Page 30 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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                           LOT 1922                                          LOT 2005
                                                                                                                         LOT 2071

        FIJI Continued                                           1944. Ú 50-6, 58-60, VG-VF ........ 159.60  1959. Û 123, F................... 100.00
        1904. Ö 94, 97, Tied on cach FFC from                    1945. Ö 55 (Pair), Tied by Montdidier 26 Sept
         Lautoka 14 July 1930 with Suva same day                  1874 CDS’s on part printed Official Post Office
         b/s. VF. Very few covers exist (Eustis Cat               request of delivery of a Reg’d item to Paris.
         $150) ..................... Est 100.00+                  Has “MONTDIDIER / SOMME”, plus a variety
        1905. Ö 139-40, KGVI Silver Wedding set tied              of other postmarks. Completed with all re-
         by Suva 22 Apr 1949 cancel on Reg’d cover                quired information. F+ ........ Est 100.00+
         to England. VF............... Est 60.00+
        1906. Û 147-62, F-VF ............. 105.40
        1907. Û 160-2, QE High Values. VF, NH ...
         .............................. 51.50+
        1908. Û 176-89, 240-56, Two diff sets to £1.
         F-VF ........................... 82.80
        1909. SSÛ 1050-3, Cpl set of souvenir sheets.
         VF, NH ......................... 40.00  1931. Ö 7, VF four margin single tied by a   1960. Û 135-7, F................. 432.50
        1910. Û J12-9, F-VF .............. 165.50  beautiful diamond grid cancel on cover                                 1991. Û B66-7, F-VF, NH.......... 350.00
                                      from Salins 2 July 1850 (early date) to                1961. Ö 138, Tied by Mandalles 1905 CDS
                   FINLAND:           SWITZERLAND. Has red boxed ‘PD’                         on b/w photo postcard depicting the 1905  1992. Û B135-48, F-VF ............. 62.00
        1911. Ú 10, F+ .................... 60.00  cancel. VF, trivial TS on cover. Has 1998  GORDON BENNETT CAR RACE. This was  1993. Û B152a, B157a, VF ......... 112.50
        1912. Ú 17-9, 21-3, Also 18a, F-VF. . . 183.00  SBPV Certificate. Cat $575 US Est 400.00+  the biggest auto race in the world at that time.  1994. Û B249-54, VF, NH ........... 72.00
        1913. Ú 83-110, F-VF .............. 59.00                                             F ......................... Est 60.00+  1995. Û B294-9, F-VF, NH ......... 111.50
        1914. Ö 105, Tied by Qvarken s/l ship cancel             1946. Ö 56, Tied by rare “ASNA” cancel on                1996. ÕÛ B567-72, B602-7, B656-61, Blocks.
         with Replot 4 July 1928 CDS (Russian portion             small size cover postmarked by clear Ver-                Also miniature sheet B639. VF, NH . . . 90.00
         of cancel removed), from Qvarken Archipel-               sailles ASSEMBLEE NATLE 29 Jun 1873
                                                                  CDS to a local Versailles address. VF. Has
         ago Via Wasa (bilingual cancel) to Chicago. F,
         small tear. Unusual & scarce.... Est 90.00+              2013 Roumet Certificate (Maury Cat 1,150
        1915. Ö 119 (Pair), Tied on 1920 b/w postcard             Euro) .................... Est 450.00+
         depicting the ESPERANTO CLUB in Finland.
         Addr to Italy & has nice label affixed. F.....
         ........................... Est 65.00+
        1916. Ö 169, 205, Tied by Orivesi 23 Aug
         1941 CDS on WWII Censored cover to USA
         via Lisbon 27 Aug b/s. Has Finnish violet
         boxed Airmail Service to Europe & USA h/s                                            1962. Û 138-54, Cpl Sower set. VG-VF,
         & censor tape. F ............. Est 50.00+  1932. Ú 19a, Scarce 80¢ Napoleon TETE      4 stamps are NH................ 487.25
        1917. Ö 175, B2, Tied on Reg’d First Night  BECHE PAIR. Excellent colour, neat can-  1963. Ö 159, Tied by 1909 CDS depicting a
         Flight from Helsinki via Stockholm/Copenha-  cels. F, expert hidden little repair which is  Paris scene of a Voisin aircraft piloted by early
         gen to Rotterdam. Addr to England. F-VF...  barely perceptible. Has 1984 Friedl Certifi-  French aviator LOUIS PAUCHAM. He is best
         ........................... Est 50.00+  cate. A VERY RARE ITEM FOR THE               known for winning the first Daily Mail aviation
        1918. ÕÛ 179/277, B82-90, Coll of 28 diff  FRANCE COLLECTOR. Ex Weinberg ....         prize for the first flight between London &
         commems, defins & semi-postals in blocks.  .......................... 22,000.00      Manchester in 1910. VF ....... Est 65.00+
         VF, NH (112 stamps) ............. 129.80                                            1964. Ö 159, Tied by 1910 CDS on b/w post-
                                                                                              card depicting an early French Submarine of
                                                                                              the “PLUVIOSE CLASS” at sea. This subma-
                                                                                              rine sunk off Calais on 26 May 1910 with the
                                                                                              loss of 27 crew members incl the Comman-  1997. Û C1-2, Scarce First Airmails. VG-F,
                                                                                              dant of the Calais Submarine Station. VF...  NH, touch of DG ................ 800.00
                                                                                              ........................... Est 75.00+
                                                                                             1965. Ö 162, Tied on front of real b/w photo
                                                                 1947. ÕÛ 64, Block, brilliant fresh colour,  postcard by Paris 24 Mar 1908 CDS to Indre.
                                                                  nice centring. F-VF, OG ......... 725.00+
                                                                                              Card depicts the Dirigible “PATRIE” tethered
                                                                 1948. Û 80, F, corner crease........ 675.00  to the ground in field. VF, stamp has flt.....
                                                                 1949. Ö 86a, Tied by Paris / R. de L’Ouest 6  ........................... Est 60.00+
                                     1933. Ú 21, Rich colour, lightly cancelled. F.  Oct 1896 CDS on full front & back blue illus-  1966. Ö 162, Tied by Calais 22 June 1910
                                      A SCARCE STAMP............ 2,475.00  trated local wrapper. Souvenir of the Royal  CDS on b/w memorial postcard honouring
                                     1934. Ú 29, 31, 42 (2 shades). F-VF . . 173.50  Visit of Czar Nicholas & the Czarina. The Czar  the dead crew of the French Submarine
                                                                  & President Faure are depicted on reverse;  “PLUVIOSE”. While cruising off Calais in
                                                                  Czar Alexander III & President Sadi Carnot  1910, the submarine was involved in a
                                                                  on the front. VF ............. Est 125.00+  collision with a packet boat & sunk with the
                                                                 1950. Û 89, VG+, NG ............. 200.00  loss of all hands. F, small corner flaw. Scarce
                                                                 1951. Ö 109, 110 (2), Tied by Bordeaux 30  ........................... Est 70.00+  1998. Û C8-14, Cpl Airmail set to 50 Fr, fresh
                                                                  Ap 1903 CDS’s on b/w postcard depicting  1967. Û 175b, VG-F .............. 150.00  colours, nice centering, VF........ 976.00
                                                                  the capsized French passenger/cargo ship  1968. Û 185-96, 198-201, VG-VF .... 119.30
                                                                  “CHILI” in 1903. F ............ Est 60.00+  1969. SSÛ 226, International Philatelic Exhibi-
         1919. Û 207-9, Kalevala issue vert IMPERF               1952. Ö 113 (2), Tied by 1904 CDS’s on  tion souvenir sheet from 1925. VF, NH (one
          PROOF PAIRS. VF, ungummed .........                     postcard depicting 5 diff labels from the 1900  stamp with tiny DG spot), small margin tear.
          ......................... Est 250.00+                   International Exposition in Paris. Addressed  Scarce....................... 3,750.00
        1920. Û 398-414A, 415, VF, LH ..... 112.05                to Canada. F ................ Est 60.00+  1970. Û 226b, Scarce 5 Fr, Fresh, VF, NH ..
                                                                 1953. Ö 113 (2), Tied by Paris 1905 CDS’s  ............................. 225.00+
                                                                  on front of b/w photo / illustrated postcard  1971. Û 252, VF .................. 70.00
                                                                  to Canada. Commemorates visit of KING  1972. Û 254A, LL corner margin horiz pair,
                                     1935. Ö 34, Tied by Paris dotted star cancel  CARLOS & QUEEN MARIE of Portugal & de-  perf 13 with 30.4.36 date. Large margins,
                                      on BALLON MONTE “Depeche Ballon”  picts the Royal couple, PRESIDENT LOUBET  fresh, VF, NH. Has guarantee b/s’s & 2018
                                      printed newspaper. Has lengthy written  & emblems. F-VF............. Est 40.00+  Roumet Certificate .............. 900.00+
                                      message as well. With Paris / Senat 22 Nov  1954. Ö 113 (2), Tied by Grebez to Paris 23  1973. Û 264-83, F-VF, couple NH.... 138.70
                                      1870 CDS (#BM33). Carried aboard Balloon  Oct, 1905 RPO cancels on b/w photo postcard  1974. Û 291-4, F-VF .............. 100.50  1999. Û C15, Bank note Airmail, perfectly
                                      “Ville d’Orleans” & addr to Lausanne, Swit-  depicting fugitives JEAN GALLAY &  1975. Ö 299, C7, Tied by Nantes R.P. / Loire  centered, fresh rich colour, XF, LH. . 625.00
                                      zerland via Bern (b/s). F...... Est 500.00+  VALENTINE MERELLI who were wanted for  Inferieure 13 Jan 1937 CDS’s on Reg’d Air-
                                                                  embezzling 2 million Francs from a bank in  mail cover to London. F........ Est 50.00+
                                                                  Paris. They escaped from France in 1904 in  1976. Û 311-12, 324, 370, 374, F-VF, NH ..
                                                                  a fancy yacht which is pictured. They were  .............................. 102.75
                                                                  apprehended in Brazil & were extradited back
                                                                  to France to stand trial. VF ..... Est 75.00+
         1921. Û B27-30, Complete set of IMPERF                  1955. Ö 113, Tied by Toulon 14 Jan, 1906
          PLATE PROOF pairs. Large margins, VF,                   CDS on b/w postcard depicting the early
          ungummed. Scarce (Previous owner paid                   French Submarine “LUTIN” riding on the
          $342 US from Jay Smith in 1993 - invoice                surface in a harbour. This submarine was
          enclosed) ................. Est 250.00+                 sunk in Tunis in 1906 with the loss of all
                                                                  hands. VF .................. Est 75.00+
         1922. Ö C1, ZEPPELIN overprinted air-                   1956. Û 117a, IMPERFORATE PAIR, VF, NG.
          mail tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Baltic  1936. Ö 34, Tied by Paris dotted star cancel  Has photocopy of a 1997 Philatelic Founda-  2000. Û C15, Scarce 50 Fr Banknote Airmail
          Sea Return Flight postcard, Helsinki to  on BALLON MONTE “Lettre-Journal” printed  tion Certificate for a multiple from which this  with BURELAGE REVERSED variety.
          Friedrichshafen leg. VF. See photo above  newspaper (with lengthy written message  pair came from .................. 380.00  Perfectly centered, pristine fresh, XF, VLH
          ....................... Est 275.00+  as well). Has Paris / Place de la Madeleine                                 (Yvert PA #15b, Cat 850 Euro) Est 500.00+
                                      28 Dec 1870 CDS (#BM52). Carried aboard                 1977. ÕÛ 313, Imperf Proof block of 40¢ red
                   FRANCE:            Balloon “Bayard” & addr to Montreux, Swit-               brown Jean Jaures on card. VF, tiny tear at
                                                                                               bottom. Maury Cat 1,360 Euro. Est 300.00+
        1923. Ö Official stampless printed circular  zerland (7 Jan 1871 b/s). VF . . Est 500.00+
         from Paris, “3rd year of the Republic” (1795)  1937. Ö 35-6, Tied on cover from Le Havre 24  1978. SSÛ 329, PEXIP 1937 souvenir sheet.
         addr domestically. Has illustrated Liberty  Nov 1866 to Bonn Germany. Nice markings &  VF, hinged in selvedge, centre stamps are NH
         heading & b/s; plus “Commission de Com-  black wax seal on reverse (shows through to  .......................... Est 350.00+
         merce / et Approvisionnmens” 2-line h/s. F..  the front). VG+, some edge flts . . Est 65.00+  1979. SSÛ 329, PEXIP souvenir sheet, pristine
         ........................... Est 50.00+  1938. Ú 37, Napoleon 5 Franc. F, small thins.  fresh, VF, NH (one minute selvedge bend
        1924. Ö Stampless letter with Bordeaux 13 Apr  Cat $750 .................. Est 100.00+  affecting gum, does not detract)..... 700.00
         1837 to London with 17 Apr b/s. Has “14" &  1939. Ú 37, Scarce 5 Fr. Napoleon, neat  1957. Û 117a, Horiz IMPERFORATE  1980. Û 329a-d, Cpl set of 4 diff Ceres issues
         ”2sh" m/s rate. Beautiful calligraphy in French.  numeral cancel, F-VF, back flt. Cat $750 ...  GUTTER PAIR with numeral “1". VF, NG.  (from the souvenir sheet). Fresh colours, F-VF
         F ......................... Est 40.00+  .......................... Est 125.00+  Has photocopy of a 1997 Philatelic Founda-  .............................. 360.00
        1925. Ö Stampless commercial cover with  1940. Ú 41 (2 diff shades), 42, VF.... 380.00  tion Certificate for a multiple form which this  1981. Ö 335, 345(2), B44-5, C15; Also USA #’s  2001. Ú C15, Scarce 50 Fr Banknote Airmail,
         Bordeaux 5 Oct 1851 CDS, addr to RIGA,                   came from.................... 380.00+  825/Pair, 831, E15a, All tied on cach large  rich colour, neat CDS cancel, VF . . . 310.00
         Russia (Latvia). Variety of postal markings.                                         size twice flown Marseilles to New York &  2002. Û C17, VF ................. 290.00
         F-VF....................... Est 45.00+                                               RETURN Trans-Atlantic FFC addr to Sull
        1926. Ö Stampless entire with 25¢ hammer                                              Co, NY. F, some soiling not affecting C15.
         rate to Metz dated Verdun 24 Nov 1852.                                               A SPECTACULAR COVER WITH BETTER
         Has fancy 2-ring blue oval ‘MILITARY/                                                FRANKING ................ Est 800.00+
         ENGINEERS’ b/s & Metz 25 Nov receiver.                                              1982. Û 473, 557-8, IMPERFS. VF, letter
         F-VF....................... Est 50.00+                                               stamp signed (Maury 110 Euro) . Est 50.00+
        1927. Ú 3, 3a, 6, F ................ 114.00                                          1983. Û 700-5, F-VF, NH ........... 61.30
        1928. Ö 3b (VF), Tied by lozenge grid cancels                                        1984. ÕÛ 1100, Top margin imprint block;
         on folded illustrated advertising letter sheet                                       plus 3 diff imprint singles. VF, NH . . . 122.50
         for J. Wagner, Clock Maker with Paris 4 July                                        1985. Û B12-9, F-VF (B15-6 NH) .... 238.80
         1849 CDS to Melun 4 July b/s. Interestingly  1941. Ú 43, Horiz pair with large margins,  1986. Ú B17-19, F-VF ............. 216.50
         a Medallion depicting King Philip & “DU ROI”  neat dotted ‘732’ lozenge cancel of   1987. Û B34, F-VF ................ 80.00
         stroked out (also has clock face & 1839 Expo  Carcassonne, fresh bright colour, VF. Has  1988. ÕÛ B37, LL corner date block. Fresh
         Medallion images, plus blue illustrated corner  been signed by Calves & has 1988 Calves  colour, F, lower stamps are NH ..... 510.00  2003. Û C17, Fresh rich colour, nicely cen-
         card). F-VF. Signed Calves & Goebel......  Certificate. A CHOICE ITEM .... 1,100.00+  1989. Û B38, VF, LH .............. 125.00  tered, VF, NH .................. 700.00
         .......................... Est 200.00+                                              1990. Û B66-7, F-VF, LH........... 130.00
        1929. Ö 6 (3), 6a, Tied on 4 folded covers /  1942. Ö 47, VF copy tied by numeral lozenge                         2004. ÛC23-7, Cpl Airmail set. VF, LH 212.70
         letters from 1852-53 by small numeral lozenge  cancel on folded banking statement with   There is never a         2005. Û C27, Scarce 1,000 Fr Airmail
         cancel #’s 416, 441, 476 & 687. One is a  Toulouse 18 Mar 1871 CDS to Lavaur 19  1958. ÕÛ 117a, IMPERFORATE GUTTER  imperf DIE PROOF (5.5 x 4.4 inches)
         school report card from Bordeaux. F. Cat  Mar b/s. F .................. Est 50.00+  BLOCK. VF, NG. Has photocopy of a  Buyer's Fee at  with m/s notation in the selvedge. VF
         $216....................... Est 50.00+  1943. Ö 47, VF copy tied by numeral lozenge  1997 Philatelic Foundation Certificate for  (Yvert Cat 900 Euro). See photo above .
        1930. Ú 6a (Vertical pair), 9, Neatly tied on  cancel on cover with Dole du Jura 10 June  a multiple from which this block came from  Vance Auctions!  ....................... Est 400.00+
         piece. F, top stamp of the pair has a corner  1871 CDS to St. Pons 12 June b/s. F, horiz  ............................ 760.00+
         crease. Cat $710 US......... Est 250.00+  fold....................... Est 125.00+                                2006. Û C29-32, VF .............. 281.25
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35