Page 46 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 46
LOT 2894 LOT 2903
2838. Û 93-105, 107, Fresh colours, F-VF .. 2863. Û 188, VF, NH ............ 275.00+
2812. Ö Scarce stampless folded letter ............................. 503.00 2890. Û 369-72, F-VF............. 350.00
datelined Leogan, St James, Jamaica 2839. Ö 95, Tied by fancy Tokyo / Visit of the 2864. Û 198-201, VF (201 is NH) .... 150.00 2891. SSÛ 378a, VF, NH .......... 200.00
21 Jan 1840 to Holland Landing, Upper USA Great White Fleet Oct 1908 cancel on 2865. Ö 202 (2), Tied front & back by special 2892. SSÛ 385a, VF, NH, natural brownish
Canada. Endorsed “Via Liverpool” & “Via gorgeous patriotic postcard. Depicts flags cancels on illustrated Patriotic postcard circa streaky gum .................... 225.00
New York” with large red “FORWARDED” of Japan & USA, Eagle, portrait of Admiral 1928. Depicts high ranking military Officers & 2893. SSÛ 415, 423, 437-8, VF (4 diff)190.00
h/s & Halifax & Quebec transit cancels. Sperry, etc. VF .............. Est 50.00+ Naval Fleet at sea along with Military Aircraft 2894. SSÛ 422a, Sheet of 5. VF, NH, one
Rated “5N1 Ship” & “4" for a total of 2840. Ö 95, Tied by special illustrated Tokyo / flying above. F-VF ............ Est 65.00+ vertical fold along the perfs. See photo
”9/1" an unusually high postal rate. Legible Japan-British Exhibition 1910 cancel on 3 diff 2866. Ö 202, Tied front & back by special
letter inside mentions the loss of the photo / colour illustrated postcards. These cancels on 2 diff colour illustrated Patriotic above ...................... 350.00
postcards circa 1928. One depicts Naval
2794. Û C20-5, Graf Zeppelin complete set, whole ginger crop last year after the depict dignitaries, flags, Mt Fuji, etc. F-VF .. Warships at day & night; the other shows 2895. Û 427-34, F-VF ............. 243.50
bright fresh colours, F-VF, NH.... 1,290.00 negroes got their freedom. Also talks ........................... Est 60.00+ the naval fleet at sea. F-VF (2) . . Est 50.00+ 2896. Û 430a, Cpl Booklet of 20, VF, NH ...
about resentment of the previous island 2841. Û 103-4, F-VF .............. 104.00 .............................. 325.00
2795. Û CALCHI #’s 17-26, VF, VLH or NH . Governor but feels better days are ahead 2842. Û 109-10, 112, VF........... 225.00 2867. Ö 202 (2), Tied front & back by special 2897. Û 450-3, 453a, Set & souvenir sheet in
.............................. 170.00 with the new one. VF. A NICE COVER! .. cancels on colour illustrated & Patriotic post- original folder. VF................. 88.50
ITALY (AFRICA): ......................... Est 500.00+ 2843. Û 120, 122-3, F-VF .......... 310.00 card circa 1928, depicting Emperor Hirohito & 2898. Û 455, 455a, Orange OMITTED variety
2796. Ú BENGASI #1, VG+ ......... 160.00 Japanese battleship. F-VF, unaddr Est 70.00+ with normal for comparison. F-VF . . . 282.50
ITALY (TRIESTE): 2813. Ö 46a, Tied by St. Ann’s Bay 28 Feb 2868. Ö 202, Tied by special red Enthrone- 2899. SSÛ 456, VF ............... 275.00
2797. Û 17, Scarce 30 Lire. Fresh, VF, NH . 1913 CDS on cover with Hotel Osborne cor- ment of Emperor Hirohito 1928 cancel on front 2900. Û 479, F-VF................ 150.00
.............................. 275.00 ner card. Addr to Edmonton, Alta, redirected side of colour illustrated Patriotic postcard. 2901. Û 479, VF, LH .............. 150.00
to San Diego, Ca, then to New Orleans, 24 Depicts Emperor Hirohito & Empress Nagako
Mar Hotel b/s. F.............. Est 50.00+ & Phoenix. VF, unaddr ........ Est 40.00+ 2902. Ö 479, Moon & Geese 8 Yen neatly tied
2814. Û 106-8, F-VF ............... 84.25 2869. Ö 208, 210, Tied on colour illustrated on cach unaddr FDC. VF...... Est 100.00+
postcard for 1929 Naval review. Depicts 2903. SSÛ 479a, Moon & Geese sheet of
battleship, flag, national symbols, etc. F-VF. 5. VF, NH. See photo above ..... 800.00
Very attractive ............... Est 60.00+
2870. Û 212, Coil Pair. VF, NH. . . Est 50.00+ 2904. Û 480-97, F-VF ............. 100.00
2871. Û 214-21, 223-6, 230-3, F-VF. . 126.25 2905. ÕÛ 508b, Se-tenant block, VF, 2
2872. SSÛ 22a, Mt Fuji Miniature sheet, nicely stamps are NH .................. 190.00
2844. Ö 127, 143, 145 (2), 171, Tied on centered, VF, LH, a few light gum bends.
1À Sen Postal Stationery card with GRAF Scarce ........................ 700.00
ZEPPELIN Aug 1929 Round the World 2873. Û 227-9, F-VF, VLH.......... 228.50
cach; Tokyo to Friedrichshafen leg; addr to 2874. ÕÛ 230-3, Blocks. F-VF, NH . 106.00+
Germany. VF. Scarce ....... Est 850.00+
2845. Ö 128a, 131b (3), All tied by S.S.
President Taft U.S.T.P. Sea Post 30 Oct
2815. ÕÛ 112, UR Silver Jubilee corner 1935 cancels on beautiful KARL LEWIS
block with the LL stamp having the hand painted cover. VF. See photo on
LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR variety. Pristine Page 44 ................ Est 350.00+
fresh, XF, NH (SG #117c, Cat £327)......
......................... Est 300.00+ 2846. Ö 129, Tied by fancy postmarks depict-
ing tanks on two diff pre WWII multi-coloured 2906. Û 509-21, Fresh, F-VF ....... 876.75
2798. ÕÛ 17, Scarce 30 Lire block, Fresh, F, 2816. Û 116-28, F-VF .............. 58.50
NH ......................... 1,100.00 2817. Ö 117, 122, Tied by Half-Way-Tree 23 Military postcards. One shows staff officers, 2907. SSÛ 509a, 510a, 517a, 519a, VF,
Apr 1948 CDS on back of Reg’d cover with L. the other a military column on horseback. VF mostly NH, couple gum bends...... 178.50
2799. Û 18-29, F-VF, some NH...... 138.75 Barrington Smith Co. stamp dealer corner (2 diff) ..................... Est 80.00+
2800. Ú 29, F-VF .................. 80.00 2847. Ö 131b, Tied by special illustrated 2875. Û 239-52, Cpl set, fresh colours. VF..
2801. Û 36-9, C1-6, F-VF .......... 203.05 card to Kelowna, BC, Canada. Has violet cancel on British / Japanese Friendship ............................. 631.00
2802. Û C1-6, Cpl Airmail set, F-VF, NH .... boxed “KEL & SIC R.P.O. / Tr 708 / E.R. commem postcard circa 1931. Depicts Union
.............................. 166.00 SPENCE” transit & customs etiquette tied. F, Jack, Japanese Flag & gateway to the Palace,
a bit reduced ................ Est 65.00+
2818. Ú 127, 128a, 141, F-VF ........ 43.75 Akasaka, Rikyu. F-VF ......... Est 50.00+
2819. Û 140-1, F-VF ............... 64.50 2848. Ö 137, Tied by Tokyo 25 Mar 1916
2820. Û 159-74, QE set to £1. F-VF, LH ... CDS on reply envelope addr to the Surgeon
General / U.S. Army / Washington, DC. Has
............................... 86.50 War Dept, Office of the Surgeon General
2821. Ú 217/263, Coll of 36 diff postmarks on corner card. VF .............. Est 40.00+
stamps / on piece from 1966-7. All are small
villages. F-VF................ Est 65.00+ 2849. Û 139-40, 145, VF, NH ...... 292.50+
2850. Û 140a, 142, 144, 145a, F-VF, LH ...
2822. Ö Unused formular postal stationery .............................. 297.50 2908. Û 521A, Scarce 100y. VF, LH . 500.00
card with red Jamaica / Half Penny / Paid / 2851. Û 148-51, F-VF, NH ......... 74.50+ 2909. SSÚ 521c, VF .............. 375.00
1877 h/s. F-VF............... Est 40.00+ 2910. Û 523-40, Scenic Spots sets. F-VF ...
JAPAN: 2876. Û 253-4, Scarce Empress Jingo High .............................. 275.50
2823. Û 1-5, First issues #2-5 show laid Values, fresh colours, VF, OG (253 one 2911. Û 542-5, 545a, Park set & souvenir
paper. These look good but uncertified. toned perf) .................... 950.00 sheet in original folder. VF, NH ...... 81.00
F-VF. Genuine stamps Cat $1,475 ........ 2912. Û 569-72, 572a, Park set & souvenir
.......................... Est 125.00+ 2877. Û 257-75, F-VF ............. 109.90 sheet in original folder. VF, NH ..... 109.75
2803. Û C13-6, F-VF, VLH......... 480.00 2824. Ú 10-1, 14 (2 shades); Also mint #15 2878. Û 259a, 261a, Booklet Panes of 20. VF, 2913. SSÛ 575a, VF, NH ........... 80.00
(pre printing paper crease). F-VF, one #14 NH ........................... 97.50+ 2914. Û 580b, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH.... 67.50
has Richter guarantee h/s. F-VF, #10 has SE. 2879. Ö 271, Tied by 7th FPO 23 Aug 1940 2915. SSÛ 582a/625a, Cpl run of 7 diff Parks
Cat $378 ................... Est 75.00+ CDS on WWII Military Airmail cover from issue souvenir sheets in original folders, from
2825. Ú 32, 40-1, 43-5, 53, These appear good Chushi Haken, CHINA to Japan. Has both 1953-6. VF, NH ................. 170.00
but not certified. F-VF............. 165.50 unit & Military Police censor h/s’s. F-VF .... 2916. ÕÛ 595, 597, Blocks. VF, NH . . 48.00
2826. Û 33, 45, 48-9, VG-F+, 2 stamps NG. ........................... Est 85.00+ 2917. Û 609, VF, LH ............... 60.00
These look genuine but not certified. Cat 2880. Û 276-8 (Coil Pairs), 279 (Coil Single). 2918. Û 611a-c, Three diff booklets. VF, NH
$655....................... Est 75.00+ VF, NH ....................... 194.00+ ............................... 89.25
2827. Û 47, VF, crackled gum, small thins. 2852. Û 154, Scarce 10s Ceremonial Cap. 2881. Û 280-3, 283a, Park set & souvenir 2919. Û 636, 636a, VF ............. 62.50
Cat $350 ................... Est 35.00+ Nicely centered, VF, OG.......... 800.00 sheet in original folder. VF, NH ..... 180.00 2920. ÕÛ 704, Block. VF, NH ....... 60.00
2804. Û J7-15, Cpl Postage Due set. Fresh, 2828. Ú 60, F-VF .................. 85.00 2882. Û 285-8, 288a, Park set & souvenir
F-VF, NH...................... 703.70 2853. Ö 155-8, Cpl Peace set tied by special sheet in original folder. VF, NH ..... 102.50
2829. Ú 63, VF, some short perfs .... 160.00 Ram’s Head illustrated 1 July 1919 FIRST
2830. Û 64, F. Has guarantee b/s.... 150.00 DAY CANCELS on gold bordered postcard to 2883. SSÛ 293a, Park souvenir sheet with
2831. Û 69-71, VG-VF, some short perfs ... Hiroshima. VF, minor corner crease. Scarce original souvenir folder. VF, NH..... 210.00
.............................. 395.00 FIRST DAY ................ Est 150.00+ 2884. SSÛ 306a, Park Souvenir Sheet with
2854. Ö 155-8, Cpl Peace set tied by special original folder. VF, NH ............ 350.00
Ram’s head illustrated 1 July 1919 FIRST 2885. Û 308-11, 311a, F-VF ........ 265.25
DAY CANCELS on illustrated postcard depict- 2886. SSÛ 318a, Park souvenir sheet in
ing a young soldier & girl holding a dove. VF. original folder. VF, NH, minor selvedge
Scarce First Day ............ Est 150.00+ toning at top edge................ 175.00
2855. Ö 161-2, Tied on front of 4 diff colour il- 2887. Û 320-3, 323a, VF........... 144.75
lustrated Dedication of Meiji Shrine commem 2888. Û 351-61; Also 358a, F-VF .... 107.25
postcards. All with special illustrated cancels. 2889. SSÛ 367a, 396, 401-2, 407-11, Nice lot 2921. Û C2, F-VF ................ 400.00
Depict views of shrine, map, etc. F-VF (4) .. of 9 diff Souvenir Sheets. VF ....... 251.00
........................... Est 50.00+
2856. Û 163-6, VF (166 slight crease) 329.75
2857. Û 167-70, F-VF .............. 88.75
2858. Ö 168, Tied by special illustrated Return
2832. Û 76-84, F-VF, some HH, couple NG . of Crown Prince Hirohito from Europe 1921
............................. 625.00
cancel on front of colour illustrated Patriotic
2833. Ö 79, Tied by Yokohama CDS cancels postcard. Depicts flags of Japan, France, Gr.
2805. Û Q1-12, Complete Parcel Post set, on hotel illustrated advertising cover to New Britain, Belgium, Netherlands & Italy & war-
fresh, F-VF, mostly NH. Some with guaran- York (23 Nov 1897 b/s). Depicts The Grand ships. F-VF ................. Est 65.00+
tee b/s’s .................... 1,202.00+ Hotel, Yokohama on back, plus matching 2859. Û 171-6, F-VF, 176 is NH, others VLH
corner card. F, vertical crease. Attractive ... .............................. 150.25
ITALY (TURKEY): ........................... Est 65.00+
2806. Ú 39, E3, Tied on piece by neat Con- 2834. Û 87-90, F-VF .............. 135.00
stantinople 6 Sep, 1922 CDS. F-VF 105.00+ 2835. Ö 92 (3), 93, Each tied by a diff 1905
ITALY (VENEZIA-GIULIA): Tokyo illustrated cancel commemorating the
2807. Û 1N10-19, F-VF, NH ........ 106.25 Victory in the RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. The
IVORY COAST: postcard has coloured scene depicting the
2808. Ú 447A-D, Cpl Flower set of 4 diff, VF . meeting of Japanese General Nogi & Russian
.............................. 250.00 General Stressel at Shuishihying. VF ......
2809. Û 794-8, Fish set in Imperf Pairs. VF, ........................... Est 70.00+
NH ....................... Est 40.00+ 2836. Ö 92 (3), 93, 95, Each tied by a diff early
2810. Ú Q7-8, Q17, VF ............. 75.00 post Russo-Japanese War special illustrated
JAMAICA: commem cancel on matching Patriotic post-
2811. Ö Stampless folded letter datelined Fal- card depicting Japanese Navy at sea, flag & 2860. Û 171a-6a, F-VF (6 diff) ...... 564.50
mouth Jamaica 11 July, 1837 addr to Brixton anchor. VF, unaddr ........... Est 60.00+
England then redirected to Chatham Kent. 2837. Ö 93, Two stamps tied front & back by 2861. Ö 179, etc, Tied by fancy red cancels
Has stepped boxed “PORTSMOUTH SHIP special illustrated Tokyo 1906 Military & Naval on 4 diff multi-coloured postcards for the 1924
LETTER” & numerous transit cancels. The let- Review postmarks on Russo-Japanese illus- Royal Wedding of Crown Prince Hirohito &
ter is written by a father to his daughter. VG+, trated Patriotic postcard. Depicts Admiral Princess Nagako. F-VF (4) .... Est 100.00+ 2922. SSÛ C8, Scarce Airmail Souvenir Sheet. Fresh colours, VF, VLH............. 1,300.00
bit tatty with some separation . . Est 200.00+ Togo & Warship. VF .......... Est 50.00+ 2862. Û 181-7, VF................ 234.25