Page 32 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
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                                                                                                                      LOT 2132
                       LOT 2072

                                                                   LOT 2078

        FRANCE Continued             2033. Ö Unused WWI b/w postcard 1915                               GAMBIA:
                                      depicting a GERMAN FIGHTER PLANE
                                      which was brought down by the Russians.
                                      The postcard was printed in France. F. Scarce
                                      ........................... Est 60.00+
                                     2034. Ö WWI stampless patriotic postcard
                                      with military cancel 15 Dec 1915. Has beauti-
                                      ful design depicting soldiers, flags of Allies,
                                      allegorical figures, wreath, etc. Addr to Grand-
                                      Couronne. VF ............... Est 60.00+
                                     2035. Ö Coll of 4 diff unused b/w postcards de-
                                      picting the damage & loss from a GERMAN
                                      ZEPPELIN ATTACK in Paris in 1916. VF (4)
                                      .......................... Est 120.00+                  2070. Û 4a, INVERTED WATERMARK,
         2007. Û C29-32, VF, NH .......... 281.25  2036. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard de-  four excellent margins, VF, NG. Scarce  2083. Ú 11, Bright fresh stamp neatly tied
        2008. ÕÛ C36, Helicopter UL corner block.  picting a French SAINT-CHAMOND TANK.  2051. Û 36/49, Collection of 12 diff imperfo-  (SG #7w, Cat £700) ......... Est 600.00+  on piece by Swakopmund CDS dated 17
         VF, 3 stamps NH ............... 180.00+  This was the second French Tank to enter  rate PROOFS printed on wove paper or  Ap, 1900 - A PREMIUM DATE PRIOR TO
        2009. Ú J12, J14, J65, F-VF ......... 92.00  service during WWI with 400 manufactured  card. Has various colour combinations.  2071. Û 8, Rare cpl sheet of 15. F-VF,  THE OFFICIAL GERMAN POST OFFICE
        2010. Û N6, F-VF, VLH, small corner crease  between 1917-18. F. Scarce .... Est 75.00+  All with full margins. VF. Scarce lot.......  nicely centered, toned gum, one stamp  OPENING IN JUNE OF 1900. VF. Has
         .............................. 115.00  2037. Ö Souvenir postcard folder from 1923  ......................... Est 225.00+  with a thin, slight selvedge staining at  2013 Jaschke-Lantelme Certificate. A
        2011. Ú Fascinating 8-page MILITARY docu-  of the Trans-Atlantic Paquebot Passenger    bottom. Seldom seen in a full sheet.  BEAUTIFUL EXHIBITION ITEM (Mi #9a,
         ment dated 1776-80 on laid watermarked pa-  ship “CUBA”. This French liner provided   Cat $1,350. See photo on Page 30 .....  Cat 1,300 Euro) ............ Est 800.00+
         per. Bulletin regarding the inquiry of a Royal  service from Saint-Nazaire to Havana &  ....................... Est 450.00+
         Committee concerning the Infantry. Lists 38  Mexico, & carried over 1,000 passengers.
         proposals. Has beautiful readable calligraphy.  Inside has 12 diff b/w postcards depicting  2072. Ö 24, 26-7, Tied by grid cancels on
         F, stain which does not detract . Est 150.00+  interior / external views of the ship along with  Reg’d cover from Bathurst 13 May 1899
        2012. Ú Telegraph Stamps, 1868 Imperf 25¢  an information sheet. VF ....... Est 70.00+  to Baden Germany (rec b/s 3 June 1899).
         & 50¢. F, small flts (Barefoot #’s 1-2, £300) .  2038. Ö Unused b/w postcard from 1925 de-  Has oval London transit cancel. F (SG #’s
         ........................... Est 75.00+  picting 2 Dutch BICYCLISTS who travelled      41, 43-4, Cat £914). See photo above...
        2013. Ö Scarce unused illustrated WRAPPER  from Marseilles to Amsterdam. Shows the 2    ....................... Est 500.00+
         for the Royal Visit of the CZAR OF RUSSIA  men & their rather strange looking tricycle. F.
         to Paris in Oct 1896. Has illustrations on both  Scarce ..................... Est 65.00+
         sides. F, minor edge flaws. We have never  2039. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting
         seen a wrapper for this event . . . Est 75.00+  CAPT CHARLES LINDBERGH. He became
        2014. Ö Fascinating coll of 17 diff b/w post-  world famous following the first nonstop flight
         cards of OLIBET BISCUITS, circa 1905-12.  from New York to Paris in May 1927. F ....
         These depict various workers, bakers, biscuit  ........................... Est 65.00+
         production, machinery, etc. Also 3 from  FRANCE (CHINA):  2052. Û Two diff imperforate PROOFS circa
         Lefevre-Utile Biscuits. Primarily unused. F  2040. Ú 2-9, 11, Each with neat Shanghai 21  1900, each with missing values. One is nor-
         (20) ...................... Est 125.00+  Apr 1903 SON CDS’s. F-VF......... 57.50  mal size on card (crease) & other in a larger
        2015. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa  2041. Ö 45, Tied by “SHANG-HAI / CHINE  format on wove paper. VF. VERY SCARCE
         1907 depicting the gondola of the rigid airship  10 July 1903" CDS on cover to Hong Kong.  ......................... Est 150.00+
         “PATRIE”. Shows the ground crew readying  F, some soiling, centrefold. Cat $90 .......
         it for departure at Moisson. The Patrie bears  ........................... Est 60.00+  FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA:
         the distinction of being the first airship ordered  2042. Ú 50, Overprint error having “CHINE”
         for military service by the French army. F...  below the Chinese characters (instead of
         ........................... Est 75.00+  above). F ................... Est 60.00+                                 2084. Ú 12, Along with Germany #36, Nicely
        2016. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard show-                                                                       centered combination item with each stamp
         ing pioneer aviator HENRI FARMAN & HIS                                                                            tied by crisp VF Gibeon 17 May, 1899 post-
         EARLY AIRPLANE after winning an aviation                                                                          marks (Type K1) on piece. VF. AN
         prize 13 Jan 1908. Postcards showing early                                                                        OUTSTANDING MIXED FRANKING (Mi
         aircraft prior to 1909 are rare. This is a superb                                                                 Cat 2,000 Euro for the cancel). Est 750.00+
         close up scene of Henri Farman’s plane.                                                                          2085. Ö 22, Tied by bold Aus 24 July 1907
         VF ....................... Est 100.00+                                                                            CDS’s on Reg’d cover to Berlin (25 Aug b/s).
        2017. Ö Unused coloured postcard circa 1908                                                                        F ......................... Est 65.00+
         depicting the JACK OF CLUBS playing card
         with the portrait of KING EDWARD VIII. VF.                                                                                 GERMANY:
         A MOST UNUSUAL ITEM! ..... Est 75.00+                                                                            2086. Ö Stampless folded letter written at
        2018. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard show-                                          2073. ÕÛ 86, Left margin block of 6 of the  Hamburg 22 Au 1826 to Bordeaux, France.
         ing Austrian pioneer aviator ALFRED DE                                                KGV Five Shilling. Pristine fresh, VF, NH.  Has boxed ‘PAYS-BAS PAR VALENCIENNE’
         PISCHOFF with his early airplane, 13 Jan  2043. Ú J9, Scarce 15¢ Postage Due neatly   RARELY SEEN IN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL  & rated 17, ‘L.P.B. 4R’, train s/l & B/S re-
         1908. Postcards showing early aircraft prior  tied by 19 Oct, 1903 CDS cancel on a piece.  MULTIPLE ................ Est 750.00+  ceiver. F, small flts............ Est 50.00+
         to 1909 are rare. This is a superb view of the  F-VF. Has been signed by expert Calves &  2074. Û 88, 92-4, Four diff KGV issues all with  2087. Ö Stampless folded letter from Crefeld 9
         pilot & his plane. VF.......... Est 100.00+  with a 2016 Sismondo Certificate noting this  REVERSED WATERMARKS. Fresh colours,  Oct 1826 to London England. On reverse has
        2019. Ö Two diff early Patriotic multi-coloured  stamp is from the printing after the period of  F-VF (SG Cat £256) ......... Est 185.00+  crowned SHIP LETTER LONDON 13 Oct
         postcards each depicting various French  validity ...................... 1,250.00   2075. Û 153-67, QE set to £1. F-VF . . . 98.70  1826 cancel. F.............. Est 100.00+
         stamps, as well as central scenes (Arc de  2044. Ú France #83, Tied on piece by SHANG-  2076. Û 341-4, 432-5, 515-8, WWF sets. VF,  2088. Ö Stampless folded cover with black
         Triomphe & Paris Opera). Also has crests,  HAI / CHINE 13 Apr 1888 CDS. F. A NICE  2053. Û C9-16, France Libre Airmail set. VF,  NH ........................... 161.00  Berlin 14 Aug (1830) CDS to London. Has
         flags, etc. One is used in 1909, other is un-  FORERUNNER ON A BETTER STAMP ...  C11 & C13 have DG, some NH .... 615.00  “8" m/s rate, ”Via Holland pr Dampfboot"
         used. VF (2)................. Est 75.00+                                                                          (steamer) m/s, “FRANCO”, beautiful crown
        2020. Ö Unused b/w postcard from 1909  ........................... Est 90.00+  FRENCH GUIANA:                      illustrated “SHIP LETTER/LONDON” 24 Aug
         depicting the Dirigible ‘ZODIAC’. This was  FRANCE (EGYPT):  2054. Û B4-7, CB1, VF ............. 79.50            b/s. F ..................... Est 150.00+
         a class of airships that were built for the             2055. Û C11-20, F-VF, NH ......... 81.90+                2089. Ö Stampless entire with m/s rate & SHIP
         French Army. VF, minor edge stain .......                      FRENCH MOROCCO:                                    POST / 24 Aug / 1832 / HAMBURG cancel,
         ........................... Est 50.00+                  2056. Û 22, F.................... 160.00                  “per Steamboat” to England. Has m/s rate &
        2021. Ö Two diff unused postcards pre 1910               2057. Ö 165, 173 (3), Tied by Port Lyautey 13             lovely crown illustrated SHIP LETTER 28 Aug
         depicting the first issues of France in full             May 1941 CDS’s on WWII Censored Airmail                  / 1832 / London b/s. F-VF ..... Est 135.00+
         colour. One depicts 6 diff Ceres stamps, the             cover to Boston. Has 3 diff censor tapes &              2090. Ö Stampless cover with red 2-line “R.L.
         other 6 diff Napoleon issues. Each with nice             French censor h/s. F-VF ....... Est 40.00+               MANNHEIM / 11 OCT” postmark to Paris.
         crest. VF ................... Est 80.00+                2058. Û CB1-20, VF .............. 105.00                  Has 16 Oct b/s & boxed “BADE PAR /
        2022. Ö Unused b/w postcard 1910 depicting               2059. Ö Unused multi-coloured WWI postcard                STRASBOURG” h/s. F ........ Est 40.00+
         famous early American aviators WILBUR &                  depicting the wreck of a large military airplane        2091. Ö Stampless folded letter with red
         ORVILLE WRIGHT, sitting in the cockpit of                from a crash at Khenifra. F. Scarce .......              Landau 1834 CDS to France. Has boxed
         one of their early planes at Pau France. The             ........................... Est 60.00+                   “BAVIERE / PAR / WEISSBOURG” & “14 /
         Wright Brothers are credited with inventing &                                                                     A.E.D.” in oval transits; red “PP” h/s &
         flying the world’s first motor-operated airplane.  2045. Ö ALEXANDRIA, 17 Mar 1843 CDS  FRENCH POLYNESIA:         Strasbourg b/s’s. F, bit toned. Attractive....
         F ......................... Est 65.00+  on stampless DISINFECTED folded letter  2060. Ö 146, Tied Papeete Jan 1943 CDS on  ........................... Est 50.00+
        2023. Ö Unused b/w postcard circa 1910 de-  to MALTA. Has boxed “P.P.”, “2 Mar 1d” b/s  Reg’d triple Censored WWII commercial cover  2092. Ö Stampless folded cover with
         picting early aviator HENRI FARMAM & his  & “PURIFII AU LAZARET / MALTE” disin-  to Bata Shoe Co, in Frankford, Ont. Canada  FRANKFURT 1 Oct 1857 red CDS to MALTA
         military airplane. VF........... Est 60.00+  fection h/s (has disinfection slits). Has “8"  (has “Bata” corner card). Variety of b/s’s. F.  2077. Û 3736-8, Scarce Mammal set. VF, NH  (18 Oct b/s). Has Strasbourg, Paris, etc. tran-
        2024. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1910  m/s rate on back. VF. Fascinating item....  Scarce ..................... Est 50.00+  ............................. 440.00  sits. Addr to the CONSUL of OLDENBURG.
         depicting SANTOS DUMONT’S DIRIGIBLE  ......................... Est 300.00+  2061. Û 288, 292-5, Nice lot of 5 diff imperf  F-VF...................... Est 175.00+
         No 16. Shows the experimental airship with               deluxe Proof cards. VF ........ Est 50.00+  GERMAN EAST AFRICA:  2093. Ö 3, 3a, Red Orange & Orange Yellow
         a twin motor undercarriage. F . . . Est 65.00+  FRANCE (TURKEY):  2062. Û 296-9, Lot of 4 diff imperf deluxe  2078. Ö 11-8, Tied by neat Mohorro 30  shades tied to separate early postcards from
        2025. Ö Unused coloured postcard depicting  2046. Ö Stampless letter with Constantinople  Proof cards. VF .............. Est 50.00+  Nov 1912 CDS’s on large size Reg’d  Chemnitz 18 Feb 1873 & Hanover 3 Oct 1873.
         pioneer French aviator ANDRE BEAUMONT  25 Apr 1853 CDS to MALTA. Written in Italian;  2063. Û C33-6, VF, NH (C33 slight bend) ...  cover to Leipzig, Germany via Dar es  F (2)...................... Est 100.00+
         with his early Bleriot aircraft at the European  has “5" m/s rate. F ........... Est 100.00+  .............................. 122.50  Salaam. F. A SPECTACULAR LOOKING  2094. Ö 15, Tied by Salzbrunn 13 June circa
         Circuit June-July 1911. Has inset portrait of  2047. Ö France #91, Tied by Smyrna 18 Mar  2064. Û C54, VF, NH .............. 80.00  COVER. See photo above . . Est 300.00+  1873 boxed cancel on printed 17-page folded
         Beaumont. He won several early air races in  1902 CDS on Patriotic postcard to Constanti-  2065. Û C78-82, VF, NH ............ 79.50  advertising flyer announcing a new source for
         Europe. VF ................. Est 65.00+  nople. Depicts Shah Mohammed Ali Shah of  2066. Û C89-93, VF, NH ........... 102.75  2079. Ö German East Africa 4h postal statio-  mineral water at the Spa at Salzbrunn, Silesia.
        2026. Ö Unused early aviation postcard 1911  Persia & emblems. F-VF ....... Est 45.00+  2067. Û J21, J27, Two diff imperf sunken DIE  nery card with Muansa 14 Feb 1910 CDS to  Addr domestically. VF ......... Est 40.00+
         depicting a Caudron biplane with inset portrait  2048. Ö LEVANT #26, Tied by Constantinople  PROOFS (6 x 4.8 inches) with embossed  Germany. F ................. Est 40.00+  2095. Ö 15, Tied by Hamburg 15 Feb 1874
         of the Pilot Duval. On reverse has all-over  5 Feb 1906 CDS on b/w photo Patriotic post-  seal. VF .................... Est 65.00+  GERMAN NEW GUINEA:  CDS on partial printed invoice for Uhlmann
         advertising for “Solution Pautauberge” - a  card to Canada. Depicts 5 diff sons of Sultan  FR. SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC  2080. Ö Scarce unused 1888 NEW GUINEA  & Co. Machinery to Augsburg. Has attractive
         medicinal potion. VF .......... Est 60.00+  Abdul Hamid in regal dress. VF. . Est 45.00+  TERRITORIES:  COMPANY 2 Mark Parcel Card forerunner,  illustrated masted steamship at sea. F-VF ..
        2027. Ö Unused b/w 1911 postcard depicting  FRENCH COLONIES:  2068. Ö 16-8, Tied by Terre Adelie 31 Dec  printed on both sides. Fresh, VF. A RARELY  ........................... Est 65.00+
         a pioneer Farman airplane with pilot & Henri  2049. Û 6, VF, HH................ 110.00  1962 New Year’s Eve CDS’s on Reg’d cover  SEEN ITEM (Mi #V1, Cat 475 Euro).......
         Farman standing alongside. VF . Est 60.00+  FRENCH CONGO:  to England. Has Dover Reg’d oval 29 Mar  .......................... Est 300.00+
        2028. Ö Unused coloured postcard depicting                1963 b/s. F-VF............... Est 50.00+
         the pioneer pilot JUAN BIELOVUCIC with                                                  GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA:
         his Voisin bi-plane in 1911. Bielovucic was a
         Peruvian aviator of Croatian & French descent
         who set several speed & altitude aviation
         records. VF ................. Est 65.00+
        2029. Ö Lot of 3 diff b/w postcards from 1911,
         depicting J.B. Dussineau (who was a baker)
         a victim of the Company of the West. He
         travelled across France ON A CAMEL with
         his dog, to get compensation. VF. Scarce                                                                         2096. Ú 26, Scarce 18 Kreuzer Large Shield
         group .................... Est 125.00+                                                                            with neat Offenbach 1874 CDS cancel.VF.
        2030. Ö Unused 1911 postcard depicting early                                                                       Has 1977 APS Certificate ....... 1,900.00
         pilot & an ASTRA BIPLANE arriving in Reims.                                                                      2097. Ö 47, Tied by Hamburg Gardening Exhi-
         F ......................... Est 60.00+                                               2081. Û 1-6, Cpl overprinted first set, nice  bition 27 Aug 1897 special cancel on matching
        2031. Ö Unused 1911 postcard depicting early                                           fresh colours. F-VF, couple are NH (#1 is  colour illustrated postcard depicting flowers &
         pilot LOUIS EMILE TRAN & his monoplane.                                               actually #1a the better shade) ..... 497.50  venues to Schmiedeberg. F-VF. Scarce early
         VF ........................ Est 60.00+                                              2082. Ö 4, Tied by Outjo 19 Oct 1901 CDS  exhibition cancel & postcard . . . Est 100.00+
        2032. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard depicting  2050. Û 9, Scarce 10¢ on 40¢ red on straw  on Reg’d 10pf Postal Stationery card to  2098. Ö 67, Tied by special Dusseldorf / Exhi-
         the landing of a vintage German ZEPPELIN  surcharge. F, OG, small hinge remnant at   Crailsheim, Wurttemberg (11 Nov receiver).  bition 6 June 1902 cancel on matching colour
                                      top, nibbed perf at top. Has 2001 APS Cer-
         at Luneville, France 3 Apr 1913. VF .......  tificate. A RARELY SEEN STAMP 2,750.00  2069. Û 28, Albatross, Fresh, VF, VLH ....  VF. Registered postal cards are scarce ....  illustrated souvenir postcard depicting exhibi-
         ........................... Est 60.00+                    ............................. 280.00  .......................... Est 100.00+  tion venue to Frankfurt. F ...... Est 75.00+
   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37