Page 54 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 54
54 RUSSIA Continued 3467. Û 238, Beautiful FRANCE LIBRE over- SAXONY:
printed block of 25, fresh, VF, NH, one minor 3493. Ö 98, 147, C1, Nice 3-colour frank- 3528. Ö 7, Tied by grid cancel on folded cover
little stain does not detract (Yvert #262, Cat ing tied by San Marino 22 Aug 1939 with Chemnitz 14 May CDS circa 1852 to
1,250 Euro) ................ Est 325.00+ CDS’s on KONIGSBERG GRAF ZEPPE- Schleiz, 2-line b/s. F, couple file folds in cover
LIN flight postcard. Also franked with ........................... Est 75.00+
Germany #C80 tied by Rhein Main can- SENEGAL:
cel. Has proper red Zeppelin cachet & 3529. Ú 21, F, perf flt at top ......... 130.00
red 3-line forwarding h/s. The postcard 3530. Ú 27, SON St Louis 1 Nov 1887 CDS. F
has signed photo of an officer on reverse. .............................. 260.00
VF. See photo on Page 53 . . Est 400.00+
3531. ÕÛ 90, Imperforate LR corner block
SHIFTED. VF, NH, natural streaky gum.
Has 2006 Misljenje Certificate. A LOVELY
SHOWPIECE! .............. Est 300.00+
3404. Û 1518-25, Skyscrapers. F-VF. 250.00
3405. Ú 1596-1602, F-VF ........... 83.50 3437. Û 85, TORN FLAG variety, VF, LH
3406. Û 1676-7, VF................ 80.00 (SG #104b, Cat £300) ....... Est 200.00+ 3468. Û 296, INVERTED OVERPRINT
3407. Û 1680-7, F-VF .............. 91.00 3438. Û 86, BROKEN MAINMAST variety. ERROR. Fresh, VF, NH. Has been signed
3408. Û 1767, Block. Also #1767a with 1962 F-VF (SG #105a, Cat £200) . . . Est 150.00+ by experts Brun, Calves & Tillard. Accom- 3494. Û J5, Imperforate horiz marginal
overprint. VF, NH, a few bends ...... 99.00 panied by a 2016 Tillard Certificate (Yvert PROOF PAIR. Rich fresh colour, VF, un-
3409. SSÛ 1767a (with 1962 overprint). F-VF, #270a, Cat 2,250 Euro). VERY SCARCE . gummed. Very scarce (Sassone Cat 560
NH ............................ 75.00 ....................... Est 1,600.00+
3410. Ö Unused postcard circa 1905 depicting 3469. Ö 300-7, C1-2, Tied by St. Pierre & Euro) .................... Est 275.00+
a barricaded Moscow street during the revolu- Miquelon 24 Aug 1942 CDS’s on #10 size
tion. Thousands of workers joined an armed Reg’d WWII Censored cover to Montreal.
rebellion against the Imperial Gov’t. They
were fighting for better social conditions, etc. Accompanying note states the violet censor
F ......................... Est 75.00+ h/s “Passed by Censor DB/107" had not been
3411. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa authorized (the cover had not been opened
1910 depicting a barefoot Leo Tolstoy, famous or censored). F, centre fold. Unusual item .. 3532. Û 2N2, Double Overprint error. Beauti-
Russian writer regarded as one of the greatest ........................... Est 90.00+ ful fresh example with pristine gum. VF,
authors of all time. F, minor soiling Est 65.00+ 3470. Ö 302 (2), 304-5, Tied by St. Pierre NH. Signed by Krischke & Bohme GPSY.
3412. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard & Miquelon 7 July 1944 CDS’s on WWII (Mi #2a DD, Cat 500 Euro) . . . Est 300.00+
following the Dec 1917 Armistice between Censored cover to Montreal. Has Cdn censor 3495. Û J18, Fresh, F+, NH ........ 875.00 SEYCHELLES:
Russia & Germany. Shows troops from both tapes. F, small opening flaws at top ....... 3533. Û 1-14, QV to 36¢. F-VF ...... 163.50
sides together. VF. Scarce ..... Est 65.00+ 3439. Û 86, CLEFT ROCK variety. VF, LH ........................... Est 50.00+ 3534. Û 3/15, Four diff QV issues up to 45¢
RUSSIA (WENDEN): (SG #105c, Cat £180) ....... Est 150.00+ 3471. Ö 309 (Pair), Tied by St. Pierre & SARAWAK: with ‘SPECIMEN’ overprints. This is the cpl
Miquelon 13 Nov 1942 CDS’s on WWII Cen-
3413. ÚÛ L2 (Used); L3 (mint), Official imita- sored Reg’d cover to Montreal. Has censor 1893 Gibbons listed set (SG #’s 22s-5s, Cat
tions. VF (Genuine Cat $415) . . . Est 45.00+ tape affixed at Halifax & 2 diff customs h/s’s. £100). F-VF ................. Est 70.00+
SAAR: 3535. Û 31, Two stamps each with interesting
F-VF....................... Est 50.00+ surcharge varieties. One with BROKEN “N”
3472. Ö 309, Tied by St. Pierre & Miquelon in “CENTS”; the other over-inked with extra
20 Oct 1943 CDS on WWII Censored cover dots & dash. Also #34a with narrow “0" in ”30"
to New York. Has St. Pierre & Miquelon variety. F-VF (3) ............. Est 50.00+
censor tape & h/s, Halifax “PASSED BY 3536. Û 38-48, KE set to the 2.25 Rupees.
CENSOR” h/s & US censor tape. F-VF .... F-VF .......................... 160.75
........................... Est 45.00+
3473. Ö 309, Tied by St. Pierre & Miquelon 31
Oct 1944 CDS on WWII Censored commercial
cover to New York. Has St. Pierre & Miquelon 3496. Û 8-20, Sir C.J. Brooke, F-VF (19 is
censor tape & h/s, corner card for merchant toned) ........................ 626.50
3440. Û 101-10, Cpl Centenary set up to Gustave Dagort & full back ad for Robin Hood
10 Shilling, fresh vibrant colours, VF, NH .. flour. F-VF .................. Est 60.00+
......................... Est 600.00+
3414. Û 174, Imperf Pair. Fresh, VF, NH. Has 3474. Û 324-42, Cpl 1947 set of 18 diff imperf
guarantee b/s (Mi 600 Euro) . . Est 350.00+ 3441. Û 109, Five Shilling, F-VF, LH. . 100.00 DIE PROOFS (5 x 6.3 in) in issued colours.
3442. Û 118-27, KGVI set to 10 Shilling F-VF All are die sunk. VF .......... Est 500.00+
.............................. 101.45 3475. Û C44-6, VF, VLH ........... 124.00
3443. Û 140-52, F-VF, NH .......... 92.55 3476. Ö Coll of 7 diff b/w postcards circa
3444. Û 159-72, F-VF .............. 73.10 1910’s-20’s. Nice variety of scenes incl ship-
3445. Û 172, QE £1, VF, NH .... Est 25.00+ wreck, harbour scene, Sunday church scene,
3446. Û 176/181, Cpl 1962 4Sh6d Booklet. VF, stack of dried cod fish, boating race, etc. F-VF 3537. Û 125-48, KGVI set to 5R. F-VF, a
NH (SG #SB1, Cat £55) ....... Est 35.00+ ........................... Est 80.00+ few with toned gum which is normal for this
3447. Û 824-35, Flowers to £5, VF, NH 44.70+ 3477. Ö Canada #251 (3), Tied on 2 diff WWII set .......................... 367.90
3448. Û 948-63, VF, NH ............ 56.30 Censored covers (one airmail) to St. Pierre 3538. Û 125-48, KGVI set to the 5 Rupees.
ST. KITTS: & Miquelon Mar 1943. Have both Cdn & St. 3497. Û 109-34, Cpl Brooke set to $10, F-VF .......................... 367.90
3449. Û 148-51, Fish defin IMPERF PROOFS Pierre & Miquelon censor tapes plus island pristine fresh colours. VF, OG ..... 402.75 3539. Û 173-90, QE set to 10R. F-VF. . 92.05
each affixed on separate Waddington Printer’s censor h/s’s. Originate in Halifax & Toronto. 3540. Û 198-212, QE set to the 10 Rupees. VF
folders. These Proofs were sent to Philatelists F-VF....................... Est 60.00+ 3498. Û 174-5, 197-208, 211-12, F-VF 131.45 ............................... 72.30
3415. Ú 226, C12, Council of Europe set. VF, 3499. Û 180-94, F-VF ............. 156.95 3541. SSÛ 299-304, 304a, 609a, 709 (Mini
neat CDS cancels............... 222.00 Ltd for approval (each with written comments ST. THOMAS AND PRINCE ISLANDS: 3500. Ú 180-94, 197-211, F-VF....... 90.90
for improvements). VF. Previous owner paid 3478. SSÛ 471, Unlisted IMPERFORATE pane of 10), Nice topicals incl Birds, Aviation,
3416. Ú B1-4, VF, neat CDS’s ....... 107.50 £300 for these from a British dealer in 1988 sheet of 4 of the 25d painting. VF, NH ..... 3501. Û 193-4, KGVI High Values, VF, LH .. etc. VF, NH..................... 125.75
3417. Û B1-8, F-VF, NH ............ 96.50 (original paperwork enclosed). An unusual ........................... Est 40.00+ ............................... 92.50 3542. Û 719-28, 730-52, VF, NH..... 122.85
3418. Û B5-14, F-VF .............. 129.50 lot (4 items) ................ Est 150.00+ 3479. Û 647-50, Complete set of 8 different 3502. Û 197-211, F-VF ............ 126.05 3543. Ú A14b, Mauritius 32b with SON grid
3450. Û 189-92, Gutter pairs. VF, NH. . 61.00 Presentation Cards of World Cup Soccer “B64" Seychelles cancel. VG-F, short corner
ST. KITTS-NEVIS: Championship. Scott unlisted. VF. Retail SAUDI ARABIA: perf ........................... 110.00
3451. Ú 52-60, F-VF (#60 is neatly tied on $100....................... Est 40.00+ 3503. Û L16b, DOUBLE OVERPRINT. F, DG. SIBERIA:
piece) ......................... 236.25 3480. SSÛ 1833-9, Cpl set of Olympic minia- Has guarantee b/s ............... 225.00 3544. ÕÛ 7-10, Imperf Blocks (8-9 are gutter
3452. Û 79-90, F-VF .............. 178.25 ture sheets. VF, NH ............... 72.50 3504. Û L42-8, F-VF, some NH....... 68.75 blocks). VF, NH .................. 50.00
3453. Û 120-34, F-VF .............. 67.70 3481. Û Cpl 1977 UPU set of 14 stamps with 3505. Û L48A-50, F-VF (L49 is NH) . . . 61.00 SIERRA LEONE:
3454. Û AR3-6; Also 2 diff Nevis QV Reve- red overprints (see footnote after Scott #463). 3506. Û L55a, INVERTED OVERPRINT. F, 3545. Û 103-16, KGV up to 2 Shilling, nice
nues. VG-VF ................ Est 45.00+ VF............................ 125.00 NH, couple tiny TS spots ........... 82.50 rich colours, F-VF................. 90.35
3455. Û QV 5 Shilling Revenue, 1884. F-VF ST. VINCENT: 3507. Û L70, Top margin pair with 1922 Provi- 3546. Û 118, KGV 10 Shilling, Fresh, F-VF,
(Barefoot £35) ............... Est 30.00+ sional overprint SHIFTED upwards covering OG....................... Est 125.00+
3482. Ö Stampless cover with St. Vincent 8 Ju horiz perfs. The blue 1925 overprint with
ST. LUCIA: 1849 b/s addr to London. Has m/s “P Packet”. MAJOR SHIFT & printed diagonally, plus
3456. Ú 9, 9a (2 shades), 10, 21-2, VG-F.... VF, centre fold.............. Est 150.00+ partial blue overprint on gum side. VG+, NH,
.............................. 214.00 3483. Û 6, Bright fresh colour, F, VLH .... some flaws.................. Est 50.00+
3457. Ö 41, BISECT tied by St. Lucia 29 Jan .............................. 300.00 3508. Û L83a, DOUBLE overprint. F, DG.
1892 CDS on worn cover (vert creases, flap Signed ......................... 90.00
off, etc). Has m/s notation “CIRCULAR” & 3509. Û L85a, INVERTED OVERPRINT. VF
addr to Roseau Dominica with rec b/s 2 Feb .............................. 140.00
‘92 ....................... Est 100.00+ 3510. Û L95a, INVERTED overprint. F . 87.50
3419. Ú B9-14, F-VF.............. 525.00 3511. Û L144a, INVERTED surcharge. F, light
3420. Û B61-4, CB1, VF, NH, some DG 71.50 bend. Signed .................... 60.00
3421. Û B67-8, B84-8, VF, NH ....... 80.00 3512. Û L148a, INVERTED surcharge. F.
3422. Û C1-4, C9-11, VF, NH ....... 205.50 Signed ......................... 90.00
ST. CHRISTOPHER: 3513. Û L156a, INVERTED surcharge. F, DG.
3423. Û 2, F, TS on 1 perf........... 82.50 Signed ........................ 110.00
3424. ÚÛ 3-4, 8-9, 12, 14, 18, 21; Also #14 3514. Û L159a, INVERTED surcharge. F+.
mint sheet margin block. F-VF...... 109.60 DG. Signed..................... 110.00
ST. HELENA: 3484. Û 36, Scarce QV 4d Ultramarine. 3515. Û L160, L162-3, Vert Imperf Pairs. VF,
3425. Û 33/47, Seven diff mint singles. VG-VF Fresh, F, OG................... 825.00 LH ....................... Est 125.00+
(One is NG) ..................... 82.00 3485. SSÛ 899, Michael Jackson IMPERF 3516. Û L164, L166-7, Imperf Pairs with
3426. Ú 67, F-VF .................. 60.00 souvenir sheet (Scott unlisted). Also has INVERTED overprints. VF, LH . Est 125.00+ 3547. Û 153-65, Cpl Wilberforce set up to £1.
3427. Û 79, BROKEN MAINMAST variety. VF 3458. Û 95-106, Cpl KGV set to 10 Shilling normal perforated for comparison. VF, NH . 3517. Û L168, Centre MISPLACED variety. Fresh rich colours. F-VF. The £1 has a 2002
(SG #97a, Cat £85) ........... Est 60.00+ all with “SPECIMEN” perfins. Fresh colours. ........................... Est 45.00+ VF, NG..................... Est 50.00+ Sismondo Certificate ........... 1,209.00
3428. Û 79, CLEFT ROCK variety. F-VF (SG F-VF, NH .................... 325.00+ 3486. Û 1746-60, VF, NH ........... 70.75 3518. Û LJ7b, OVERPRINT at LEFT. F-VF,
#97c, Cat £75)............... Est 50.00+ 3459. Ö 95, 101, Tied by Castries Reg’d oval ST. VINCENT GRENADINES (UNION IS): NH ........................... 100.00
26 Mar 1938 cancels on OHMS cover to 3487. ÕÛ 1-6, Kings & Queens issue in 3519. Û LJ13a, INVERTED overprint. F, VLH
............................... 60.00
Heffley Creek, British Columbia (13 Apr b/s). IMPERFORATE BLOCKS (Scott unlisted).
Has 4 diff transits incl 2 RPO’s. F, small edge VF, NH..................... Est 45.00+
tear. Attractive ............... Est 50.00+
3460. Û 747-61, 876-9, Military Uniform sets SAMOA:
to $15 & $20. VF, NH.............. 58.50
3461. Û 762, International Security Printers
MESSERSCHMITT issue affixed. Signed by
official confirming acceptance of portrayal.
Certificate of authenticity signed by PM
General accompanies. Excellent AIRCRAFT
3429. Ö 79, Tied by St. Helena 10 My 1933 topical! VF .................. Est 75.00+
CDS on shortpaid cover to Cayman Is (rec 3462. Ö Colour illustrated / photo Patriotic 3520. Û 33, F-VF, has 2 diff guarantee b/s’s 3548. Ú 163, Five Shilling Elephant. F-VF...
b/s) where #91 affixed & cancelled by George- postcard with Castries 7 Oct 1907 CDS ............................. 400.00 ......................... Est 200.00+
town 30 Jun 1933 CDS. VF . . . Est 200.00+ (stamp removed). Depicts Union Jack & 3521. Û 69-70, 74, Imperfs, VF...... 120.00
view of British Warships in Castries Harbour, 3549. Û 195-207, VF............... 65.35
3430. Ú 80, BROKEN MAINMAST variety, VF, addr to England. F............ Est 45.00+ 3522. Û 70, 72-4, F-VF (70 & 73 NG) . 180.00 3550. Ö Interesting coll of 8 diff postcards,
neat dated 1929 cancel (SG #98a, Cat £95) 3463. SSÛ Scott unlisted $6 souvenir sheet 3523. Û 107-14, F-VF ............. 108.50 circa 1910. Incl Thatching a house, Wilber-
........................... Est 70.00+ of QE’s 60th Birthday issue. Like #832 but 3524. Û 125-9, F, NH (128 NG) ..... 131.50 force Street Freetown, Mafulomoo Village,
3431. Û 81, TORN FLAG variety. VF, LH (SG no souvenir sheet in the catalogue. Probably 3525. Û 159-72, also 161a, Cpl 1934-57 set Regent Road, King Tom Bridge, Grammar
#99b, Cat £100).............. Est 80.00+ a Trial Print. VF, NH .......... Est 75.00+ to the 200g. F-VF, some NG but 4 stamps School, etc. F................ Est 90.00+
3432. Ú 81, BROKEN MAINMAST variety. VF, are NH ........................ 358.00 3551. Ö Two diff WWI b/w photo postcards
back flt, neat corner cancel (SG #99a, Cat 3464. Ö 82, Tied by 12 Sept 1912 CDS on b/w 3526. Û 341, Scarce 200 Piaster, from 1914. One shows British troops at
£200) ...................... Est 65.00+ 3488. Û 161, Scarce Five Pound Arms, deep unwatermarked, Type I, lithographed. VF, NG Freetown, the other British troops preparing
3433. Û 82, BROKEN MAINMAST variety. postcard depicting a street scene with 2 men luxuriant colour, razor sharp impression, .............................. 525.00 for embarkment to attack the port of Duala in
F-VF, LH (SG #100a, Cat £160) Est 125.00+ shovelling with huge banks of snow around XF, NH. RARELY ENCOUNTERED IN German Cameroun. Scarce WWI postcards. F
3434. Û 82, LL, vert corner margin pair. The them. VF. Scott $62 US for a single franking THIS TOP QUALITY.......... 2,600.00+ ........................... Est 80.00+
lower stamp has the CLEFT ROCK variety. on cover.................... Est 50.00+ SINGAPORE:
VF, variety stamp is NH (SG #100c, Cat £154) 3552. Û 21-2, KGVI Silver Wedding. F-VF, LH
.......................... Est 100.00+ .............................. 116.00
3435. Û 83, Horiz pair with the left stamp 3553. Û 28-42, QE set to $5. F-VF . . . 156.40
having the CLEFT ROCK variety. Fresh, 3554. Û 62-9, F-VF ................ 73.90
F-VF, LH (SG #101c, Cat £122) . Est 80.00+ 3555. Û 107-11, VF, LH ............ 66.10
3556. SSÛ 115a, 141a, VF, NH, a few trivial
bends ......................... 175.00
3557. SSÛ 166a, 221a, VF, stamps NH 75.00
3558. Û 5, VG-F, VLH .............. 65.00
3489. Û 203-12, Complete unlisted set 3559. Ö 23, 31, 49, Along with Australia #C1,
of IMPERFORATES. Fresh, VF, NH ...... Tied on Reg’d cover “Per SS Mataram” to
3465. Û 231, INVERTED “FRANCE LIBRE / ......................... Est 300.00+ Brisbane to Sydney. F. Scarce . Est 175.00+
F.N.F.L.” overprint, beautifully centered, 3560. Û 43-55, KGV issues up to 5 Shilling.
rich colour, XF, NH. Signed by experts SAN MARINO: F-VF .......................... 110.10
Brun, Calves & Tillard & with a 2016 Tillard 3490. Û 21, Deep colour, VG+, OG, paper 3561. Û 67-79, F-VF ............... 55.35
Certificate. VERY SCARCE STAMP (Yvert hinge remnant. Has 1990 APS Certificate .. 3562. Û 89-105, F-VF, LH.......... 110.45
#255a, Cat 2,000 Euro) .... Est 1,400.00+ ............................ 1,825.00 3563. Û 90/100, Two diff cpl mint Booklets
3491. Ú 24, Five Lire. F, couple nibbed perfs from 1960. One is 5 Shilling, the other £1.
3466. Ö 232, 235, 241, Tied by St. Pierre & .............................. 450.00 F-VF, NH (SG #SB3-4, Cat £130) Est 85.00+
Miquelon 22 May 1942 on WWII Censored 3492. Û 26, Scarce unused 5¢ on 30¢ brown 3527. Û O48-62, Cpl Officials set from 1p to 3564. SSÛ 992-5, Battle of Trafalgar. VF, NH
3436. Û 85, Broken Mainmast variety, F-VF,
LH (SG #104a, Cat £300) .... Est 200.00+ cover to USA. Has Halifax censor h/s. F-VF surcharged. F, NG. Has been signed by 100p. Fresh, F-VF, NH. A VERY SCARCE ............................... 42.50
.......................... Est 125.00+ Diena & has 2021 APS Certificate. . . 300.00 SET ........................ 5,060.00 3565. Ú 1062-9, 1070-83, VF......... 51.20