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                                                                     LOT 2438

                                   LOT 2342

                                                                                                                                       LOT 2440

        GERMANY Continued            2349. Ú 5NB1-4, F-VF ............. 260.00  2390. ÕÛ 251-5, LL IMPERF Plate Blocks
                                     2350. Ú 5NB5-8, VF............... 137.50  of the Freedom from Hunger issue. VF, NH .
                                         GERMANY (WURTTEMBERG):   ........................... Est 50.00+
                                     2351. Ú 8N28-37, F-VF ............ 160.60  2391. ÕÛ 259-63, LL IMPERFORATE imprint
                                            GERMANY (BERLIN):     blocks of the World Cup set. VF, NH ......
                                     2352. Ú 9N1-20, Cpl set to 5M. F-VF 1,632.00  ........................... Est 50.00+
                                     2353. Ú 9N21-34, Cpl set to 2m. F-VF. 606.60  2392. Û 264-8, UNESCO set with
                                     2354. Ö 9N35-41, Tied by Berlin - Charlotten-  “SPECIMEN” overprints. VF, NH. Est 50.00+
                                      burg Aug-Sept 1949 CDS’s on 2 Reg’d Airmail  2393. ÕÛ 264-8, LR IMPERF Plate Blocks
                                      covers to USA. F, some oil stain from cancel  of the UNESCO issue. VF, NH . . Est 50.00+
                                      ink on lower values, 1 cover sealed (mostly  2394. ÕÛ 277-84, C9-10, Blocks. VF, NH ..
                                      on back) by cello tape. Stamps Cat $240 (2)  .............................. 132.60
                                      .......................... Est 150.00+  2395. ÕÛ 286-300, Imprint Blocks. VF, NH .  2431. Û 84, Imperforate KGV 1d Plate Proof
         2332. Û KOTOR - WWII German Occupation  2355. Ú 9N35-63, Three diff better sets. F-VF  ............................... 82.60  pair in green each with black ‘SPECIMEN’.
          trial black overprint from 1944 with .50 Lit  .............................. 375.75  2396. ÕÛ 301-4, IMPERF Blocks of the  2416. Ö 84a, Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN  Four margins, VF. Scarce .... Est 200.00+
          value on 10¢ brown Italian stamp (the regu-  2356. Ú 9N61-3, F-VF ............. 127.50  coastal castles issue. VF, NH . . . Est 50.00+  June 1934 Argentina Flight card addressed  2432. Ö 104, 113, Tied on cach Imperial
          larly issued stamp is overprinted in red).  2357. Ú 9N61-3, 9N75-80, 9N94-100, F-VF .  2397. ÕÛ 308-10, Boy Scouts IMPERF Gutter  to Buenos Aires. F-VF ....... Est 350.00+  Airways Gold Coast to Nigeria FFC addr to
          Fresh, F, NH. Signed by expert Pickenpack  .............................. 274.15  Blocks. VF, NH .............. Est 60.00+
          (Mi #1P, Cat 1,500 Euro)..... Est 900.00+  2358. Ö 9N61-3, 9N65, Tied by Berlin -  2398. SSÛ 308-10, Boy Scouts cpl in IMPERF  Mbarara, Uganda. Has Konongo, Gold Coast
                                                                                                                           cancel & Sudan Air Mail Khartoum b/s. F,
                                      Charlottenburg 12 Nov 1949 CDS’s on Reg’d  miniature sheets of 12. VF, NH. Scarce ....  some mounting traces......... Est 50.00+
                                      cover to USA. F, sealed by some cello tape  .......................... Est 100.00+  2433. Ú 115-27, KGVI set to 10sh. F-VF (127
                                      on reverse ................. Est 100.00+  2399. ÕÛ 311-4, LL IMPERF Plate Blocks of  pulled perf) ...................... 82.55
                                     2359. Ú 9N70-79, 9N94-8, Bell sets complete.  6 of the UN Day issue. VF, NH . . Est 50.00+  2434. Û 130-41, F-VF .............. 93.15
                                      F-VF, CDS’s.................... 239.10  2400. ÕÛ 315-8, Corner IMPERF imprint       2435. Ú 130-41, KGVI set to 10sh. F-VF52.40
                                     2360. Ú 9N70-8, 9N80, 9N99-100, F-VF ....  blocks. VF, NH .............. Est 50.00+  2436. Û 148-59, QE set to 10sh. F-VF . 78.90
                                      .............................. 234.40  2401. ÕÛ 331-5, LL IMPERF imprint block
                                     2361. Ú 9N75-9, F-VF .............. 63.35  set. VF, NH ................. Est 50.00+            GREECE:
                                     2362. Û 9N84-93, F-VF, NH ......... 97.50  2402. ÕÛ 336-9, LL IMPERF Plate Blocks    2437. Ö 92 (Pair), 169, Tied on 2 diff b/w
                                     2363. Û 9N94-8, F-VF, NH .......... 67.50  of the WHO issue. VF, NH. Stated that only  photo & colour illustrated Patriotic postcards.
                                                                                                                           One depicts King George & Queen Olga 1899
                                     2364. Û 9N94-102, F-VF, NH ....... 155.00  1,500 sets exist .............. Est 50.00+  with national anthem, the other 1915 shows
                                     2365. Ö 9N99-100, Cpl set neatly tied by Berlin  2403. ÕÛ 356-70, Corner Blocks. VF, NH ..
         2333. Û KOTOR - WWII German Occupation  5 June 1955 AMATEUR BOXING cancels on  ............................... 76.40  Queen Olga & Greek flag. F (2) . Est 40.00+
          trial black overprint from 1944 with 1 Lit value  b/w real photo postcard depicting Berlin scene  2404. SSÛ 375-7, Cpl IMPERF sheets of 12  2438. Ö 327, 329, 331 (2), 332-3, J80,
          on 25¢ Green Italian stamp (the regularly  at nighttime. VF .............. Est 45.00+  of the ILO issue. VF, NH ...... Est 100.00+  Tied on cach GRAF ZEPPELIN Apr 1932
          issued stamp is overprinted in red). Fresh,  2366. SSÛ 9NB3a, Scarce Berlin Bears  2405. ÕÛ 378-81, LL IMPERFORATE imprint  Third South America Flight Reg’d post-
          F-VF, NH. Signed by expert Pickenpack. The  souvenir sheet. Fresh, VF, NH, one stamp  blocks of the Red Cross issue. VF, NH.....  card to Rio de Janeiro. VF. Eye-catching
          previous owner said only 100 exist (Mi #2P,  with minor patch of gum toning. Has Lipschutz  ........................... Est 50.00+  2417. Û 93, KGV Five Pound High Value,
          Cat 1,500 Euro) ............ Est 900.00+  BPP guarantee b/s............... 975.00    perfect centering, fresh rich colour, VF, NH.  & scarce item. See photo above .......
                                                                                                                            ....................... Est 500.00+
                                                                          GIBRALTAR:           Has 1999 Brandon Certificate. We note a
                                                                 2406. Ö Stampless cover dated Gibraltar 24  hint of gum toning not mentioned in the cer-
                                                                  Oct 1833 to London. Has red 3-line “D. GIBr /  tificate. RARELY SEEN IN NH CONDITION
                                                                  S. ROQUE” etc & black “ESPANGNE PAR /  ....................... Est 2,000.00+
                                                                  St. JEAN DE LUZ” cross-border transits,  2418. Û 107-18, The 5sh is the scarcer perf
                                                                  “Via Madrid & Paris” m/s, dotted FPO / No13 /  13.5. F-VF, NH................. 200.00+
                                                                  1833 b/s & 2sh2d m/s rate. F . . Est 150.00+  2419. Û 114a, 114b, F-VF........... 75.00
                                                                 2407. Ö Stampless folded cover dated 2 Feb
                                                                  1938 with “GIBRALTAR” curved framed h/s
         2334. Û Set of 24 diff Third Reich stamps with           & 2Sh m/s rate “p Pkt” to MALTA. F-VF. Nice
          1945 STRAUSBERG LOCAL overprints.                       inter-colonial item ........... Est 250.00+
          Interesting lot. F-VF, NH, couple with toned           2408. Ö Stampless folded letter dated Toulon
          perfs (Mi #7-30, Cat 280 Euro) . Est 150.00+            3 July 1838 to London (31 July b/s). Has
                                     2367. SSÛ 9NB3a, Berlin Bears souvenir  “GIBRALTAR” curved framed h/s & 5Sh m/s
        2335. Ö Selection of ten 20pf red Reconstruc-  sheet. Fresh, VF, NH ............ 975.00  rate. F-VF ................. Est 200.00+  2439. Ö 328 (2), 334, Neatly tied on uprated
         tion issue postal stationery cards from 1949.                                                                     40 Lepta postal card carried on GRAF
         Each with a diff cancel, all addr to Voice of  GERMANY (EAST):                                                    ZEPPELIN 3rd SOUTH AMERICA FLIGHT.
         America, New York. F-VF, some toning as  2368. Û 82-4, VF (82 & 83 are NH) Est 90.00+                             Flown from Athens 13 Ap 1932 by German
         usual ..................... Est 200.00+  2369. Û 122-36, F-VF .............. 85.00                                Airmail from Berlin to Friedrichshafen, then
        2336. Ö Two diff special printed German Red  2370. Û 137-46, Five sets of SE-TENANT                                by Zeppelin to Brazil. Nice markings. VF.
         Cross mail envelopes for Nazi War Prisoners.  MULTIPLES (from souvenir sheets #’s 144a                            Scarce & unusual item....... Est 500.00+
         One used in 1960, other unused. Just a handful  & 146a). VF, NH. Cat as singles .... 111.75  2420. Û 117, KGVI Ten Shilling with the
         of Nazis still in prison in 1960. VF Est 65.00+  2371. Û 137-46, Cpl set of Marx issues on  scarce BROKEN “R” variety. Fresh, F-VF,  2440. Ö 363 (Pair), C5-7, Tied on cach
                GERMANY (CHINA):      individual imperf cards from the Presentation            VLH, one pulled perf. Has 2006 Murray  GRAF ZEPPELIN May 1933 Italy Flight
        2337. Ú 6/51, Duplicated group of 21 stamps,  Book. Each with printed inscriptions. VF....  Payne Certificate signed by KGVI experts  Reg’d cover to Buenos Aires. F-VF.
         all with neat TIENTSIN cancels. Many great  .......................... Est 100.00+    S. Babbington & D. Pollard. ONE OF THE  Attractive & scarce. See photo above ...
         cancels with 3 on piece. F-VF ....... 93.00  2372. Û 155-71, F-VF, NH ......... 113.25  RARITIES OF GIBRALTAR (SG #130ab,  ..................... Est 1,400.00+
        2338. Ú 47, 49, 52-5, F-VF (55 slight crease)  2373. Ö 157, 159, 165-6, 171, Tied by Berlin  Cat £7,500).............. Est 4,500.00+
         .............................. 255.35  10 Aug 1953 CDS on cach FDC. F-VF,  2409. Ö Stampless folded letter dated 9 July  2421. Û 132-45, F-VF ............. 100.00  2441. Û 378-80, Cpl set of High Values. VF
        2339. Ö 48, Tied by Peking 21 Nov 1908 CDS  unaddr (Mi 60 Euro)........... Est 45.00+  1840 to Dundee N.B. (North Britain) with  2422. Ú 132-45, QE set to £1. F-VF . . 135.70  (378-9 are NH, 380 is NG)......... 785.00
         on multi-coloured postcard (of Corsica) addr  2374. SSÛ 226a, 243a, 634, VF ...... 75.50  curved framed “GIBRALTAR” h/s & transit  2423. Û 132-45, 147-60, Two diff QE sets to  2442. Ú 538, VF................... 80.00
         to Paris. F .................. Est 65.00+  2375. SSÚ 226a, B21a, VF ......... 145.00  b/s. What makes this cover more interesting  £1. F-VF ....................... 182.55  2443. Û 539-40, 542-3, F-VF, NH.... 117.25
              GERMANY (MOROCCO):     2376. Û 259-64, Perforated & Imperforate sets.  is the fascinating contents from a British  2424. Û 147-60, F-VF .............. 82.55  2444. Û 556-67, Scarce set. F-VF, LH 296.75
                                                                                                                          2445. Û 618-23, Wholesale lot of 8 sets. Nice
        2340. Û 28, F-VF, NH, corner bend . . . 52.50  VF, NH (12 stamps)........... Est 45.00+  Military Officer mentioning the VISIT OF  GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS:  ship topicals. VF, NH ............. 148.00
        2341. Ú 56, Tied on piece by neat dated CDS               PRINCE ERNEST (brother of the Prince
         cancels. F-VF................... 225.00                  Consort Albert) to Gibraltar. The writer is             2446. ÕÛ 708-15, Fresh set of blocks. VF, NH
                                                                                                                           .............................. 132.60
               GERMANY (TURKEY):                                  very upset over the ordeal they went                    2447. Û C50e, Well centred, VF, LH. . 140.00
                                                                  through to impress the visitor & reads
         2342. Ö 13-24, Set of 12 diff up to 25Pi                                                                         2448. Û C71-3, NATO set. F-VF, NH . 110.00
          (Type 1), neatly tied by Jaffa Deutsche                 “Prince Ernest arrived yesterday morning &              2449. Û C71-80, F-VF, NH ......... 189.00
          Post 20 Mar, 1902 CDS’s on two Reg’d                    there was a terrible flare of course, fellows                    GREENLAND:
                                                                  in cocked hats & big feathers tearing about
          covers to Kiel, Germany (rec b/s’s). Each               in all directions, guns firing, guards of hon-          2450. Ö 2 (3), 4-5, 6 (2), 7-8, 17, Tied by
          cover with Registry etiquettes. VF. A                                                                            Stromfjord/Copenhagen First Over the Pole
          choice pair of covers in top condition (2).             our & all the rest of it.” Has red wax seal on           cachets, on 16 Nov 1954 cover. Has matching
          See photo above........Est 2,000.00+                    reverse. F-VF. An interesting historical item            label. Addr to Copenhagen. VF. Scarce frank-
                                                                   ......................... Est 400.00+
                                                                                                                           ing ........................ Est 65.00+
                                                                 2410. Ö Stampless Trans-Atlantic cover date-             2451. Ö 2, 8, 29, 33, 35, Tied by SDR
                                     2377. Û O22a, Arc of compass projects at  lined Gibraltar 27 Mar 1846 to Boston. Has  2425. Û 26, KGV One Pound, lovely center-
                                      right. VF, NH................... 325.00  red “NEW YORK / SHIP / 25 May / 7cts” CDS.  ing, pristine fresh, VF, NH. A PRISTINE  Stromfjord Ship cancels on #10 Airmail cover
                                                                                                                           to Copenhagen. VF, light fold.. . . Est 40.00+
                                          GERMANY (SOVIET ZONE):  F-VF...................... Est 125.00+  EXAMPLE & RARELY SEEN NEVER  2452. Ö 4, 8, Tied by Godthaab 1950 CDS
                                                                                               HINGED.................. Est 900.00+
                                     2378. Û 10N9, INVERTED OVERPRINT. VF,  2411. Û 29-38, QV set to 5 Pesetas. F-VF ..    on #10 American Consulate Official cover to
                                      NH ........................ Est 40.00+  .............................. 293.75  2426. Û 61-72, F-VF ............... 66.75  USA. F-VF .................. Est 40.00+
                                     2379. SSÛ 14NB13-6, West Saxony Old Town  2412. Û 49-60, KE issues up to 2 Shilling  GOLD COAST:  2453. Ö 7, 9, Tied by Thule 1947-1951 CDS’s
                                      Hall numbered special printing large sheet in  values. F-VF.................... 426.50  on separate US Military covers to Iowa &
                                      original folder with Leipzig Fair 8 May 1946                                         New York. F (2 covers) ........ Est 75.00+
                                      h/s. VF, NH (Michel Block 55X Cat 500 Euro)
                                      .......................... Est 275.00+                                               2454. Ö 10-18, Cpl set neatly tied by
                                                                                                                            Scoresbysund 1 Feb 1945 CDS’s on
                                                                                                                            FDC. F-VF. See photo on Page 40 .....
                                                                                                                            ....................... Est 300.00+
                                                                                              2427. Û 26-35, QV up to 10 Shilling with
                                                                                               “SPECIMEN” overprints. F-VF, low value
                                                                                               with rounded corner (SG Cat £325).......
         2343. Û 14, 16, 18, Three diff Germania  2380. Û 16N3a, Scarce Thuringia souvenir     ......................... Est 250.00+
          Reichspost issues with “SPECIMEN” over-  sheet. Bright fresh colour, VF, NH. Has
          prints. Well centered, crisp fresh colours.  1985 Herpichbohn Certificate..... 300.00+  2428. Û 35, QV Ten Shilling with “SPECIMEN”
          F-VF, LH. A SCARCE GROUP. (Mi Cat  2381. Ö GLAUCHAU (Mi #’s 2 & 24), Tied by  2413. Û 66-75, Cpl KGV set to One Pound.  overprint. F-VF, NH, toned gum Est 100.00+
          1,050 Euro) ............... Est 600.00+                 Fresh, F-VF, NH. Rarely seen in never  2429. Û 79, KGV 10 Shilling with “SPECIMEN”.
                                      THURM GLAUCHAU 10 July 1945 CDS on  hinged condition............ Est 500.00+  F-VF, LH ................... Est 80.00+
        2344. Ú 31-41, Set up to 3 Mark, most are tied  commercial cover to Stollberg. Has Glauchau
         on piece providing some exceptional cancels.  Paper Products corner card. VF. Scarce ...  2414. Û 74, KGV 8 Shillings. VF, VLH, guaran-
         F-VF ......................... 227.75+  .......................... Est 200.00+  tee b/s. A CHOICE EXAMPLE...... 110.00
             GERMANY (FRENCH ZONE):            GHANA:                                                                     2455. Û 19-27, Cpl Liberation overprinted
        2345. Ú 4N1-13, F-VF ............. 175.75  2382. ÕÛ 5, Block of 9 with the centre stamp                            set, lovely centering, rich colours. VF, NH
        2346. Ú 4N5-7, 4N10, Tied on piece by  having “1857" instead of ”1957" in the overprint                            (#27 has Stolow guarantee b/s). . . 1,350.00
         Ingelheim 26 Jan 1946 CDS’s. F-VF . . 50.75  (due to printing blob). VF, NH . . . Est 40.00+                     2456. Û 22a, VF, VLH ............. 375.00
               GERMANY (BADEN):      2383. ÕÛ 164-6, LL IMPERF Imprint Blocks.
        2347. Û 5N41, 5N43-6, 5NB5-11, F-VF 60.00  VF, NH..................... Est 50.00+
                                     2384. ÕÛ 189-91, LR IMPERF Plate Blocks of
                                      the Human Rights issue. VF, NH Est 50.00+
                                     2385. ÕÛ 200-3, LR IMPERF Plate Blocks of
                                      the ITU issues. VF, NH ........ Est 50.00+              2430. Û 84, Imperforate KGV 1d Plate Proof
                                     2386. ÕÛ 208-11, UL IMPERF imprint blocks                 pair in blue, each with black ‘SPECIMEN’.
                                      of the Lincoln Centenary issue. VF, NH ....              Four margins, VF. Scarce .... Est 200.00+
                                      ........................... Est 50.00+
                                     2387. Û 212-5, Decimal Currency set with blue
                                      “SPECIMEN” h/s’s. Stated that only 100 sets                Visit our web site at
                                      exists. VF, NH ............... Est 50.00+
                                     2388. Û 233-5, African Soccer Cup set with      
                                      blue “SPECIMEN” h/s’s. Stated that only 100                 to use our helpful      2457. Û 22a-7a, The complete set of
         2348. Ú 5N41a, Engineer Congress TYPE II,  sets exist. VF, NH ............ Est 50.00+  2415. Û 75, KGV One Pound. VF, OG .....  TRANSPOSED OVERPRINT COLOURS,
          neat Konstanz 20 Dec 1949 CDS cancel. F.  2389. ÕÛ 236-9, Kennedy LL IMPERF Imprint  ......................... Est 175.00+  search features.  well centered, fresh rich colour, VF, NH (6
          A VERY SCARCE STAMP ...... 1,250.00  Blocks. VF, NH .............. Est 50.00+                                    diff)......................... 2,900.00
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