Page 50 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
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50                                                                                                           LOT 3165
                                                                     LOT 3161

             LOT 3116

        LIECHTENSTEIN Continued      3045. Ö 254, Tied by Echternach 23 May 1960             3095. Ö 204-7, Cpl SILVER JUBILEE set  3120. ÕÛ C50b, Se-tenant Zeppelin / Balloon
                                      CDS on attractive ROCKET (1st stage) cover              neatly tied by oval 30 Dec 1935 CDS’s on  airmail block containing 4 pairs (8 stamps).
                                      addr to Amsterdam. Has red Rocket cachet &              Reg’d cover to Port Louis. Each stamp is  VF, NH ......................... 90.00
                                      signed by Dr. A.J. de Bruijn tying Rocket label         a marginal single with SHEET NUMBER   MONGOLIA:
                                      (Ellington-Zwisler # 4C1). VF . . . Est 50.00+          IMPRINT in the selvedge. Scarce, VF .....
                                     3046. Û 318-20, Europa set. VF, NH . 155.00              .......................... Est 100.00+
                                     3047. Û 318-20, 329-31, VF ......... 84.50              3096. Û 211-22, F-VF .............. 79.05
                                     3048. ÕÚ B147-50, Set in matching top margin            3097. Û 254-5, 260, Cpl 1954 mint 5 Rupee
                                      blocks with First Day cancels. VF. A beautiful          Booklet. VF, NH (SG #SB2 - £55)........
                                      lot!............................. 77.20                 ........................... Est 40.00+
                                                                                             3098. Û 276-90, Birds. F-VF ......... 62.15
                                                                                             3099. Ú C1, DOT in ‘T’ of FLUGPOST variety.
                                                                                              F-VF (Mi #40II - 350 Euro)..... Est 150.00+
                                                                                             3100. Ú N51, Variety. VF (Mi #176IV - 80 Euro)
                                                                                              ........................... Est 40.00+
                                                                 3070. Û 29-43, Complete Sultan Ismail set
                                                                  to $5. Bright fresh colours, F-VF, LH .....  MESOPOTAMIA:
                                                                   ............................ 1,011.00  3101. Û N37-41, High Values up to 10R. F-VF,
                                                                                              LH............................ 147.25
                                                                     MALAYA (NEGRI SEMBILAN):           MEXICO:
         3025. Û 115, Scarce 5 Fr single stamp (from             3071. Û 64-74, 71a-4a, plus extra shades
          the 1934 Vaduz souvenir sheet). Fresh, XF,              of 69 & 74, F-VF................. 124.85
          NH ......................... 1,400.00                         MALAYA (PENANG):
        3026. SSÛ 115, Scarce 1934 VADUZ souvenir  3049. Ö C3, Tied by 12 July 1933 CDS; plus  3072. Û 45-55, F-VF ............... 65.35
         sheet. Fresh, XF, VLH in selvedge (Stamp is  Germany #’s 369, 373 (2) se-tenant strip  MALAYSIA:
         NH) ......................... 1,400.00  of 3, C29 (strip of 3) tied by ON BOARD  3073. Û 256a, Scarce perf 13.5, VF, VLH ...
                                      cancels for GRAF ZEPPELIN 20 July 1933  ............................... 60.00       3121. Ú 22, Scarce $1 with VIOLET
                                      Switzerland Flight on photo postcard to  3074. ÕÛ 464a, Margin block with a MAJOR    OVERPRINT. VF, faint crease ..... 475.00
                                      Switzerland. Postcard depicts the Graf Zep-  COLOUR SHIFT ERROR. VF, NH. An eye-
                                      pelin in flight over Friedrichshafen. Has 2  catching item ............... Est 150.00+
                                      diff Eckener 5pf fund raising labels affixed.  3075. ÕÛ 466a, Margin block with a MAJOR
                                      VF. Attractive & scarce ...... Est 450.00+  COLOUR SHIFT ERROR. VF, NH. An eye-
                                     3050. Ö Germany #47, Tied by Wiesbaden 28  catching item ............... Est 150.00+
                                      July 1897 CDS on b/w Patriotic postcard to  3076. Û J1-8, J4a-8a, F-VF, NH ...... 49.30
                                      Bialutten. Depicts Grand Duke Adolf of Lux-  MALDIVE ISLANDS:
                                      embourg & family on the occasion of his 80th  3077. Û 201-6, 367-75, VF, NH....... 82.80
                                      Birthday. VF................. Est 40.00+  3078. SSÛ 1757-72, Cpl set of 16 diff Myster-
                                               MACAO:             ies of the Universe souvenir sheets. VF, NH
                                     3051. Ú 81, BISECT neatly tied on piece by  .............................. 105.00
                                      1910 CDS. VF ............... Est 40.00+  MALTA:
                                     3052. Ú 159, BISECT tied on piece by 23 Aug  3079. Ú Gr. Britain #34, SON “C / MALTA /
                                      1911 CDS. F ................ Est 35.00+  1 July 1865" CDS. F-VF, a few short perfs ..
                                     3053. Ú 213, BISECT tied by 15 Mar 1914 CDS  ........................... Est 40.00+
                                      on piece. F.................. Est 40.00+  3080. Û 21-7, Fresh, F-VF ......... 160.75
                                     3054. Û 238J, F, NG .............. 407.50
         3027. Û 131, Scarce 5Fr Coat of Arms, beau-  3055. Û 336, VF, VLH, slight offset on gum .
          tifully centered, gorgeous rich colour, pristine  ............................... 90.00
          fresh, XF, NH, trivial natural uneven gum-  3056. Û 365-70, F-VF ............. 159.25
          ming. Has 2023 Hoffner Certificate . 700.00+
                                     3057. ÕÛ 372-81, Flower blocks, VF, NH ..
        3028. Û 261-3, VF, NH ............. 80.00  .............................. 437.80
        3029. Û 270-3, 277-86, F-VF, NH.... 147.50  3058. Û 394-9, Sports set, F-VF, NH . 129.85
        3030. Ö 272, Tied by Vaduz 2 Aug, 1955 CDS  3059. ÕÛ RA8, RA10, RA16-7, Blocks, VF,   3102. Ö Stampless folded letter datelined  3122. Ú 22a, Scarce $1 with BLACK OVER-
         on b/w photo illustrated Scouting postcard for  NH ........................... 338.40  Sonorro 10 May, 1783 with a VF boxed  PRINT. VF .................... 400.00
         the 14th International Boy Scout Conference  3060. Ö Six diff unused postal stationery  “CHALCO” h/s (Yag & Bash #CL1, RF10)
         which was held in Vaduz Liechtenstein. Has  cards & reply cards, from 1892-1914. VG-VF  addr to Mexico City. The letter tells of a  3123. ÕÛ 73, 102, 134, Better early issues
         been autographed by PRINCE EMANUEL OF  ........................... Est 40.00+         northbound wagon train with 32 bags of flour  in blocks. F-VF, NH .............. 268.00
         LIECHTENSTEIN who was an avid supporter  MACEDONIA:                                   for the convent at San Pablo. Remarkably  3124. Û 174-8, VF, NH ............. 48.00
         of the Scouting movement. VF . Est 100.00+  3061. SSÛ 352-3, Souvenir sheets. Nice  3081. Ú 148-66, Cpl used KGV set to 10  nice condition. VF .......... Est 450.00+  3125. Û 2246C, Gold Foil stamp. VF, NH ...
        3031. Û 336-67, F-VF, most NH ..... 140.50  Stamp on Stamp & Europa topicals. VF, NH  Shilling. F-VF, neat cancels ....... 358.35  ............................... 50.00
        3032. Û 356, Europa, F-VF, NH ...... 55.00  .............................. 150.00                                         MONTENEGRO:
        3033. ÚÛ 395, Mint NH single plus mint NH  MADAGASCAR:   3082. Û 191-205, 208-24, Three diff complete             3126. Ö Three Patriotic postcards circa
         & used sheets of 4. VF............. 44.00  3062. Ú L2, L4, L6, British Inland Mail stamps  KGVI sets. F-VF................. 185.85  1902. Two unused b/w types depict Prince
        3034. SSÛ 557, 674, High Values in mini  used, VF........................ 67.50  MARIANA ISLANDS:                  Nicolas in Royal outfits. One used coloured
         sheets of 4. VF, NH .............. 82.00+  3063. Û L8-10 (mint hinged singles), Plus L9  3083. Ú 13a, Tied on piece by SON Saipan  type shows Nicolas & Queen Consort Milena.
        3035. Û B11-3, VF. The 30rp depicts Boy  (corner margin NH block of 6), F-VF . 144.00  CDS. VF. Has been signed by Stolow, Engel  F-VF (3) .................... Est 50.00+
         Scouts ......................... 57.50  MALAGASY REPUBLIC:  & Gustav Freyse ................ 180.00                       MONTSERRAT:
                                                                         MARIENWERDER:                                    3127. Û 1, Watermark REVERSED. VF, NG
         3036. Ö C1 (Pair), C3, C4 (2), C5-6, Tied                                                                         (SG £45) ................... Est 35.00+
          both on front & back of cach GRAF ZEP-                 3084. ÕÚ 36, 38, Used blocks tied on separate  3103. Û 81, 93, Horiz strip of 3 with the two  3128. Û 1, Watermark INVERTED &
          PELIN Oct 1931 Third South America                      pieces by VF Bischofswerder 1920 CDS’s.  left stamps watermarked being Scott #81,  REVERSED. F-VF, OG (SG £55) ........
          Flight cover addr to New York. VF. Scarce               F-VF....................... Est 35.00+  the third stamp being unwatermarked Scott  ........................... Est 40.00+
          & attractive. Better franking. See photo                      MARSHALL ISLANDS:      #93. Veracruz district overprints number  3129. Ú 6, SON Montserrat Mar 1889 CDS. VF
          on Page 48.............. Est 450.00+                                                 50-72. VF, OG, light gum soaked crease  ........................... Est 30.00+
                                                                                               along top margin. Has 1979 MEPSI Certifi-  3130. Ö 92, 97, 99 (2), Tied by Plymouth 8
         3037. Ö C7, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPE-                                                  cate. Scarce item .............. 662.00+  Sept 1945 CDS’s on OHMS Airmail Reg’d
          LIN Liechtenstein Flight postcard 10 June                                                                        cover to Heffley Creek, Br. Columbia (17 Sept
          1931 to Frankfurt. Has Lausanne transit.                                                                         b/s). Has 5 diff transits incl Antigua, Miami,
          F-VF, corner creases. Scarce cover with                                                                          C&V RPO, etc. F. Attractive .... Est 50.00+
          better franking. See photo on Page 48...  3064. Ú 3, SON Tamatave 1889 CDS. F....                               3131. ÕÛ 125-6, KGVI High Value blocks up
          ....................... Est 350.00+
                                       ............................. 200.00                                                to $4.80. VF, most stamps are NH. . . 176.00
                                                                                                                          3132. Û 231-43A, Bird set, VF, NH.... 54.50
        3038. Û C9-13, F-VF (couple corner creases)  3065. Ú 14-5, 17-21, VG-F+, a few short perfs
         .............................. 151.50  .............................. 303.50                                     3133. Û 445-60, 524-38, VF, NH...... 69.15
                                                                                                                          3134. Û 508, SURCHARGE INVERTED. VF,
                                     3066. Û 77, 5 Fr High Value. VG-F.... 87.50                                           NH ........................ Est 35.00+
                                        MALAYA (FEDERATED STATES):  3085. Û 1-6, Cpl set of first issues. Fresh,
                                                                  VF, LH........................ 590.00                   3135. SSÛ (603), $6 QE 60th Birthday issue
                                                                                                                           in an unlisted souvenir sheet. VF, NH......
                                                                          MARTINIQUE:                                      ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                 3086. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard of the                 3136. SSÛ 613-14, Halley’s Comet set of
                                                                  St. Pierre Harbour showing wrecked ships  3104. Û 500-5, Interesting lot of 6 diff  souvenir sheets IMPERFORATE which are
                                                                  following the 1891 CYCLONE. VF. Scarce..  printer’s waste IMPERFORATE PAIRS with  Scott unlisted. VF, NH......... Est 50.00+
                                                                  ........................... Est 70.00+  DOUBLE / TRIPLE / INVERTED PRINTS.  3137. Û 663-6, Bird set with “EDINGBURGH”
                                                                           MAURITIUS:          VF, OG................... Est 150.00+  spelling error in the overprint. VF, NH......
                                                                                             3105. Û 708, MISSING PORTION of DESIGN.  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                                              F-VF, NG ................... Est 50.00+  3138. ÚÛ Glassine with a loose unsorted
                                                                                             3106. Û 1541c, Scarce cpl 1990 Chicagopex  accum from older to modern. Wide range
         3039. Û C9-16, Bird set, Zeppelin set &                                              Booklet containing two panes of #1541c & a  of commems & defins. VG-VF (190).......
          surcharge. Fresh, VF, NH........ 590.00+                                            pane of 5 of #1644. VF, NH. This Booklet had  ........................... Est 40.00+
                                                                                              a very limited distribution. Scott $1,000+ US  NATAL:
         3040. Ö C15-16, Zeppelin set neatly tied                                             (as two se-tenant strips) ...... Est 650.00+
          by Triesenberg 4 May, 1936 CDS’s on                                                3107. Û 1550a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . 250.00
          Reg’d cach HINDENBURG ZEPPELIN                                                     3108. Û 2131, Error stamp with: MAJOR
          cover to USA (various rec b/s’s). VF. See                                           MISPERF, MAJOR black colour SHIFT, ma-
          photo on Page 48.........Est 200.00+  3067. Û Rare 50¢ Black Postage Due on un-     genta colour MISSING. VF, NH. . Est 35.00+
        3041. Ö O8, XF single neatly tied by Vaduz  surfaced paper, watermark Multiple Crown  3109. Û O176, Horiz pair with “OFICIAL”
         23 Nov 1932 CDS on fresh Reg’d Express  Block CA, Perf 15 x 14. Fresh, F, NH (trace  3087. Ö Stampless folded cover with red  INVERTED. VF, NH .......... Est 40.00+
         cover to Mauren (rec b/s). XF. Scott $500 US  of gum disturbance at bottom). Only about  double-ring MAURITIUS POST OFFICE  3110. ÕÛ O176, Corner Block with “OFICIAL”
         .......................... Est 275.00+  30 are believed to exist in mint condition. A  28 Aug, 1840 cancel, rated ‘8’ & addressed  INVERTED. VF, NH .......... Est 70.00+
                                      WORLD CLASS RARITY AND A STAMP  to London. On reverse has red boxed  3111. Û O176, Vert strip of 5 with “OFICIAL”
                  LITHUANIA:          THAT IS MISSING FROM EVEN THE                           INVERTED. VF, NH .......... Est 80.00+
        3042. Ö B52-4, Basketball semi-postal set  MOST ADVANCED COLLECTIONS (Gib-  “INDIA LETTER FALMOUTH”. F.........  3112. Ö Used 5¢ orange Postal Stationery  3139. Ö 2, Scarce colourless embossed 6d
         neatly tied by Kaunas 23 May, 1939 cancels  bons #D30, Cat £4,000). Ex Grosjean ....  ......................... Est 225.00+  envelope with Torreon, Coah 11 Apr 1913  green tied by oval P.M. BURG 5 Jan 1859
         on gorgeous illustrated cover (both sides) de-  ....................... Est 3,500.00+  3088. Ú 9, F-VF .................. 225.00  cancel addr domestically, returned undeliv-  oval cancel on cover to London with 28 Feb
         picting city scenes of Kaunas. Kaunas was               3089. Ú 10, VF................... 125.00  ered “NO RECLAMADO”. Has Officially  b/s (possibly the earliest date for this rate).
         the site of the 3rd European Basketball Cham-  3068. Ö Two diff unused Reg’d Postal Statio-  3090. Ú 11, F .................... 225.00  Sealed label folded over edge&3“LSITA /  Stamp is VF but cover is faulty & repaired.
         pionships. Defending champions Lithuania  nery “SPECIMEN” overprinted envelopes incl  TORREON violet b/s’s (diff dates). F-VF.  Despite the condition, this is a very rare
         hosted the tournament which was held just  5¢ & 10¢ from 1901-7 (measure5x3 inches).  Interesting .................. Est 45.00+  cover with a sound stamp. . . Est 1,250.00+
         prior to the outbreak of WWII. VF Est 75.00+  VF, touch of TS .............. Est 40.00+        MONACO:
        3043. Û Interesting coll of 20 diff post war  MALAYA (KELANTAN):                     3113. Û 209-13, CB11-14, F-VF, NH . . 94.50  NAURU:
         Lithuanian Displaced Persons Camp Locals,                                           3114. Û 292-4, Set of IMPERF pairs. VF, NH
         circa 1946. Has both perf & imperf types from                                        ........................... Est 35.00+
         Camps at Hassendorf, Montgomery, Seedorf                                            3115. ÕÛ 365, Lovely LR corner block, VF,
         & Detmold. F-VF, NH ......... Est 85.00+
                                                                                              NH ........................... 80.00+
                                                                                              3116. SSÛ 580, Scarce 1964 Philatec
                                                                                               Paris special issue souvenir sheet. Scott
                                                                                               unlisted. VF, NH (Yvert 930 Euro). See
                                                                 3091. Ú 12, Scarce surcharge, F. Has guar-  photo above ............. Est 450.00+
                                                                  antee b/s...................... 525.00
                                                                                             3117. SSÛ (596), Scott unlisted John F.
                                                                 3092. Û 33, 35, Horiz pair of each, overprinted  Kennedy perforated souvenir sheet. VF, NH
                                                                  “CANCELLED”. Fresh, F, NH. Normal stamps  ........................... Est 90.00+
                                                                  Cat $400 US ............... Est 150.00+  3118. SSÛ 1068a/1624a, Europa sheets,
                                                                 3093. Ú 88a, DOUBLE SURCHARGE error.  cpl for the period. VF, NH (12 diff) . . . 296.00  3140. Û 13-15, Cpl Seahorse set to 10
                                                                  F-VF ........................... 90.00  3119. SSÛ B99a, Scarce cpl semi-postal  Shilling. Selected centering set with wide
                                     3069. Ú 29-42, Sultan Ismail up to the $2.                                            jumbo margins & crisp colours. XF, LH ...
                                      F-VF ......................... 405.00  3094. Ú 91-111, Coat of Arms set to 50¢. F-VF  sheets of 16, both perf & imperf. Fresh, VF,  ............................ 505.00+
         3044. Ú 5, Four margins, neat CDS, VF 550.00             .............................. 259.50  NH (32 stamps) ............. Est 350.00+
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55