Page 36 - Vance-Sale-370-Part 1
P. 36

                                                                         LOT 2271

                               LOT 2270

                                                                                                         LOT 2272

        GERMANY Continued            2258. Ö C35, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 13  2279. Ö C43-4, Neatly tied by Berlin 13  2300. Ö Attractive lot of 4 diff used / unused  2313. Ö WWI postcard with a fancy design &
        2240. Ö C30 (Pair), C35, Tied on cach GRAF  July 1931 ON BOARD cancel on cach red  Oct 1933 CDS’s on GRAF ZEPPELIN  b/w photo or illustrated Patriotic postcards  depicting KAISER WILHELM, German Eagle,
         ZEPPELIN First 1932 South America flight  brown Zeppelin illustrated postcard for Austria  FLIGHT cover to USA. Has 2 diff red  depicting Kaiser Wilhelm & his family, from  etc. Has a list of German victories in 1914.
         card to Recife. Postcard depicts illustration  Flight addr to Gorlitz. VF ...... Est 175.00+  Zeppelin cachets for the Chicago flight.  1900-10. F-VF ............... Est 60.00+  Has Belgian charity label affixed. Message
         of Dr. Hugo Eckener & Zeppelin, & has his  2259. Û C35-7, Zeppelins, F-VF ...... 92.50  Has 26 Oct, 1933 Chicago “Century of  2301. Ö Two diff unused sepia photo souvenir  on reverse but not mailed. VF . . . Est 70.00+
         printed autograph. Also has ON BOARD can-  2260. Ö C36, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  Progress World’s Fair” rec b/s. F, light  postcards depicting KAISER WILHELM as  2314. Ö Stampless WWI colour illustrated
         cels. VF. Lovely item ......... Est 150.00+  America Flight postcard 11 Oct 1928 to  centre fold (stamps alone Cat $565 US).  a child at the ages of 1 year & 11 years old.  Propaganda postcard used as a Feldpost
        2241. Ö C31 (Pair), Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN  Ridgefield Park, NJ. F-VF ..... Est 100.00+  See photo below .........Est 450.00+  Produced by A. G. Steglitz in 1904. VF. AN  card with 1915 FPO cancel & regimental h/s,
         ON BOARD cancel on 19 Oct 1930 Mannheim  2261. Ö C36, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN     UNUSUAL LOT (2) ........... Est 65.00+  to Willanzheim. Depicts Kaiser Wilhelm,
         Flight postcard addr to Teplitz-Schonau. F-VF  Mar 1929 Orient Flight cover. Has ON  2302. Ö Multi-coloured ship postcard depicting  Emperor Franz Josef, flags & fleet. “Good
         ........................... Est 75.00+  BOARD cancel & ER RAMLE type Bb post-        the passenger liner “KAISER WILHELM DER  will be with us”. F-VF.......... Est 40.00+
        2242. Ú C31-4, F-VF .............. 123.75  mark. Addr to Braunschweig. VF, small punch  GROSSE” with portrait of Captain O. Cuppers.  2315. Ö Two diff 1916 stampless Feldpost
        2243. Ö C31, C35; Also Brazil 339, C20, C25,  hole in cover ............... Est 200.00+  Used in New York Jan 1906. VF . Est 50.00+  multi-coloured postcards depicting early
         Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 8 May 1933 ON  2262. Ö C36, Tied by Friedrichshafen 15 May    2303. Ö Coll of 4 diff used/unused b/w photo  German military aircraft in action. One has a
         BOARD cancel & Pernambuco 13 May CDS’s  1929 CDS on a cach FIRST GRAF ZEPPELIN       or b/w & colour illustrated Patriotic postcards  nice Bahnpost cancel. F-VF (2). . Est 75.00+
         on double cach First South America RETURN  FLIGHT postcard to USA. Has a red s/l     depicting Kaiser Wilhelm & The Kaiserin,  2316. Ö Stampless WWI POW cover 1918
         Flight cover addr to Stuttgart. F-VF. Attractive  DELAYED FLIGHT h/s. VF .... Est 125.00+  from 1907-11. Two commemorate their 25th  from British prisoner at Hammelburg, Bavaria
         .......................... Est 275.00+  2263. Ö C36, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN      Wedding Anniversary. F, a few flaws (4)....  Camp to England. Has CDS, camp h/s &
        2244. Ö C31, C36, Tied on cach GRAF  Aug 1929 Round the World Flight cach b/w         ........................... Est 65.00+  censor h/s, etc. F............. Est 40.00+
         ZEPPELIN Aug 1929 America flight b/w photo  photo postcard depicting the Zeppelin airship  2304. Ö Unused b/w postcard pre 1910 depict-  2317. Ö Unused WWI b/w photo postcard
         postcard to New York. Flown Airmail Express.  in flight. Addr to Japan. F-VF. . . Est 175.00+  ing COUNT GRAF ZEPPELIN, plus photo of  from Mezieres France June 1918 showing
         Card depicts the Zeppelin in flight over water  2264. Ö C36, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  a Zeppelin airship along with the wreckage  the German CROWN PRINCE reviewing
         at Uberlingen. VF............ Est 175.00+  July 1930 Northern Lands Flight Spitzbergen  2280. Û C43-5, Cpl Chicago Zeppelin set.  of one that crashed. VF........ Est 75.00+  BOY SCOUTS. F............. Est 60.00+
        2245. Ö C32, Tied by ON BOARD cancel on  cover, addr to Hamburg. Has ON BOARD  Bright fresh colours, VF (C43 is NH) .....  2305. Ö Colour illustrated / b/w photo Patriotic
         double cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Mediterranean  cancel. VF ................. Est 125.00+  ............................ 2,850.00  5 pf private order Postal Stationery card with
         Sea Flight postcard 23 Apr 1929 addr to  2265. Ö C36, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  2281. Ú C44, Chicago Zeppelin, F-VF. 190.00  Stuttgart 8 Apr 1911 CDS addr locally. Com-
         Sevilla, Spain (Sevilla dropping). F-VF .....  Upper Silesia 5 July 1931 Flight cover addr to  2282. Ö C48 (Pair), C57-8, Tied by Stuttgart  memorates Silver Jubilee of King William II
         .......................... Est 100.00+  Lindau. Flown from Gleiwiz to Friedrichshafen.  CDS on cach Reg’d HINDENBURG  & Queen Marie. Depicts the Royal couple,
        2246. Ö C32, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  VF. Choice condition ......... Est 125.00+  ZEPPELIN First America Flight 6 May 1936  crests, etc. Also similar unused card. VF (2)
         May 1930 First Europe-Pan American Round  2266. Ö C36, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 31  cover to USA. VF. A pretty cover! Est 75.00+  ........................... Est 50.00+
         Flight Official Delag Zeppelin illustrated  Aug 1931 ON BOARD cancel on double  2283. Ö C50, C57-8, Tied on cach GRAF  2306. Û LEIPZIG-LINDENTHAL FLIGHT 1912
         photo card to Lorch, Germany; Seville to  cach First South America Flight postcard  ZEPPELIN 1936 Third South America Flight  Semi-Official Airmail, F-VF ..... Est 35.00+
         Friedrichshafen leg with ON BOARD cancel.  addr to Friedrichshafen. Brazil #’s 334 & C26  cover addr to Pernambuco, Brazil. Has blue
         Postcard depicts Umgebung von Zabern from  also tied. Card depicts the ship over Friedrich-  ON BOARD cancels. VF, C57-8 have usual
         the air. VF. Attractive item..... Est 400.00+  shafen. VF ................. Est 225.00+  edge stains ................. Est 75.00+
        2247. Ö C32, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  2267. Ö C36, C37 (2), Zeppelin issues tied  2284. Ö C52, Tied on cach HINDENBURG
         May 1930 First Europe-Pan American Round  on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN First Europe - Pan  May 1937 Germany Flight b/w photo postcard  2318. Û Coll of 18 diff German Lost Colonies
         Flight postcard by ON BOARD cancel. Has  American 18 May 1930 flight cover. This was  addr to Weingarten. Card depicts vintage Zep-  & Territories Mourning stamps, from the
         First Landing in Seville 19 May cancel. Addr  the First South America Flight with Lakehurst;  pelin over water, plus hangar. F, mounting  early 1920’s. F-VF .......... Est 150.00+
         to Berlin. The sender was MAX PRUSS &  NJ green illustrated 31 May b/s. Addr to  traces...................... Est 65.00+  2319. Ö Cacheted 15pf Berlin-Prague-Vienna
         is signed by him on both the front & back.  Clearfield Pa with W.W. Betts / Stamp Dealer  2285. Û C56, VF, NH, 1 short perf . . . 150.00  First Flight Postal Stationery card 21 Mar
         PRUSS was the Commander of the ill-fated  corner card. F .............. Est 275.00+  2286. Ö C58, Tied on cach HINDENBURG  1927. Addr to Vienna with red Airmail receiver.
         HINDENBURG Zeppelin on 6 May 1937. He  2268. Ö C37, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  ZEPPELIN First North America Flight cover  F-VF....................... Est 40.00+
         carried out Radio Operator Willy Speck out  1st America Flight 16 May 1929 cover addr  6 May 1936 with ON BOARD cancel addr to  2320. Ö Unused b/w photo postcard circa 1930
         of the wreckage & attempted to save others  to San Diego, Ca. Has flight interruption h/s.  USA. Also has Boston Sunday Advertiser  depicting the giant DORNIER DO-X seaplane
         but was burned badly. VF ..... Est 400.00+  F, some soiling .............. Est 90.00+  newspaper page with 7 photos “Zeppelin  2307. Ö Special 50pf & 5pf green illustrated  with its distinctive 12 engines with a push-pull
                                     2269. Ú C38, South America Zeppelin. VF,  Reaches New York After Record Run”          configuration. F, corner crease . . Est 65.00+
                                      neat CDS ...................... 300.00  depicting the airship & commander Hugo  Postal Stationery card specially printed  2321. Ú Letter with fancy crest from the Secre-
                                                                                               for VICTORIA LUISE ZEPPELIN flight with
                                     2270. Ö C38, Tied by ON BOARD cancel  Eckener. VF................. Est 90.00+  Viesbaden-Frankfurt / Luftpost 13 Oct 1912  tary to KAISER WILHELM dated 20 Feb, 1930.
                                       on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN May 1930  2287. Ö C59-60, Tied by special  oval cancel. Addr to Biebrich. Depicts the  Has a response to a birthday greeting to a per-
                                       First Europe-Pan American Flight card  Friedrichshafen / Count Graf Von Zeppelin /  Zeppelin over Wiesbaden. VF, minor paper-  son in Leipzig. The Kaiser abdicated the Ger-
                                       addressed to Frankfurt. VF. A CHOICE  Birthday 100th Anniversary cancels on colour  clip scuff.................. Est 300.00+  man throne in 1918 following the defeat in WWI.
                                       COVER! See photo above . . Est 500.00+  illustrated souvenir card. VF, a few spots of  He went to Holland where he lived until his
                                                                  TS ........................ Est 50.00+  2308. Ö Unused colour photo circa 1912 post-  death in 1941. F. Scarce....... Est 100.00+
                                                                 2288. Ö C60, Tied on double cach GRAF  card printed in USA. Depicts Airship “HANSA”
                                     2271. Ö C38, C39 (2), Tied by  ZEPPELIN 9 July 1939 Leipzig Flight postcard  arriving at Potsdam Harbor. VF, light creasing  2322. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard circa
                                       Friedrichshafen 18 May 1930 CDS’s on  to Braunschweig. VF .......... Est 60.00+  ........................... Est 40.00+  1930 depicting the famous DORNIER DO-X
                                       cach Graf Zeppelin flight cover to South  2289. Ö C60, Tied on double cach GRAF  2309. Ö Unused b/w photo WWI postcard de-  flying boat. At the time, it was the largest,
                                       America. VF, minor corner crease in  ZEPPELIN 30 July 1939 Kassel Flight post-  picting the remnants of an enemy surveillance  heaviest & most powerful flying boat in the
                                       cover. The stamps alone Cat $1,200 US.  card to Schoneberg. VF ....... Est 60.00+  BALLOON. VF............... Est 50.00+  world. VF ................... Est 65.00+
         2248. Ö C32, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  See photo above .........Est 600.00+  2290. Ö C60, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  2310. Ö Unused WWI colour illustrated Propa-  2323. Ö Czech #154, Tied by special red &
          May 1930 Baltic Sea Flight b/w photo                    Aug 1939 Eger Flight postcard addr domesti-  ganda postcard depicting an “attack against  purple Tetschen / Elbe / Stamp Day Nazi
          postcard, Friedrichshafen to Berlin leg. Has  2272. Ö C38-9, Tied on cach GRAF ZEP-  cally. Has additional black Eger mark. VF...  a hostile fortified position”. Depicts troops  Propaganda illustrated 3 Oct 1938 cancel on
          ON BOARD cancel. The postcard depicts  PELIN May 1930 First Europe-Pan Amer-  ........................... Est 60.00+  on the ground, biplane & 2 Zeppelins (one is  b/w photo SUDETENLAND postcard. Depicts
          a Zeppelin stamp, Map, Hangar & Airship  ican Round Flight card by ON BOARD  2291. Ö CL1, Unused on cach Rhein/Main  firing guns). F-VF............. Est 50.00+  HITLER & Labour Minister KONSTANTIN
          (re 1st South America Flight). VF ........  cancel, addr to Brauschweig. VF. A  flight card from 1912 (Not posted). VF .....  2311. Ö Two colour illustrated WWI Propa-  HIERL. VF, unaddr ........... Est 75.00+
          ......................... Est 150.00+  GORGEOUS COVER! See photo above.  ........................... Est 50.00+  ganda postcards (both artist signed), dated  2324. Ö Czech #155 surcharged “50h” (occu-
        2249. Ö C32, Tied by ON BOARD cancel on  ....................... Est 600.00+  2292. Û CL1-3, Semi-Official Airmails, F-VF .  1915 depicting Zeppelins over cities. One  pation of Asch Sudetenland issue - Mi #1),
                                                                                                                           Tied by Asch 30 Sept 1938 CDS & red Nazi il-
         cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Rheinland Flight photo  2273. Û C38-45, Cpl set of overprinted Zeppe-  ............................... 55.00  franked from Roda; the other used as  lustrated cach on b/w illustrated Propaganda
         postcard 6 July 1930. Has Cologne transit  lins. All are private reprints. VF, NH (Genuine  Feldpostcard from Halle. VF .... Est 75.00+  postcard depicting German soldiers from 4 diff
         cancel. This is an official Delag card with Air-  Cat $9,100) ................. Est 50.00+                        units & regional map. VF, unaddr Est 65.00+
         ship aerial illustration & view of Baden-Baden.                                                                  2325. Ö Czech #227, Tied by Asch 21 Sept
         VF ........................ Est 85.00+  2274. Ö C39 (VF single & pair), Neatly tied                               1938 CDS on Germany 6 pf postal stationery
        2250. Ö C32, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 6  by Friedrichshafen 18 May, 1930 CDS’s                                        card with “Asch / We Are Free” 29 Oct 1938
         July 1930 ON BOARD cancel on 8 Pf Postal  on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN South Amer-                                       SUDETENLAND Propaganda cancel to Chi-
         Stationery card for Rheinland Flight. Addr to  ica flight cover. Has 2 diff cachets. VF.                          cago. Has matching red cachet. VF .......
         Teplitz-Schonau. Has red Cologne post office  A CHOICE COVER. See photo below ...                                 ........................... Est 50.00+
         cach. VF ................... Est 75.00+  ....................... Est 900.00+                                     2326. Ö Czech #250, Tied by special red
        2251. Ö C32, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN                                                                            Wermstadt “Stamp Day / Heil Hitler” Propa-
         24 Aug 1930 Konigsberg to Berlin Flight post-  2275. Ú C40, Polar Zeppelin. VF. Small flaws                       ganda 9 Oct 1938 cancel on OCCUPATION
         card. VF.................... Est 75.00+  .............................. 105.00                                    OF AUSTRIA & SUDETENLAND related red
        2252. Ö C32, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 31                                                                              & black illustrated postcard. Map depicts the
         Aug 1930 ON BOARD cancel on Bielefeld                                                                             Greater Germany area. VF ..... Est 50.00+
         Zeppelin Flight postcard to Teplitz-Schonau.            2293. Û CL1-3, Fresh, F-VF, NH .... 172.50               2327. Ö Unused WWII postcard by “Willrich”
         F-VF....................... Est 75.00+                  2294. Û CL4, Surcharged Semi-Official Airmail.            depicting Knight’s Cross recipient Ober
        2253. Ö C32, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 5                      F, small thin .................... 450.00                SCHMOLZER. VF ............ Est 65.00+
         Oct 1930 ON BOARD cancel on Official Delag              2295. Û S12-22, Two sets; one with bottom                2328. Ö Unused b/w real photo postcard from
         sepia photo Zeppelin illustrated postcard de-            margin “4" imprints. F-VF, NH........ 75.00              WWII depicting Field Marshall HINDENBURG
         picting Bad Nauheim from the air for Saxony             2296. Ö Used 5pf Postal Stationery card with              & his wife. He led the German Army during
         Flight addr to Stuttgart. F-VF, mounting traces          crisp “KIEL-MARINE-AKADEMIE / KANAL -                    WWI & later became President of Germany
         ........................... Est 75.00+                   EROFFNUNG 29 June 1895" cancel to Wyk.                   from 1925 until his death. VF.... Est 50.00+
        2254. Ö C32, Tied by GRAF ZEPPELIN 14                     VF. Scarce postmark.......... Est 80.00+                2329. Ö Interesting WWII correspondence
         May 1931 ON BOARD cancel on cach Baltic                 2297. Ö Turn of Century “1900" illustrated 5pf            from a French POW 1940-44 to his wife in St.
         Sea Flight postcard addr to Teplitz-Schonau.             postal stationery card with Hamburg 1 Jan                Etienne, Lazare. All on POW letter sheets /
         Has Travemunde / Lubeck mail dropping  2276. Ö C40, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  1900 1st day of the New Century CDS addr  cards from Stalags IXA & IXC. Various dates,
         cancel. Card depicts Schloss Heidelberg  July 1931 Polar Flight postcard, Berlin to  locally. Has 8 green 10pf Hamburg TRAM  censor h/s’s, etc. VG-VF (16) . . Est 150.00+
         from the air. VF ............. Est 100.00+  Leningrad leg. Addr to England. Has ON  TICKETS affixed on reverse & ”Happy New  2330. Ö Unused WWII multi-coloured postcard
        2255. Ö C33, Tied on double cach GRAF  BOARD cancel & 2 diff Berlin airport CDS’s.  Year" m/s greeting. F, toned. Very unusual  dated 1942, depicting a GERMAN NAVAL
         ZEPPELIN First 1932 South America Flight  VF ...................... Est 500.00+  item!....................... Est 65.00+  MINESWEEPER SHIP off the Norwegian
         cover addr to Paraguay. Reg’d with Berlin               2298. Ö Used 5pf Postal Stat card with scarce  2312. Ö H.R. BERLINER WORLD RECORD  coast. F .................... Est 50.00+
         connecting flight cachet. F-VF, centre fold ..  2277. Ö C41 (2), One affixed, one tied  “XII DEUTSCHER PHILATELISTENTAG /  BALLOON FLIGHT unused b/w photo post-  2331. Ö Interesting coll of 13 diff WWII
         ........................... Est 75.00+  by ON BOARD cancel on cach GRAF  FRANKFURT / MAIN 29 July 1900" cancel to  card from 1914. Depicts Berliner & crew  PRISONER OF WAR cards / letter sheets
        2256. Û C35, Zeppelin, VF, NH ..... 82.50+  ZEPPELIN July 1931 Polar Flight cover,  Dresden. F-VF............... Est 90.00+  preparing their hydrogen balloon for their  1942-6. Incl 10 items from German POW’s in
        2257. Ö C35, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  Friedrichshafen to Ice Breaker Malyguin  2299. Ö Used 5pf Postal Stationery card with  record breaking 47 hr / 1,890 mile flight  Britain & in USA; American POW in Germany
         28 June 1931 Schwaben Flight b/w photo  leg. Addr to USA. F. Attractive. See photo  scarce “MOTORWAGEN-AUSSTELUNG /  from Bitterfeld to Kirgischan, Russia. Their  to USA; French POW in Germany to France; &
         postcard, addr to Switzerland. The postcard  below .................. Est 375.00+  LEIPZIG / 22 Oct 1900" cancel to Dresden.  record stood until 1978. VF. A SCARCE  British POW in Germany to Isle of Man. Has a
         depicts Zeppelin LZ127 in hangar. VF .....               F-VF. VERY SCARCE EARLY AUTO  POSTCARD & the FIRST WE HAVE SEEN  variety of Camp censor handstamps, cancels,
         .......................... Est 175.00+  2278. Ú C43, Chicago Zeppelin, F-VF. 375.00  EXHIBITION POSTMARK..... Est 100.00+  IN YEARS ................ Est 250.00+  etc. Good lot for study. F (13) . . Est 150.00+
                                                                           LOT 2277
                           LOT 2274
                                                                                                                                       LOT 2279
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