Page 34 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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                                                                       LOT 2188
                                                                                                                      LOT 2238

                LOT 2134

        GERMANY Continued            2127. Ö 377, 381, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN                 2179. Û 1726/2111, B862/B879, Coll of primar-  2220. Û B331-7, B344-9, F-VF, NH . . 171.60
        2099. Ö 67, Tied by DUSSELDORF /  2 July 1932 ON BOARD cancel on cach Eng-            ily 2000 issues. VF, NH (68 diff)..... 121.00  2221. Ú B334-7, F-VF .............. 80.00
         AUSSTELUNG 19 Aug 1902 special cancel  land Flight postcard addr to Stuttgart. Card                              2222. Ö B335 (5), Tied by “MUNCHEN-
         on photo postcard depicting machinery venue  depicts green & bistre illustration of Zeppelin                      ALTOMUNSTER / BAHNPOST / ZUG 01916 /
         to Marburg. F-VF, light corner creases. Scarce  in flight. F-VF................ Est 75.00+                        17 Dec 1953 oval Railway cancels to USA. VF
         early Exhibition .............. Est 75.00+  2128. Ö 379, C35, Tied on cach GRAF                                   ........................... Est 50.00+
        2100. Ö 67, Tied by DUSSELDORF /  ZEPPELIN 7th South America 1932                                                 2223. ÕÚ B338-41, Beautiful set of used
         AUSSTELUNG 19 Aug 1902 special cancel  ROUND Flight by ON BOARD cancel. Has                                       corner blocks plus a used set in singles. VF,
         on b/w photo postcard depicting view of  Friedrichshafen receiver & A. Phillips Air Mail                          neat CDS’s..................... 204.50
         Dusseldorf to Marburg. Refers to Portland  Specialist red brown illustrated label affixed                        2224. Ú C3-14, F-VF. All have guarantee b/s’s
         Cement production. Scarce Exhibition cancel.  (addr to A. Phillips in Newport). VF. Very                          .............................. 230.25
         F-VF....................... Est 75.00+  attractive!.................. Est 200.00+                                2225. Ö C3-11, Tied by Leipzig 30 Sept 1922
        2101. Ú 75-9, F-VF ............... 143.25  2129. Ö 381, 395, Tied on cacheted SHIP  2153. Ú 585A-93, Cpl set of numeral issues  2180. Û B7a, Margin single with INVERTED  CDS’s on Airmail Reg’d Express cover to
        2102. Ö 81,Tied by Hanover 12 Mar 1906 CDS  “EUROPA” to NEW YORK May 1933  with Band Overprint INVERTED. All used  SURCHARGE at bottom of the stamp.  Berlin. Has Berlin red boxed Airmail receiver
         on colour illustrated embossed Kaiser & Kaiserin  CATAPULT FLIGHT cover addr to Allentown,  except #587C which is mint NH. Each has  Fresh, F, NH. Has “Infla-Berlin” & Dr. Dub  b/s. F-VF .................. Est 100.00+
         25 Wedding Anniversary postcard. Addr to Lin-  Pa. F, one corner stain ........ Est 60.00+  been signed “Schlegel A BPP”. F-VF (Mi #’s  expert b/s’s (Mi Cat 2,800 Euro) . . 2,100.00  2226. Ö C8-14, Tied on Munich to Nurnberg
         den. Depicts female effigy holding wreath over  2130. Ö 381, C35, Tied on cach GRAF  52IK-68IK - 3,316 Euro). Rare. Est 900.00+  2181. Û B57, VF, LH .............. 130.00  Flight 25 July 1923 multi-colour postcard
         Royal couple, etc. F-VF........ Est 40.00+  ZEPPELIN June 1934 Second South America                               (depicting Swiss stamps & crest). VF ......
        2103. Ö 82, Tied by Breslau / Festplatz 30 July  Flight cover to Rio de Janeiro. F-VF, tiny edge  2154. Û 600-2, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  2182. Ú B57, F-VF ................ 130.00  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                                                                             2183. SSÛ B58, Scarce NOTHILFE souvenir
         1907 special cancel on colour illustrated post-  tear ...................... Est 100.00+  SIDES. F-VF, NH (Mi 250 Euro) Est 125.00+  sheet, VF, stamps are NH, selvedge is hinged
         card to Vienna. Depicts crowd & venue for  2131. Ö 395, 397, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN  2155. Û 604, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  & is just a trifle toned at bottom . . . 1,150.00
         Singing Festival with matching violet h/s. F-VF  22 June 1933 ON BOARD cancel on Switzer-  SIDES. F-VF, NH (Mi 90 Euro) . . Est 50.00+  2184. Ú B59-67, F-VF ............. 123.10
         ........................... Est 75.00+  land Flight postcard addr to Teplitz-Schonau.  2156. Û 608, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  2185. SSÚ B68, OSTROPA souvenir sheet
        2104. Ö 82, Also Russia #73, Tied on 1909  VF ....................... Est 300.00+  SIDES. VF, NH (Mi 100 Euro). . . Est 60.00+  with neat illustrated exhibition postmark 27
         colour embossed postcard from Myslowitz.  2132. Ö 396, C43, Tied on Map illustrated  2157. Û 609, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  June 1935. VF .................. 825.00
         Depicts Tsar Nicolas, Kaiser Wilhelm & Em-  GRAF ZEPPELIN 1933 Chicago Exposi-  SIDES. F-VF, NH ............ Est 50.00+  2186. Ö B68, OSTROPA souvenir sheet (along
         peror Franz Josef plus view of where Austria,  tion Flight postcard, addr to Pernambuco  2158. Û 621, With type B surcharge on
         Germany & Russia meet. Addr to Berlin. F-VF  Brazil. Has ON BOARD cancel. VF,  both front & reverse. F-VF (Mi 70 Euro) ....  with #458), tied by Konigsberg Ostropa Exhib
                                                                                              24 June 1935 illustrated cancel on Reg’d
         ........................... Est 65.00+  slightly reduced. Scarce. See photo on  ........................... Est 50.00+  cover to Bologna, Italy. Has Milan - Florence -
        2105. Ö 82 (2), Tied by Cassel 1,000 Anniv.  Page 32 ................ Est 750.00+  2159. Û 623, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  Rome RPO b/s. F, has staining/toning from
         Fair 29 Sept 1913 special cancels on match-              SIDES. VF, NH. UNLISTED .... Est 50.00+
         ing colour illustrated postcard depicting  2133. Ö 398, 400, 409, Tied on cach 15pf Air-  2160. Û 629, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  gum. Scarce ............... Est 400.00+  2227. Ö C21, C22 (2), C23, Tied on cach
         woman in traditional costume to USA. F,  mail postal stat card for June 1933 Saar Graf  SIDES. F-VF, NH (Mi 300 Euro) Est 150.00+  2187. Ö B82 (14), Each tied by a diff bell illus-  ZR3 ZEPPELIN First Flight to America 12
                                                                                              trated Berlin 1936 Olympics cancel on 14
         some edge wear ............. Est 65.00+  Zeppelin Round Flight. VF..... Est 175.00+  2161. Û 632, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  Oct 1924 cover, addr to Brooklyn. Has
        2106. Ö 82 (Pair), 83, Tied by special Interna-           SIDES. VF, NH (Mi 130 Euro). . . Est 70.00+  postcards. All addr to Hanover. VF Est 75.00+  additional blue cachet depicting the Zeppelin
         tional Hygiene Exhibition Dresden June/July  2134. Ö 398, C43-4, Tied on double cach  2162. Û 633, OVERPRINTED ON BOTH  2188. Ö B82-3, B84-5 (Pairs), B88-9,  airship & Statue of Liberty. Has been signed
         1911 cancels on 2 colour photo postcards  Reg’d GRAF ZEPPELIN 1933 Chicago  SIDES. F-VF, NH (Mi 120 Euro) . Est 65.00+  Tied front & back on cach HINDENBURG  by HUGO ECKENER - the famous Graf
         depicting Dresden Palace & gardens to USA.  Exposition Flight cover addr to Akron.  2163. Ö 634, B316, B320 (Pair), RA2, All tied  Aug 1936 Olympic Games Flight cover  Zeppelin commander for most of its record
         Each card has a coloured label affixed depict-  Has Berlin connecting flight cachet. VF.  by Munich 24 Mar 1952 CDS’s to a cover to  to Leipzig. AUTOGRAPHED by HUGO  setting flights. F, slightly reduced, some
         ing “ALL-SEEING EYE”. F+. SCARCE EARLY  See photo above........Est 1,000.00+  Stein a Trann. Scarce franking. Some small  ECKENER (Commander of the famous  minor creasing ............. Est 500.00+
         EXHIBITION (2)............. Est 100.00+  2135. Ö 400, Tied by DEUTSCHE SEEPOST /  tears at bottom of cover, stamps F-VF .....  Graf Zeppelin for most of it’s record set-
        2107. Ö 82, CL1, Tied on SCHWABEN Rhein  LINIE / BREMEN LA PLATA / 12 Oct 1933  ........................... Est 85.00+  ting flights) & ERNST LEHMANN (Ger-
         & Main official illustrated flight postcard. Has  seapost cancel on cover to USA. F-VF.....  2164. Ö 662-4, B298-305, Tied by Cologne  man Zeppelin Captain who was a victim
         Frankfurt 22 June 1912 cancel. F, some  ........................... Est 50.00+  24 June 1949 CDS’s on front & reverse on  of the Hindenburg disaster in 1937). VF.
         creasing not affecting stamps . . . Est 75.00+  2136. Ö 403, Tied by Ludwigsfelde 31 Aug  Airmail cover to USA. F-VF ..... Est 40.00+  See photo above .........Est 350.00+
        2108. Ö 98, Tied by Bunderhammrick 4 Oct  1934 CDS on b/w photo postcard depicting  2165. Û 665-6, VF, NH ............. 75.00
         1916 CDS on WWI colour illustrated postcard  the giant DORNIER DO-X flying boat in a har-  2166. Ö 665-6, 669 (2), B306-8, B310-3, etc,  2189. Ö B82-9, C57-8, Cpl sets tied on cach
         to Heinitz Polder. Depicts Kaiser Wilhelm &  bour. Many smaller boats are surrounding the  Tied on 3 diff Airmail covers from Bremen to  HINDENBURG Reg’d 7th North America
         flags with slogan. F-VF ........ Est 40.00+  seaplane. F, minor corner bend . Est 65.00+  USA, from 1949. Stamps F-VF (Cat $323 US),  Flight Aug 1936 to New York. Also illustrated
        2109. Ö 160 (7), 184, 191, Tied by Bremen 13  2137. Û 412, VF, NH.............. 200.00  covers F................... Est 150.00+  advertising cover for Hotel Adlon, Berlin. F.
         Mar 1923 CDS’s on underpaid Reg’d Parcel  2138. Û 414, VF, NH.............. 135.00  2167. Ú 665-8, B309, F-VF ......... 143.00  A nice multi-franked cover..... Est 300.00+
         Advice to Josefstadt, Czech. Has Czech #J15  2139. Ö 415, B90, B173, B205, B243, Each  2168. Ú 665-9, F-VF .............. 155.50  2190. SSÛ B91-2, VF .............. 75.00
         (Pair) affixed. F-VF, small tear. Attractive  tied by special 1936-43 cancels on Brown  2169. Û 667-8, B309, F-VF, NH ...... 80.50  2191. Û B93-101, F-VF, NH ......... 60.00
         inflation item ................ Est 75.00+  Ribbon Horse Race covers from Munich.  2170. Ö 667-8, 669 (2), 686 (Pair), B304-9,  2192. SSÛ B102, B105-6, F-VF, NH. . 427.50
        2110. Û 187a, Imperf pair. VF, NH . . . 150.00  F-VF, B90 cover is reduced..... Est 50.00+  B316-7, B321-3, etc, Tied by Bremen May -  2193. SSÛ B102, B104, VF, NH ..... 292.50
        2111. Ö 293 (10), 296 (3), Tied front & back  2140. Ö 419, Tied by Reich Party Congress  Dec 1949 CDS’s on 4 covers to USA. Stamps  2194. SSÚ B105, Brown Ribbon Day 1 Aug
         by Heidelberg 27 Nov 1923 CDS cancels on  special cancels on 2 diff b/w postcards from  F-VF, covers have a few flaws. Stamps alone  1937 F.D. cancel. VF, a few trivial little spots
         20,000,000,000 Mark rated commercial cover  1937 & 1939. One shows Zeppelin stadium  Cat $500 US (4)............. Est 225.00+  of TS........................... 97.50
         to Neustadt. Has South German Civil Ser-  where Nazi rallies held, other a proposed Nazi  2171. Ö 669, B332-7, RA5(3), Tied by Celle  2195. Û B107-15, F-VF, NH ......... 75.00
         vants supply & credit Co. Ltd. / Co. F. Attrac-  Congress Building in Nurnberg. F Est 45.00+  1949-53 CDS’s on 3 covers to Winsen. VF.  2196. Ú B119, Tied by fancy Munich 31 July
         tive high inflation cover ....... Est 100.00+  2141. Ö 419, Tied by Berlin Charlottenburg  Stamps alone Cat $157....... Est 100.00+  1938 “Brown Ribbon” horse race cancel on
        2112. Ú 309, F, some short perfs..... 675.00                                          piece. VF ................... Est 50.00+
                                      17 Feb, 1939 Auto Exhibition cancel on b/w             2197. Ö B119 (2), Each tied on cover by diff
                                      real photo postcard. Shows a K.D.F. VOLKS-              Brown Ribbon Race / Munich 24-30 July 1938
                                      WAGEN car demonstrating its capabilities on             special cancels to Cham. VF.... Est 75.00+
                                      a test run. This car was a prototype used for                                       2228. Û C23-6, High Value Airmails, fresh
                                      publicity purposes & was not for sale. This            2198. ÕÛ B121-2, B204, Blocks, VF, NH ..  bright colours, VF, NH (C23 has Zieher
                                                                                               .............................. 144.00
                                      design is still being used for cars today. VF .        2199. Ö B123-7, Tied by special Berlin  guarantee b/s) ................ 1,140.00
                                      ........................... Est 65.00+
                                     2142. Ö 422, Tied by Friedrichshafen 27 June             Charlottenburg 18 Feb 1939 Auto Exhibition  2229. Ö C27 (3), C28, C29 (3), 5pf postal
                                      1937 slogan cancel on photo postcard depict-            cancels on lovely multi-coloured publicity  stationery card, Five diff early FFC’s to/from
                                      ing GRAF ZEPPELIN & crowd of people in                  postcard for the 1939 Berlin International  10 diff cities, June- Aug 1927. We saw 2 diff
                                      hangar, addr to Holland. Has red Zeppelin               Motor Show. VF.............. Est 65.00+  Airport h/s’s. We noted Stettin to London, &
                                      h/s “in memory of visiting Zeppelin airship            2200. Û B123-31, F-VF, NH ......... 75.00  USA Airplane ‘Columbia’ Munich to Vienna.
                                      hangar”. F, corner crease ...... Est 65.00+  2172. Û 670-85, Cpl Posthorn set, fresh  2201. Û B141-5, VF................ 84.00  VG-VF (5) .................. Est 65.00+
                                     2143. Ö 425, Tied by Hamburg 1 Sept 1939  colours, F-VF, NH ............. 1,650.00  2202. Ö B152, Tied by fancy Munich 23 June
         2113. Ö 327, Tied on cach ZR3 Zeppelin  on cover to CANADA. Has 1 censored label     1940 cancel on multi-coloured postcard de-
          America Flight postcard 12 Oct 1924 to  at right. VERY EARLY CENSORED COVER  2173. Ö 687, 689, 692 (3), B324, B330, Nice  picting a GERMAN SOLDIER on the battle-
          Brooklyn. Has attractive additional blue cach  AS WAR WAS DECLARED A FEW DAYS  multi-franking tied by Bremen 29 Nov 1952  field. Also has red h/s for the German Red
                                                                  CDS’s on airmail cover to USA. F Est 75.00+
          depicting the Zeppelin airship & the Statue  AFTER MAILING & BEFORE RECEIPT IN  2174. Û 702-21, Heuss set to 3 Mark. F-VF,  Cross. VF .................. Est 50.00+
          of Liberty. F-VF ............ Est 125.00+  CANADA. F, center fold ....... Est 50.00+  NH ........................... 225.00  2203. Ö B160 (2), Tied by 20 Jan 1940 fancy
                                     2144. Û 436-41, 465-71, F-VF, NH. . . 209.50             cancel on coloured propaganda postcard of
        2114. Ö 345-6, Tied by Starnberg 13 Jan 1925             2175. Ö 703, B338-41, Tied by Bad Godesberg  the FRANKONIAN OFFERING DAY FOR
         CDS’s on attractive colour illustrated German  2145. Ö 464, C53 (Pair), Tied on cach GRAF  16 Feb 1955 CDS’s on #10 Airmail cover to  THE WARTIME WHW. Has inscription
         Workers Exhibition Munich souvenir postcard  ZEPPELIN 1935 15th South America Flight  USA. Has US Army Press Liaison Office  “Fight joyfully & sacrifice readily”. VF. Scarce
                                      addr to Santiago, Chile. Has ON BOARD
         depicting cityscape & female effigy. Addr to  cancels. VF ................ Est 150.00+  typed return addr. F........... Est 50.00+  .......................... Est 100.00+
         Strasbourg. Has matching violet h/s. F, some  2146. Ö 469, C57 (Pair), Tied by GRAF  2176. Ö 793, Tied by Heistern 17 Oct 1950  2204. Ö B190, Tied by Berlin GREATER
         creases .................... Est 50.00+                  CDS on ROCKET MAIL postcard. Has special  GERMANY REICHTAG 11 Dec 1941 cancel
        2115. Ö 351 (4), C27 (pair), C28 (5), Tied on 5  ZEPPELIN 5 May 1936 ON BOARD cancel  Rocket stamp & cachet, & is signed by  on coloured VICTORY postcard. Inscription  2230. Û C27-34, Cpl Airmail set, pristine
                                      on Second South America Flight sepia photo
         diff early FFC’s Jan-Apr 1927; from/to 10 diff  postcard depicting the airship over Fernando  Rocketeer GERHARD ZUCKER. F........  “GERMANY VICTORIOUS ON ALL FRONTS  fresh. F-VF, NH ................ 900.00
         cities. We saw Karlsruhe, Cologne, Berlin,  de Noronha, Brazil addr to Vienna. VF .....  ........................... Est 65.00+  FOR EUROPE”. VF. Scarce . . . Est 150.00+  2231. Ú C27-34, C46-56, F-VF ...... 206.30
         Chemnitz, Hamburg airport cancels. Also 19              2177. Ö 799, Tied by Heilbronn Philatelic  2205. ÕÛ B191, UL Imprint block. VF, NH ..  2232. Ö C28-9, C31, Tied by German-Ameri-
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+
         Apr Leipzig to Liverpool England flight. F-VF  2147. Ö 470 (Pair), 471, Tied by Berlin Auto  Exhibition 28 Mar 1959 F.D. cancel on early  ............................... 52.00  can Line / Bremen 5 June 1930 ship flag
         (6) ....................... Est 100.00+  Show 15 Feb 1936 special cancels on 2  20th Century Patriotic postcard depicting  2206. ÕÛ B292-3, Scarce Storm Troopers  cancel on cach “CATAPULT FLIGHT /
        2116. Û 351-62, F-VF .............. 85.20  scarce FDC’s to Cham. F, one has repaired  Baden Coat of Arms & postage stamps #’s  set in matching right margin blocks of 25.  BREMEN-NEW YORK” 6 June 1930 flight
        2117. Û 366-84, F-VF ............. 108.75                 1-4 & 8. VF, unaddr........... Est 50.00+  Fresh, F-VF, NH ............... 1,500.00  cover addr to Chicago. SIGNED by the
                                      tear (Mi - 400 Euro) .......... Est 100.00+
        2118. Ö 367, 378, 382, Tied by GRAF  2148. Ö 472, C46, C50, C57-8, Tied on Reg’d     2207. Û B310-13, F-VF, NH ......... 82.50  Captain of the “Bremen” on reverse. F-VF ..
         ZEPPELIN 16 Aug 1931 ON BOARD cancels  cach HINDENBURG May 1936 First North         2208. Ú B310-3, VF ............... 130.00  .......................... Est 100.00+
         on 8 Pf Postal Stat card for Munster / Essen  America Flight cover addr to Canada. F-VF .  2209. Ú B310-5, B324-41, F-VF ..... 448.40  2233. Ö C28-9, C31, Tied by German-
         Flight addr to Teplitz-Schonau. VF Est 85.00+                                       2210. Û B316-7, VF, NH ........... 170.00  American Line 24 Aug 1930 ship flag cancel
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+
        2119. Ö 367-8, 383, Tied on 8 Pf cach Postal  2149. Ö 475, B82-9, Tied on cach GRAF  2211. Ú B316-7, VF ............... 125.00  on cach “CATAPULT FLIGHT / BREMEN-
         Stationery card by GRAF ZEPPELIN 15 May  ZEPPELIN 6th North America Flight 5 Aug    2212. Ö B316-19, etc, Scarce semi-postals  SOUTHAMPTON” 25 Aug 1930 flight cover
         1930 ON BOARD cancels for Baltic Sea Flight  1936 addr to Buffalo, NY. Has Olympic   tied by Bremen 3 Oct 1951 CDS’s on airmail  addr to Chicago. F-VF......... Est 75.00+
         addr to Teplitz-Schonau. VF .... Est 75.00+                                          cover to USA. Nice franking. F . Est 150.00+  2234. Ö C28-9, C31, Tied by German-Ameri-
        2120. Ö 368 (3), 371, Tied by VF German-  Village cancels & cpl semi-postal set. F-VF .                            can Line / Europa 10 Sept 1930 ship flag can-
                                      .......................... Est 150.00+
         American SEAPOST cancels 29 Mar 1930  2151. Ú 530-56, F-VF .............. 64.30                                   cel on cach “CATAPULT FLIGHT / EUROPA-
         on FIRST TRIP COVER New York to Bremen                                                                            NEW YORK” flight cover addr to Chicago.
         on “SS EUROPA”. VF ......... Est 50.00+  2152. Ö 538 (single & block), 556, 601-2, 604,  2178. Û 1566, Sheet margin IMPERF single  F-VF....................... Est 75.00+
        2121. Ö 368, 377, 381 (2), C28, Tied by GRAF  10N4 (2); plus 3 stamps with local Berlin over-  of the Stamp on Stamp topical. Fresh, VF,  2235. Ö C28-9, C31, Tied by GRAF
                                      prints, Tied by 2 diff Berlin July 1948 CDS’s
         ZEPPELIN 1 Nov 1932 ON BOARD cancels  on 2 Reg’d covers; addr locally & to Hamburg.  NH. Has 1989 Schlegel Certificate. VERY  ZEPPELIN 23 Aug 1932 ON BOARD cancels
         on cach Ninth South America Flight postcard              SCARCE (Mi 1,500 Euro) .... Est 750.00+                  on colour illustrated postcard for Switzerland
         addr to Teplitz-Schonau. F-VF, corner crease  F-VF....................... Est 50.00+                              Flight addr to Teplitz-Schonau. The postcard
         .......................... Est 100.00+                                                                            depicts White Star Line ship “Laurentic”. F.
        2122. Ö 370, Tied by Hamburg 1930 slogan                                                                           Scarce .................... Est 325.00+
         cancel on b/w real photo postcard depicting                                                                      2236. Ö C28-9, C31, C36, Tied on double
         the giant DORNIER DO-X seaplane, with it’s                                                                        cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Apr 1932 Third South
         distinctive 12 engines with a push-pull config-                                                                   America Flight cover addr to Brazil. F, minor
         uration. VF.................. Est 75.00+                                             2213. Û B318-33, F-VF, NH........ 377.00
        2123. Ö 374, 382, Tied on cach BREMEN to                                                                           flts ....................... Est 100.00+
         NEW YORK CATAPULT FLIGHT cover 22                                                   2214. Ö B318-9, B322-3, B332-3, B344-7,  2237. Ö C28-9, C31, C39, TWICE FLOWN
         July 1929 to Moline, Ill. F-VF.... Est 75.00+                                        C61-4, etc, Tied by Bremen 1951-55 CDS’s  double cach cover May 1930. First flown on
                                                                                                                           SS BREMEN to Southampton CATAPULT
        2124. Ö 374, 382, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN                                               on 4 covers to USA. Stamps F-VF (Cat $287  flight; then on GRAF ZEPPELIN First Europe -
         11 July 1933 ON BOARD cancel on Third                                                US), covers F, some edge wear / creases ..  Pan American Round Flight, addr to Buenos
         South America Flight postcard, Sevilla to                                            .......................... Est 150.00+
         Friedrichshafen leg addr to Teplitz-Schonau                                         2215. Ö B319, B321-3, Tied by Mannheim 24  Aires. F-VF, light edge wear. Scarce &
         with Prague transit. F-VF...... Est 125.00+                                          Nov 1951 CDS’s on Airmail cover to USA. VF.  eye-catching item (Mi Cat 1,500 Euro) .....
        2125. Ö 377, 379, C28, Marginal imprint cop-                                          Scarce franking .............. Est 85.00+  ........................ Est 1,200.00+
         ies, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 18 June 1932                                             2216. Ö B320-3, Tied by Boppard 24 Oct, 1951  2238. Ö C28, C30, C45, Tied by
         ON BOARD cancels on postcard for Nether-                                             CDS’s on cover to Northern Ireland. F, small  Friedrichshafen cach Reg’d GRAF ZEP-
         lands Flight addr to Teplitz-Schonau. VF ...                                         edge stain not affecting stamps (Cat $109) .  PELIN 1933 Chicago Exposition Flight
         ........................... Est 75.00+                                               ........................... Est 65.00+  cover, ROUND TRIP. VF. See photo
        2126. Ö 377, 379, C28-32, Tied on 2 diff                                             2217. Û B324-30, F-VF, NH ........ 144.50  above .................. Est 700.00+
         1929 Airmail covers with “Par Avion-France-                                         2218. Û B327-30, VF, NH ........... 97.50
         Amerique du Sud” cachets to Brazil & Chile.  2150. Ö 480, C48, C57-8; Also USA #772, Tied on dual cach HINDENBURG ZEPPELIN FFC  2219. Ö B327-30, Tied by Munich 28 Oct  2239. Ö C29, Tied by Bad Wurtt Muhlhausen
         Cover to Chile has large violet “CONDUCCION  addr to Germany & USA. Flown twice 9th & 10th North America Oct 1936 flights with ON  1952 CDS’s on Airmail cover to USA. F,  27 Nov 1927 GLIDER FLIGHT postcard with
                                      BOARD cancels each time. VF .........................................Est 300.00+
         10 CTS.” h/s. F, one with crease . Est 60.00+                                        slightly reduced .............. Est 75.00+  b/w illustration. VF............ Est 60.00+
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39