on colour illustrated P.N.F. (Nat. Fascist  2745. Û 495-506, F-VF ............ 146.80  De Leoni series to 10 Lire. F-VF ........
         some nibbed perfs, small paper adhesion on  Party) Propaganda Fieldpost card to Naples.  2746. Û 515-7, F-VF, NH ........... 80.00  .......................... Est 35.00+
         reverse. Signed H. Bloch in pencil on back  Depicts symbolic bridging scene of Military &  2747. Û 518, VF, LH .............. 110.00  2788. Ö Colour illustrated WWII P.N.F. (Nat.
         & has 2019 APS Certificate. Scarce stamp .  Industry for war effort. F-VF .... Est 50.00+  2748. Ú 518, CDS, VF ............. 100.00  Fascist Party) Propaganda Fieldpost card
          ............................ 1,825.00                  2749. Ö 518, Tied by heavyish Rome 1949 air-              with 1942 Military cancel. Depicts Italian Black
        2713. Ö 26-7, 31, Tied by square dotted  2731. Ö 217, 226, C43 (5L Zeppelin stamp),  mail CDS on cover to Canada. Has “HOTEL  Shirt & German soldiers on the attack. Has
         numeral “19" cancels on Trans-Atlantic ship  Neatly tied by Rome 27 May, 1935 CDS’s  HASSLER” imprint on flap. F, some creases  Axis soldiers & flags in background. F-VF ..
         cover ”Via Queenstown" with Naples 1 July  on Graf Zeppelin ITALY Flight cover. Has  (Stamp Cat $100 US) ......... Est 45.00+  ........................... Est 75.00+
         1872 CDS to New York. F, slightly reduced .  two diff VF Zeppelin cachets plus illus-                            2789. Ö WWII Censored 1942 Feldpost
         ........................... Est 50.00+  trated Zeppelin b/s’s. VF. A choice Zeppe-                                Naval Submarine postcard with s/l “R. SMG.
        2714. Ö 31 (Pair), Tied by dotted square “16"  lin cover. See photo above. . Est 400.00+                           BRAGADINO” addr to Savona. Depicts an
         numeral cancels on Trans-Atlantic Mourning  2732. ÕÛ 232-8, Blocks. F-VF, many stamps                             interior scene of a submarine with naval crew
         cover with Messina 21 Sept 1869 CDS. Addr  NH, some toning on gum .......... 357.45                               inside. F. Scarce ............ Est 150.00+
         to Rockland, Maine. Has Milan & New York  2733. Ö 239, C3, Tied by Rome 8 Jan 1930                                2790. Ö CUVIO-Lovely 1945 cover with
         transits. F................... Est 60.00+  CDS’s on front of sepia photo postcard sent                             set of 3 pairs of the Bandera Brothers
        2715. Ö 31, Tied by diamond numeral “181"  airmail to Geneva. Depicts Prince Umberto of                             se-tenants with red & black overprints.
         cancel on cover with Milan 18 Aug 1873 CDS  Savoy. VF .................. Est 45.00+                                Tied by Cuvio 28 Ap 1945 CDS’s on
         to Lyon, France. Has red Lanslebourg transit.                                                                      special FDC with printed cachet. VF. Very
         VF ........................ Est 35.00+                                                                             rare cover - only 2,800 sets were printed,
        2716. Û 43, Fresh, F .............. 800.00                                                                          2,500 on FDC’s & no doubt many have
        2717. Ö 48, Tied on 1890 illustrated advertis-                                        2771. Û Perforated multi-colour 1926  been lost over the years (Sassone #1-6,
         ing cover for the HOTEL ROYAL in Naples.                                              AMUNDSEN - ELLSWORTH - NOBILE  Cat 2,400 Euro for used off cover). See
         Depicts a view of the Hotel (taken in 1880)             2750. Û 1431, A scarce example of the  dirigible NORGE TRANSPOLAR Flight  photo below............ Est 1,000.00+
         with Mount Vesuvius smoking in the back-                 “BLUE CASTLE” variety having ALL  etiquette. VF, LH ........... Est 125.00+
         ground & printed advertising in English.                 COLOURS BUT THE ENGRAVED LIGHT  2772. Ö Unused b/w real photo aviation post-  2791. Ú Consular Revenues from 1948 over-
         Addressed to Auburn New York (rec b/s)                   BLUE OMITTED. Fresh, XF, NH. Has pho-  card circa 1927, depicting FRANCESCO DE  printed REPUBLICA / ITALIANA on2&3
         & with special boxed Hotel Royal b/s. F ....             tocopy of 2004 Chiavarello Certificate for a  PINEDO’S seaplane in flight. He was an  Lire. F (Barefoot #126-7 - £200) . Est 90.00+
         ........................... Est 50.00+                   multiple from which this stamp came. Bolaffi  advocate of the seaplane & is best known  ITALY (AEGEAN ISLANDS):
        2718. Ú 67-72, F ................. 254.75                 #1632B, Cat 2,650 Euro ..... Est 600.00+  for his long-range flying boat flights in the
        2719. Ö 77, Tied by 1902 squared circle cancel  2734. Û 248-56, C23-6, Virgil set, fresh, F-VF  2751. Ú B17-9, F-VF .............. 480.00  1920’s showing the feasibility of global air
         on multi-colour illustrated Military Patriotic  ............................. 332.00  2752. Û C3-11, Fresh Airmail sets, F, VLH ..  travel ...................... Est 75.00+
         postcard to Turin, redirected to an officer in  2735. Û 280-9, Garibaldi set. Fresh, F-VF ..  .............................. 237.75  2773. Ö Unused colour illustrated Fascist
         Pinerolo. Depicts soldiers in uniform from the  .............................. 166.00  2753. Ú C40-1, C127-8, F-VF ....... 106.00  Propaganda postcard depicting increased
         3rd Infantry Regiment, Piedmonte at various                                          production of silk & wool fabrics from 1927-38.
         times in the Regiment’s history from 1664                                            VF, unaddressed............. Est 50.00+
         to 1901, plus banners, emblems, etc. F+ ...                                         2774. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
         ........................... Est 45.00+                                               1930’s depicting PRIME MINISTER BENITO
        2720. Û 82, 88-9, VG-F, NH ......... 91.10                                            MUSSOLINI in a naval Admiral’s uniform.
        2721. Ö 95, Tied by Florence 7 April 1907                                             VF ........................ Est 60.00+
         CDS cancels on b/w picture postcard (show-                                          2775. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated
         ing Leaning Tower of Pisa), to KOBE JAPAN.                                           Fascist Military Federation Propaganda,  2792. Û 31-5, World Cup Soccer. F-VF ....
         Addr to CLARK’S ROUND-THE-WORLD                                                      Parma postcard depicting charging soldier  ............................. 530.00
         PARTY. HAS 5 DIFF JAPANESE RE-                                                       with Parma Cathedral in background. Caption
         DIRECTIONAL SLIPS ATTACHED TO THE                                                    “Victory”. VF ................ Est 50.00+  2793. Ö C15-19, CE1-2, Cpl Garibaldi
         ADDRESS SIDE. Very unusual item. F ....                                             2776. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated P.N.F.  airmail & air special delivery sets, neatly
         .......................... Est 125.00+                                               (Nat Fascist Party) Youth Branch Propaganda  tied by Rhodes 23 Sept, 1932 CDS’s on
        2722. Ö 95, Tied by Rome 24 Sept 1913 CDS                                             Postcard depicting young soldier in bayonette  Reg’d cover to Savona (29 Sept receiver
         on b/w photo postcard to Leipzig. Depicts a                                          charge, flags & banners. Has quote from  on reverse). VF. A pretty multi-franked
         Military Dirigible next to hangar at Vigna              2754. Ú C42-7, Zeppelin set. F-VF. Scarce .  Mussolini with his printed signature. VF ....  cover! Scott on cover $2,200 US. See
         Di Valle. VF ................. Est 50.00+  2736. Ú 281-9, Garibaldi set. F-VF . . . 361.00  ............................ 2,690.00  ........................... Est 75.00+  photo below............ Est 1,000.00+
                                                                             LOT 2793
                                                                                                                          LOT 2845
                               LOT 2790
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49