Page 53 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
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                                                                              LOT 3303                                   LOT 3307

             LOT 3278

                PENRHYN ISLAND:      3332. Û 679-82, Costume High Values. VF .                                                       RUSSIA:
        3305. Û 268-91, 311-18, VF, NH...... 79.95  .............................. 154.00                                 3387. Ö 56 (Strip of 5), Tied by Novorossiysk
                    PERU:            3333. Û 695-701, F-VF ............ 102.10                                             1897 CDS’s on back of cover to Robert
        3306. ÕÛ UL Blocks of 15 of the 1924  3334. Û 717-20, 824-7, VF ......... 240.75                                   College in CONSTANTINOPLE. F, slightly
         10¢, 25¢, 1 Sol & 5 Sol Revenues with red  3335. Û 721-6, F-VF ............... 94.35                              reduced. Interesting cover...... Est 45.00+
         “SPECIMEN” overprints. Each has boxed  3336. Û 753-6, F-VF ............... 79.75                                 3388. Ö 60, Tied by St Petersburg 24 May
         purple “RETURN TO / ISSUE ROOM / TO  3337. Û 784-91, 794-7, F-VF ....... 161.50                                   1904 CDS’s on Reg’d 4 K Postal Stationery
         BE HELD FOR REFERENCE” h/s’s. F-VF,  3338. Û 800-3, F-VF .............. 127.80                                    card to Cologne, Germany. F-VF. Registered
         NH, some separation, usual printer’s punch  3339. Û 804-15, F-VF, some NH...... 92.85                             postcards are scarce.......... Est 40.00+
         holes (60 stamps) ........... Est 120.00+  3340. Û 818-21, Train set, VF....... 137.35                           3389. Ö 84, Tied by Vladivostok 21 Feb 1919
                                     3341. Û 824-7, F-VF, NH .......... 140.75                                             CDS on Censored cover to “Patriotic League
         3307. Ö Nice 7th South America 1932  3342. Û C10, Scarce Airmail High Value, VF,
          Graf Zeppelin Flight postcard with 7  slight DG ...................... 250.00                                    of Britons Overseas”, Tokyo. Has “Vladivostok
          stamp mixed franking from Peru & Brazil  PORTUGUESE GUINEA:                         3369. Ú 113, Nicely centered 2Sh6p Double  British Patriotic League” corner card & Japa-
          stamps. Has Brazil & Lima cancels, Con-  3343. Û RA11, Vert Pair IMPERF BETWEEN.     Head, VF, neatly cancelled........ 450.00  nese directional m/s notations. F, corner flt.
          dor Zeppelin cachet & Friedrichshafen 4  VF, ungummed as issued ...... Est 40.00+  3370. Ú 115, Five Shilling DOUBLE HEAD. VF,  The Canadian Red Cross Society worked with
          Oct 1932 arrival b/s. Addr to H. Sieger in  PRUSSIA:                                neatly cancelled, tiny thin.......... 225.00  the League during this period . . Est 200.00+
          Lorch Germany. VF. See photo above...                                                                           3390. ÕÛ 114-6, Cpl set of 3 Czarist paper
          ....................... Est 500.00+  3344. Ú 14-5, 17, 24, 26, F-VF, (24 has crease)                             currency issues in blocks. VF, NH . . . 420.00
                                      .............................. 198.60                                               3391. ÕÛ 131, 131d, One Ruble horiz
                 PHILIPPINES:                   QATAR:                                                                     Imperf block of 12 with the GROUNDWORK
        3308. SSÛ 2154/2364, Coll of 19 diff topical  3345. Û 26-36, F-VF, NH .......... 125.05                            DOUBLED on 6 RIGHT STAMPS. VF, NH.
         souvenir sheets, from 1992-5. VF, NH 107.00  3346. Û 42-6, F-VF, NH ........... 59.25+                            Extraordinary showpiece! ....... 1,200.00+
               PITCAIRN ISLANDS:     3347. Û 42-6, VF, NH .............. 59.25                                            3392. ÕÛ 131d, One Ruble Imperf horiz block
        3309. Ö 1-5, 6, Tied by Pitcairn Island 15 Oct           3359. Û 60b, Scarce One Penny Coat of                     of 6 with GROUNDWORK DOUBLED on 5
         1940 CDS’s on Reg’d FDC to New Zealand.                  Arms vertical pair IMPERF horizontally.                  stamps. Groundwork MISPLACED overall.
         VF ........................ Est 65.00+                   F-VF, NH .................... 825.00+                    F-VF, NH. Major error .......... 1,000.00+
        3310. Û 1-8, VF................... 84.75                 3360. Ö 64 (Pair), Tied by scarce double-                3393. ÕÛ 131d, Right margin block with
        3311. Ö 7-8, High Values tied by Pitcairn                 ring North Western Rhodesia Livingston 27                MAJOR SHIFT & DOUBLING of GROUND-
         Island 15 Oct 1940 CDS’s on Reg’d FDC to                 May 1904 on cover addr to Major General                  WORK. VF, NH, natural gum bends . 800.00
         New Zealand. VF............. Est 50.00+                                              3371. Ú 118, Scarce One Pound crimson &
        3312. Ö 9-10, Blocks with Pitcairn Islands                Sir E. Collen in London England where it  slate-black shade. Neat Bulawayo CDS. VF,
         CDS’s on Reg’d cover with Aug 1947 CDS’s                 was redirected. F, some cover repairs .....  slight internal crease. Scarce (SG #166a -
         to New Zealand. VF........... Est 40.00+                 .......................... Est 150.00+  £2,000)................... Est 500.00+
        3313. Ö 72-84, Tied by Adamstown 10 July
         1967 special cancels on large size FDC. VF                                          3372. Û 393-407, Wholesale lot of 10 cpl sets
         ........................... Est 50.00+  3348. Û 69-85, Fish set, VF, NH .... 234.50  to the $2. VF, NH ................. 71.00
        3314. Ö 269; Also New Zealand #868, Tied                                             3373. Ö Unused b/w postcard pre 1910 depict-
         on illustrated R.N.Z.A.F. “AIR DROP” cover  3349. Ú 108G, 108I, VF ............ 170.00  ing CECIL RHODES. He was a British mining
                                                                                              magnate & politician in southern Africa who
         from Mar 1987 airmail cover. VF, unaddr ...
         ........................... Est 35.00+                                               served as Prime Minister of Cape Colony from
        3315. SSÛ 347, Bicentennial souvenir sheet                                            1890-96. Rhodesia was named after him. F.
         of 6 with WATERMARK INVERTED error. VF,                                              ........................... Est 65.00+
                                                                                                  RHODESIA AND NYASALAND:
         NH. Has 2001 Royal Philatelic Society Certifi-
         cate (SG Cat £600). A VERY SCARCE ITEM                                              3374. Û 141-55, F-VF ............. 114.25
         FOR THE PITCAIRN SPECIALIST WITH                                                    3375. Û 158-71, F-VF ............. 112.80
         VERY FEW SHEETS FOUND LIKE THIS.                                                               ROMANIA:
         Ex Alderman ............... Est 600.00+                                             3376. Ú 24, 33, 36, 36a, F-VF ....... 147.50
        3316. Û 501-27, VF, NH ............ 80.40                                            3377. Û 196-206, F-VF, irregular gumming on
        3317. Ö New Zealand #204, Tied by Pitcairn                                            some, as usual for these .......... 219.75
         Island, NZ Postal Agency 18 Mr 1938 CDS on                                          3378. Û B26-30, B50-4, B63-5, Three diff cpl
         colour illustrated cover for the establishment  3350. Û 111-111D, Complete set of 5 diff  BOY SCOUT topical sets. F-VF...... 72.25
         of the PITC (Pitcairn Is Radio Communica-  surcharges. VF, NH ............. 390.00         ROMANIA (TURKEY):
         tion). F, some bends .......... Est 75.00+  3351. Û 125-25F, Pairs. F-VF, NH .... 51.50  3379. Ú 6, Used wholesale lot of 14 with violet  3394. Û 374d, Vert Imperf Between Pair.
                   POLAND:           3352. ÚÛ 184-9, 187a, Mint BOY SCOUT set  3361. Û 72, One Pound Arms margin single  bilingual cancels. F............... 210.00  VF, OG. Has 2016 APS Certificate. A very
        3318. Ö 235 (3), 269 (3), Tied by Sosno 24 Oct  & souvenir sheet; plus the same issues on 2  with “SPECIMEN” overprint. Fresh rich  ROMAN STATES:  scarce & seldom seen item...... 8,250.00
                                                                  colour, F-VF, VLH .......... Est 350.00+
         1931 CDS’s on Reg’d cover addr to American  cach unaddr FDC’s. VF, NH ....... 97.70+  3380. Ú 1a, 2-3, 4b, 6-7, 7a, 8-9. VG-VF ....  3395. Û 524-8, F-VF, NH .......... 360.00
                                                                                               .............................. 470.50
         PRESIDENT HOOVER, in Washington DC. F,  3353. Û 290-1, 292-8, F-VF, NH..... 144.25                               3396. Û 677, F-VF................ 120.00
         slightly reduced .............. Est 45.00+  QUEENSLAND:                             3381. Ú 3a, 6a, 8-9, F-VF .......... 144.50
        3319. Ö 236, 253 (Pair), Tied by Lachowicze                                          3382. Ú 14-15, F-VF (#14 has guarantee b/s)
         K. Barwanowicz 24 July 1929 CDS’s on Reg’d                                            .............................. 310.00
         cover addr to “Honorable / HERBERT A.                                               3383. Ú 15, F-VF. Has guarantee b/s . . 95.00
         HOOVER / PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED                                                               ROUAD:
         STATES / Washington”. F, roughly opened .                                            3384. Ö 1-3, Scarce FIRST OVER-
         ........................... Est 40.00+                                                PRINTED set neatly tied by bold Ile
        3320. SSÛ 830, Silk souvenir sheet. VF, NH                                             Rouad 6 April, 1916 CDS’s on cover to
         .............................. 135.00                                                 Port Said Egypt. Has 2 diff Port Said
        3321. SSÛ 1147-50, 1203, 1205, Souvenir                                                b/s’s. F, cover is a bit reduced & has a
         Sheets. VF, NH .................. 75.00                                               couple light folds not affecting stamps or
        3322. Û 3K1-8, VF, NH......... Est 40.00+                                              cancels. ONE OF ONLY A FEW ROUAD
                  PORTUGAL:                                                                    COVERS WE HAVE SEEN IN OUR 50  3397. Û 1261-4, VF .............. 290.00
                                                                                               YEARS OF AUCTIONS! Scott $3,750  3398. Û 1265-7, 1284-7, F-VF, LH . . . 212.50
                                                                                               US. See photo below ....Est 1,250.00+
                                                                                                                          3399. Û 1289-94, F-VF, LH, couple small gum
                                                                                                     RUANDA-URUNDI:        adhesions...................... 222.50
                                                                                             3385. Û 66a, 67a, INVERTED SURCHARGE  3400. Û 1364-5, VF, NH ............ 75.00
                                                                                              errors. The #66a has a dramatic surcharge  3401. Û 1427-8, VF, LH ............ 75.00
                                     3354. Û 1, Rare unused QV imperf One                     shift. VF, NH, tiny spot of surcharge offset  3402. Û 1442-4, F-VF ............. 100.00
                                      Penny Rose first issue of Queensland.                   on gum of each ................. 90.00+  3403. Û 1508-9, VF, NH ........... 100.00
                                      F-VF, NG, three close to large margins,
                                      light surface soiling. Has 2023 Royal  3362. Û 74, Scarce Five Pound Arms
                                      Philatelic Society London Certificate.  High Value, deep rich colour, bright fresh
                                      A SELDOM OFFERED STAMP . . 6,600.00  paper. VF, NH. Has been pencil signed by
                                                                   E. Diena & with 1997 Richter Certificate. A
                                     3355. Ú 2, Good spacefiller. Cat $1,950.....  VERY RARE NEVER HINGED EXAMPLE.
                                      .......................... Est 175.00+  ....................... Est 4,500.00+
                                     3356. Ú 86, F, couple nibbed perfs .... 80.00
                                               REUNION:          3363. Ú 81, Five Shilling, VF, neatly cancelled
                                                                  ........................... Est 60.00+
                                     3357. Ö C1, Scarce 50¢ ROLAND  3364. Ú 101-5, Also 101a, 102d, 103a-4a,
                                       GARROS airmail (along with #153), Tied  105d, F-VF ..................... 153.50
         3323. Ú 1, A choice used example bright  by Saint Denis 25 Jan, 1937 CDS’s on  3365. Ú 101b-3b, 107b-8b; Also 101j,
          fresh colour, perfectly balanced margins,  Reg’d cach FFC REUNION TO FRANCE  Perf 15 issues. Some nice cancels. F-VF .
          neat Lisbon “1" numeral cancel. XF. Pencil  (Paris 12 Feb receiver). F, some flts. See  .............................. 238.50
          signed by Diena & one other..... 1,400.00  photo below ............. Est 400.00+  3366. Ú 106, 106a, F-VF, neat CDS cancels .
        3324. Ú 3, Neat #1 numeral cancel, F-VF,  RHODESIA:       .............................. 100.00
         cut to shape (Normal stamp cat $875) ......             3367. Ú 107-8, 110-1, F-VF ......... 180.00
         ........................... Est 75.00+
        3325. Ú 51a, High Value. F ......... 150.00
        3326. Ö 586 (Pair), Tied on “First return flight
         (Lisbon to London) of the New England -
         Portugal Air Service, June 7th 1940" cover
         addr to Sutton Coldfield, England. Has
         LONDON" b/s. VF ............ Est 50.00+
        3327. SSÛ 594a, Portuguese International
         Exhibition. Fresh, VF, NH, minor gum bends
         .............................. 450.00
        3328. Û 605-14, F-VF ............. 117.20
        3329. Û 650-7, VF, LH ............ 207.55                                             3386. SSÛ 72/83, Cpl coll of 4 diff miniature sheets printed in 1944 by Belgian Gov’t in London.
        3330. Û 662-9, F-VF .............. 134.00  3358. Û 19, Scarce unused Ten Pound Arms  3368. Û 113, Nice rich colour. F-VF, OG ...  Fresh, VF, NH. Scarce ...................................................600.00+
                                                                   ............................. 375.00
        3331. Û 675-82, F-VF ............. 155.55  High Value, fresh colour, F+, NG. . 3,000.00
                                                                                                                        LOT 3493
                                                                         LOT 3384
            LOT 3357
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