Page 28 - Vance-Sale-372-Part 1
P. 28
LOT 1659
LOT 1660
1684. Û 491-5, “WWF” set, VF, NH.... 80.50
1651. Û 589-601, Rare Animals set. VF, NH,
but small patches of glazed gum. . 1,288.00
CAMBODIA: 1685. Û C7, Scarce New York World’s Fair 1695. Û 85-96, KGV set to 10sh, F-VF 255.60
1652. Ö Two unused b/w photo postcards 1939-40 overprint. Beautifully centered, 1696. Û 100-11, F-VF .............. 70.70
commemorating the Royal Visit of The King fresh. VF, LH .............. Est 200.00+ 1697. Ö 116 (Pair), 117, Tied by Georgetown
of Cambodia to the 1906 Colonial Exposition 1658. ÕÛ 64, 64a, Sheet margin block with the LR stamp having the INVERTED “S” variety. VF, 29 Nov 1948 CDS’s on Reg’d Airmail FDC to
in Marseilles France. One postcard depicts bottom stamps are NH. Each stamp is signed by Bothe BPP & Bohne GPSY. Has a 1974 Ger- CAROLINE ISLANDS: Calgary, Alta. VF, slightly reduced Est 75.00+
the arrival of the King in carriage with entou- man Philatelic Society Certificate (Mi 2,390 Euro)............................. 1,850.00+ 1698. Û 122-34, F-VF .............. 81.20
rage; the other shows 9 Spahis horsemen 1699. Û 135-49, QE set to £1. F-VF . . 125.10
which was part of the escort. VF . Est 75.00+ 1700. Ö 135-49, Cpl QE set to £1 (stamps on
CAMEROUN: 1660. Ö B13, Perfectly centered block of front & reverse) with Georgetown 9 Au, 1960
the scarce SPITFIRE semi-postal neatly CDS’s on #10 size cover. Has Pageant Beach
tied by Douala 8 Dec 1940 CDS’s on lo-
cally addr cover (with next day receiver). Hotel corner card. F, roughly opened at top .
........................... Est 75.00+
Has boxed SPITFIRE DAY illustrated 1701. Û 153-67, QE set to £1. F-VF, LH90.85
cachet & corner card from the office of
the Cameroun Governor. The surtax on CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC:
the stamps was used to purchase Spitfire 1702. SSÛ 820, 851, Scott unlisted souvenir
Airplanes for the Free French Army. VF. sheet of 2 diff ELVIS PRESLEY stamps. VF,
Has been signed by expert Calves. stamps are NH .............. Est 50.00+
Stamps alone Cat $480 US. See photo 1672. Ú 5c, Slate purple on bluish paper. F. 1703. Û 836-40, IMPERF Railway set. VF, NH
above .................. Est 400.00+ ........................... Est 50.00+
Scarce ...................... 1,200.00 1704. Û Two diff Scott UNLISTED 1984 GOLD
1661. Û C94, With FIRST MOON LANDING 1673. Ú 6, Deep rich shade, F-VF .... 300.00 FOIL issues for the Royal Baby depicting the
overprint (see footnote after C116 in Scott). 1686. Ú 1a, Used first issue 3pf light brown Queen Mother & Princess Diana. One is a
VF, NH ......................... 50.00 with 48 degree overprint. F-VF, neat Yap souvenir sheet. VF, NH ........ Est 50.00+
1899 CDS cancel. Has 1995 Steuer Certifi- CENTRAL LITHUANIA:
cate ......................... 650.00
1687. Û 51-9, Complete set to the 85¢. VG-F+,
.............................. 450.00
1653. Ú 7-19, Cpl Kaiser Yacht set up to 5 1688. Ú 3-7, Five diff KE issues neatly tied
Mark all with selected DUALA 1902-6 CDS 1674. Ú 7a, Rare Wood Block, F appearance, by Grand Cayman 28 De 1904 CDS’s. VF .
cancels (3 stamps are on piece). A LOVELY small flts. Cat $6,500 ........ Est 750.00+ .............................. 258.00
SET. VF. The expensive #19 has a 2008
APS Certificate ................. 722.20
1662. Ú Germany #50, Pair with two bold 1705. Û 21-2, Scarce High Value Surcharges,
strikes of KAMERUN 13 Ap, 1895 postmarks exceptionally fresh, F-VF, OG. Each stamp
tied on a piece. Stamps with deep rich colour, has been signed by H. Bloch & has a 2007
VF. Signed by Hille & has a 2011 Brekenfeld Raritan Certificate. Very rare - only 283 & 360
Certificate. A LOVELY FORERUNNER ITEM stamps were printed respectively . 2,800.00
(Mi V49b, Cat 1,000 Euro) .... Est 750.00+
1663. Ö German Colonial 5pf postal stationery 1706. Ö Stampless OHMS Postal Stat card
card cancelled by Victoria 9 Sept 1910 CDS, with boxed “FREE” & Colombo 13 July 1894
addr to Berlin. VF............. Est 60.00+ CDS. Addr to Slave Island. Gives instructions
1675. Ú 9b, Wood Block 4d blue. VG-F.
1664. Ö Fascinating & historical coll of 7 Scarce ...................... 3,500.00 1689. Û 3-7, Cpl KE set all with “SPECIMEN” for upcoming parade signed by the Military
diff stampless covers relating to the Brit- overprints. Fresh colours, F-VF .... 275.00 Adjutant for Ceylon Volunteers. VF Est 40.00+
ish Campaign & Occupation of Cameroun 1676. Ö 47, Tied by Rosmead 6 Dec 1899 1707. Ú 3-4, 6, Also 4a, F .......... 390.00
from 1915-6. Most endorsed “On Active CDS’s on 1d postal stationery envelope, 1708. Ú 3, 4, 4a, 6, 6A, 11, VG-F..... 820.00
Service” all with “No stamps available” & Reg’d to London England (rec cancel). Has 1709. Û 4, F-VF, NG .............. 210.00
countersigned by Officers. We noted one Midland & Cape Town transits. VFEst 50.00+ 1710. Ú 4a, VG-F................. 105.00
to Callabar showing “Ikon, Southern Ni- 1677. Ö 60, Tied by Claremont 22 My, 1900
geria” CDS’s in violet; cover to London Squared Circle cancel on cover to a BOER
with “Buea / Kamerun” transit CDS; cov- POW at Green Point (Cape Town). Has violet
ers from Duala / Kamerun. Also cover circular CENSOR PRISONERS OF WAR h/s.
with German Colonial Railways, Kamerun F, missing back flap.......... Est 100.00+
corner card & another with German Colo- 1678. Ú 164, Mafeking 3 My, 1900 CDS. F-VF
nial Crest red wax seal. F some with part ............................... 65.00
of address crossed out, a few are dam- 1679. Ú 168, Tied by Mafeking CDS on piece.
aged. Very interesting & scarce grouping. F-VF .......................... 155.00
See photo above .........Est 400.00+ 1680. Ú 172, Neat Mafeking 30 Mr, 1900 CDS. 1690. Û 13-16, Cpl KE set all with
1654. Ú 7-19, Cpl Kaiser Yacht set up to 5 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: VF, couple clipped perfs........... 110.00 “SPECIMEN” overprints. Fresh, F-VF .....
Mark all with spectacular Buea dated CDS 1665. Ö Stampless 1847 entire with oval ......................... Est 250.00+
cancels from 1903-10. Five stamps (incl the GENERAL POST OFFICE CAPE OF GOOD 1691. Û 21-8, KE set to 5 Shilling. F-VF ....
5 Mark) are on piece. VF. The top two val- HOPE (crown) addr to London England. Has .............................. 185.35
ues are both signed & the expensive #19 m/s ‘PP8’ in red, crossed off ‘8 to collect’ in
has a 2022 Sismondo Certificate. A choice black, s/l ‘SHIP LETTER’ on reverse, etc.
set with eye-catching cancels..... 722.20+
VG-F ..................... Est 125.00+
1655. Ö 21 (Pair), Tied by 1906 CDS’s on 1666. Ú 2-4, F-VF ................ 580.00
b/w postcard depicting 4 natives with a large 1667. Ú 4, Pair, F................. 225.00 1711. Ú 5, Scarce QV Four Pence Dull Rose
model of a ship. Addr to Goteborg (rec b/s). F. 1668. Ú4,VF..................... 85.00 imperf. VF, four full margins, neat open grid
Very unusual German Colonial postcard. VF 1669. Ú5,F ..................... 300.00 cancel, couple minor corner creases. Has
........................... Est 80.00+ 1670. Ú 5, F-VF .................. 300.00 1988 Georg Buhler Certificate.... 5,250.00
1656. Û 63, Two Shilling overprinted Kaiser 1671. Ú 5b, Greyish lilac on bluish paper. F.
Yacht. Fresh, F.................. 250.00 Has 2003 Sismondo Certificate ..... 540.00
1692. Û 29-30, KE set to 10 Shilling, F-VF .
1681. Ú 178, Tied by Mafeking 10 My, 1900 ............................. 290.00
CDS on piece. VF............... 425.00
1712. Ú 9, QV Nine Pence lilac brown with
four close to large margins. F-VF, neat black
grid cancels & small portion of red cancel,
small bit of paper adhering to back. Has
2015 APS Certificate ........... 1,050.00
1693. Ú 50-63, Cpl KGV set to 10 Shilling
1682. Û 179, Scarce mint stamp depicting (#58 has 2 diff shades). F-VF, neat cancels 1713. Û 10, Rich colour, VG-F, NG, small
facial flt. Has 1984 Pinchot Certificate. Cat
Baden-Powell, F-VF, OG, small corner ............................. 336.80 $950...................... Est 100.00+
crease, possible tiny thin ........ 1,750.00
1657. ÕÛ 63, 63a, Sheet margin block with the LR stamp having the Inverted “S” variety. F-VF,
bottom stamps are NH, slight toning. Each stamp is signed by experts Bothe & Bohne GPSY.
Has a 1974 German Philatelic Society Certificate. A RARE BLOCK (Mi 2,390 Euro) . . . 1,850.00
1659. Ö B10-13, Scarce “SPITFIRE”
Free French surcharged set neatly tied There is never a
by Douala 8 Dec 1940 CDS’s on Reg’d
cover addr locally. Has Registry label tied
by negative cancel & has boxed SPIT- Buyer's Fee at
FIRE illustrated cachet “JOURNEE DU 1714. Û 28a, QV Six Pence deep brown,
SPITFIRE CAMEROUN 8 Dec, 1940" 1683. Ú 179, SON Mafeking 14 Ap, 1900
h/s. VF. Stamps alone Cat $460 US. See Vance Auctions! CDS cancel, F-VF, some paper on reverse 1694. Û 69-80, Cpl Centenary set up to 10 rich colour, sharp impression. Fresh, F, LH
Shilling, nicely centered, fresh rich colours.
photo above ............. Est 500.00+ ............................. 450.00 ............................ 1,350.00
VF ........................... 564.65
1715. Ú 52, VG-F................. 350.00