Page 40 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 40
40 GERMANY (BADEN): GHANA: 2475. Ú 85a-9, KGV High Values. F-VF (5 diff) 2510. Ö 120, Tied by GPO, Grenada 1 Apr 2554. Ö C81 (Perf & Imperf), Each tied by Bu-
2392. ÕÛ 5N14-27, Beautiful set of matching 2445. ÕÛ 5, Block of 9 with the centre stamp .............................. 322.50 1937 CDS’s on Reg’d OHMS cover to Heffley dapest 1955 CDS’s on cach FDC & regular
LR corner blocks of 6. Fresh, F-VF, NH .... having “1857" instead of ”1957" in the overprint 2476. Û 111a, F-VF............... 100.00 Creek, British Colombia (22 Apr b/s). Has 5 cover respectively to USA (877 & C45 pairs
.............................. 204.00 (due to printing blob). VF, NH . . . Est 40.00+ 2477. Ú 116a, F .................. 175.00 other diff b/s’s incl 3 diff RPO transits; plus tied on reverse). F-VF, some cover toning ..
2393. Û 5N41, 5N43-6, 5NB5-11, F-VF 60.00 2446. ÕÛ 164-6, LL IMPERF Imprint Blocks. 2478. Û 132-45, F-VF ............. 100.00 nice embossed Colonial Crest on flap. F-VF ........................... Est 80.00+
2394. SSÛ 5NB8a, 5N8Bb, VF, NH . . 115.00 VF, NH..................... Est 50.00+ 2479. Û 132-45, 147-60, Two diff QE sets to ........................... Est 50.00+
GERMANY (RHINELAND): 2447. ÕÛ 189-91, LR IMPERF Plate Blocks of £1. F-VF ....................... 182.55 2511. Ö 124-7, SILVER JUBILEE set neatly
the Human Rights issue. VF, NH Est 50.00+ 2480. Ö 137, 140, Tied by 24 Apr 1954 cancels tied by 5 June 1935 CDS’s on airmail cover
2448. ÕÛ 200-3, LR IMPERF Plate Blocks of on Airmail cover to Jamaica, Queens then to England. VF............... Est 75.00+
the ITU issues. VF, NH ........ Est 50.00+ redirected to Great Neck, NY. Has Italian Line 2512. Û 131-42, F-VF .............. 54.80
2449. ÕÛ 208-11, UL Imperf imprint blocks of Monogram on flap & Ship cancel for the ill- 2513. Û 171-83, F-VF, mainly NH..... 51.25
Lincoln Centenary issue. VF, NH Est 50.00+ fated ANDREA DORIA. Sunk in 1956 after 2514. Û 171-83, 215-29, F-VF ....... 74.30
2450. Û 212-5, Decimal Currency set with collision with MS Stockholm resulting in 46 2515. SSÛ 1999-2005, Attractive Space
blue “SPECIMEN” h/s’s. Stated that only 100 deaths. F, edge tear. Historic . . . Est 50.00+ topicals. VF, NH .................. 74.50
sets exists. VF, NH ........... Est 50.00+ 2481. Ö 145, QE £1, Tied by ‘First Philatelic 2516. Ö Coll of 3 diff Postal Stationery
2451. Û 233-5, African Soccer Cup set with Exhibition 19 Oct 1953’ fancy cancel on wrappers from QV-KGV all with large black
blue “SPECIMEN” h/s’s. Stated that only gorgeous cach FDC depicting coat-of-arms. “SPECIMEN” overprints. F ..... Est 65.00+
100 sets exist. VF, NH......... Est 50.00+ Autographed by DESIGNER N. CUMMING. GUADELOUPE:
2452. ÕÛ 236-9, Kennedy LL IMPERF Imprint VF ....................... Est 150.00+ 2517. Ö 108, 115, Tied on cach FFC 6 July
2395. Ú 6N30-8, Cpl set, F-VF ...... 360.45 Blocks. VF, NH .............. Est 50.00+ 2482. Û 147-60, F-VF .............. 82.55 1936 Pointe - a - Pitre to St. Martin to St.
2453. ÕÛ 251-5, LL IMPERF Plate Blocks GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS: Barthelemy. A pretty cover. VF . . Est 35.00+
GERMANY (WURTTEMBERG): of the Freedom from Hunger issue. VF, NH . 2518. Û 157-8, Set of 2 large size DIE
2396. Ú 8N28-37, F-VF ............ 160.60 ........................... Est 50.00+ 2483. Ö 55, KGVI Silver Wedding tied by neat PROOFS in issued colours die sunk on card,
GERMANY (BERLIN): 2454. ÕÛ 259-63, LL IMPERF imprint blocks Tarawa 29 Aug 1949 cancel on FDC. VF ... each with embossed seals. VF (2) Est 50.00+
2397. Ö 9N1-4, Tied by Berlin 28 Feb 1949 of the World Cup set. VF, NH . . . Est 50.00+ ........................... Est 75.00+ GUYANA:
CDS on red & blue cach Airmail cover to 2455. Û 264-8, UNESCO set with 2484. Û 61-72, F-VF ............... 66.75 2519. Û 249-52, 252a, The 1977 set & souve-
Hamburg. Commemorates the 250th Day of “SPECIMEN” overprints. VF, NH. Est 50.00+ GOLD COAST: nir sheet for Second World Black & African
the BERLIN AIR BRIDGE. VF. . . Est 50.00+ 2456. ÕÛ 264-8, LR IMPERF Plate Blocks 2485. Ö 104, 113, Tied on cach Imperial Air- Festival of Arts & Culture. All WITHOUT THE
of the UNESCO issue. VF, NH . . Est 50.00+ ways Gold Coast to Nigeria FFC addressed to BLACK BAR OVERPRINTS & UNISSUED
2457. ÕÛ 277-84, C9-10, Blocks. VF, NH .. Mbarara, Uganda. Has Konongo, Gold Coast LIKE THIS. VF, NH .......... Est 250.00+
.............................. 132.60 cancel & Sudan Air Mail Khartoum b/s. F, GUATEMALA: 2555. SSÛ C95, The scarce imperf souvenir
2458. ÕÛ 286-300, Imprint Blocks. VF, NH . some mounting traces......... Est 50.00+ 2520. ÕÛ Set of 8 se-tenant Blocks of early sheet in ROSE LILAC. Only 1,200 copies
............................... 82.60 2486. Û 130-41, F-VF .............. 93.15 Consular Revenue issues from 1¢ to 20 exist & one of the great rarities of modern
2459. ÕÛ 311-4, LL IMPERF Plate Blocks of GREECE: Quetzals. All with red “SPECIMEN” diagonal Hungary. VF, VLH ............. 1,600.00
6 of the UN Day issue. VF, NH . . Est 50.00+ 2487. Ö 13, F-VF single tied by “56" diamond overprints. Printed by American Bank Note
2460. ÕÛ 336-9, LL IMPERF Plate Blocks cancel on 1862 cover from Chalks to Co.. VF, NH, usual printer’s punch holes. 2556. Û C128, Soccer IMPERF. VF, LH ....
.............................. 250.00
of the WHO issue. VF, NH. Stated that only Skopelos. Black seal on reverse. F, file Ex Bileski estate priced at $200 Est 100.00+ 2557. SSÛ CB13-14, Perforated souvenir
1,500 sets exist .............. Est 50.00+ folds...................... Est 125.00+ HAMBURG:
2461. ÕÛ 356-70, Corner Blocks. VF, NH .. 2488. Ú 46g, Partial DOUBLE “10" on the back. 2521. Ú 1, VF appearance, sealed tear. Has sheets. VF, LH ................... 90.00
............................... 76.40 Neat 1876 CDS cancel. F, light crease (Cat 1984 Pinchot Certificate. Cat $600 Est 65.00+ ICELAND:
2398. Ú 9N1-18, Cpl overprinted set. F-VF. 2462. Û 1090, Cpl sheet of 30 with a dramatic $800 as a full double) ........ Est 100.00+ 2522. Ú 9b, VF. Signed ............. 72.50
The three high values have all been signed SHIFTED SURCHARGE ERROR. Quite an 2489. Ú 51, Horiz pair with ‘Zahinthos’ 1877 HELIGOLAND:
by Schlegel .................... 657.00 eye-catching item! VF, NH, some surcharge CDS. VF ................... Est 40.00+ 2523. Ö Ten Pfennig Postal Stationery post-
offset ..................... Est 250.00+ 2490. Ö 92 (Pair), 169, Tied on 2 diff b/w
2399. Û 9N35-41, F-VF, LH ........ 187.25 photo & colour illustrated Patriotic postcards. card sent from Heligoland 5 Sep 1889 & addr
2400. Ú 9N35-41, F-VF ............ 211.15 GIBRALTAR: One depicts King George & Queen Olga 1899 to Darmstadt. F-VF ........... Est 65.00+
2401. Ú 9N35-63, Three diff better sets. F-VF 2463. Ö Stampless folded cover dated 2 Feb with national anthem, the other 1915 shows HONDURAS:
.............................. 375.75 1938 with “GIBRALTAR” curved framed h/s Queen Olga & Greek flag. F (2) . Est 40.00+ 2524. Û C222-7P, CO66-8P, UN Issue colour
2402. Ö 9N42, 9N81-3, Tied by special 2nd & 2Sh m/s rate “p Pkt” to MALTA. F-VF. Nice 2491. Ö 327, 331, etc, Tied on cach FFC trial finished proofs of the 9 diff values,
Europe Machine Tools Exhibition, Hanover 16 inter-colonial item ........... Est 250.00+ Athens to Beyrouth June 1929 with Beyrouth punched, with overprint ‘WATERLOW &
Sept 1952 cancels on matching multi-colour & Cairo b/s’s. F .............. Est 65.00+ SONS LIMITED, SPECIMEN’ in black. VF, NH
postcard to The Netherlands. Depicts 12 diff ........................... Est 50.00+
International flags. VF. Attractive Est 50.00+ 2492. Ö 327, 329, 331 (2), 332-3, J80, 2525. SSÛ C338/C344, Imperf & Perf Olympic 2558. Û 71-85, Cpl Kings set. Fresh colours,
2403. Û 9N61-3, F-VF, NH ......... 240.00 Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Apr 1932 souvenir sheets. VF, NH (2)......... 90.00 F-VF ......................... 605.75
2404. Ú 9N61-3, F-VF ............. 127.50 Third South America Flight Reg’d post- HONG KONG:
2405. Ú 9N61-3, CDS cancelled set, F-VF .. card to Rio de Janeiro. VF. Eye-catching 2526. ÕÛ 10, QV 4¢ slate Block. VG-F.....
.............................. 127.50 & scarce item. See photo on Page 38 ... .............................. 620.00
2406. Û 9N61-3, 9N68, 9N70-74, F-VF 127.00 ....................... Est 500.00+
2407. Ú 9N61-3, 9N75-80, 9N94-100, F-VF .
.............................. 274.15 2493. Ö 363 (Pair), C5-7, Tied on cach
2408. Ú 9N70-9, Bell sets, F-VF ..... 201.60 GRAF ZEPPELIN May 1933 Italy Flight
2409. Ú 9N70-9, 9N94-8, Berlin Bells, F-VF . Reg’d cover to Buenos Aires. F-VF.
.............................. 239.10 Attractive & scarce. See photo on Page
2410. Ú 9N75-9, F-VF .............. 63.35 2464. Ö Stampless folded letter dated 9 Mar 38 ................... Est 1,400.00+
2411. Û 9N84-93, F-VF, NH ......... 97.50 1844 with “GIBRALTAR” in arc, blue “120"
2412. Ö 9N84-93, Famous Persons set tied hammer rate plus ”40" m/s rate. Addr to 2494. Û 378-80, Cpl set of High Values. VF
by a variety of cancels incl fancy types on 8 Porto, Portugal with b/s “14 / Porto / 3" h/s, (378-9 are NH, 380 is NG)......... 785.00 2559. Û 143, Scarce 10k on 5k High Value,
diff FDC’s, from 1952-53. VF (Mi 535 Euro) . plus ”11 / LISBOA / 3" transit & boxed “P. 2495. Ú 538, VF................... 80.00 fresh, F-VF, LH................. 475.00
.......................... Est 175.00+ BRIT” b/s (all in blue). F-VF. . . Est 300.00+ 2496. Û C71-3, NATO set. F-VF, NH . 110.00
2413. Û 9N94-8, F-VF, NH .......... 67.50 2497. Ö Coll of all diff unused WWI postcards 2560. Û 144-8, VF................ 272.50
2561. Ö 146, Tied by Reykjavik 27 Jan 1927
2414. Û 9N94-102, F-VF, NH ....... 155.00 (printed in France) depicting the French mili-
2415. Û 9N101-2, 9N108-10, Buildings. F-VF, tary in SALONICA. Shows French troops dis- CDS on front of 3 Aurar surcharged postal
NH ........................... 149.50 embarking from ship, artillery, early biplane, stationery card to Germany (H&G #33). VF,
2416. Û 9N316-25, Coil strips of 5 with every etc. Also one with British infantry in Balkans. slight staining. Eye-catching .... Est 50.00+
5th stamp having a control number on the VF (5 diff)................... Est 75.00+
back. VF, primarily NH ............. 64.00 GREENLAND: 2527. Û 34, Scarce unused QV 10¢ sur-
2417. ÕÛ 9N359-76, Blocks, VF, NH. 135.20 2498. Ö 6, 7 (4), 8-9, Tied on 6 diff cach charge on 16¢ yellow. Good colour, F, NG,
2418. Ö (9NB1), Private printed local semi- Stromfjord to Copenhagen FFC’s 15 Nov one trifle short perf at top. Has 2008 RPSL
postal special event Postal Stationery card 1954; 4 addr to Copenhagen&2toUSA Certificate. Cat $5,000 US . . Est 1,750.00+
with fancy Founding of the Postal Directorate, (1 with bilingual unclaimed h/s). VF. Old retail 2528. Û 78-80, F-VF (79 minor bend). 232.50
Brelin 100th Anniversary 1 Jan 1950 cancel. $240...................... Est 150.00+ 2529. Û 147-50, Silver Jubilee, F-VF . . 73.75
Has green illustration of the buildings in 1850 2499. Ö 7 (Pair), 9, Tied on 2 cach SAS 2530. Û 151-3, 168-75, 180-3, F-VF. . 137.50
& 1950. F................... Est 50.00+ 2465. Ö Stampless folded cover with Stromfjord to Copenhagen FFC’s 15 Nov 2531. Ö 170, 172, Tied by Victoria Hong Kong
2419. SSÛ 9NB3a, Scarce Berlin Bears “GIBRALTAR” in arc & “PAID” h/s’s with red 1954, one addr to USA, the other to France. 10 Sept, 1941 CDS’s on WWII cover to USA.
souvenir sheet. Fresh, VF, NH, one stamp “9" hammer rate & m/s rate. Addr to Cadiz VF (2 covers)................ Est 45.00+ Has tape censor label & violet boxed censor
with minor patch of gum toning. Has Lipschutz with beautiful red 28 July 1844 b/s. Carried 2500. ÕÛ 10-18, Cpl set in blocks. F-VF, LH, h/s. F, opened on 3 sides ...... Est 85.00+ 2562. Û 181, F-VF, NH............ 600.00
BPP guarantee b/s............... 975.00 aboard British Packet ship. VF Est 400.00+ gum toning ..................... 666.00 2532. Û 199-202, 218-36, Commem sets.
2466. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic cover F-VF, NH ...................... 230.10 2563. Û 203-8B, F-VF, all NH except for #206
datelined Gibraltar 27 Mar 1846 to Boston. 2533. Û 225-8, 231-3, 239-44, F-VF. . 151.90 .............................. 202.85
Has red “NEW YORK / SHIP / 25 May / 7cts” 2534. Û 237-59, Commem sets. F-VF, NH .. 2564. Û 209-11, 284-6, F-VF, NH..... 92.25
CDS. F-VF................. Est 125.00+ .............................. 202.65 2565. Û 221b, 224b, Perf 14 x 13.5, Fresh,
2467. Ö Stampless letter with blue Gibraltar 2535. Û 388-403, Also 398A, QE set to $50. F-VF, NH (minor offset on gum of 221b) ...
16 Oct 1850 CDS to London. Has red “PAID” F-VF .......................... 104.55 .............................. 370.00
26 Oct London receiver, attractive red wax 2536. Û J1-5, F-VF, toned gum...... 199.00 2566. ÕÛ 240-5, Nice set of blocks. F-VF, NH
seal, red m/s rate & beautiful calligraphy. F . 2537. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting .............................. 400.00
.......................... Est 100.00+ the WRECK OF THE SHIP HMS PHOENIX in 2567. Û 246-52, 278-86, F-VF ...... 139.15
2468. Û 29, INVERTED WATERMARK. F, Kowloon Harbour after the typhoon of 18 Sept 2568. Û 264-8, 274-82, F-VF ....... 225.55
touch of black offset on reverse. Scarce 1906. VF, corner bend......... Est 75.00+ 2569. Û 289-96, F-VF, LH........... 65.80
(SG #22w - £300) ........... Est 150.00+ 2538. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1908 2570. Ú C3, VF ................... 75.00
2469. Û 29-38, QV set to 5 Pesetas. F-VF ..
2420. SSÛ 9NB3a, Berlin Bears souvenir .............................. 293.75 depicting INDIAN POLICEMEN & A CHINESE 2571. Ö C9, C10 (2), Tied on cach
sheet. Fresh, VF, NH ............ 975.00 2470. Ú 56ba, Scarce KE Six Pence VIOLET PRISONER IN STOCKS. F, corner crease . Reg’d GRAF ZEPPELIN 30 June 1931
2421. Û 9NB4-13, 9NB18, F-VF (9NB8-11 are & RED VIOLET. F (#43 is also enclosed for ........................... Est 60.00+ Iceland Flight cover addr to Osnabruck,
Germany. VF, gum stain on back flap.
NH)............................ 84.35 shade comparison but not counted). . 450.00 2539. Ú 44a, F, CDS .............. 200.00 Scarce franking. See photo on Page 42 .
2422. Ö 9NB8-11, Tied by fancy Kaiser Wil- 2540. Ö 180 (Pair), 190, Tied by Pethohazal ....................... Est 400.00+
helm Church 9 Aug 1953 cancels on 3 cach Czukorgyar CDS on Reg’d 10f Postal Statio-
FDC’s to Kilchberg. VF. SCARCE SET ON 2501. Û Q1a, Scarce Perf 12.5, nicely cen- nery card to Sopron; 26 Jan 1920 receiver.
COVER (Mi 720 Euro)........ Est 250.00+ tered, VF, toned gum ............ 600.00 F-VF. Registered postal cards are scarce .. 2572. Ö C9-10, Zeppelin overprinted Air-
mails neatly tied by Reykjavik 30 June,
2423. Ö Seven diff unused postal stationery ........................... Est 50.00+ 1931 CDS’s on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN
Air Letters, from 1948-49. VF. Scarce group 2541. Ú 468-71, 474 (5), Each affixed on label FLIGHT Reg’d postcard. The postcard
.......................... Est 225.00+ of same colour in 5 diff languages by Buda-
GERMANY (EAST): pest 18 Aug 1935 roller cancel (in 5 diff lan- has b/w real photo of the statue of
2424. Û 54-7A, F-VF, VLH .......... 75.00 guages) on 5 pieces. Commemorate 1935 nized as the first permanent Norse settler
2425. ÕÛ 58-67, Cpl set of corner blocks. International University games. Nice examples of Iceland. The postcard is addr to H.
F-VF, NH, a few stamps with offset on gum . of collared issues. VF (25 labels) Est 50.00+ Sieger famous publisher of the Zeppelin
.............................. 355.00 2542. SSÛ 486, VF, NH ........... 140.00
2426. Û 82-4, VF.................. 65.00 2543. Ö 728 (32), Tied by Budapest 12 Apr Catalogue. VF. See photo on Page 42...
....................... Est 350.00+
2427. Û 122-36, F-VF .............. 85.00 1946 CDS’s front & back on 640,000 Pengo
2428. ÕÛ 134, SPOT on THROAT variety rated Inflation cover to England. VG+, has flts 2573. Û C9-11, Zeppelin set, F-VF (C9 crease)
in left margin block of 8. F-VF, NH (Mi #339 but an eye-catching cover ...... Est 50.00+ ............................... 97.00
PFIII - $105+ Cdn)............ Est 35.00+ 2471. Û 66-75, Cpl KGVI set to £1 all 2544. SSÛ 1189, Perf & Imperf souvenir 2574. Û C15-29, F-VF, a few NH .... 128.40
2429. Û (137-46), Small hardbound 10 page with “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF, HH. sheets. VF, NH................... 87.50
book from 1953 with each KARL MARX issue A scarce set ............... Est 500.00+ 2545. Ö 1189, Perf & Imperf souvenir sheets INDIA:
depicted separately. F-VF ...... Est 75.00+ on separate cach FDC’s with special 17 Ap
2430. SSÛ 144a, Perf & Imperf. VF, NH, 2472. Û 74, KGV 8 Shillings. VF, VLH, guaran- 1958 cancels for the Brussels World Expo.
couple minor gum bends (2) ....... 240.00 tee b/s. A CHOICE EXAMPLE...... 110.00 VF, couple small cover edge tears not affect-
2431. SSÚ 144a, Marx Imperf souvenir sheet. ing sheets .................. Est 75.00+
VF, neat cancels ................ 200.00 2502. Ú Q3a, Scarce Perf 12.5, VF, hinge thin 2546. Û B148a-50a, Perf & Imperf mini sheets.
2432. SSÛ 146a, Perf souvenir sheet. VF, NH ............................. 650.00 VF, NH, couple slight margin creases (6
.............................. 120.00 2503. Û Q4a, Perf 12.5, VF, hinge thin750.00 sheets) ........................ 150.00
2433. SSÚ 146a, Marx souvenir sheets, both 2504. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 2547. SSÛ B198A-198D, CB1-1C, Two diff
perf & imperf. VF, neat cancels (2) . . 400.00 1910 depicting an ESKIMO FAMILY & their Franklin D. Roosevelt souvenir sheets. Fresh,
2434. Û 155-71, F-VF, NH ......... 113.25 dogs. VF ................... Est 50.00+ VF, NH ........................ 250.00
2435. SSÛ 226a, 237a, 243a, 264a, 288a, VF, 2505. Ö SCOTTISH EAST GREENLAND 2548. Ö C3 (4), Tied by fancy 7 Nov 1920
NH ........................... 133.50 EXPEDITION cach 1958 cover franked with oval FIRST DAY cancels on airmail cover
2436. SSÚ 237a, 243a, 288a, VF ..... 55.50 #28-9, to Canada. VF ......... Est 40.00+ to Szembathely (next day rec cancel). Has
2437. SSÛ B21a, VF, NH, tiny spot of DG .. guarantee b/s. VF ............ Est 65.00+
.............................. 100.00 GRENADA: 2549. Û C3-23, F-VF, primarily NH.... 82.50
2438. Ú B21a, Souvenir sheet neatly tied on 2506. Ú 58, 60, Both with dated 1906 CDS 2550. Ö C12 (Pair), C24 (Zeppelin stamp), etc,
piece by Leipzig 23 Aug, 1950 fancy cancel cancels. F-VF................... 177.50 Tied on cach ZEPPELIN FLIGHT postcard 2575. Ö Stampless 1835 folded letter with
for the DEBRIA Stamp Exhibition. VF ..... from Budapest 29 Mar 1931. Has Debrecen boxed CALCUTTA GPO SHIP LETTER 26
............................. 110.00+ CDS. VF .................. Est 100.00+ Ag 1835 backstamp, addr to Bedford Eng-
2439. Ö B35a, Souvenir Sheet neatly 2551. Û C24-5, Zeppelins. F-VF ...... 80.00 land (rec cancel), then redirected to Bath.
Also has boxed SHIP LETTER DEAL h/s.
cancelled by Stralsund 3 Feb 1958 CDS’s 2552. SSÛ C81, UPU Anniversary perforated
on reverse side of a cover. F-VF. Cat $110 2473. Û 75, KGV £1. VF, OG . . Est 175.00+ sheet of 4. VF, NH ............... 375.00 F. A GREAT COVER (Previous owner had
for used .................... Est 60.00+ this priced at $550) ......... Est 350.00+
2440. ÕÛ Official Blocks from 1965 incl 2576. Û 1-2, Fakes in sheetlets of 12. VF,
Vertrauliche Dienstsachen issues Mi #3x-y, ungummed.................. Est 40.00+
& Sendugen mit Zustellungsurkunde issues 2577. Ö 37, Tied by Umballa 22 Sept 1891
#2x-y (4 diff). VF, NH (Mi 44 Euro) Est 40.00+ Squared Circle on Soldier’s cover to England
GERMANY (SOVIET ZONE): (13 Oct b/s). Signed by the Major of ‘À Battal-
2441. Ú 12NB2, “2" of ”21" SPLIT variety. F 2507. Ú 78, Ten Shilling high value with SON ion Queen’s’. VG, cover flts.... Est 135.00+
(Mi #21XII - 170 Euro)......... Est 75.00+ 2578. Ö 60, Tied by Maldadevi / Bombay 26
2442. Ú 12NB10-2, F-VF, tiny thin on Grenada 6 Ju, 1911 CDS. F....... 300.00 Nov 1904 CDS on Patriotic postcard to
12NB11 ....................... 120.00 2508. Ö 91, 101, Tied by GPO Grenada 17 Oct Junagadh. Illustrated with portrait of
2443. Ö 15N3/15N12, Six diff perforated / 1934 CDS’s on Reg’d Official cover to Heffley DAYANANDA SARASWATI; famous philoso-
imperf stamps tied by Kirschau CDS’s on Creek, British Columbia (5 Nov b/s). Has sev- pher & founder of Arya Samaj. F, filing pin-
1945 Reg’d cover to Pappritz. VF Est 60.00+ eral transits incl C&V RPO & lovely embossed holes. Historic ............... Est 45.00+
2444. Ö FINSTERWALDE: Cover with 10 diff Colonial Crest on flap; plus enclosure. F, 2579. Ö 60, Tied by Pajkot City / Kathiawar 25
imperforate locales tied by Finsterwalde 28 2474. Ö 84a, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN minor edge flaws ............. Est 50.00+ Jan 1905 CDS on Christian Cross illustrated
Mar, 1946 CDS’s on cover to Berlin-Spandau. June 1934 Argentina Flight card addressed 2509. Û 114-27, Also 114a, 116a, KGV to 5 2553. ÕÛ C81, UPU Anniversary IMPERF postcard to Junagadh (same day receiver).
VF ........................ Est 50.00+ to Buenos Aires. F-VF ....... Est 350.00+ Shilling. F-VF ................... 109.85 block. VF, NH, minor bends ....... 260.00 VF, filing pinholes. Pretty....... Est 40.00+