Page 28 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
P. 28

28 CAYMAN ISLANDS Continued                                                                                       1759. Ú 38, Large “S” in “PIASTRE” variety. VF,
                                                                                                                           neat cancel (SG #50a, Cat £75) . Est 50.00+
         1626. Ö 70, 74, Also Papua New Guinea
          #94, Tied by Georgetown 26 Oct 1933
          CDS’s on local cover. Interesting incor-
          rect usage of the Papua New Guinea
          stamps; “TAX” h/s & “3d” m/s applied as
          a result. F-VF. See photo on Page 26 ...
          ....................... Est 150.00+
                                                                                              1742. Ú 1 (Pl 19), An unusually well centered
        1627. Û 100-11, F-VF .............. 70.70                                              example from the scarcer Plate, lightly
        1628. Û 122-34, F-VF .............. 81.20                                              cancelled. VF, two diff guarantee b/s’s.
        1629. Û 135-49, QE set to £1. F-VF . . 125.10                                          A BEAUTY!.................... 950.00
        1630. Û 135-49, 153-67, Two diff QE sets to              1715. ÕÛ C11Ck-C11Dm, Imperf se-tenant
         £1, F-VF ....................... 215.95                  block in vermilion, VF, slight creases.
        1631. Û 153-67, QE set to £1. F-VF, LH ...                Scarce ...................... 600.00+                   1760. Ú 38-47, Cpl KE used set up to 45
         ............................... 90.85                                                                             Piastres, fresh colours, neat cancels, F-VF.
        1632. ÚÛ 183, 189 (2), 190, Four QE issues               1716. Û C175-85, F-VF, NH ......... 61.05                 A CHOICE SET ............... 1,342.00
         all with noted varieties. Incl Apostrophe               1717. Ú C200-7, F-VF .............. 90.15
         variety, Telephone Flaw, ‘S’ Flaw & Stop                           CONGO:
         under “A”. VF, most are mint.... Est 35.00+             1718. Û 330, 350, INVERTED OVERPRINTS,
            CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC:                             VF, NH..................... Est 50.00+
        1633. SSÛ 820, 851, Scott unlisted souvenir                  CONGO (PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC):
         sheet of 2 diff ELVIS PRESLEY stamps. VF,               1719. Û 489-92, Imperf Captain Cook set.
         stamps are NH .............. Est 50.00+                  Unlisted as imperfs in Scott. VF, NH.......
        1634. Û 836-40, IMPERF Railway set. VF, NH                ........................... Est 35.00+  1743. Û 2 (Pl 181), F ............. 525.00
         ........................... Est 50.00+                                              1744. Û 2 (Pl’s 201, 205, 215-8), Above aver-
        1635. Û Two diff Scott UNLISTED 1984 GOLD  1673. Û 1211-4, VF, NH........... 360.00  COOK ISLANDS:  age condition. F (6 diff) ........... 222.00
         FOIL issues for the Royal Baby depicting the            1720. Ö 84-90, Cpl KGV set tied by Rarotonga  1745. Û 2 (Pl 208), VG-F........... 135.00
                                                                  9 Sept 1932 CDS’s on Reg’d cover to C.P.R.
         Queen Mother & Princess Diana. One is a  1674. Û 1218-21, F-VF, NH ......... 86.00  in Montreal Canada with typed “per R.M.S.
         souvenir sheet. VF, NH ........ Est 50.00+  1675. Ö 1782-5, Tied by attractive 20 May
                                      1982 cancel on cach FDC & FD Canada  Makura”. F, minor creases (Stamps Cat $211
                   CEYLON:            82 PHILEX card, 20 May 1982. Both AUTO-  US) ...................... Est 150.00+
        1636. Ö Stampless OHMS Postal Stationery  GRAPHED by the stamp designer. VF (2  1721. Ö 109-11, Blocks tied by Rarotonga
         card with boxed “FREE” & Colombo 13 July  items)...................... Est 50.00+  1 June 1937 CDS’s on large size KGVI
         1894 CDS. Addr to Slave Island. Gives in-  1676. Û 1645a, 1646a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH .  Coronation Reg’d Airmail FDC to Scotland.
         structions for upcoming parade signed by the  .............................. 100.00  VF. Attractive................ Est 40.00+
         Military Adjutant for the Ceylon Volunteers. VF  1677. Û 1647a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH 275.00+  1722. Û 183, 185, 189-90, Each in a pair
         ........................... Est 40.00+  1678. Û 1664a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . . 55.00  showing diff OVERPRINT TYPES in the pair.
        1637. Ú 1, 4a, 6A, VF appearances, all with  1679. SSÛ 1785, 1803, 1810. VF, NH 114.00  F-VF, NH ................... Est 75.00+
         expert repairs. Cat $575 ....... Est 70.00+  1680. Û 1832a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . 150.00  1723. Û 787-815, Coral set to $9.60. VF, NH
        1638. Ú 3-4, 6, Also 4a, F .......... 390.00  1681. Û 1863a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . 100.00  ............................... 64.00  1746. Û 2 (Pl 220), VG-F .......... 550.00  1761. ÕÚ 46, Fresh used block, perfectly
                                                                                                                           centered, neat central Larnaca 27 May,
        1639. Ú 4, 4a, VF (#4 light crease) . . . 170.00  1682. Û 1889a, Cpl Booklet. VF, NH. . . 50.00  COSTA RICA:       1904 squared circle cancel. XF. A CHOICE
                                     1683. Û 2378-9, 2641-2, 2827-8, Lunar New  1724. Û 21-2, Also 2¢, 5¢ & 10¢ Revenues,  1747. Û 3 (Pl’s 14-5), 4 (Pl 16), Fresh colours,  BLOCK IN SUPERB CONDITION 700.00+
                                      Year cpl sheets of 32. VF, NH ...... 233.80  Circa 1887 issues all in pairs with red  F ............................. 162.50
                                     1684. SSÛ 2563-6, Perf & Imperf souvenir  “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF, NH. Ex Bileski  1762. Ú 48-56, 58-9, F-VF .......... 248.10
                                      sheets. VF, NH (2) ............... 104.25  estate priced at $250 (10) ..... Est 125.00+  1763. Û 54-6, F-VF, LH............ 117.50
                                     1685. Ö 2775, Return of Hong Kong souvenir
                                      sheet on gorgeous 1997 cach unaddr FDC.  CROATIA:
                                      VF ........................ Est 45.00+  1725. SSÛ B31, VF, NH........ Est 35.00+
                                     1686. ÕÛ EAST CHINA 5L64, $10 block with  CUBA:
                                      a spectacular PRE-PRINTING PAPER FOLD  1726. Ö Stampless folded letter with fancy
                                      through the upper stamps. VF, natural SE at  “MATANZAS / FRANCO” black oval cancel
                                      top. An eye-catching block .... Est 175.00+  to Havana, date-lined 20 Jan 1838. VF.....
                                           REPUBLIC OF CHINA:     ........................... Est 65.00+
                                                                 1727. Ö Stampless folded letter with black
         1640. Ú 9, QV Nine Pence lilac brown with  1687. Û 1095a, Scarce Souvenir Folder  “FERNANDINA / DE JAGUA” 2-line cancel  1748. Û 5 (Pl 16), VG-F. Scarce .... 575.00
          four close to large margins. F-VF, neat black  of the 1954 Silo Highway Bridge IMPERF  to Havana date-lined 7 Nov 1838. F-VF ....
          grid cancels & small portion of red cancel,  SHEET. The last page in the folder has  ........................... Est 65.00+
          small bit of paper adhering to back. Has  #1077 with special commem cancel but  1728. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic cover with  1764. Ú 57, Scarce KE 12P with “BROKEN
          2015 APS Certificate ........... 1,050.00  the sheet itself is unused. See photo on  black St. Jago-de-Cuba 9 Mar 1850 2-Ring  TOP LEFT TRIANGLE variety, rich colour,
                                       Page 26 ................... 1,500.00  b/s to France. Has red boxed “COLONIES        lightly cancelled, fresh, VF, couple nibbed
        1641. Û 10, Rich colour, VG-F, NG, small                                                                           perfs (SG #69a, Cat £1,000) . . Est 600.00+
         facial flt. Has 1984 Pinchot Certificate. Cat  1688. SSÛ 1269a, 1322a, Wholesale lot of 4  & ART.13" h/s, London & Calais transits,
         $950...................... Est 100.00+  each. VF, a few bends ............ 200.00  Bordeaux 8 Apr receiver & English Steamer
        1642. Ú 11, F-VF ................. 260.00  1689. ÕÛ 1282A, 1282a, Blocks. VF, NH ..  m/s. F...................... Est 90.00+
                                      .............................. 220.00  1729. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic ship
                                     1690. Û 1296-1301, VF, NH ........ 100.10  letter datelined Havana 11 Dec 1856 to Paris.
                                                                  Has various transit & receiving cancels on
                                     1691. Û 1323-33, VF, NH ........... 93.60
                                                                  front & reverse. F-VF.......... Est 75.00+
                                                                 1730. Ö Stampless folded Trans-Atlantic ship
                                                                  letter datelined Havana 10 Oct 1857 to Paris.  1749. Ú 6 (Pl 13), Rich fresh colour, lightly
                                                                  “Per West India Mail Steamer” m/s endorse-  cancelled. F-VF................. 525.00
                                                                  ment & numerous transit & receiving cancels.
                                                                  VF ........................ Est 75.00+
                                                                 1731. Ö Two stampless folded letters from
                                                                  Matanzas to New York. One with “10 &
                                                                  STEAMSHIP” in circle cancel from 1859; the
                                                                  other with “10" in circle strike from 1866. VF
                                                                  ........................... Est 65.00+
         1643. Û 28a, QV Six Pence deep brown,
          rich colour, sharp impression. Fresh, F, LH            1732. Ö Two diff stampless folded letters
          ............................ 1,350.00                   1868 & 1869 from Havana to New York. Each
                                                                  with circular “NEW YORK STEAMSHIP 10"
        1644. Ú 52e, QV 5d deep sage green shade.                 handstamps. F, one with a slight stain (2)...
         F-VF .......................... 425.00                   .......................... Est 100.00+
        1645. Ú 63-73, Cpl QV set to 96¢. VG-VF (69              1733. Û 648/1586a, Nice lot of Christmas  1750. Ú 11-4, Watermarked “CC”. F-VF 452.50
         light thin)....................... 184.10                issues from 1960-72 in se-tenant blocks /
                                                                  multiples. VF, NH ................ 205.25               1765. Û 61-71, Cpl mint KGV set of 11 diff
                                                                 1734. Ö 871, Tied by Havana 17 Sept, 1983                 all with “SPECIMEN” overprints. Bright fresh
                                                                  Soviet Russia / Cuba cooperation in space                colours, F-VF .............. Est 500.00+
                                                                  cancel, on postcard. Has been autographed               1766. Û 71, KGV 45 Piastre with ‘SPECIMEN’
                                                                  by famous Cuban Cosmonaut TAMAYO.                        overprint. F-VF, LH .......... Est 150.00+
                                                                  He was the first Cuban / first Latin American /
                                     1692. Û 1355-8,VF, NH ........... 370.00  first man of African heritage in space. F ....
                                                                  .......................... Est 125.00+
                                     1693. ÕÛ 1375-6, Blocks. VF, NH .... 60.00
                                     1694. Û 1414-7, F-VF, NH .......... 88.00  1735. Ú Colourful coll of 30 diff illustrated Na-
                                                                  tional Lottery Tickets, from 1912-17. Printed
                                     1695. Û 1448-51, VF, NH .......... 135.00  in a variety of colours with attractive full front
                                     1696. Û 1450-1, VF, NH ............ 60.00  designs. Has allegorical views of children,  1751. Û 15, Scarce 6pi Olive Gray, rich
         1646. Ú 120, Scarce 5¢ on 24¢ purple brown  1697. SSÛ 1471-4, Two diff cpl sheets of 10  women, Mercury, musician, etc. F, some  colour, fresh, VF, LH. A RARELY SEEN
          surcharge. F, light black cancel. Has 2013  labels, with numbers 1 to 20 in the upper right  aging. An eye-catching lot. Scarce (30) ....  STAMP ..................... 1,900.00
          Sismondo Certificate............. 540.00  corners of each label. F-VF, NH, a few bends  .......................... Est 300.00+
                                      (20 diff labels) ............... Est 40.00+
        1647. Ú 209, Watermark inverted. F-VF,  1698. Û 1479-82, VF, NH .......... 109.75  1736. Ú Interesting coll of 25 diff NATIONAL
         tiny corner crease (SG #314w, Cat £45)....  1699. Û 1550-62, VF, NH .......... 122.65  LOTTERY TICKETS from 1912-18. Has
         ........................... Est 35.00+  1700. Û 1610-4, 1624-7, VF, NH...... 59.40  various years, nice designs, serial numbers,  1767. Ú 72-82, 84-5, F-VF ......... 444.50
        1648. Ú 213, KGV Ten Rupee. VF, small thin  1701. Û 1682-93, VF, NH ........... 82.55  etc. VG-VF, some flaws. An unusual lot ....
         .............................. 105.00  1702. Û 1740-9, VF, NH ............ 99.35  .......................... Est 175.00+
        1649. Ö 225, 272, Tied by Colombo 24 Dec  1703. Û 1926-9, Wholesale lot of 6 sets. VF,  CYPRUS:
         1936 CDS cancels on cacheted CHRISTMAS  NH ........................... 100.50
         FFC CEYLON TO INDIA. VF . . . Est 70.00+  1704. Û C69-89, VF, NH ............ 98.40
        1650. Û 256, Imperforate PLATE PROOF pair  1705. ÕÛ J127-30, Blocks. VF, NH . . 106.00
         of the KGV 5 Rupee, in black. Has missing  1706. ÕÛ J138-41, Blocks. VF, NH . . 104.30
         centre vignette. VF. VERY SCARCE ......  CHRISTMAS ISLAND:
         .......................... Est 225.00+
        1651. Û 264-74, F-VF .............. 73.05
        1652. Ú 264-74, F-VF .............. 46.85
        1653. Û 278-89A, KGVI set to 10 Rupees,
         F-VF .......................... 142.70                                                                           1768. Û 87, KGV Ten Shilling beautifully
        1654. Ö 291, Tied by Colombo 24 Oct 1941                                                                           centered, fresh crisp colour, XF, VLH .....
         on two separate cach covers for the MAIDEN                                           1752. Û 17, Rare QV 30 Paras overprint on  ......................... Est 450.00+
         VOYAGE OF THE SS EXCELLER. Each                         1737. Ú AUSTRIA/LOMBARDY VENETIA/  1p Rose. Nicely centered, fresh colour, VF,
         cover has a 2 stamp franking, a diff colour              LARNACCA DI CIPRO #’s 2A26-7, each  OG, a few slightly soiled perfs at top do not
         cachet, boxed Censor h/s & Posted on the                 with partial Larnaca Di Cipro CDS’s. F.  detract from this scarce stamp . . . 1,750.00
         High Seas h/s. F (2) .......... Est 50.00+               VERY SCARCE & RARELY OFFERED (2)  1753. ÕÚ 19-20, Beautiful used blocks of 9
        1655. Û 319-28, VF................ 78.20                   ............................. 875.00  with Larnaca 1896 Squared Circle cancels.
                    CHAD:                                                                     VF........................... 148.50+
        1656. SSÛ 944-57, Complete set of 14 diff  1707. Ö Cocoanut Plantations 10¢ Mail Boat  1754. Ú 19a-25, All with selected Squared
         Famous Artists souvenir sheets. VF, NH.  local tied by Christmas Island cancel 25    Circle cancels. F-VF.............. 147.75
         Lovely topicals .................. 110.00  May 1935 CDS on cover. Also franked with
        1657. SSÛ 944-62, Famous Artists / Paintings  Cook Islands #91 block with Rarotonga 9
         mini-sheets & souvenir sheets. VF, NH (19)  Nov 1935 CDS. Addr to Sydney Australia.
         .............................. 137.50  F, some light soiling / aging . . . Est 250.00+
                   CHILE:                       CILICIA:
        1658. Ú5,F ..................... 275.00  1708. Û J1-4, F-VF, guarantee b/s’s . . 124.50
        1659. Ö 333, Plus statue illustrated label, tied  1709. Û J5-6, F-VF ................ 56.00
         by Isla De Pascua 11 Feb 1965 CDS on  1710. Û J9-12, F-VF (J12 NG) ...... 101.50
         MEDICAL EXPEDITION to EASTER ISLAND  COCHIN CHINA:                                                               1769. Ú 87, KGV Ten Shilling, fresh crisp
         map illustrated postcard. Addr to Dr. S.C.  1711. Û 5, F, Guarantee b/s ........ 125.00  1738. Ú AUSTRIA / LOMBARDY-VENETIA /  colour, lovely centering, neat Larnaca 14
         Skoryna, McGill University, Montreal. VF ...             LARNACA DI CIPRO #2A28, SON Larnaca                      July 1924 CDS cancel. VF. A CHOICE
         ........................... Est 40.00+  COCOS ISLANDS:   Di Cipro CDS. VERY SCARCE & RARELY  1755. Ú 19b, Scarce Àpi EMERALD shade  STAMP (SG Cat £1,200) . . . Est 1,000.00+
        1660. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard  1712. Ú O1, VF .................. 115.00  OFFERED .................... 450.00  Die A. An additional Àpi green shade
         (circa 1911) depicting PRINCE FRANZ  COLOMBIA:                                        accompanies for comparison. F-VF . 528.25  1770. Ö 102, Tied by Limassol 28 Sept 1933
         FERDINAND (of Austria) AT CHILEAN                                                   1756. ÕÚ 24, Used block of 9 with lovely  CDS on Imperial Airways England to Burma
         MILITARY REVIEW in Santiago. F. Scarce .                                             red Larnaca A/31 Aug 1882 CDS’s. F-VF.  FFC, with Akyab 1 Oct b/s. A rarely offered
         ........................... Est 65.00+                                               Eye-catching showpiece! ......... 189.00+  cover. F ................... Est 100.00+
                   CHINA:                                                                    1757. Ú 26a, Type II variety, F....... 100.00
        1661. Û 10, F, NG ................ 175.00
        1662. ÕÛ 231, Nicely centred block, VF, NH
         ............................. 170.00+
        1663. ÕÛ 361, IMPERFORATE $5 margin
         block of 15. VF, large margins. . Est 200.00+
        1664. Ú 30, F .................... 130.00
        1665. Û 927, VF, NH............... 75.00                 1739. Ú AUSTRIA/TURKEY/LARNACCA
        1666. Û 1002-3, VF, NH ............ 95.00                 DI CIPRO #’s 2A32, 2A39, Franz Josef 10
        1667. Û 1095-8, VF, NH ........... 220.00  1713. Ú 435-6, National Olympics used High  Sld Coarse & Fine prints with lovely Larnaca
                                                                  Di Cipro CDS’s. F-VF. Very scarce (2) ....
        1668. Û 1104-7, VF, NH ........... 140.00                                                                         1771. Û 110, KGV One Pound, fresh intense
        1669. Û 1122-5, F-VF, NH .......... 55.00  Values, F-VF. Scarce ............ 975.00  ............................. 550.00  1758. Ú 28-37, Cpl used QV set up to 45  colour, VF, NH, a few natural gum bubbles.
        1670. Û 1126-9, VF, NH ........... 175.00  1714. ÕÛ C11A-11B, Imperforate se-tenant  1740. Ú 1 (Pl 12), Fresh colour, lightly cancelled.  Piastres, excellent colours, neat cancels,  Rarely seen in never hinged condition ....
        1671. Û 1143-54, F-VF, NH ........ 113.00  block in green, large margins, XF, slight edge  VG-F.......................... 300.00  F-VF. A CHOICE SET ........... 408.75  ......................... Est 500.00+
        1672. Û 1190-3, VF, NH ............ 75.00  bend ......................... 250.00+  1741. Û 1 (Pl 15), VF.............. 125.00
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33