Page 48 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 48

                          LOT 2961                                         LOT 2978

                                                                                                                                    LOT 3018

        JAPAN Continued              2947. Ö 24, 25 (Strip of 3), Tied on cach  2975. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Riga  LEEWARD ISLANDS:
        2923. Û C9-13, F-VF.............. 125.00  Imperial Airways FFC from Kisumu to  24 Apr 1850 addr to Bordeaux. Carried to  2993. ÕÛ 4, Block, VF, 2 stamps are NH ..
        2924. Û C34, C36, C38-43, F-VF, NH 129.50  London 10 Mar 1931. F-VF .... Est 100.00+  Amsterdam (red 30 Apr CDS) & “L.P.B. 5.R.”  .............................. 48.00+
        2925. Ö Lot of 7 Russo-Japanese War related               h/s. Has blue boxed “WERLEMANN & LADO”  2994. ÕÛ 17-19, Cpl QV surcharged set in
         photo / colour illustrated Patriotic Red Cross           Forwarding Agent h/s. Has Bordeaux 4 May  blocks, fresh, VF, NH. Rarely seen in NH
         postcards Princess Kan-in, president of Volun-           receiver. F-VF ............... Est 65.00+  condition .................. Est 100.00+
         teer Nurses Assoc, portrait plus working with           2976. Ö Stampless folded cover dated Riga 7  2995. ÕÛ 20, Block, VF, NH .... Est 30.00+
         other nurses. All diff in some way Est 75.00+            June 1858 to Stockholm. Signed by Forward-  2996. Û 20-8, Cpl KE set up to 5 Shilling.
        2926. Ö Five diff unused postcards from                   ing Agent with K.D.D.P.A. LUBECK 10 June  Fresh colours, F-VF .............. 150.25
         Russo-Japanese War 1904-5. Depict 3 diff                 CDS & Helsingburg transit. F-VF Est 50.00+
         battle scenes, plus Admiral Togo & battleship.          2977. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Riga 5  LESOTHO:
         F-VF....................... Est 75.00+                   Aug 1806 to Amsterdam. Sent by sea under  2997. ÕÛ 15-20, Lot of 20 sets in blocks /
                                                                                              multiples. VF, NH ................. 72.00
        2927. Ö Three diff unused b/w postcards pre               cover to Hamburg; endorsed by Forwarding  2998. ÕÚ 147-50, Cpl set in pretty used blocks
         1905. Two depict Japanese Generals from the              Agent Heinrich Rucker, arriving in Amsterdam
         Russo-Japanese War & other depicts Prince                5 Sept. F, some edge wear. .... Est 50.00+  of 15. VF, CTO.................. 183.75
         Hirohito. F, a few small flts (3 diff) Est 90.00+  2948. Û 46-59, Cpl KGV set up to £1, fresh  2978. Ö 116, C3-5, Tied front & back on  2999. Û 228-32, 351-5, WWF Animal sets, VF,
        2928. Ö Unused Red Cross postcard circa  rich colours. F-VF ............... 551.00  airmail Flight cover Riga to Moscow 10  NH ............................ 84.50
         1905 from the Russo-Japanese War depicting                May 1928. Has red illustrated cachet &  LIBERIA:
         IMPERIAL PRINCESSES making bandages  2949. Û 103-17, QE set to £1. F-VF . . 127.25  Russian red handstamps (front & back).  3000. Ö 135, O112, Tied by Monrovia CDS’s
         (for wounded soldiers). F....... Est 65.00+  2950. Û 120-35, QE set to 20Sh, F-VF. 72.55  F-VF. See photo above ....Est 250.00+  on front & back of cover circa 1920, to USA. F
        2929. Ö Coll of 4 diff b/w postcards circa 1905  2951. Û 168/173, Cpl 1958 mint Booklet. VF,  ........................... Est 50.00+
         depicting Japanese military scenes from the  NH (SG #SB8a, Cat £50) ...... Est 35.00+  2979. Ö 121 (2), Tied by Riga 7 June 1924  3001. Û 312, Jehudi Ashmun 5¢ imperf
         RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. These show artil-  KOREA (NORTH):    CDS’s on Reg’d redirected cover to USA.  Progressive Colour Proof set of 11 diff with
         lery units, landing party, wounded tent, etc.  2952. Û 4142, Bottom margin vertical pair with  Various markings / notations. F. . Est 60.00+  “SPECIMEN” overprints. Plus stamp as  3013. Û C14-18, Sample Fair Airmail set.
         VF. Scarce group ........... Est 150.00+  a MAJOR MISPERF error. The horiz perfs run  2980. Ö B21-3 (Pairs), Tied by Riga 25 May  issued. VF, NH (12)........... Est 40.00+  Fresh, F-VF, NH .............. 1,045.00
        2930. Ö Unused colour illustrated postcard  almost through the middle of the stamps! VF,  1926 CDS’s on airmail flight cover. Addr to  3002. ÕÛ 368-70, C114-7, Complete  3014. ÕÛ E11a, Pretty UR corner block perf
         commemorating visit of Admiral Moore & the  NH ........................ Est 50.00+  Italy. Has nice 1918-1928 perforated label  mint set of 1958 European Visit issue. Each  14. Fresh, F-VF, NH.............. 210.00
         British China Squadron in 1906. Depicts Japa-  KOREA (SOUTH):  affixed. F ................... Est 50.00+  in matching LL IMPERFORATE inscription  3015. Û J25-9, VF, LH............. 179.00
         nese & British Naval flags, Br. Crown & Flag  2953. ÕÛ 131, Mint block. F-VF, DG, light  2981. Û B87-91, Imperf set, VF, NH . . . 45.00  blocks with Country Names. VF, NH.......  3016. Û J30-6, VF, LH............. 220.00
         Ship King Alfred. F-VF......... Est 50.00+  crease ........................ 180.00  2982. ÕÛ B87-91, Set of sheet margin imperf  ........................... Est 65.00+  3017. Ö Unused WWII colour illustrated Italian
        2931. Ö Unused glossy coloured Japanese/  2954. SSÛ 173, Korean War souvenir sheet  blocks, VF, NH .................. 180.00  3003. Û 3188-90, Mammals set. VF, NH ...  Propaganda postcard depicting a drawing of
         British patriotic postcard (circa 1908). Depicts  with USA flags. VF, NH ........ Est 40.00+  .............................. 430.00  Italian soldiers entrenched at the battle of Bir
         Japanese & British flags in colour & photos of  2955. SSÛ 358a, Wholesale lot of 25 of the  3004. Ö C19, CF1, Tied by Monrovia 14 Feb  el Gobi, 1941. VF............ Est 125.00+
         the Japanese Emperor & King Edward VII. VF  1962 BOY SCOUT mint imperf souvenir      1942 CDS’s on Reg’d cach FFC LIBERIA
         ........................... Est 65.00+  sheet. VF, NH, light bends......... 193.75   TO USA. VF (C19 Cat $105 US by itself) ...  3018. Ö Scarce 1943 FEZZAN cover
        2932. Ö USA #319, Tied on b/w photo post-  2956. Û 372, F-VF, LH ............ 100.00  .......................... Est 135.00+  with 4 Italian / Libya stamps with Fezzan
         card of a ship that was sunk by the Japanese  2957. SSÚ 433a, VF ............... 70.00  3005. SSÛ C56a, Perf & Imperf souvenir  French Occupation overprints tied by R.F.
         at Port Arthur 1909 during the Russo-Japa-  2958. SSÛ 781a-94a, VF, NH (14 diff) 152.75  sheets. VF, NH.................. 210.00  SEBHA FEZZAN 19 May 1943 CDS’s.
         nese War. F................. Est 65.00+  KUWAIT:                                                                   The cover has Italian Africa Administra-
        2933. Ö Three colour illustrated embossed  2959. Ú 13, KGV 2 Rupee. VF....... 120.00                                tion imprint. F, centre fold not affecting
         postcards circa 1910, depicting gold dolphins  2960. Û 140-52, F-VF, LH........... 54.15                           stamps. A SCARCE COVER SIGNED BY
         that were on top of temple at Nagoya Castle.  LAGOS:                                                               A. DIENA (Sassone #1, 3, A1, Cat 1,560
         Each has a diff message & colour back-  2961. Ö 13, 15, 19, 21, Tied by grid oval                                  Euro). See photo above . . Est 1,000.00+
         ground. F-VF (3) ............. Est 65.00+  cancels on QV 2d Reg’d postal stat                                            LIECHTENSTEIN:
        2934. Ö Unused multi-coloured postcard circa  envelope with Lagos 17 Aug 1895 CDS                                 3019. Û 1-3, Fresh, F-VF, LH ....... 212.50
         1910 depicting a group of well-dressed GIRLS  to Neusattl, Bohemia, Austria. Has “S.S.                           3020. Ö 1-3, Complete first set neatly tied by
         in front of their brothel “NECTARINE No. 9".  Matadi” m/s, Liverpool & London transits.                           Nendeln 14 Nov, 1912 CDS cancels on
         This was a world famous house of prostitution  F. A SCARCE VICTORIAN COVER. See                                   Reg’d cover to Germany (rec b/s). F, centre
         in Yokahama. F. Scarce ....... Est 75.00+  photo above ............. Est 350.00+  2983. ÕÛ IN20, IN22, IN24, Kurland blocks.  fold affecting #2, small tear at cover bottom .
        2935. Ö WWI stampless cover from a German                 VF, NH ....................... 418.00                    ........................... Est 75.00+
         Prisoner of War in Kurume Japan addr to  2962. Ö 15, Tied by Lagos 21 Aug 1895 CDS  2984. ÕÚ Court Fee 5R Revenue used block
         Chicago USA. Has various Japanese h/s’s,  on QV 1d surcharge on 1Àd postal stat card  of 12 circa 1919. F-VF (Barefoot #7 - £360)
         m/s ‘Service des Prisonniers de Guerre’ &  (space between “1" & ”d" 2.25 ml variety) to  .......................... Est 125.00+
         tape censor. F .............. Est 225.00+  Wesel Germany (14 Sept receiver). F-VF...  2985. Ú Cpl set of 9 diff Court Fee Revenues  3006. ÕÛ C69, UR corner block with
        2936. Ö Unused colour/photo Japanese/British  ........................... Est 75.00+  from 1919, up to 500 Ruble. F-VF (Barefoot  MISPLACED INVERTED CENTRE error.
         pre WWI (circa 1908) Patriotic postcard.  2963. Ö 19, Tied by grid cancel on cover with  #1-9, Cat £255) ............. Est 100.00+  Fresh, VF, NH. Scarce....... Est 300.00+
         Depicts Japanese & British Flags in colour &  Lagos 21 Jan 1895 b/s to London with Liver-  2986. Ú Unusual coll of 11 old TELEGRAMS  3007. SSÛ C77, UNICEF mini sheet of 4.
         sepia photos of Japanese soldier & Scottish  pool/Packet transit. F, slight soiling Est 50.00+  from 1927-43. These contain a variety of  Fresh, VF, NH .................. 160.00
         Highlander in uniform, with imprint ‘Allies’.  2964. Ö 25, Tied by grid oval cancel on QV  cancels, h/s’s, & m/s markings. Three have  3008. Û CB4-6, Specialized coll of
         Printed in Saxony. VF ......... Est 65.00+  2d Reg’d postal stat envelope from Lagos 17  advertisements on reverse, one is large size  PROGRESSIVE PROOFS perforated &
        2937. Ö Lot of 7 diff colour illustrated postcards  Aug 1895 to Neisse, Germany. Redirected to  multi-colour with 1943 marriage announce-  imperf. VF, NH (18 diff) ........ Est 85.00+
         depicting passenger/cargo ships, from 1920’s-  Grossleubusch (17 Sept receiver). Has Lon-  ment from Liepaja. VG-F. An interesting lot .
         30’s. Each has special commem cancel. We  don & Liverpool transits. F-VF. An attractive  ........................... Est 70.00+  LIBYA:
         noted S.S. Tsuyama (2), Suwa, Fushimi, etc.  cover ..................... Est 100.00+  LEBANON:
         VF, unaddr, unfranked......... Est 65.00+  2965. Û 35, QV 5 Shilling with “SPECIMEN”  2987. Û 225-7, C148-9, Gutter Pairs. VF,
        2938. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1920’s-  overprint. VF, toned OG (Normal Cat $750  NH ........................... 48.00+
         30’s depicting a Japanese ZEPPELIN. F.  US) ...................... Est 175.00+  2988. Û 227A-33, F-VF ............ 116.00
         Scarce ..................... Est 90.00+  2966. Ö 41-2, 44, Tied by Lagos 21 July 1904  2989. Û 247-55, F-VF .............. 90.95
        2939. Ö Scarce coll of 3 diff b/w real photo  CDS on KE 2d Reg’d postal stat envelope via  2990. Û C107-10, F-VF, NH ......... 62.25
         postcards depicting the destruction in Yoko-  London to Graz, Austria. VF . . . Est 150.00+
         hama following the 1923 “GREAT KANTO”  2967. Ö 53a, Tied by Lagos Reg’d 10 June
                                      1905 CDS on KE 2d Reg’d postal stat enve-
         EARTHQUAKE. VF (3) ........ Est 90.00+
                                      lope to Berlin via London. F-VF, back flap flt.
                                      Attractive ................... Est 75.00+
                                     2968. Ö QV 1d surcharge on 1Àd postal stat
                                      card with neat Lagos 18 Mar 1893 CDS to
                                      Germany with Erfurt 22 Apr receiver. VF,                                            3021. Û 4-9, Cpl Arms & Prince Johann
                                      slight age spotting ............ Est 50.00+                                          IMPERFORATE HORIZ PAIRS, all with
                                     2969. Ö QV Surcharged 1d on 1/2d postal                                               excellent full margins & rich colours. VF,
                                      stationery card cancelled with Lagos W. Africa                                       NH, a few creases / bends. VERY SCARCE
                                      23 Oc 1898 CDS addr to Ulm Germany (rec                                              SET ....................... 2,300.00+
                                      cancel). Has red PAID LIVERPOOL BR.                                                 3022. Ö 95, 104a, (Horiz pair, perf 11.5), Tied
                                      PACKET 24 Nov ‘98 cancel. VF . Est 75.00+                                            by Triesenberg 14 Nov 1930 CDS’s on Reg’d
                                     2970. Ö Nice coll of 5 One Penny postal stat                                          cover to USA. The #104a Cat $275 each on
                                      cards & reply cards, all used with Lagos                                             cover. VF .................. Est 100.00+
                                      1893-1902 CDS’s. Four are QV, one is KE.
         2940. Ö Coll of 12 diff unused multi-coloured  Most are addr to Germany. F-VF, one has  2991. Û C141, C143, Scarce DOUBLE
          MILITARY postcards from WWII era. These  flts. Seldom offered (5) ....... Est 100.00+  IMPRESSION errors. Fresh, VF, NH. Each
          depict battle scenes, Japanese troops ad-  LAOS:        with guarantee b/s’s. Scarce . . Est 200.00+
          vancing, harbour occupation, one showing  2971. Ú 676l, VF ................. 150.00
          Japanese outside a British Consulate, etc.  LATVIA:
          Scarce group. VF........... Est 250.00+  2972. Ö Folded stampless letter dated Riga
                                      12 Oct 1782 to Hodimont, Netherlands (now
                   JORDAN:            in Belgium). Carried by sea to Lubeck, then
        2941. Ö Stampless Official Free Airmail cover  endorsed by Forwarding Agent B. Meinertz to
         from “BRITISH EMBASSY / AMMAN” (2 violet  Cologne & finally Hodimont. F-VF Est 75.00+
         h/s’s) to London. Has red oval “DIPLOMATIC  2973. Ö Stampless folded letter on water-
         SERVICE / ADMINISTRATION OFFICE /  marked laid paper dated Riga 12 Nov 1802 to
         RECEIVED / 6 Dec 1966" b/s. F, couple of  Edinburgh, Scotland. Carried under cover for
         folds....................... Est 45.00+  most of journey with 2 “LEITH PENNY / POST  3009. Û 41, Vertical sheet margin pair with  3023. Ö 95, C1-4, Tied on double cach
        2942. Û 207-20, F-VF .............. 65.30  / UNPAID” strikes. Lengthy letter inside written  stamps IMPERFORATE BETWEEN. Fresh  GRAF ZEPPELIN SWITZERLAND FLIGHT
        2943. Û 306-18, Fresh, VF, NH .... 118.80+  in English. F-VF.............. Est 65.00+                              28 June 1932 real photo postcard, to
        2944. Û 352-67, Fresh, F-VF, NH. . . 103.90+  2974. Ö Stampless folded letter Riga Oct 1844  colour, F, NH (Sassone #42h, Cat 1,300  Friedrichshafen. The postcard depicts the
                                                                                               Euro). SCARCE AND RARELY EVER
        2945. Ö N10 (3), RA3, RA7, Tied by Jerusalem  to Bordeaux (7 Nov b/s). Carried to Hamburg &  SEEN .................... Est 700.00+  Zeppelin at sea level. Scarce with better
         21 Feb 1951 CDS on b/w real photo postcard  endorsed by Forwarding Agent L.F. Yolckers.                           franking. F ................ Est 400.00+
         depicting Dome of the Rock. Addr to USA. VF  Has boxed “T.T. / HAMBURG / 31 Oct 44" can-  3010. Û 135-43, F-VF .............. 91.10  3024. Ú 108-9, VF ................ 192.50
         ........................... Est 40.00+  cel, ”T.T.R.4." h/s, red Givet cross border CDS  3011. SSÛ 769-75, Cpl History of Aviation set
           KENYA, UGANDA, AND TANZANIA:  & “Streson & John / Riga” corner card. Addr to  2992. Û RA1, Fresh, F-VF, NH. This tax  of souvenir sheets both IMPERFORATE &  Toll Free Bid Line:
        2946. Ö 20, 26-7, Tied on cach Imperial Air-  Schroder & Schyler Winery. Also enclosed is a  stamp was used for the Lebanese Army ..  PERFORATED. See footnote in Scott. Fresh,
         ways FFC from Port Bell to London 10 Mar  recent wine bottle label from this winery which  ............................. 475.00  VF, NH (14 diff) ................. 102.00  1-877-957-3364
         1931. F-VF................. Est 100.00+  is still open today! F, tape repair. . Est 50.00+  3012. Ú B5-10, VG-F .............. 117.50
                         LOT 3036                                                                                     LOT 3040
                                                           LOT 3037
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53